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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by zozo

  1. zozo

    No Dough Pizza

    Sorry don't know what happened Any way as I was saying make mini potatoes using 1/2 or 1/4 inch circular cuts from large potatoes with skin as crust , put ur sauce cheese topping and bake for 20 minutes
  2. zozo

    No Dough Pizza

    You can also do mini pizzas using 1/2 inch cuts of potato
  3. Hi all I am at a loss Which protein shakes are good? Which GNC My. Nutritionist didn't tell me what to look for
  4. zozo

    Visalus Brand

    I am wondering which GNC shake is better Help
  5. There are liquid options and chewable to all pills I was instructed to take liquid for first 3 weeks and then chewable for next 4 month But if u can't find I recomend crush them for first month and dissolve in water
  6. zozo


    Check ur vitamin and mineral level Vit B 1,12 mainly and iron
  7. zozo

    200 Pounds Gone!

    Wooooooow very inspirational
  8. zozo

    Gas, Gas, Gas!

    Sorry but truth ita the only thing that will help and if u can drink try hot water with little rose water or cumin it's helps a bit or camomile tea
  9. zozo

    Gas, Gas, Gas!

    Walk walk walk
  10. Hi all I was sleeved nov 18, down 21 pounds I am wondering is it ok to wear a guirdel to support the big belly from hanging down or is to too early yet
  11. I think you need to go for a psychiatrist to deal with all that or I am afraid u would regress
  12. Hi I am 2 weeks out and I wanted ur experience on what r best routines to prevent sag? Message? LPG ? Exersise program ? Pray?
  13. Hi all I was sleeved 18/11 my weight was 268 and now I am 244 but I need to walk more I am doing 1 hr a day
  14. What's everyone's exercise routine or plan Tring to figure one our and so worried about future skin sag
  15. zozo

    Severe Pain.

    I took muscle relaxant today and OMG the pain just disappeared I definitely recomend it but check with ur doctor first
  16. Hi I was sleeves on 18 I am down 23 pounds but my abdominal pain is a nightmare when I get up hoping it will fade soon
  17. I am 2 weeks out but still have pain getting out of bed or sitting on a chair, is that normal and how long can I expect it to last
  18. zozo

    Post Op Pain

    Thank you for ur reply, and hopefully the pain will go away, I didn't know I should propp my self up when I sleep! Why is that good
  19. zozo

    Severe Pain.

    Thank you for sharing I was sleeves 18/11 and was doing fine till day 10 then knife piercing pain when I try to stand or get out of bed Same here doc said muscle
  20. Is anyone experiencing that
  21. I am 14 days out , was doing good no pain mess but I am starting to have pain when I am going out of bed or sitting
  22. I am 2 weeks out and I found that I can drink more water if it is hot and I put little rose water with it and it helps eliminate gass Try it u can get more water in if it's hot pretentious it's tea Good luck
  23. zozo

    This May Be Inappropriate, Forgive Me :)

    Hi all what are u doing to minimise the sag? I am 3 weeks PO and worried
  24. I was told the same diet plan one week clear, second week thick liquids like mushroom soup third is soft diet I would avoid chilli though too heavy too gass too soon
  25. Thank you I think ur muscle theory malkes sense as the pain in on getting out of bed and out chair and in If u haven't some it yet don't do it, don't know of this pain is worth it yet What actings r u all taking to prevent Solon sag

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