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Traci J.

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Traci J.

  1. Traci J.

    I feel like I am going to fail!

    18 lbs. in 2 weeks is awesome! Have you tried mashed potatoes, refried beans with cheese. or pureed soups?
  2. I'm having mine on the 19th as well, but only have to do the clear liquid diet with the colon cleanse on Tuesday. Thought they'd start me on liquid on Friday, but they didn't require it for me I even asked him if he was sure. LOL Anyway, good luck to you and hope you have a smooth recovery. Let us know how you're doin afterwards.
  3. Hi MrsGamer, I am also getting sleeved on the 19th and am so excited. I hope you have a quick recovery and that you have a wonderful journey.
  4. Glad to hear, I'm having mine done on Wednesday with a robot to. I heard it's much nicer of a recovery also. Did you still have the 5 incisions, or just 1?
  5. Traci J.

    Hair loss

    Search is, it's very common with surgery. From what I hear it starts around the 3 or 4th month and lasts a couple months; can be a little, can be a lot. I heard biotin helps, don't wash everyday, don't use a brush....
  6. Congrats! Great feeling isn't it. I had my pre-op today to, my surgery is next Wednesday. So excited I can't stand it, what's even better is I only have to do a 1-day clear liquid diet/cleanse Good luck and hope you have a great xmas!
  7. That is awesome. I love hearing things like this, it makes me know all the more this is the right thing for me to. I get sleeved next wednesday and can't wait!! Keep up the great work and I wish you continued success.
  8. Traci J.


    That is so awesome, and I'm so happy for you. I hope to be there myself before my 42nd birthday. Congratulations!
  9. Traci J.


    I hope you're at least taking your vitamins. Sounds like you need a Vitamin B12 shot.
  10. Traci J.

    2nd time's the charm

    Glad everything went well for you. Hope mine does as well next week, 12/19 is my day!
  11. Traci J.

    stall stall dear god help

    Try Lil Miss Divas bootcamp, i heard it works well to kick a stall. But stall's are common; your body will lose inches and not weight to catch up.....did you take measurements pre-op?
  12. Get out now! You may love him, but if he truly loved you he wouldn't say and do things like that. He is a controller and manipulator, and I've had my experience with these types. They do get worse, and usually don't end well. Verbal/emotional abuse is just as bad as physical, if not worse. You are so young....do not let him control you and do not lose yourself in ANY relationship. Good luck & go party it up!
  13. Just keep calling your insurance company, and if they tell you it's approved call the surgeon's office immediately and schedule. Don't want to get lost in the shuffle....Good luck!
  14. Pre-op in the morning! Liquid diet starts Friday then surgery next Wednesday...can't wait!!

  15. Good luck Ladycat! I will be having mine next Wed. and can't wait. Please keep us posted on your recovery. Hope it's quick and pain(little)
  16. I'm getting sleeved on 12/19, and I am just a few pounds over your starting weight. I sure hope I lose 70 lbs. in 3 months to. You go girl!!
  17. The protein shakes & any other liquid form are included in your overall fluid intake for the day; that's what my Nut told us. Once you eat your protein, that's when you have to make sure to get the liquid intake on top of it so you don't get dehydrated.
  18. DON'T DO IT! I was on it for 1 1/2 years and gained 10 lbs. with every shot and couldn't lose it. I put 60 lbs. on and then was stuck there for 10+ years, which is exactly why I'm having this surgery. I know everyone is different, but the depo shot has a reputation of huge weight gains. I wouldn't do it!
  19. I would wait until after your surgery to get a tattoo, especially if it's in a spot that will get smaller as you lose weight. The tattoo will shrink with you and may look different and not so pretty afterwards.
  20. That is hilarious. If you've ever watched medical shows you know the Dr's always talk smack about their patient's while they're under. They can say whatever they want about me, as long as I don't wake up to hear it I'll be good to go! LOL
  21. Traci J.

    Week 2

    Hi Dee, I'm getting sleeved on 12/19 and I am a bit scared that it wont' work for me and I only say that because I've only had a problem with my weight in the last 12 years, but my body sticks. No matter what I've tried, how much I've worked out, etc...the scale refuses to move. I will lose inches before lbs. The most I've been able to lose in the last 12 years is 20 lbs., which took me 4 months to do, and I gained it back in the 4-5 months following. I have every confidence in the world that this will work for me over the long run, but am a little nervous that I will be a very slow loser (like 2 lbs. a week slow). But we will see; whatever I lose I know it'll be gone forever cause my body will stick at that weight. LOL
  22. I'm getting sleeved on 12/19 as well. Hope you have a quick and smooth recovery. Good luck to you and keep in touch!
  23. Good luck and hope you have a quick and smooth recovery.
  24. Would they let you get a hiking hydration pack and hide it under your clothes somehow, only problem is you'd have to sip from the straw. Just an idea.
  25. Traci J.

    Tmrw is the big day!

    Congrats! Hope you have a quick and smooth recovery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
