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Veruca Salt

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Veruca Salt

  1. You should have been notified that you would have mood swings after surgery. Your chemicals are all messed up right now. It will get better with time. As for 3 weeks out and having to hold the inceasion???? I never had that, I would check with your doctor. You can't go back so find a way to move forward and be happy with each step you take. Good luck to you.

  2. Congradulations on begining a new journey for yourself. You will have one regreat ans that is this did not happen sooner. You will have your up and down moments but that is completely normal. This site will be your bestfriend so use it often. We have all been there and know just how you are felling.

    Once again congrats and welcome to the thinner side.

  3. You are never going to change other people so concentrate on yourself. You don't know if they left because of the guys build or maybe it was your insecurities. Work on yourself and find a way to love yourself with no one in it. This whole thing is about you. Accept it as a girf to yourself (you are allowed to do that) and it will make you grow and be happerier about you. Love will come your way just let it happen. Don't go looking for it and don't force it. Funny, things have a way of working out in the long run.

  4. I was so worried about my hair falling out I had nightmares. I would sit up in bed and all my hair would still be on the pillow. Thank god it is not that bad. I have a little thining but nothing you can notice. I am luck to have thick hair and when a few stains fall out I can hide it well. I see some people have posted some extreme post back to you but I have never heard of anyone being so bad off they needed wigs or anything like that. Good luck to you and don't worry you will be fine.

  5. As you stated it is not like before surgery. I don't get hungery but I feel very empty inside. I have to remind myself to eat because I work 3rd shift and it makes it hard to eat right. As for the first part of the questions, You will hit stalls and you may see that even though you don't see the scale falling does not mean you are not losing. You can lose inches and not lose wieght. I am going to say that is what is happening. Don't panic just yet. You can up your Protein, increase your calories, and start exercising. At 2 months out I was back to full time exercise. Try going out and walking.

  6. I am sorry that you are having a terrible post surgery. Please for your health and future stop drinking and eating the sugar stuff. All you are going to do is hurt yourself. We can not go back so lets make the best of it and plow forward. I have really met some amazing people in here and if not for them I do not know where I would be today. Please head into the open chat room and speak to people who have been there and can help you along. Good luck to you and hope this whole things turns around for you.

  7. You should feel soreness that area has just been through a lot of changes. Please make sure what you are feeling is pain and you are not getting it confused with the gas pressure. Most people think they should hurt so they mistakenly think the pressure is pain. Don't do too much, there is a stick inside of you (most don't know this). Take yor time you will have enough time to lose weight and shape up. Good luck to you and a speedy recovery.

  8. Ok here we go. For nauesa you can take 40mg of the Omerpazole (prilosec). It really dos help. Have had a lot of nauesa. I was sleeved on May 6th 2013 and stop my bpmeds about 1 week ago. I watch my bp and for the 1st time it is normal and staying there. I spoke with the doctor and he said I could offically stop bit. Hurry, it does not seem like a big thing but for me it is huge. As for your other meds I would check and see if they are alright to take after surgery. Goole them, example; taking calicum after gastric surgery. A lot of the extended release meds are not approved becuase it passes thru your stomache before it has enough time to be absorbed in the stomach. There is a huge list of no no meds and all should be aware of them.

  9. Since I got surgery I have noticed my periods are getting extremely bad. Not only the pain but the clots are huge. The first month I went to the ER and they told me to see a GYN. I got into one a few weeks later. They said to take Acetaminophen. I can't just keep taking it for at a giving birth.

  10. I found your post to be very open and mad to not infringe on anyone else's beliefs. I too do not look to any kind of hgher power. I have a nephew who is gong to college to be a minister. That is great for him but that does not give him the right to jam it down my throat. He also leans to much on my mother (and she does not have a pot to piss in). If he needs financial help why does he not ask his higher power.

    I am not saying I am the only one out there but, if there was a higher power why was life so hard on me, who appericates everything people do or say. A simple "you can do it, I believe in you" goes so far with me. Still life is one huge struggle. While you have people out there just sitting home not working, complaining that their goverment handout is not enough. and get the world handed to them. If there was a "god" why would I never get a push up. Here I am getting off track. If there was something or someone higher than us why is there suck horrible things happening to innocent childern. Where is he for them.

  11. Nothing you said shows your marriage is going down the tubes. Like most men they do not talk about their feeling. He could be just getting use to the "New You". If you do find the marriage is over then you need to evaluate if it will change thing to go to therapy. He maybe the kind of man who is attracted to big women. You would be the one who knows him best. Work on yourself and in the mean time try and talk to him slowly, don't push. Hit him up a little at a time or he will clam right up. Good luck to you, I wish you the best.

  12. I would just not mention it. They are going to ask you all sorts of questions like after the surgery would you try and kill yourself or others. If after you should have any negitive feeling I would speak to your shrink about it. She is intake nurse. If they ask you how you plan to fill your time without eating I said I play computer games. If you have any questions about your mental state go ask you shink they know you best.

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