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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TwinsMama

  1. TwinsMama

    9 day postop need advice

    Sounds like gas pain. Try walking more if you can. I had gas pain for weeks. It was literally my entire torso (back, shoulders, chest under the rib cage). sleeping was rough but I'd get up and walk every time I couldn't sleep. Give it time and it will stop hurting so bad.
  2. TwinsMama

    need my scale

    Ladies, you'll be fine without them. I know the pull to weigh daily...however you were given a gift. The gift of scale freedom, accept it and try to use this as a time to focus on other things. You can do it!
  3. TwinsMama

    I'm an addict, my scale is my addiction

    Hang in there...this was actually a good thing in disguise. You've quit cold turkey and that's an adjustment.
  4. Try to ensure you get enough liquids (water) and then Protein. I've found I can't worry about variety. I do get hungry. That never changed for me. But, my choices are better because I don't do variety. It is hard enough to just get it all in. Maybe come up with 2 weekly menus then rotate those until you're able to get it all in. Then you can add more menus to the mix. I know I can't make great choices on the sly so I have to plan if I'm going to be successful. BTW, my nose is still very sensitive to smells. If something does not smell good, I can't bring myself to eat it. Edit: I also have horrible nausea. I also still throw up when I eat (at least 3 times a week, sometimes daily).
  5. It took me about 7 weeks to feel normal. I was out of work for a month and even when I went back, I still wasn't myself. Everyone is so different.
  6. Okay so I'm the only person that does not like these. I have tried them every which way pre-op and then did a taste test post-op...yup, still don't like them. However, I have heard others rave about the crunchy version. Nice crunch when you can't have chips and pretzels.
  7. TwinsMama

    Tell Coworkers?

    I understand how you feel. Especially given that other diets have failed. I chose to tell everyone. It helped in the long run because what was a planned week out turned into a month on leave. It was good to come back and not explain or make up some reason I was sick. Also, I have not heard anything negative. I have received so much support that I'm glad I didn't hide this. It is such a personal choice and no one would fault you either way. I've personally grown by telling others but the same can be said of those that chose not to.
  8. TwinsMama

    So frustrated :(

    Give it time. You can also ask for a copy of the paperwork she "sent" if need be. I had to walk my forms over because the processing time was too long. Good luck to you.
  9. TwinsMama

    9 weeks Post-op

    Congrats, you're doing great!!
  10. It depends on the Nut and Ins. My ins and Nut made it clear...no loss, no surgery. So I was absolutely a stickler. Are you not following the plan? If you're following the plan and not losing I would think they'd be a bit more understanding. However, if you are showing that you have not changed your eating habits and are not taking this seriously, then perhaps they'll give you a hard time. Also, if you are following the plan and not losing, your Nut should be able to help you make tweaks that help you be successful. Make him/her earn that check and help you. Don't just send you out to fend for yourself.
  11. TwinsMama

    6days post op...

    Good for you. Yeah the pregnancy pouch post-op was not very cute on me.
  12. TwinsMama

    down, down, down

    I'm experiencing this. Plus styles that were once my go-to now don't flatter my new shape...unless I wear lots of undergarments to recreate my former shape, which in this heat...HOT. Don't have much to offer but understanding. Hopefully someone will be able to give some advice soon.
  13. TwinsMama

    Vitamin frustration

    I fell for this too. I bought from a couple of sites recommended then I looked at Amazon and found them cheaper (from the companies themselves). I now take 2-Flinstone Complete, 1-B12 (dissolves on the tongue from Vitamin Shoppe) - or the liquid drop, and 2-Cal Citrate (OTC). My Dr also has me on gallbladder and PPI meds which are both taken twice a day. This schedule was harder to get flushed out than the Water or Protein requirements. All of them (except the PPI which I take with my multi) have to be taken 2 hours apart.
  14. TwinsMama

    I call "drinking 64 oz water" BS

    Pre-op I drank over 120 oz of Water a day. I can now barely get in my 64 oz. I've never had water poisoning and my skin pre-op was flawless. Post-op I'm getting back there. It is tough but I find my body moves and feels better when I'm hydrated. I miss my water being higher so I'm working toward getting back there.
  15. TwinsMama

    5 months post op, -83 lbs & I'm gonna be a mom!

    Congrats, my family is full of adoptive parents and adopted kids. Love it and wish you and your family nothing but love and success with this process!!
  16. It really depends. My Dr checked me for literally everything and since the inches are coming off so well, she knows there is nothing wrong...only a stall. I've read a lot of people on this forum have had less than stellar first months. I do agree the OP should have their thyroid checked but not because of the stall, just as a measure to know there is nothing else going on.
  17. TwinsMama

    My psychologist exam no clear answer.

    Wait...what?!?! How can the person who is not licensed be a therapist. In my state we'd call that an internist and they would have to have supervised sessions. Will a licensed therapist be in the sessions too? I know everyone has to learn (one of my best friends is a licensed therapist so I know the process) but that seems like a bit of a stretch considering you are being "referred" by another therapist. I'm so sorry your approval process has you jumping through all these hoops.
  18. TwinsMama

    Average weight loss

    Everyone is different. From what I've seen here most Drs want loss to average at least 1-2 lbs a week so about 4-8 lbs a month. It depends also how close to goal a person may be, their age, and physical activity level. So many variables.
  19. I am 9 weeks out and some days I have this. It is gas and mini muscle spasms. I feel it the most when I eat something that makes me gassy. If not for Aunt Flow I'd swear there were babies in there trying to break out!
  20. My Dr said once you can do so comfortably go for it. They clear you for exercise as early as 2 - 4 weeks out so sure sleeping on your tummy won't kill you.
  21. TwinsMama


    My Calcium is citrate and I got it from the local store (Christmas Tree Shops - like a big lots meets Kmart). The pills are huge and I just swallow them. I have broken them in half (earlier out). As for trying the chewable bariatric ones, I too noticed many were not citrate and post-op tasted horrible. Loved them pre-op. As for doubling. I have not had to double my Flinstone Complete to have good levels. I just don't take them together. I take one first thing in the AM and another one early afternoon.
  22. Ohhh those look good. I love these!!
  23. TwinsMama

    What makes you "dump"?

    At least you were home. Good thing it wasn't on the way to an event or something.
  24. I'm this way now. I still have my problems (lactose intolerant, long stalls, etc.) but I feel this way. I think it is a mix of the extra energy and also knowing that I am working toward a goal. I am a pretty driven person so goals thrill me ---nerd alert---. Also, I think the fact that I mastered my fear and jumped in and did this, is a pretty good high for me. However, I have heard about the honeymoon stage during weight loss. I saw some time ago that a person hit goal and then felt lost. I'm working hard to be sure I keep some type of goal/motivation even once I hit that magic size/weight. I always get really sad when I end something (like projects, etc.) so I know I need to be prepared for that now since I am determined to reach my goal.
  25. So sorry you're experiencing this. Don't worry and stress yourself out, this will all be a distant memory soon. Good luck to you!!

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