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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Taradawn15

  1. Thanks everyone

    You look fantastic!

    I also have that loose skin issue - in the past month I have notices that my arms are WAY smaller. I haven't lost any more weight but everything seems to be shifting.

    Lol, after 3 c-sections I already had a tummy flap, now with the weight loss all my skin on my back and stomach is loose, I'm just working on firming up the muscles underneath, my arms are the worst, I have what I call arm wings, lol. I have lost weight in about a week but just went down a pants size so I think my bodies just catching up. Good luck on your journey.

  2. Ok, I debated about posting this as I'm still bit insecure about all my loose extra skin but my hubby said its not very noticeable in these pics and I so wanted to share. We went to the beach for Mother's Day on Sunday and it was the first time I have worn a bathing suit without a huge coverup dress in the last 9 years. Here are two pics I'm 7 months out and 90 pounds down, about 15-20 pounds to go!post-47169-13813665662086_thumb.jpg post-47169-13813665663307_thumb.jpg

  3. I had very similar negative feedback from most people. Luckily my husband was not one of them and has supported me through the whole thing. I think it is scary for other people because they are scared you are going to change and they like the relationship the way it is. And honestly I have changed, I have lost a few friends along the way but mostly all my friends and family can finally see why it was so important to me to lose weight. Finally my weight is not controlling my life, I can got to Disneyland with my kids and go on the rides SAFELY, I can run after my son, I don't feel like I'm always embarrassing my family by being the fat mom/wife and it feels amazing. Through it all I'm not sure what I would have done without my husbands constant support. You need to think about weather this person really wants what's best for you and is just worried or if he is someone who will be running for the hills when you get yourself back because he can't walk all over you anymore. Whatever you do, do what's best for you and don't let all the negative Nancy's get in your way.

  4. I work with a trainer at the YMCA, we have a family membership and we all love it. It's got something for all of us and from the front desk staff to trainers to childcare all the employees have been wonderful. I love my trainer, he pushes me but never makes me feel bad. Good luck on your journey!

  5. My NUT also said between 900 and 1000 calories a day I also work out. I am just coming out of a 2 week stall where I also gained 2 pounds, but lost 2 inches so who knows, I feel like the father away from our surgery date we get more it really does very person to person. I am going to have to work out and very closely watch what I eat forever to keep the weight off, but I am totally ok with that. Good luck

  6. I was doing pretty good, been steadily losing about 2 to 3 pounds a week. I was so excited last week cause I was in the very low 160s, 151 will be my hundred pound mark. Then in the last 4 days I've gained 3 pounds without a change in my eating or workout habits. Ugh so frustrating, I really want to hit my 100 pound mark by the time my hubby come to visit in mid June! Have any of you had any weird random gain. I am thinking maybe I'm hitting my 6 month Stall a little bit late. Hope it doesn't last to long, I can finally see my 100 pound mark and so want to reach it!

  7. I still sweat a bunch when I exercise, however in my everyday life it's not a big problem like it use to be. I use to carry around extra clothes with me so I could change my shirt when/if I needed to. I actually keep sweaters with me now for the evenings or breezes cause I get a chill which is the first time in my life. I still live in flip flops, but that's because I love them.

  8. Hey,

    I am about 6 1/2 months out and nearing my goal weight. I can eat just about anything, not that I do. However I am trying to figure what my "lifetime" diet is going to look like. A lot of people are doing gluten free diets on here and the Paleo diet. To be honest all this is confusing to me. My Nut here is not very much help as she keeps telling me it will very from person to person and I have to find what works best for me. I appreciate that she's all for doing what's right for my body, but I could use some basic guide lines. Like what should my life long calorie intake should be, right now I'm normally around 800. Is that where it should stay. Anyways thanks for any help

  9. I know this isn't the same because my girls aren't teens, but I choose not to tell my 9 and 6 year old girls. My 9 year old already is starting to think a lot about her body because of kids at school and on the bus. I really was worried about her thinking she needed to change herself to be what others want her to be and she so impressionable at this age. I also did not tell my family, only my husband knows and I am so thankful now at 6 months out that he is the only one. Of course my children have noticed my weight loss and eating choices, I just continually mention how important it is to me to be healthy so I can be the best mom and role model I can be. I know a lot of people don't agree with not telling but I am happy we keep the info to ourselves. Good luck

  10. I eat apples and Peanut Butter, the light laughing cow cheese, sugar free carnation instant Breakfast has some good Protien and can be filling, also dannon makes a good light Greek yogurt, it's only 80 calories and 12g Protien. Also sometimes some pre sliced meat. I also make egg muffins with egg whites, cheese and veggis, you could also put ham in it, I just freeze them and toss one in the microwave for an easy on the go snack. They re about 80 calories and very low in sugar and about 6-8g Protien. I personally have to have healthy snack easily available or I will grab something that's not so good.

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