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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TwinsMama

  1. Ahh we have a small health food market, I'm going to see if they have any in the bins there. I have to normally stay away from the bins because they put the choc covered nuts, granola, etc all right there with the healthier foods. That would be a good way to try without buying a whole pack.
  2. TwinsMama

    So that's it

    Glad your Dr found the problem, hope you get better soon!!
  3. TwinsMama

    30 day challang

    I started this on Aug 1st. I also have the ab one but still need to heal a bit more as that one hurt me (not in a good way). So far so good and I'm glad to be half way there!! This is tough but I can see so many improvements!!
  4. Welcome! Maybe try smaller sips. Also I noticed it depends on how close together I sip that also gives me air. What I had to do was take a mouthful of liquid and then slowly sip that down (in many sips). If I try to sip each individual sip straight from my cup, I get lots of air. Hope this helps.
  5. There are days and then there are DAYS! I get it. Even now at 9 weeks out, I sometimes want to just curl up into a ball and lay in bed all day. I have friends that have had this surgery and still everyone's experience is so different. Just hang in there. Pretty soon the days like today are going to be farther and farther apart. Hugs to you!!
  6. TwinsMama


    Congrats on your NSV!!
  7. Overall No. However there are aspects that I regret. For one, I had complications so my surgery and recovery were not as simple. My Dr had to go in twice (to open me back up because I was closed too tightly). For that very reason, I feel like my restriction is a bit too much at times. I'm glad to have good restriction but boy, sometimes even liquids don't go down so that gets tough. I also regret the amount of time it took to heal (4 weeks off work) and what that did to my family during what would have been a great summer (no vacation this year). My kids still worry about me and that is tough to deal with sometimes (esp when something does not agree with me and I'm doubled over throwing up). I still throw up A LOT. So, that I also wish wasn't my fact of life post-op. I also regret that I'm not a fast loser. At times it can be daunting to know you have almost 150 lbs STILL to go and the scale doesn't move for...WEEKS. But again, overall I'm happy. I'm down 70 lbs (including pre-op) and feel so much more energy. Plus my inch loss has been awesome! So I would do this again! I'm an optimist if you haven't figured that out. So a couple of issues now to have great health later make it seem worth it to me.
  8. TwinsMama

    Weight dain during period

    Even with my period I'm stalled. Normally (pre-op) I would go up 3-4 lbs. But my stall is for real, so it won't even go up during my period. I'm on now and this is the first time I haven't gained weight during my period. I officially have the super stall!
  9. TwinsMama

    Sad clown

    So sorry you're having a bad day. Hope things end today on a brighter note. Also, maybe go for a walk (if the pain is not too bad). That may help a bit. I don't know much about fibro so disregard my advice to walk if things are just too painful. Hugs to you!!
  10. What brand do you buy? There has to be something I'm missing because I mean everyone (and I mean everyone) I know loves them. I must have gotten a few bad batches.
  11. TwinsMama

    skinny girl panties

    Nooooooo! How do you do it?!?! Those and even boy shorts ride up something fierce on me.
  12. TwinsMama

    skinny girl panties

    I'm a thong woman..yes even big, I'd go to Fredrick's of Hollywood. I found that with all that back action going on, panties always looked huge on me. Plus the panty line...hubby loves it, I hate it. When it's time look at Fredrick's of Hollywood. They have great sizes and styles and you can get some really racy (crotchless for your hubby) and comfy (for you). I just realized I probably gave wayyy TMI but I love panties...the way some ladies like shoes. So I can tell you all the best places to get a good comfy pair that's also sexy!
  13. TwinsMama


    At 27 I was pushing out twins. If I could have done this by 28, I would have saved myself YEARS of trying to lose weight after having 2 big babies...at the same time. I sat on the fence trying every diet imaginable for 2 years then finally committed and had another whole year to do the work. The older I get the harder it is to change habits. I wish I had pushed more to get the surgery back then because if I'm honest with myself, all I did was prolong the weight loss another few years. Should have went with my gut then.
  14. TwinsMama

    Fresh fruits and veggies post-op

    I think it depends on the person. In my support group there was a lady there that is still (years out) not able to do fresh veggies. Don't remember about fruit. The fruits and veggies are what I miss most right now. I love a nice fresh salad but I simply can't do it. Plus I don't have enough room for veggies that often.
  15. TwinsMama

    A bit worried :(

    I get hungry, that never stopped for me. I was told 3 meals and no Snacks. However, the Dr's Nut told me to get my 3 meals I can then eat them all day. Hope this makes sense: B - egg, nitrate free sausage (however I may only be able to eat the egg at 1 time, then in a few hours I can finish up the sausage) L - lean Protein and maybe steamed veggies (I may only finish the protein so I can have the veggie in an hour or 2) On and on...the key is to make a meal and then if you can't finish the meal, you can finish it during the day. The problem is that so many of us consume so many calories/carbs eating snack foods, that we derail our efforts at staying on plan. So I have 1 meal and eat a bit more later if need be. Hours later I have my next meal and it goes on and on.
  16. TwinsMama

    No liquids with meals

    I don't order a drink (even water) when I go out. I also don't eat processed or foods that cause me to be thirsty. Once I figured out what had extra sodium, sugar, etc., I've found I don't miss the liquids during meals.
  17. TwinsMama

    do you feel BETTER? HOW?

    Correct, I wasn't a leaker pre-op but was always going to the bathroom (I thought because of so much water). Post-op it took weeks to figure out when I had to pee. I asked my Dr and she said extra weight puts pressure on the bladder (think pregnant women). She said to just time it out and over time I'd figure out when I had to go.
  18. TwinsMama

    do you feel BETTER? HOW?

    I didn't have any co-morbs pre-op. I was mostly just tired in terms of lack of energy but I still walked and worked out. Post-op I have more energy and my peace of mind is so much better. I'm now not worried about finding out I have high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. Plus, running up and down my many stairs doesn't wind me like it used to (even though I worked out). Only thing I worry about now is getting pregnant. Sooo don't want to be that fertile again.
  19. TwinsMama


    I tried a cup (decaf I don't do cafe even pre-op) and it made me feel dehydrated. So I've given up coffee forever. Pre-op I did like the decaf Click but can't do them now. However, I have renewed my love of chai tea. I can do those daily if I'm not careful.
  20. TwinsMama

    My husband is killing me!

    I was pissed when my hubby ordered pizza. I went to pay the guy and he asked me out. Made me feel a bit better about not eating that junk.
  21. TwinsMama

    My husband is killing me!

    This makes so much sense. I think I was told that but ignored it because I LOVES my gum. No wonder I get the burbs every day on the ride home. Never once associated the 2. WOW!
  22. TwinsMama

    I went for a run...

    Once my chest doesn't slap me in the face, I may give running a shot. Even the best sports bra doesn't keep these babies down. Oh, I might get banished to the powder room if I vent any longer.
  23. TwinsMama

    Why is this forum even here?

    Saw them on Sweet Eats or something like that on Cooking Channel. Soooo glad they don't have one here. It's hard enough with the cup cake trucks that park outside my job.
  24. TwinsMama

    6 Month Diet

    My insurance wanted to see success. They wanted to see I could follow instructions and that I was mentally ready for the big changes to come. I lost weight during mine but that was overall. There were months when I was up and some when I was really far down. Just keep tracking and doing what you're supposed to do. Even if overall you don't lose and do gain, if your paperwork (meal plans, etc) show you have been following the rules, you'll be seen as a successful candidate for surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
