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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by T'snewstart

  1. T'snewstart

    masturbation or sex safe?

    My wait was 6 weeks also.
  2. Hi Zen, First let me wish you luck concerning your surgery! The day of my surgery I had a few people at the hospital. However, I really did not need them there. I was glad for the moral support. I was able to get out of bed and walk the halls a few hours after surgery.Trust me you will want to walk as well. It is the best way to release the gas /air that's trapped inside. I had awesome care from the nurses. They brought in one of those recliners and put it next to my bed. The IV line was long so I could go from the bed to the chair on my own. I was able to go to the bathroom on my own. So you should be fine. Hope that helps.
  3. T'snewstart

    Getting ready.. TODAY IS MY DAY!

    . Congratulations! Glad all went well! Best Wishes on. Speedy recovery!
  4. T'snewstart

    Who and Why....

    Your story is amazing and like many others here. I like you was very "healthy" at 358 lbs. However, I also knew that would not last forever. I had the surgery almost'4 months ago. It was the best thing I have done for myself. My entire life has changed. Best Wishes.... Tina
  5. T'snewstart


    I take one and that seems to be enough. like lessofme said walking helps tons......especially in the beginning....
  6. T'snewstart


    congratulations gp!
  7. week 6 & no issues with food cravings. enjoy variety though. used to be able to eat the same thing over and over....not anymore....
  8. For me I only had blood work done. It all depends on the Surgeon's preference.
  9. T'snewstart


    3 weeks.... I waited for the incisions to heal.
  10. T'snewstart

    Going to miss the most

    I used to drink at least 3 diet Dr. Pepper a day. Honestly, I drank them up until the day before my surgery. I thought I would really suffer after without them. I think I have shocked everyone because I have no desire what so ever for a soda. I have nothing caffeinated since surgery and do not miss it at all.
  11. T'snewstart


    Yes...yes and yes they saved me..... I still use them and I am almost 4 months out. Stock up on them!
  12. T'snewstart

    Rapid weight loss question

    I told by few people pre-op. However, the people I see often and eat lunch with in the break room I did tell post - op. They ask questions in a nice way because they want to understand the process. I explain the best way I can.... Most have turned in to my biggest cheer leaders. In my line of work we wear uniforms... The other day one of them said Tina it is time you get fitted for some smaller uniforms.... Those clothes are falling off you.... She smiled and said good for you we are proud of you. Now there are others I work with that all I tell them when they ask is: It's calories in vs calories out. Eat right and exercise. Most of these people do not ask a second time. I do not share any magic bullet with them that they are looking for. Sorry if I rambled on lol. Best wishes Tina
  13. T'snewstart


    You are making perfect sense. You will have that experience at each stage. Or should I say I have. Best Wishes
  14. T'snewstart

    having bathroom problems

    It took 12 days for the plumbing to work. Honestly, I waited to long. I stared with milk of magnesia, then added prune juice, then colace (stool softener), then a fleet suppository. Then the magic happened. I did notice the pain meds kept the plumbing from working. I also was not drinking enough fluid. We need 64 oz of fluid a day. At that point I was only drinking about 32 oz daily. Best Wishes....it will get better....
  15. T'snewstart

    Reached goal weight in 6 months less a day!

    congratulations & thanks for the tips....
  16. T'snewstart


    While it is true every surgeon is different. I was told to eat Greek yogurt for Breakfast every day. That was when I got out of the hospital. I just could not stomach it at all. So I called and they switched it to low fat cottage cheese. I have eaten that everyday. It is loaded with protien and a sure hit. My stomach likes it! I had lots of low fat cream Soup strained. No meat chunks in the beginning. Broths.....chicken broth I liked the most. My nut told me to make sure I drank 2 premier shakes a day.(30 grams of Protein each) I still do this even with food. She told me as long as I do the shakes and drink total 64 oz a day I am safe as far as nutrition goes. Drinking the shakes takes the pressure off. I am almost 4 months out and still apply that basic rule. At least 64 ounces of liquids a day and make sure I drink both shakes equally 60 grams of protien. I hope this helps. Best wishes!
  17. T'snewstart

    I can finally see it!

    Your look fantastic! Great job...... Sounds like your mental demons just lost the battle! You win!!!!
  18. T'snewstart

    Rude orange man! off topic

    Yeah for that cashier! Lol
  19. T'snewstart

    Sick of the attention

    I had to laugh reading your response. I feel you.....when I get the people looking for the magic bullet I tell them.....calories vs calories out. The more you eat the more you workout. I never have those same come back twice lol. And I don't feel I am giving them a wrong answer either.
  20. T'snewstart

    how long to get to feeling better

    I started to get energy back at 2 weeks. Full strength it was 6 weeks. I had to remind myself this was a major surgery. Your strength will come back. I also had to remember everyones body is different so time may not be the same. Best Wishes
  21. T'snewstart

    Sick of the attention

    I totally get what you are saying. When I did opti-fast lots of years ago the attention bothered me. Especially when it came with a lot of flirting. A friend of mine tells me your wieght was your WALL of protection. So this time as the pounds come off I smile and say thank you. I only discuss numbers with those I am close to. The rest just get my typical response ...... which is "not enough" that usually stops them in tracks lol.
  22. T'snewstart

    5 months! 85lbs gone

    Congratulations.........you look fantastic..... what would you say has been the key to success?
  23. T'snewstart


    I understand your frustration... I think we all do... I hated the hoop jumping.. You know what annoyed me the most? Was having to spend the night in the hospital for the sleep apnea test. OMG I wanted to pluck out those peoples eyelashes one by one lol! Hang in there it will happen before you know it!!
  24. T'snewstart

    Had my sx yesterday

    Ask for the nausea pills when you go home form the hospital also....I took them off and on for about two weeks. Very helpful!! Best wishes!!

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