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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    icon23 got a reaction from Dooter in 9 Months- 100 Pounds! Woo Hoo! Had To Share (Brag, Whatever)   
    Congrats! What an inspiration!
  2. Like
    icon23 reacted to jaxlaceylace in Really Having A Hard Time......   
    I want to Thank Everyone from the bottom of my heart that has replied to this thread. Last night after I wrote this, I laid in bed and cried and prayed. I really tried to wrap my mind around everything. When I woke up this morning, I had a whole new perspective. I realized that no matter what you do in life someone is not going to approve. These same people that are judging me about having the surgery are the same people that judge me about my being overweight. So today I'm saying YOLO (you only Live once) and raising my Middle finger in the air, it's time to do this and focus on me for once. Seeing all of you guys positive messages made my morning. I laughed and smiled and knew today was going to be a great day because of them. We are all so lucky to have each other and this site. Thank you guys, Thanks for being there when no one else is. You guys are amazing and wonderful and I pray God blesses you all in your journey to a healthier life. So here's to all of us and where we are heading and what we are doing
  3. Like
    icon23 reacted to ProudGrammy in Really Having A Hard Time......   
    jaxlacelace sorry you are aren't receiving support from home
    WLS in 9 days, "try" not to let family/friends get the better of you. i'm sure that must be difficult
    prior to WLS people do have all sorts of emotions, scared of surgery - its unfortunate that friends/family can't be there for you
    "unfortunately" you are not alone in your situation
    many people post here in the position you are, that probably doesn't help you though
    "if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem" - Dr. Phil
    try not to feel depressed, sounds lame saying - but i'm just trying to cheer you on,
    this is YOUR new life that , i know you are excited about - you worked hard to get started...don't let others bring you down -
    you know whats best for you - concentrate on the WLS coming up soon
    being sleeved , your health will start to improve - co-morbities will improve or disappear, you know all this
    i can see it in you eyes you are a very strong determined lady - who will get through these next couple of weeks - then start your new improved life
    down 50 lbs pre-op
    stressed out,?? hard situation you are in - but don't let anyone get the better of you - keep going through your liquid diet - you'll do fine
    maybeoneday85 put it well "stay positive and stay strong"
    come here to ask questions, post or just "look around" and "take it all in"
    see you around the Water cooler
    take care bud
    good luck
    speedy recovery
  4. Like
    icon23 reacted to able2cope in My Mom Is Trying To Talk Me Out Of Surgery   
    From one emotional eater to another - I am 5.5 weeks out and I can tell you, the surgey really does help! sure there is still a bit of head hunger, and 'thinking' of reaching for food when the stress happens... but physically you can't eat like you used to - and after one episode of trying to - boy you will feel the pain and that stays with you in your mnd when the notion hits again... well thats how it is with me.
    I think your mum is being really unfair to you - but she is probably worried about you having the surgery, my dad was the same - when they realise that it is really going to happen they panic ad try anything to make you change your mind. Its not right, and its not fair.. but thats my take on it.
    Stay strong. This is your life, and you will succeed and be healthy! x
  5. Like
    icon23 got a reaction from Cinders in Plateau And Weight Gain   
    Here's the explanation for the dreaded stall (you can read the full details here, including what to do about it):
    The Inevitable Stall
    By Diana C.
    A "stall" a few weeks out is inevitable, and here's why.
    Our bodies use glycogen for short term energy storage. Glycogen is not very soluble, but it is stored in our muscles for quick energy -- one pound of glycogen requires 4 lbs of Water to keep it soluble, and the average glycogen storage capacity is about 2 lbs. So, when you are not getting in enough food, your body turns first to stored glycogen, which is easy to break down for energy. And when you use up 2 lbs of glycogen, you also lose 8 lbs of Water that was used to store it -- voila -- the "easy" 10 lbs that most people lose in the first week of a diet.
    As you stay in caloric deficit, however, your body starts to realize that this is not a short term problem. You start mobilizing fat from your adipose tissue and burning fat for energy. But your body also realizes that fat can't be used for short bursts of energy -- like, to outrun a saber tooth tiger. So, it starts converting some of the fat into glycogen, and rebuilding the glycogen stores. And as it puts back the 2 lbs of glycogen into the muscle, 8 lbs of water has to be stored with it to keep it soluble. So, even though you might still be LOSING energy content to your body, your weight will not go down or you might even GAIN for a while as you retain water to dissolve the glycogen that is being reformed and stored.
    Breathe, and fuggedaboudit for a few days.
  6. Like
    icon23 got a reaction from Cinders in Plateau And Weight Gain   
    Here's the explanation for the dreaded stall (you can read the full details here, including what to do about it):
    The Inevitable Stall
    By Diana C.
    A "stall" a few weeks out is inevitable, and here's why.
    Our bodies use glycogen for short term energy storage. Glycogen is not very soluble, but it is stored in our muscles for quick energy -- one pound of glycogen requires 4 lbs of Water to keep it soluble, and the average glycogen storage capacity is about 2 lbs. So, when you are not getting in enough food, your body turns first to stored glycogen, which is easy to break down for energy. And when you use up 2 lbs of glycogen, you also lose 8 lbs of Water that was used to store it -- voila -- the "easy" 10 lbs that most people lose in the first week of a diet.
    As you stay in caloric deficit, however, your body starts to realize that this is not a short term problem. You start mobilizing fat from your adipose tissue and burning fat for energy. But your body also realizes that fat can't be used for short bursts of energy -- like, to outrun a saber tooth tiger. So, it starts converting some of the fat into glycogen, and rebuilding the glycogen stores. And as it puts back the 2 lbs of glycogen into the muscle, 8 lbs of water has to be stored with it to keep it soluble. So, even though you might still be LOSING energy content to your body, your weight will not go down or you might even GAIN for a while as you retain water to dissolve the glycogen that is being reformed and stored.
    Breathe, and fuggedaboudit for a few days.
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    icon23 got a reaction from Diamondeyed in February 2013 Seems Like A Year Away!   
    Yeah, as much as it pains me to be patient, I'm going to wait until March, as planned. Probably the biggest problem with getting it done sooner and either missing Tuesday or totally being out of it is that I'm a teaching assistant and Tuesday is the day that I will have to teach 3 classes back-to-back (which can be challenging even on a normal day). I'm trying to look on the bright side: I have been taking the extra time to take advantage of sales on things that I will need pre- and post-op that I can stock up on, such as Gatorade, Soup, Jello, etc. Slowly preparing helps me to feel like it's not so far away.
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    icon23 reacted to 920amy in Sleeved And Ready To Help Others   
    I was sleeved Nov 3rd in TJ with Dr. Lopez through ALighterMe. I would love to talk to ANYONE regardless of Dr or company they are using about being sleeved in TJ. I know it's a scary idea to leave the country and have a major surgery, but I did it, I would do it again in a heartbeat, and while I think the company and Dr. I used are the best, I don't think any of the otehrs are any less skilled or great. Let's be in this together for the right reasons. Contact me with questions, concerns, anything, I am happy to talk!
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    icon23 reacted to ElaineB in Alone   
    I am a single mother of three, so I can relate. It's very hard when you have to do certain things on your own. Try to focus on the positives. If you are like me, you get very little alone time. Just think, you will get to shower alone, sleep alone and even use the bathroom alone . That's practically a vacation in my book! Be proud of yourself too. You are being very courageous and doing something for yourself. This is something that you need and will change your life in a positive way. In the ideal world you would have someone with you, but like a lot of single parents, we just have to do the best we can with what we have. And even though you may not have anyone there physically, you do have your family's support, and you have the people here for moral support. Get excited about the changes that you are making. I'm excited for you!!!
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    icon23 reacted to *Dean* in Not A Stall Exactly But A Super Slow Down   
    That was a reassuring article icon23, thanks!
    I think I'm entering my stall early and I'm trying to have patience. It took me a long time to get into this shape and it will take persistence and patience to unravel.
    Take care,
  11. Like
    icon23 got a reaction from *Dean* in Not A Stall Exactly But A Super Slow Down   
    Here's the website that explains the glycogen-water weight-stalling connection: http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html
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    icon23 got a reaction from pink grace in List Of Food Ideas For Each Stage?   
    Definitely talk to your NUT, but in the meantime, this booklet might be helpful--it was posted by one of the other VST members in a different thread and it has very detailed information about not just diet, but other things to know pre- and post-op.
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    icon23 reacted to Divapammy71 in Crying My Eyes Out... Where Us My Aupport System When I Need Them?   
    Hey sis, if you were in Chicago, I'd go with you.. Even though I have support of my mom, brother, brother's girlfriend and my godson, the decision in the end is mine and mine alone. My doctor had even recommended this years ago but I refused. Now I am ready. I go 01/16/2013. You hang in there girlfriend. You have the support of people on this board and more than anything, know that God has your back, be blessed!!
  14. Like
    icon23 got a reaction from hm734 in 9 Average Size Newborns...8 Gallons Of Milk Or 12 Five Pound Hershey Bars.   
    It's also equivalent to about what a healthy 9-year old should weigh--doesn't it feel amazing to have lost that much? You must feel so happy and healthy--congrats! I can't wait to know the feeling.
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    icon23 reacted to pbnjsandwich in Happy Dance With New Clothes   
    I'm 4.5 months out & find myself getting discouraged occasionally but have had some incredible moments & I'm writing them down to come back to on my "I'm making no headway" days!!
    Since 06/18/12 (start my 10 diet) I've lost 87 lbs & 55.5 inches!
    Bras at Lane Bryant didn't come small enough so I went to Victoria Secret to make my first purchase there ever!
    I bought a cute outfit that the mannequin was wearing at Old Navy (after grabbing the XXL & finding I could really wear the XL)!
    I can cross my legs.
    I can easily see my collar bones!
    My whole family is now healthier (my hubby lost 50 lbs just being supportive & eating what I eat)!
    We are now those "granola loving, organic, locally produced, no processed food" weirdos & I'm ok with that (although I do have a huge cheat of Sugar Free Chocolate covered toffee as a treat pretty often & I know that's terrible for me but its oh so good)!
    I have very few clothes bc even the big stuff I was continuing to wear literally falls off while I'm walking!
    My little girl shows me with her arms how big I used to be & how big I am now!
    I'm sure there are more but since I've been stalled at this 85 lb mark, I need a visual of how far I've come!!
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    icon23 reacted to fluffylibra30 in Why She Lost More Then Me?   
    Your right. :-)
    You can lose the weight without working out, but why? We did this to be healthier. Why wouldn't you want to get your heart healthy and your body lean and In shape? I have lost 115 pounds you can see my muscles, my shoulders and the start of a six pack. And I can run a 13 minute mile. Exercise has proven benefits besides losing weight. Also; skinny looks good with clothes on. Sexy looks good naked.
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    icon23 got a reaction from MiistAMunK in African American Sleevers   
    Wishing you great success!
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    icon23 reacted to chad2rad in Dreaded Fitting Room   
    Today was out shopping with a friend for some early holiday stuff. I knew I had to get some new work pants soon. My pants have gotten seriously baggy and uncomfortable since surgery on 10/08. Even still, I felt a feeling of impending doom as we approached the mall. Heart racing, past memories and some negative vibes. Luckily I overcame and found a great sale and the fact that that I went down 2 pant sizes this month. Actually prep op I was maxing out that invisible waist extender, so I'll count it a little more. My pants fit great. I looked so much smaller. Felt awesome. Alone in my dressing room I saw the victory in this. It was very emotional, my old fears were unfounded. And the new me starting to emerge. Just wanted to share.
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    icon23 reacted to dexter in I Have To Crow   
    This is a nsv and a rave and tooting my own horn. I don't necessarily like bragging about myself so ill do it in a relatively anonymous place such as this.
    A few months ago, I submitted a proposal to do a workshop at a national convention I go to every year. I had convinced myself I didn't have enough credentials, enough letters after my name, etc and I would not get picked. I wrote my proposal in about an hour, sent it and forgot about it.
    So yesterday I got a letter stating they had approved me to do my workshop at the convention. I' was so shocked I just started to cry. It's not until April so I thankfully have lots of time to get prepared and be nervous.
    What an amazing week this has been. First I was sleeved now this! And the best part is I'm going to enjoy going shopping for a new outfit to wear to give the workshop! Yes, I'll be skinny by April!
    I'm just over the moon.
    Thank you all for letting me brag a little.
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    icon23 reacted to Finding MeMe in Ladies, How Do You Feel About Your Looks?   
    For me at 47 I feel absolutly fabulous. I realize that I will not look like I did when I was 20 or 25 and that is OK because I am closer to 50 than 20. I appreciate every wrinkle and don't care when the others come along. To me they are a sign of wisdom and growth, I wouldn't change my age for anything.
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    icon23 got a reaction from attractiveval in hi there!!! are there really gay people here?!?!?!?   
    I know activity on this thread is pretty sporadic, but I just wanted to say hello. I am the B in GBLT, presently in a heterosexual relationship. I love all of my GBLT (and straight) brothers and sisters! I am still pre-surgery, but I am glad to have found such a supportive space to share this journey.
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    icon23 reacted to attractiveval in hi there!!! are there really gay people here?!?!?!?   
    Yes there are including myself ! Lol wow
  23. Like
    icon23 reacted to Layersofbeauty in Advice Needed: Weight Loss Breakup   
    Mandymay, different men like different things. There are some men who just prefer larger women. I am not in a relationship, but there are guys I know that would take me just as I am because they are attracted to larger women. And it is possible that they may no longer be attracted to me once I lose weight. Because of this, I have decided not to persue a relationship right now. I know that it may sound shallow, but people like what they like.
    Another issue is, as you lose weight and gain even more confidence; people around you may develop insecurities. I had a guy tell me that I was already beautiful and that if I lost weight it would be over kill! Obviously he was afraid that if I lost weight, more guys would be interested in me and I would no longer be interested in him. Dealing with insecure people can be menatlly draining. I ain't got time for that! Being on this liquid diet is draining enough! My focus right now is on what makes me happy opposed to what makes others happy. I have put myself on the back burner for far too long. Not any more... It's my time to find the best in me.
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    icon23 reacted to JMarshall in Relationship Changes?   
    A relationship built on a partners frailties will crumble with any type of personal changes. Its not that WLS destroys relationships, its that WLS removes the veil that kept the sinking boat a float.
  25. Like
    icon23 reacted to JenC in Advice Needed: Weight Loss Breakup   
    If you had always been at a healthy weight and "normal" BMI you would probably never have hooked up with this man...because frankly you just would'nt have been his "type" Personally my type of guy is one that loves me for who I am and supports unconditionally who and what I aspire to become. It sounds like thats your "type" too. It's just my opinion but its a big red light that someone would wish that you would continue to be unhealthy, risk not being able to have a healthy pregnancy and skirt your dreams of a more active lifestyle.
    You did not over react, and you're not overly sensitive in my opinion. Sounds like you have it going on. It's hard and scary to start over but it can also be exciting and revealing. All the best to you. Sorry you're going through a break up, they suck!

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