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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Momonanomo

  1. Momonanomo

    Very happy!

    beautiful before, absolutely stunning now!! congrats!
  2. Momonanomo

    5 month surgiversary

    sounds like a plan! and it is SO SMART to strategize! (did i spell that right??) Anyway-- please check in round March 1 & let us know how it worked!
  3. I'm pre-op but from what I've read on these boards the past 6 months, I fully expect this to happen to me too! It seems to be a common pattern and I've seen it referred to as 'buyers remorse'. I will try to remember to take a moment to think about the fact that after this surgery my hormones are going to be out of whack. The mind is a tricky thing...when there's a surge of hormones and emotions, it's a natural reaction to start being anxious, sad, crying, freaked out, etc -- we're hard wired for it. But it will pass and there are many happy HAPPY days ahead! Hang in there !
  4. Momonanomo


    JJ you must be an accountant? lol! good point tho...
  5. Momonanomo

    Too tight?

    poor hubbie! Hope they fix him right up and he feels better soon
  6. that is SO COOL !!! Congrats on the 60lb gone, and congrats on the pantsize -- you look adorable! I can't wait to do what you've done -- you're an inspiration
  7. Momonanomo

    A few hours until I become sleeved

    omg omg omg so exciting!!!!!!!!
  8. Momonanomo

    which surgery

    Hi! I'm the same stats as you and am just starting the process (I'm pre-op). I looked into the band and the bypass a couple of years ago and was turned off by both. 4 months ago I learned about the sleeve and all the things that turned me off of the other WLS were not factors in sleeve surgery (such as having a port & having to go for fills, or having my insides totally rearranged & having to take supplements for ever). You're smart to be researching, as this is an individual choice --- I can only say what I feel is right for me. But I do have to say that there are plenty of folks on here who are having their band changed to the sleeve. Unfortunately, it's often the case that the band has slipped and caused damage.
  9. You're smart to go to another consult. This is a life-changing decision, and you need to feel comfortable going into it! You had valid questions and were being smart enough to think about your life after sleeve, you should get answers that assure you! Dana's right -- I get it that a surgeon cannot be all things to all people, but I think a really good surgeon should know the importance of surrounding himself with a team of qualified, quality people who can help you feel comfortable with your decision. Maybe he does just think of his patients as warm bodies....but if he's not a 'people person' , he should have a coordinator or NP or NUT or director or someone that is able to relate to you as a person. Amazon13 is right -- go with your gut feeling. I personally chose my surgeon because he has a big team and a whole comprehensive program to help ensure my long term success. Him cutting my tummy is just the beginning of a big process that will involve psych/ NUT/ exercise counseling AND support groups. I know your mom was probably joking about the alcoholic remark, but honestly (and I don't mean to be a bummer) I think that without the proper emotional / mental support, there actually is a danger that WLS folks can turn to alcohol to replace their food addiction. I haven't seen too too much about it on VST but have read about it elsewhere. . .I think it's called 'transfer addiction' and it's real for WLS patients, so something to keep in mind. . .
  10. Momonanomo

    Really People

    I always think, how sad it is that the only way for some people to feel better about themselves is to try to make someone else feel bad. And omg how truly miserable they must be if that's all they've got to make themselves feel better! You know the best way to put them in their place? Ignore them! gman's right -- people love power... the power to make you feel badly. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you get upset. Just see them for what they are and see how pathetic it is that they feel they have to act that way. Keep on rockin'!
  11. Momonanomo

    6 days post surgery

    "not even one lil poof, notta piff, notta fuff" LOL!
  12. Momonanomo

    Pre op weight loss

    thanks! My mom's coming with me this time -- my husband met him at the seminar back in Dec. We both really liked him. Yes ocd is great in a dr! He seems down to earth as well. Didn't talk to the doc one on one, so I look forward to that. I wonder how many of these he does per week? Per month? Mary is absolutely awesome -- had a phone consult with her last week. I will have to make at least one more trip, maybe two, before I come for the surgery, so my husband will come next time. I think he's actually still hoping that I will change my mind :/ I would love if you'll give a blow-by-blow of your hospital stay, if/when you're up to it. Do you know what time you're scheduled for the OR? I'll be sending positive vibes your way!!
  13. Momonanomo

    Pre op weight loss

    you rock! 2 more days -- you're gonna do great! I'm scheduled to come visit Dr F in 2 weeks You're an inspiration already! lol about the weed dream
  14. Momonanomo

    Here's my unusual story as to why I'm here

    Your story IS an unusual one! I feel badly for you, because a major decision was made for you without your consent, and I feel badly for your husband because he thought he was doing what you would want but he was wrong so he probably feels horrible. Can't say I feel badly for the surgeon though, because he really should've known better.... I can only imagine how you're feeling. If it were me, I would seek some counseling because something like this would shake me to the foundation. Chances are though, that after recovering from the band removal/repair (ay yi yi that sounds like a mess and thank god you got through that) chances are that you would've done your research and ended up wanting the *sleeve* in the long run, but it would've been YOUR decision. And you would've at least been mentally prepared for it. That wasn't fair for the decision to have been made without you (major understatement). At this point, you need to concentrate on your recovery. Try not to live in fear, because while people say that worrying doesn't change the outcome, I think it CAN have a negative affect your healing. Be cautious while you're healing, follow the guidelines, and try to stay positive. And it wouldn't hurt to talk to a counselor. I don't presume to know you, your husband, or your marriage, but try to find a way to forgive him. Carrying that burden won't do anyone good. Best of luck to you.
  15. Momonanomo


    Does this fall into the category of "they can fix our stomach but not our head" ? I believe that, for me at least, part of the reason I have a weight problem is because I see myself as having a weight problem. I know it's more complicated than that, but I identify myself as being a big person & have since childhood, even when I wasn't all that big (I see that now in retrospect. I think this shows the power of thought though -- where our beliefs go, so our reality will follow. If we're not careful. I also lost a great deal of weight on my own many years ago, and I experienced what Diamoneyed referred to -- I really thought I still looked the way I did when I was heavier. And I suspect that's why I ended up gaining it back. I'm hoping this insight will help me work on that mental/emotional part when I too am on the losers bench. I know it will be harder when I'm at that point, but even this early I'm going to keep it in mind. I want to think of myself as healthy. I don't even want to identify myself as a WLS patient. I want to identify myself as a healthy, active woman. 82 lbs is a huge accomplishment in such a short time. Give your head a chance to catch up, and keep your eye on the prize -- you're doing great! Maybe try measuring other types of successes, like setting and achieving exercise goals? Take the focus off how you look and look at how much better you must FEEL having lost 82 lbs. That's awesome!
  16. I'm in the same situation exactly except my BMI is 40.2 --- If I drop below 40 with no comorbidities my insurance will not approve, and I believe my surgeon would also not proceed. It is tough, and it's kind of a mind f**k because having struggled with my weight all these decades now I want to maintain?? So I can stay above a particular number? So that I can eventually have the tool I need to start working my way to the lower numbers and a healthier life? My mind is made up to have surgery and get healthy, but I've got to try to maintain this weight for now at least? It is pretty ridiculous that they do it this way imo. But oh well. The only thing I can do is stay positive, try to maintain to meet their requirements, and look at the big picture and where I'll be a year from now (and the rest of my life). I'm also not above eating some really salty things the day before weigh in
  17. Momonanomo

    Do you feel THIS way...!?

    I really appreciate that you posted this. WLS is a drastic step and not one to be taken lightly. And even though I've been addicted to this website for months, your post made me stop and really think. I appreciate your perspective. I sometimes think it's pretty sad that the only way I have a chance to take control of my weight problem is to have part of my stomach removed. If I had only recently developed a weight problem, I would be less inclined to be moving forward with this. But I have tried for 25 years to lose the weight and keep it off. Now my knees are threatening mutiny, and I feel it's time to do something serious, i.e. surgery. As far as not enjoying food like I used to -- I'm ready for that. I want that. My husband, who is very athletic and healthy, is just not that "into" food, and I've admired that. I want to not be obsessed with food and hungry all the time. I want to be a person like my husband who eats to live and doesn't live to eat (yes it's a cliche but a good one!). If I hadn't tried so many times for so many years only to end up bigger than ever, I wouldn't do this. But I don't want to waste any more time.
  18. Momonanomo

    Liquid Diet

    The one week count down...... Yaaaay! I'm so excited for you! Good luck on the liquid diet -- you'll do great, I just know it! Excellent strategy to keep yourself busy Just think, you're on your way! The journey is beginning! I went hiking with my husband this past weekend, and as I huffed and puffed (and cheated a little having my big energetic dog kinda pull me up the inclines lol) . I thought of you and of how you said you're looking forward to going hiking when you've lost some weight. OMG I totally agree! I really look forward to really enjoying a good hike! You'll be doing that before you know it onward!
  19. Momonanomo

    1-2nd month breakdowns

    Oh and I forgot to point out that you lost 32.5 lbs in the 1 month surrounding the holidays !!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Momonanomo

    1-2nd month breakdowns

    Selfish and psycho are not words that come to mind. I can totally understand the impatience! Maybe someday someone will invent the medical technology that will allow us to lose all the excess weight overnight. But for now, you lost 32.5 lbs in 1 month exactly. Say those words aloud! 32.5 lbs in 1 month! That's absolutely incredible! 32.5 lbs. Gone! Forever! Congratulations! Just keep after it, and enjoy the ride. People who see you every day might not notice as much because you're losing consistently and they see you all the time. People who you haven't seen in a while will have their minds blown
  21. Momonanomo

    Emotional Moment

    That's awesome! Thank you for sharing that. I think it's really great that you took a moment to feel and recognize the emotional impact of weight loss. It really made me stop and think. Our weight problems are physical, but also have a huge contribution to our emotional health. There are medical and practical reasons for losing weight -- but look at all the great things that come along as a bonus! Being able to shop in any store that strikes my fancy is going to be so SWEET!! I can totally see myself getting teary-eyed over it too!
  22. Momonanomo

    weekly weight loss?

    I totally hear ya! I'm in the same boat. Been on every freekin diet out there -- lost and gained and lost and gained and lost and gained. And gained and gained WLS is drastic, no doubt about it. But at this point, I need drastic. All I can say is I read as many people's stories on this website as I can I see a pattern in people's successes and how they "work" their sleeves. I'm being a lil sponge and soaking up all their experiences. Making my own mental "what to do/what not to do" list.
  23. Momonanomo

    weekly weight loss?

    I think the sleeve does indeed restrict intake quite a bit -- I mean they're taking out something like 80 to 85% of your stomach so how could it not?! My understanding too is that in the first while after surgery your stomach is swollen from being cut, so that's increased restriction. It's during this time that you make new habits and learn to have smaller healthier portions. As far as eating and # of calories, you will have to make wise choices. A person could theoretically eat very calorie dense, junky foods that are small in quantity and therefore not maximize the sleeve as a tool. But even then the quantity is not going to be as much as before. So loss will happen, but slowly. I've heard too that everyone's loss rate is different-- some of it has to do with how well you follow your diet & exercise plan, and some of it is just your body. As far as I'm concerned, time is going to pass anyway. If I can pass that time losing one lb per week FOREVER, I'll take it!
  24. Momonanomo

    Feeling SAD

    I'm sorry you're feeling sad I'm pre-op so I've not been there yet, but from what I've read on VST over the last few months I know to absolutely expect to get the blues after surgery. Others will chime in because they have actually had the experience, but there are several things probably going on. One is your body reacting to surgery, anesthesia, and pain medicine. All those can be depressing -- funny how the physical can really affect the mental.... Then there's all the hormones that are probably going crazy. And then there's the inability to comfort with food, which I for one know is what * I * tend to do. Be patient with yourself and know that this too shall pass. Also maybe find an area support group for people who have had WLS? And defintiely DEFINTELY stay in touch with the peeps here! In general it is a very happy & supportive community! You've made a decision to have a happier healthier life, and the first step can be a buggah! Just remember you've got a whole bunch of us cheering you on!
  25. Momonanomo

    Before pic and TODAY!

    LOL about the too blurry pics! You look SO good and absolutely radiant! Thanks for posting this -- very inspiring!!

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