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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to missv2012 for a blog entry, Jealous Friends/family And Wls   
    I have a very attractive female friend who always loves to get the attention. When I was slimmer she couldnt light a match to me but when I blew up like a balloon that seemed to make her happier or less say feel superior over me. I hate I told her about the surgery now she is always saying ."You can loose that weight your just lazy," or when "people see you they must associate you with food." All that smack talk from her has made me resent her and unfortunatley cut all ties with her. I cant wait to have this surgery and be smaller than her. LoL I'm just venting. Im 222 5'1 My goal weight is 125!!!!
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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet for a blog entry, Did It!   
    Hello everyone,
    Well, I DID IT! I was sleeved yesterday (11/16) at noon. I still can't believe it's over already. We arrived at the hospital at 10 a.m., where they checked me and took me back to pre-op area. The nurse there....Kathy, was GREAT. She was very attentive, talkative and interactive. While she was asking me all the health history questions, she asked me how I got to the point where I knew the 'sleeve' was what i wanted to do. I told her that between meeting with my PCP where he recommended it, attending the seminar held by the surgeon and his Nurse Practitioner, I decided it was the one of the 3 that had the best results without being the most extreme. (Yes, I know, taking 85% of my stomach is extreme, but...)
    Once pre-op was completed, and it took a specialist to get the IV started in my upper left arm, the surgery nurse came in and took me down to the operating room. There they inflated a new matress they have that when inflated, makes it so those who are moving your from your bed to the surgery table don't have to strain quite as much and it's much easier on their backs. After I was situated, the anesthesiologist started placing the monitoring pads on my upper chest. Then he said he wanted to put this mask on me to give me more oxygen and help calm me down a little. (I didn't think I was having problems stayin calm....but what ever). That is essentially all I remember. I don't remember waking up in recovery, and I don't remember being moved from recovery to my room. All I remember was that my hubby, sister, sis-in-law and mom-in-law were in the room chit chatting until I woke up. Then the nurse explained what everything was, and handed me the morphine drip button. I tried very hard to not use it any more often than necessary. Overnight, the nurses would come it to check my vitals, give me a shot for this, add another bag of something to the IV, ask how I was etc. I have to admit, I don't think I slept for more than 2 hrs at a stretch. At about 5 a.m., the tech came in and asked if I wanted to move to the chair. I did, of course, as I had been lying down since 11 a.m. the day before. My mouth was a dry mess, and all they offered were lemon flavored mouth swabs (YUCK). I would use that to get the most of the try out, and then I would dip it into a cup of water and rinse a little more that way, making sure I did not swallow.
    At about 7:30 a.m., Sydney (the tech) came in and announced we were heading down to x-ray where they could do a leak test. While I as standing there, they handed me this tall milk white container with the barium in it. As I stood there the x-ray tech asked me to take a couple big drinks (which kind of scared me with the sleeve!) so he could see it running through my esophagus and to my stomach to witness if there were any leaks. After 4 different views, he was done (it took all of about 10 min) I was sent back to my room to wait for the Dr. with the results.
    A couple hours later, the doctor showed up and said he was pleased with how surgery went, and that the leak test showed no issues. He would come back after noon and see how things are going and likely send me home.
    After he left, the lead nurse (Deanna) removed the catheter....(damned glad I don't have to do THAT very often) the nurses and my sister helped me shower and change into my street clothes (all but my t-shirt since I was still connected to the IV). Once they got the orders to remove me from the IV, I was able to put on my t-shirts.
    Dr. came in about 1:15 or so and asked if I wanted to go home. So, I asked him if he wanted to send me home. He said definitely. Everything is going well, and he wrote orders for the nurses and then wrote a prescription for vicoden for me. Deanna came back in with the final papers for me to sign, and then I got to leave (via wheelchair to my hubby waiting in the car at the door). We then took a trip to the closest pharmacy to get my prescription filled....they didn't have the dosage he was asing for...so we tried another...same issue. Then we tried a 3rd, and by then we realized the dr had added his cell number to the bottom of the prescription, so the pharmacist called to discuss the dosage and find out if it could be modified. He said yes, so we got the medicine and headed home.
    I have now declared where I will be the next couple of days while I recover (recliner in the front room).
    This first day hasn't been all that aweful, but it hasn't been a cake walk either. I have quite a bit of discomfort where the air bubble is sitting on my diaphram, and from the 1 - 1 1/2" incision at the top of my bellybutton to remove the stomach through. Other than that, the pain is rather minimal.
    I hope all that have an upcoming surgery date, will go ahead and do it. By reading all the posts on here, I know that day 2 will be better than today, and day 3 better than that and so on. I can't wait for the New Year and the new me!!
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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to pink grace for a blog entry, Happy Birthday To Me   
    Enjoyed a lovely carvey with hubby and our two sons yesterday for my birthday which is today. i even had half a yorkshire pudding, it was yummy.
    I am getting a stairlift fitted today, I didn't think i would be so excited by a stairlift on my 55th birthday, but can't wait, my left leg is agony when i walk, no more crawling upstairs in agony, yay.
    I am going out tonight with the ladies from our church, it is the ladies christmas meal that just so happens to be on my birthday, thinking i might have a steak.
    I am hoping that by this time next year i will be wearing size 18 rather than the 28 i am in today, or even a 16.
    I am already eating much smaller meals than i was able to eat last year, and next year i suspect i might be eating a starter for my main course, bring it on.
    Still waiting to get my blood test results back, hoping it will be soon, ive waited 5 weeks now, so must be nearer getting them.
    Funny thing about time, 5 weeks just seemed like an eternity 5 weeks ago, but here i am, 5 weeks done and hoping i will get the phone call any day now.
    I have been able to address comfort eating in this waiting time and also am pleased that i now prefer to go for the healthier options for my meals and always try to share it with my dogs or leave some on the plate, not bad for someone who was brought up to eat everything on my large plate.
    It took a long time to get over the dissapointment of my sleeve op being cancelled, but now i am at peace that i will have it when it is the right time for me, God knows best, i am resting in Him.
    I particularly wanted to do a blog today to record how i am feeling and will compare with how i am next year, believing
    God Has got good plans for me, to do me good and not harm, and that my latter years will be even more fruitful than my former years, that the years that the locusts have stolen from me will be restored back to me 100 fold, amen.
    Praying for everyone who reads this to have a quick easy operation with no complications and a swift good recovery, to get to the weight of your dreams.
    I also pray for all who have already been sleeved for good healthe and continous weight loss to get to your dream weight too, God Bless to all, Janet, xxxxx
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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to pink grace for a blog entry, One Day I Will Be Sleeved   
    just spent 45 mins typing an update and poof, when i tried to preview it and edit a word it dissapeared
    basically, still waiting for blood test results, really fed up of waiting, not got my hopes up to have my op in november any more.
    Today i have cast my cares on the Lord and will have my op when He gives me the date, He knows best.
    I know i still want my sleeve, and will restart the liver shrinking diet when i have a new date for my sleeve.
    I am not concerned if it is just before christmas, any time soon will be ok with me, i was motivated and ready for oct 9th and can do it again, but this time without the problem of my blood it will be safer.
    Hope everyone is doing well, sleeved or to be sleeved, God Bless, xx
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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to helgaready for a blog entry, Week 11 - You Guessed It...more Photos   
    Had a couple of victories this week and had a couple of slips too...
    First the slips...I traveled for work this week for a couple of days and I used it as an excuse to eat terrible. I mean absolutely terrible. I ate cake, bread, cookie and drank wine even. Omg Ikr...And then I went and outdid myself and decided not to work out. Considering how bad I ate, I should have been running to that gym. Nope, I just peeped my head around the corner to see what equipment they had and left never to return to the gym over those couple days at the hotel.
    Instead I went shopping and well, this is where the first of the victories came. I have wandered in Forever 21 stores for year admiring their clothes for both the trendiness and the price...but of course never been able to fit them...I would pretend I was shopping for someone else. Well this time around, I went in shopping for myself and I took 6 pieces into the fitting room and all but one of them fit. I only got 1 item (a size large dress) as it was the most distinctive and they other pieces I was more trying on for size to see if they fit as opposed to loving them...
    That fueled me and I went to the next two stores lil girl cost conscious stores (Vanity and Rue 21). Bought me a size 11/12 jeans...did you hear me an 11/12...I was a solid size 18 (if not 20, I just wouldnt buy them) when I started this journey 2.5 months ago...And then there is this black dress that I bought in a size large as well...that I love love love. Okay did you get I loved it. I wore it out this weekend and I received so many compliments, I was overwhelmed. Now don't get me wrong, I thought I looked good before I left the house but I never expected to get such rave reviews. So fast forward today and I was going to the screening of a play a former co-worker directed so I threw on a sweater dress, leggings and shoe boots. I mean literally threw it on...showered, lotioned down and dressed in 20 minutes...Well, turns out the outfit really worked, at least I think so...See pic below.
    And even bigger than a clothes size was the realization that I am finding myself, separate from what others think of me, mainly my ex boyfriend. A few weeks ago I blogged about my ex-boyfriend and his failure to acknowledge my weight loss...and how that bothered me because for so long I have wanted his affirmation. Anyways, he stopped over earlier in the week and as I was walking away from him, he said girl you losing weight...I can really tell...I was like you don't say. It only took 40lbs and 6 sizes. I continued on and said when I first started losing weight I wanted you to notice and you didnt...Well somewhere along the way I stopped caring because I know I am losing weight and looking damn good in the process...My feelings about me and how I look is no longer based on what he thinks of me but instead on what I know to be true of myself. I am loving the new me that this weight loss in revealing not only in how I look but just as importantly how much more emotionally healthy I am..
    I am seeing the results of Pedro, the sleeve. I am so grateful this surgery was made possible. It has given me so much of my life back...
    A lil behind in my blog entry so rather than logging my Friday's weight (192.8), I am logging today's weight.
    HW 232 & SW 227 (VSG 08/17/12 & 5'8)
    LW 193.6
    CW 192.0 [Total Weight Loss 40lbs ]
    GW 155

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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to helgaready for a blog entry, Week 10 Progress   
    Had a good week not just in terms of weight loss but more so emotionally. I am just really found myself admiring myself, loving the newfound me this week. I even had to check myself not to be looking in the mirror so much. I bought a dress pre-surgery that I loved but it was also only $8 so that made me love it even more...Well, it was an an "XL" and even still was pretty tight but I put on my spanx and made it work. (I had to walk with my legs squeezed because you could hear the spanx rubbing together. I had the leg kind on). Well, I wore this same dress on Wednesday and oh what a differnece. I wish I would have taken a picture now. But the dress was so much longer, dragging the floor even since it had less to go around. Those spanx that used to hold everything tight were actually too lose and so I put on another pair that I had outgrown...First no swishing as my legs dont overlap as they did...Still touch but no overlap...My stomach look as if it is was not there and the dress just flowed from me...Not snug in the least bit. In fact, I think I had my last wear in it because it will be too big by the time I put it back in the wear cycle.
    My sleeve buddy posted in our FB support forum, how so many of her milestones are marked by her remembrance of her weight and as I got to thinking about I have several of those moments too...Weight really had taken over my own being...Funny thing is I am still marking milestones but its not marking them with a new look as my weight goes down. I go home to visit my family back in Arkansas and it will be the first any have seen of me since having surgery. I am both nervous and excited about their reaction. I think a lil more nervous then excited. I is my motivation to really work hard and maintain a straight line with diet compliance so that I can see 180lbs by Nov 19th. Pretty lofty goal but I know really think I can make it happen with "Two-A-Day" workouts...I love the Insanity workout which I do in the morning and then in the evening 4 days a week I will get my run on. And speaking of running, I committed myself to a running a half marathon on June 1, 2013. Keeping a goal such as this in front of me keeps me motivated to stay on the grind, particularly during the winter months when it becomes easy to get lazy with a warm blanket and hot chocolate.
    HW 232 & SW 227 (VSG 08/17/12 & 5'8)
    LW 196.2
    CW 193.6 [Total Weight Loss 38.4]
    GW 155
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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to pink grace for a blog entry, Headache From Pre Op Diet   
    Started back on liver shrinking diet yesterday, thought i would be ok but wasn't, because i have had some wws puddings etc i found i was really hungry yesterday and have a headache due to lack of sugar and carbs.
    I had my flu jab yesterday and don't usually have a reaction but feel really yuk today.
    Rang up dri yesterday to see if my blood test results were back, and was told by one person they will be back on the 29th but the pre op assessment nurse said it could be weeks.
    all the bariatric team are off until 1st nov, but the preop nurse said she will contact me if the results are back before then.
    So here i am again shrinking the liver in the hope that i can be fitted in if there is a cancellation if my tests are back and i only need a vit K injection, but if i find i have to wait longer can go off the preop diet, but then the pain will begin again, when i start again.
    I read today that God doesn't break a bruised reed, am feeling very bruised, but God knows best.
    Mom was supposed to come home today but was told today it will be early next week now, she is going to be so upset, i am too, all this waiting and dissapointment is really testing, don't understand why, but such is life.
    I am even more determined to get my operation, if i ever had any doubts, i don't now, i am ready for my sleeve NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW, lol, God give me strength.
    Found a great web page yesterday, bariatriccookery.com if any one wants to take a look, it has some great post op recipies.
    Keep up the good work friends, it will all be worth it when we get to our healthier small selves, meanwhile i will keep on learning from all of the great people on this forum, xxx
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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to helgaready for a blog entry, Week 9 Progress With Pics   
    This past weekend was the weekend of the fashion show that I participated in and boy was it fun. I did two looks and I attached the photos below. I walked out on that runway and the confidence that I found on that runway was so liberating. I donned those clothes and a sense of confidence just came over me...And when I walked out on the runway, the screams and the ahhhs I got with the orange # only reinforce the that unexpected confidence. The fashion show started out about reinforcing the self esteem off young girls and teens...But in the end it did just as much for my self esteem even though I am far from a young girl or teen.
    Other than that my week has been uneventful. One thing I did notice this week is how my cooking habits are so very different than pre-surgey yet I am enjoying the food all the same. No more fried foods and for the most part I do not miss it. I even tried to eat a chicken wrap (less the wrap and only the insides) from McDonald's as I was on the go one day and I could not even muster 3 bites down...I had my godkids over this weekend as they were also in the fashion show and they ate at McDonald's three times (I know bad auntie)....but it was a pretty good feeling to not be tempted to order myself anything other than that wrap that I did not eat...It tells me that mentally I am in the game and thanks to my sleeve no longer am I hoping for weight loss...I am making conscious decisions to achieve weight loss...
    Since hitting 199, my next goal becomes 10lbs at a time...I am looking to move to the 180's...Today I am the smallest I have been in 10 years...On Saturday I am going to a Halloween party and am so stoked about it. I was hoping to be about 10lbs lighter but I am so darn happy where I am at and know I can still rock my costume well..spanx are still my friend...lol...Pics to come again next week. Until then and a few pounds lost...
    HW 232 & SW 227 (VSG 08/17/12 & 5'8)
    LW 199
    CW 196.2 [Total Weight Loss 35.8]
    GW 155
  9. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to pink grace for a blog entry, New Beginnings   
    We had hubbies mom's funeral yesterday, i was dreading it, but with my sons and the eldest sons girlfriend with us we did ok.
    We went out for the day today, just hubby and me to our favoroute seaside town, Scarborough, it was strange to be on our own, but it is just another thing we will have to get used to and we did have a lovely day.
    I decided to have a few days of my liver shrinking diet , there is no chance of a cancellation until after the 29th oct, the day i should get my blood test results so i figured i would have a few foods that i know i won't be eating for a long while.
    I am starting back on the diet strict on monday, to be ready for the op any time in november.
    I was surprised to find that i can not eat as much as i could do and actually knew when i had had enough, the pre op diet has done me some good.
    I had a fish today, in batter, and 2 toffee apples, the red toffee ones and really enjoyed them.
    My mom should be home next tues or wed so we have been busy moving things around for her new equimpment and are going to clean her bungalow tomorrow afternoon so it is nice and fresh for her homecoming.
    When my operation was delayed i was devastated and so down, but now i can see that in God's plans it was for my good.
    I was very close to my mom in law and it hit me harder than i thought it would and can now see how difficult it would have been to have my op just after she had died and to then have to go to the funeral would have probably been too much for me.
    I have been very fatigued with the grief, the fibromyalgia has been bad and at least now i get time to recover, but i am so ready for my op now.
    My sister had her operation the day after i was due to have mine, and has just got back the lab results, it is great news, they got all the cancer cells and she only had one cell in her lymph nodes which was removed, she will have radio therapy and be on tablets to stop the cancer coming back for 5 years, but it was caught early and they expect her to make a complete recovery, so happy for her and her partner.
    The autumn is really well and truly here now, the misty cold mornings with the crisp chill in the air and all the trees have turned into living fireworks of golds, oranges, reds and browns, they are a delight to the eyes.
    Next week we put our clocks back in the uk and it will be getting darker an hour earlier, we have long cosy dark evenings to look forward to, and then christmas.
    I am not a bit bothered wether i will be on liquids or soft food by then, i just want to have the operation and get on with loosing the weight and keeping it off.
    Some people are beginning to notice how much weight i have already lost, i have gone from a size 34 to a 28 and all my clothes are very loose on me, much more comfortable than been tight.
    Some are saying that i don't need the op now because i am doing so well, but i am not listening, i am loosing weight to have the operation so that this time i will loose the weight and keep it off for life, i wont have a huge stomach and be hungry all the time, but it is hard to get some normal size people to understand this.
    Hope everyone else is doing well, we are doing this because we need to, want to and with the tool of a sleeve we can all change our lives for the better, keep up the good work everyone,
  10. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to helgaready for a blog entry, Week 8 With Progress Pics   
    Where do I start...Week 8 was the week of workouts...
    I concentrated on my running game...So I pushed myself everytime I ran...Managed 2 miles in 26 minutes on Wednesday...And on Saturday, I actually did an 11 minute mile...Killed me but I felt good after I caught my breath and my heart starting beating inside instead of outside of my chest...Now I need to duplicate that across two miles and then three miles...My goal is to do 3 miles in 30 minutes...I have also kept up with Insanity workouts...Still hard as hell but well worth it...I get a sense of accomplishments from getting through another greuling 40 minutes of insane workouts...I feel myself getting stronger..my stretches getting better and my cardio picking up so I am so encouraged...
    I know some say I am going too hard on the workouts but I do not think so...I feel absolutely fine and no pain from the workouts other than sore muscles...And I actually get a rise out of that because that means they feeling the effect and making way for change...Working out, particularly running is a lifestyle for me so no sense of putting it off any longer..I also am putting weight lifting in my routine. My arms have always been big proportionate to my body so I am giving them a lil extra work to see if I can get them to get with the program...lol...
    I had a few struggles with food and the dreaded alcohol...I went out to eat with friends and there was bread and I had a tiny piece...Didnt take it too far because I did not want to risk upsetting my stomach...And I also tried a drink, on a separate occassion, and it burned my stomach...Good and a bad thing...so I didnt finish the drink and have the empty calories but man I was looking forward to that drink...
    But the best part of the week...I got down to 199...I guess it is possible on my scale...For the past few weeks I was beginning to think that my scale did not display #'s less than 200...I attached progress photos and I can see the difference in the photos but when I look in the mirror I pretty much see myself the same as I was pre-surgery...I had a girlfriend tell me that it was funny that when I was bigger I saw myself as a sexy b*tch..and now as I have getting smaller I am seeing myself as a slob...I dont really know where I lost myself..I do remember feeling good about me or at least I played the role so well that I believed I liked myself at some point in my "big life"...Now, I critique myself so hard on that and I am almost uncomfortable in my own skin...I need for my self image and confidence to catch up with my smaller waistline...It is sometimes hard to process the compliments because I am thinking what do these folk see...In fact, I told this one guy, I wanted to see myself through his eyes...He had always adored me even at my biggest and now he can't wait to see me in the morning to shower me with compliments...
    HW 232 & SW 227 (VSG 08/17/12 & 5'8)
    LW 201.2
    CW 199 [Exactly 44lbs away from goal]
    GW 155
  11. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to pink grace for a blog entry, Devestated   
    i had a phone call today to tell me there is a problem with the clotting in my blood, i have to go for more blood tests on monday and then wait 2 weeks for them to be processed, then the surgeon will consult with the blood specialist to see if i can have my operation.
    15 years ago i had my gall bladder out by keyhole and the day before the op they found my blood was too thin and had a problem with clotting, they did some calculations and i still had my op.
    When i got home i saw my gp for another blood test and he said my results where fine.
    I have waited 3 xs as long for this op and worked so hard to loose weight i feel really fed up.
    I know it is better to wait and check out my blood, but it is just so dissapointing, and i will have to do another 2 weeks on the 800 cal a day diet, can i scream
    I have had a tandori mixed grill and some chocolate, but will get straight back to healthy eating tomorrow, but 1200 cals and not 800. it will be luxury, :wub:
    Everything will work together for my good, still trusting in God, one day soon i will be sleeved.
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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to pink grace for a blog entry, Got My Admitions Letter   
    I am going to have to ring my nurse, i was told i would need to go into hospital the day before because of the diabetese been controlled by injections, but, on the letter that came today i am to be admitted at 11am on the day of my op.
    It also said for the by pass and yet i told them i wanted the sleeve, am puzzled, but will have to wait until monday to talk to anyone seeing as it is 4.15 on a friday afternoon.
    Had a very stressful morning with mom, still very confused, sat and listened to 5 hours of mixed up memories from mom, really hope these antibiotics get on top of the infection and she gets her mind back soon.
    The hunger is under control more now, and i am able to stick to the 800 cals and ercord it with fitness pal, which is a great app on my tablet pc.
    I am aware that i need to be sttrong over the weekend, and then it will be one week done, and one week to go.
    Now i must sleep and relax, zzzzzz
  13. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to helgaready for a blog entry, Week 12 And 13 Progress - Comparison Photos   
    Had a pretty busy two weeks and so got a lil behind in my blog. Took me off my good eating habits too so have to bring that back on track. All in all though has been a pretty good past two weeks weight loss wise...I have also set more goals for myself. I am starting a training schedule for a half marathon as I committed to run my first one on June 01, 2013. Having goals like this keep me on target. Not only does it keep me focused to work out but also keeps me eating right as I do not want to erode my hard work with bad food choices. I have run into a few folks on the forums that are steadfast believers that working out does not speed up weight loss and they may be right...However, I am not just going for skinny I am going for healthy and fit. Working out is part of my overall healthy lifestyle and it sure doesnt hurt to realize the toning payoffs I am getting from working out. I also know there will be a time where the weight loss settles out and I want to make sure that exercise is apart of my life so that the weight doesnt find itself back.
    Now for the NSV's that I experienced over the last two weeks. The first one was an underhanded compliment...almost insult but crazy enough it made me feel so darn good...I posted a pic on FB and pretty soon I got a call from a relative. He first said that cannot be you in the pic...I of course said it was and he said you are so darn skinny...If I did not know any better I would swear you on crack because you lost so much weight so fast...Uh yeah..(he doesnt know about the surgery)...I laughed so hard..and got tingles because while I am not skinny I feel skinny as compared to where I was...2nd NSV was I was out on the town the other weekend and saw an old friend and he didn't speak. I am was wondering what was up...Well he finally came to me after a bit and said Helga I did not recognize you...You lost so much weight...You look damn good...Oh why thank you...And the third NSV was I had to buy new belts and bras I was on the last loop of all my belts before surgery. Now even the last loop on the belt is too loose so had to get another one. My bras are no longer considered plus size (40B pre surgery)...Now I am a 36B...I love the selection I have now...One thing I did notice though while trying on bras is that my boobs are a lil saggy...Might have to perk these lil T-shirt boobies back up...I dont want big boobs but I want what I have to be perky...
    Finally, I have attached my 3 month progress photos. I have had an amazing and rewarding journey thus far. I am just 34lbs from my goal, though I am starting to rethink whether I want to move my goal to 165lbs vs 155lbs. I can currently wear some size 11 jeans and I am still nearly 190lbs. I always thought I would be comfortable at a size 9. In fact, I still think I would so I am going to see how things work out weight wise with me fitting into a comfortable size 9. Depending on the number, this might be my new goal weight.
    HW 232 & SW 227 (VSG 08/17/12 & 5'8)
    LW 192.0
    Week 11 Weight - 190.8
    CW 188.8 [Total Weight Loss 43.2lbs ]
    GW 155

  14. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to pink grace for a blog entry, 6 Weeks   
    6 weeks today since my blood test, struggled to keep eating healthy this week, my birthday was my undoing, i had some chocolate mints after my meal and it gave the taste back for chocolate.
    I really need to take control again, i have been down about the wait for my blood results this week and once i ate the foods i had cut out, the more i wanted them.
    I have felt really unwell after eating too much high fat high sugar foods, i am actually wanting to eat better and feel better again.
    Nothing tastes as good as loosing weight feels, i love the feeling that comes when i can feel the weight coming off, and i am eating right, and feel down when i am not loosing weight and eating right, perhaps i have learned more about my eating habits than i thought i had.
    My aim is to loose weight ready for my op and to continue to eat right and follow the rules so that i can loose weight and keep it off for life.
    The more i wait, the more i realise how important this is too me, and want it even more than ever.
    Really hoping this week will be the week that i get the results and know what treatment i will need, and most of all to get my new date for my sleeve.
    Really should go to bed and get some sleep, i will share my news as soon as i know anything, meanwhile, keep up the good work sleevers and sleevers to be, xx
  15. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Zazi for a blog entry, From Lapband To Sleeve...elaborating...   
    Hello Everyone and thanks for taking a moment to read my blog.
    I'm Zazilia, married, no children 33 years old.
    On December 2009 I decided to get the lapband surgery because I was 280 lbs plus I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome) And if I didn't lose weight i had big chances of getting diabetes (I was pre-diabetic) and heart disease due to family history.
    Anyways i went for it and got my band put in.... i lost 83 lbs (in about a year).. yay me! however back in that time i was single, lived by myself and had the right food at home at all times.
    When 2011 hit (married now) I, as well, hit a huge brick wall and i stopped losing weight. Eventually i started gaining the weight back and right before surgery (last week) i was 241 lbs.
    I was so frustrated with myself tried to do as good as i could, adjusted my band up to 7.75 cc's and i often got a pain on my left shoulder due to the lapband.
    I started getting everything together for my Sleeve surgery, spoke with my surgeon, and he saw how much i struggled and he approved of me getting the Sleeve, then went through a bunch of pre-surgical testings and sent it to my insurance , after a couple of months of waiting, my insurance finally approved it! (Anthem BCBS)
    When i went to my pre-op a week before surgery the nurse saw i was having high blood pressure for the first time which was another motivation to start losing weight again.
    She prescribed me dilaudid for pain, zofran for nausea and omeprozole for acid reflux to start taking them once im back home from surgery.
    The day before surgery (Monday nov 12th) i was on clear liquids and had nothing to drink after midnight.
    Then the day of surgery got here! (Finally!!) (Tuesday 13th) I arrived to the hospital, got registered did a pregnancy urine test then went up to talk to one of the surgical nurses about my health history, then they asked me to changed into my hospital gown and lay on a stretcher and a small room and they set up my IV and gave me an anticoagulant shot on my belly to avoid blood clots.
    Spoke with the anesthesiologist and my surgeon to make sure i was calmed and they explained everything that was going to happen.
    They took me to the OR and i changed from my bed to another one where they positioned me like a cross. The anesthesiologist gave me a shot through my IV to "get me high" those were his exact words then he gave me oxygen and then he said "ok now im going to give u the good stuff" i said ok guys ''have a goodnight" and i passed out.
    Next thing i hear is the nurse in the recovery room telling me to take deep breaths and the first thing that came out of my mouth was : "Holy Crap this hurts where's the morphine" lol they controlled my pain rapidly and took me to my room.
    The nurses were so nice to me, even though apparently the anesthesia gives me low tolerance cause i was being very "bitchy" to everyone (My husband made sure he made me aware of it once i was back to my self entirely lol) They checked my vitals every 4 hours, gave me morphine when i needed and i didn't have to wait. I started walking back and forth a couple of hours right after the surgery and i the pain stood minimal.
    They gave me little tiny ice cups (about 3 ounces each) and it tasted like glory! since my mouth was as dry as a shoe lol
    My biggest struggle after surgery was trying to pee! It was almost impossible because it wouldn't come out! and the nurses told me that was normal due to the anesthesia after that the whole experience wasn't bad at all.
    At the next day i felt good enough to go home, i was discharged at 2 pm and came home.
    I was instructed to be on clear liquids until today (Sunday) i drank water, diet snapple, sugar free jello and sugar free ice pops. Today i started full liquids and had a "EAS advantage protein shake" which took me about a hour and a half to chug down and some homemade chicken broth.
    Am I hungry? Absolutely not! Do i crave to eat everything even the inedible YES like my friend who had the sleeve done years ago and went from a size 22 to a size 2 told me, "they operate your stomach however the don't operate your mind"
    I weigh myself today and i am down 12 lbs in less than a week! So i hope i can continue being successful!
    I will continue to post updates of my journey as a "Sleever" and hope it helped someone out there!
  16. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to @DomLorenVSG for a blog entry, 12 Weeks Post Op W/ Pic   
    Happpy Birrrthhddaayyyy to meeeee! The greatest present I could have ever given myself? VSG. Period. End of story. I paid out of pocket and went broke for this surgery, and my only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. I've never in my life experienced this kind of weight loss success, the little bit I did came from extreme dieting, deprevation, and I dare say an eating disorder. Nothing ever lasted. I might get excited at a few Weight Watchers meetings than, bam, it would come right back on with in a month or a couple of weeks. I use to be relieved to lose just a few pounds over the course of a month, today I'm now down over -40 lbs since surgery 12 weeks ago. This week I lost an addition -2lbs and yesterday I celebrated my 29th birthday. Normally this event has me plotting out my food plan of attack 2 weeks in advance. I would eat anything and everything and use my birthday as an excuse to binge. This year I did not, and could not. Old habits are hard to break, I even picked up a couple of my favorite go to items, and low and behold my sleeve wasn't having any of it. I felt foolish for even trying.
    I found a dress (a business bodycon style dress) in my closet that I bought over 2 years ago online. I was overweight but I figured if I lost 20 lbs it might fit and I was in love with the style. When it arrived in the mail I was so deeepresssseeeeddd to learn that even if I lost 20 lbs that dress was NOT going to fit. I felt bad and humiliated as usual, but instead of returning it as I should have, I hung it up, tags still attached and moved it to the back of my closet... because maybe, just maybe one day something magical might happen. Last week I rediscovered it and almost gasped. Could it be?? The dress?! But have I lost enough???? Well, I put it on and bam... it fit. Like a glove. It only took -40lbs! But it fits!
    I wore it for the first time yesterday on my birthday, then wore it watch Maya Angelou lecture on women in leadership, then proceeded to a dinner date. It wasn't a huge blow out birthday, but it was GREAT. And I felt GREAT. And I felt beautiful. I haven't been able to say that in a long time. I felt beautiful. Today I took the day off from work, and spent have the day at a spa getting a massage and facial, and the other half of the day completely gutting my closet. I literally cleared out HALF of my clothes that are too big for me. My room is a disaster, but I knew that these items had to go. I finished up with a late lunch with my exboyfriend who has been randomly appearing a lot more lately (giggles). Tonight is my birthday party with friends, followed by a going away party for another friend tomorrow night. I'm about to see a whole lot of people I haven't seen in a while and I know there will be LOTS to be said!
    Birthdays use to be about food, and celebrating with food. This birthday was about celebrating me, and I went a totally different direction. I definitly see more birthdays with Spa Day's involved including a new special birthday outfit. Here's to new beginnings, new bodies, and new traditions. Cheers!
    Height: 5'9
    Highest (Surgery) Weight: 216
    1st Primary Goal Weight: 169
    2nd Optimal Goal Weight: 145
    Sleeve Journey:
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 8/17/12- PreOp/Surgery Day w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 1 (8/24): 204.8 (-11.2)
    Week 2 (8/31): 200.6 (-4.2)
    Week 3 (9/7): 196.8 (-3.8)
    Week 4 (9/14): 193.5 (-3.3)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 9/17/12- 1 Month Anniversary w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 5 (9/21): 191.6 (-1.9)
    Week 6 (9/28): 190.1 (-1.5)
    Week 7 (10/5): 187.0 (-3.1)
    Week 8 (10/12): 181.9 (-5.1)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 10/17/12- 2 Month Anniversary w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 9 (10/19): 181.4 (-.5)
    Week 10 (10/26): 177.9 (-3.5)
    Week 11 (11/02): 176.8 (-1.1)
    Week 12 (11/09): 174.7 (-2.1)
  17. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to @DomLorenVSG for a blog entry, 11 Wks Post Op & Sabotage   
    I lost -1.1 lbs this week. Nowhere near where I wanted to be. I'm now at 176.8 lbs and next week is my birthday. All I wanted to see was that glorious 169 lbs mark as a birthday present to myself. Just doesn't seem to want to happen on my time. But lately that seems to be the story of my life. I don't like when people play the victim. I feel we are all masters and commanders of our own lives and weight loss journeys. That being said, I've done a terrible job of steering and I feel like I've run my ship aground. I've written a lot about toxic people and time to clean house and surround myself with positive people and energy. But sometimes it's easier said than done.
    After a very rough weekend last week during the championship water polo tournament, I've made the decision to quit water polo for the duration of this semester. I've had so much going on in my life that when I constantly get questioned and torn down, I have to wonder- am I doing it for myself or just to prove a point? I've proven what I can do. And maybe I will go back in the spring semester- maybe I won't. I'm still trying to swim 3 days a week on lunch, but I once again got back lash from people in my office who think I take too much time to work out and feel it is affecting my work (how, I'm still not sure) and reported me and now I have to cut my workouts down dramatically since I have to check in and out. I've really been feeling defeated lately.
    I've come to the conclusion that haters are just going to hate. While most people will smile and say good job on your weight loss, many people would rather down play your hard work, tare you down, and even find ways to sabotage you. Some intentionally and some just because they are negative. They are friends, coworkers, associates, etc. In my case it's all of the above. I love my friends and especially those who have really kept me positive, but sometimes you need to close ranks, and build some pretty high emotional walls. I would love to go in to detail and discuss what it was like to have people say that I'm a bad mother for working out, that I'm liar and obviously must have eating disorder or be on drugs (because I haven't told many people I had WLS)... but I'm not. I'm not going to discuss it. I've already cried my tears. Gone through self-pity. And you know what? I'm still going to lose weight, I'm still going to finish school, and I'm still going to be a great and HELATHY mom regardless of what anyone else says. I'm not married, I don't have a partner to share all my intimate details and thoughts with. Being a single mom and going through this journey has really opened my eyes to independence and confidence. I've really looked at other people to inspire me then let them break me down instead. You have to be your own best friend sometimes. You've got to be your own super hero and save yourself.
    Height: 5'9
    Highest (Surgery) Weight: 216
    1st Primary Goal Weight: 169
    2nd Optimal Goal Weight: 145
    Sleeve Journey:
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 8/17/12- PreOp/Surgery Day w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 1 (8/24): 204.8 (-11.2)
    Week 2 (8/31): 200.6 (-4.2)
    Week 3 (9/7): 196.8 (-3.8)
    Week 4 (9/14): 193.5 (-3.3)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 9/17/12- 1 Month Anniversary w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 5 (9/21): 191.6 (-1.9)
    Week 6 (9/28): 190.1 (-1.5)
    Week 7 (10/5): 187.0 (-3.1)
    Week 8 (10/12): 181.9 (-5.1)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 10/17/12- 2 Month Anniversary w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 9 (10/19): 181.4 (-.5)
    Week 10 (10/26): 177.9 (-3.5)
    Week 11 (11/02): 176.8 (-1.1)
  18. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to @DomLorenVSG for a blog entry, 10 Wks Post Op W/ Pic   
    I'm finally in the 170's!!! I'm so relieved to see the 170's I can't tell you! My primary goal is 169 lbs, and my birthday is in 2 weeks. Today I weighed in at 177.9, which means I'm only 8 lbs away from my goal- most importantly my birthday is in 2 weeks!!!!! I want so badly to make my goal by my birthday, a present I've never really been able to give myself before. I have friends coming to visit me and I'd like to get dressed up in a fabulous tight dress and show everyone AND take pics!! I still haven't told the rest of my social world about my surgery (not really planning too) but I also haven't posted ANY pics since my weight loss started, and now every time someone see's me they kind of freak out a little bit. So I figure my birthday in two weeks is a great coming out party for weight loss pics, and even bigger motivator to get this last 8 lbs off! I can do this!
    And my NSV this week? NSV... my skinny jeans/pants I bought in Nurnberg, Germany years ago on the Euro size chart at H&M... FIT! Like a glove. Hallelujia! About a size 9/10 on the American standard. Here is my before and after 2.5 months after surgery! Size 16 to size 9/10!!!! Check out the before and after below!!

    Height: 5'9
    Highest Weight: 216
    1st Goal Weight: 169
    (8/17/2012): 216 lbs
    Week 1 (8/24): 204.8 (-11.2)
    Week 2 (8/31): 200.6 (-4.2)
    Week 3 (9/7): 196.8 (-3.8)
    Week 4 (9/14): 193.5 (-3.3)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 9/17/12- 1 Month Anniversary w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 5 (9/21): 191.6 (-1.9)
    Week 6 (9/28): 190.1 (-1.5)
    Week 7 (10/5): 187.0 (-3.1)
    Week 8 (10/12): 181.9 (-5.1)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 10/17/12- 2 Month Anniversary w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 9 (10/19): 181.4 (-.5)
    Week 10 (10/26): 177.9 (-3.5)
  19. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet for a blog entry, Thirteen Days To Go.....liquid Diet Day One   
    Well, I just survived day one of the 2-week liquid diet required by my surgeon for the procedure. List is 5- 8 oz. 2% (but I drink 1% or Skim) milk with Carnation Instant Breakfast no sugar added and any sugar free liquid. I can also have up to 2 cups of soup broth. Today started with a chocolate shake....drank a Starbuck's black iced tea with equal until lunch...2 chocolate shakes for lunch, and then came home a bit early (it is Friday, after all) and took a nap (I miss being a kid). Drank a Special K K20 protein water (5 grams protein) and then 2 vanilla shakes (one I mixed in sugar free caramel syrup and the other I added a couple drops of peppermint extract....YUM). All-in-all, not a bad day. I've not really had any cravings, per se. Mostly, just thoughts of the food I like, but nothing that really tempted me to want to step off the path. One day down.....thirteen to go.
  20. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet for a blog entry, Time Keeps On Ticking   
    Wow! It's been a month since I posted last. Does that tell you there's not been much going on since I got my date set for 11/16? Haven't heard a peep from the dr's office. Guess they trust me to do what they told me on 9/26. They can, but one would think they could be a little more customer inter-active. Oh well....
    This past weekend, my 8-month old niece was baptised! (yeah!)....The whole side of my family was together (2 sisters and a brother...one sister (step) was missing, but no reason was given). Any..who....I had mentioned to my husband during our 3 hour drive to the ceremony, that I was considering telling my parents and siblings (well, my brother since the 2 sisters who were there already knew). He said, please don't, I have to ride home with you tomorrow. (ha)
    Well, we were standing in the kitchen cutting the cake and mixing the punch, and there was a lull. So I grabbed my dad by the elbow and dragged him to an empty hallway outside. I didn't want to make a scene or take away from the celebration they were having for Emma. I started off with, "Dad, I have something to tell you and I'm not asking for advice, guidance or alternatives...I'm just filling you in on what I'm planning as a courtesy so you know what's going on". He looked at me like I was talking giberish. I told him I was having wls on 11/16 and that my sister Becky was going to come up and stay with me during the process of hospital and a couple days at home before she returns to her family (or they come up for Thanksgiving, however it works out.) He was a bit shocked and then started asking all the typical questions. What kind? How does it work? How successful is it? How long will recover take? etc. Then once we were done talking (about 5 min or so) he looked at me and said "Sis, what made you think I would try to change your mind or give you advice?" REALLY? Only because you've done it every other time in my life when I've tried to talk to you about a decision I was making or wanted to make? No idea, Dad.
    So then, I told my step-mom (whom I've not been that close with EVER in the 32 years they've been married) and she was actually stunned and then hugged me. After I explained everything and answered he questions, she said "I'm excited if you're excited. Whatever will make you happiest is all I can hope for".
    Now, I want to know this....WHERE ARE MY PARENTS AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THEM!? have they been abducted by aliens, injected with some syrum that makes them seem (or at least come across) as normal? When did they become so relaxed and easy going with things? This is the couple who ALWAYS knew what was best and were never bashful for sharing (or strongly suggesting) how they think we should proceed with our decisions.
    Today I am 3 days from my second 22 birthday. Yep, I've made it to the point where I get to celebrate 22 for the second time. Then on Friday, I start my 2 week liquid diet. And, just for good measure, as if I need ANY challenges during the liquid diet, I have a wedding to attend on 11/10 with a large reception. I made sure everyone I told on Saturday knew that I would be on a liquid diet at the wedding, so I would not be eating, so please don't make a big deal out of it. They all agreed.
    I never thought on 9/26 that 11/16 would get here so quickly. I'm glad it's almost here. I'm excited, anxious and nervous all rolled into one. I have started trying to teach myself the liquid diet just to get ready, so I've been doing liquids only for breakfast and lunch. Only solid foods for dinners. I'm starting to wonder, though, are the sounds/grumblings coming from my stomach from hunger, or nerves?
    I hope everyone who is working through the process is having great success. Chins up....our day(s) are coming!!
  21. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet for a blog entry, It's A Date!   
    Whew! Finally. If I'm learning one thing during this process, it's patience. It's been baby steps since May, but as of Wednesday I have a surgery date! November 16, 9:30 a.m. with a 2 week liquid diet prior to lose 9 - 20 lbs. Since our liver stores fat, the idea is the shrink the liver by getting it to purge it's fat and shrink so the surgeon won't have to battle it to get to the stomach. Have my prescription for anti-nausea patch to apply the day prior. Since I have seven weeks from today in which to prepare, I'm going to star working at getting my breakfast and lunches to liquid while eating sensible dinners with the hubby until the first day of the liquid diet (which coincidentally, happens to be the day after my b-day).
    I've found some Turkey stock, so while I won't be able to gorge as in years past on Thanksgiving, I will be able to still have that taste of turkey. Patience....that's always been my hardest lesson to learn, but I guess I have no choice, but to count the days and get prepared for the liquid diet and SUCCEED!
  22. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet for a blog entry, Getting Closer!   
    Seems this has been moving along slowly. In May I went to the information seminar. June I met with the psychologist. July was the meeting with the bariatrics team (surgeon, nutritionist, physical therapist) and a battle to get the dr's office to do their work to get information to the insurance company for approval (have you ever pushed a rope?). August was the upper endoscopy, and finally today, almost the end of September, I had my EKG, Chest x-ray, and blood drawn for pre-surgery testing. Wednesday I will go meet with the nurse practitioner who will go over all the test results to determine if I'm healthy enough for surgery, and set a surgery date. FINALLY! According to her when we set the date for today's tests, the surgery has to be performed within the next 30 days, or the tests will have to be re-done, and the insurance companies don't like do overs. SO....with any luck at all, this time next month, I will have my sleeve and be on my journey into my new life.
  23. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet for a blog entry, Eyes Opening   
    Ok, chances are I'm overreacting, and if so...ok.
    It's Monday, I'm in the office, and no fewer than 6 people since 8:00 a.m. (it's 12:30 now) have walked down the hall and each one has made a point to either say "hi" or stop and talk to the girl across the hall. Now, mind you, I'm not a wall flower....I'd say I'm pretty outgoing in this office, and I have worked here 13 years. I'm the "go to" when people need things. She's quiet, reserved and an engineer who isn't all that outgoing. The other difference between us is I've been overweight my entire life, so those who have worked with me have only known me as overweight (and in my opinion have a bias against that and feel uncomfortable.....so sorry), I'm 5'7, red hair, fair complexion and 254 lbs. She is 5'6, blonde hair, fair complexion and probably 130.
    So the question is, why do they make the effort to say hi to her, and can't be bothered to turn and say hi to me as well? Why is it I only exist and am noticable when it comes to what they need and when they need it?
    Well.....times, they are a changin.....and there's a reconin' coming! After I'm sleeved, and the weight starts falling off.....you can BET I won't be interested in their attention. I've known all my life who my "real" friends are and who those are that are only there for the fair weather. I won't suffer fake people. Not worthy of my time or trouble.
    It's amazing to me how easily it is for others to be so rude and judgmental against those overweight. I've even noticed that it's actually socially acceptable for talking heads and comedians to poke fun at overweight politicians! How DARE they? Isn't it said that you can't judge a man (or woman) until you've walked a mile in their shoes? Sometimes, I just wish the world would grow up and try to consider those around them and pre-think they're actions.
    Kicking the soapbox back into the corner.
  24. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet for a blog entry, One Step Closer....   
    Well, yesterday was interesting to say the least. I'm very lucky with the job I have to be able to work from home when situations require (which is handy since I live an hour from the office).
    After being delayed from last week for my upper endoscopy, yesterday was the day. My hubby drove me to the hospital where I checked in and they took me back to talk with the nurse and go over all the medical details, repeat for the upteenth time what meds I'm taking and answer all the personal questions we've all answered God knows how many times. One would think when your primary is associated with the same hospital you're having the procedure at, they would already have all that information in yoru electronic file that they all have access through the laptops they carry around. It's the same system!
    Ok, moving on... (sorry, time to leave for work) To Be Continued.
    Ok, I'm back...whew! What a day.
    So I arrived at the check in counter, and the check in tech was very nice and had a great since of humor. She put a wristband on my arm, we waited for my hubby to park the car and come in, and we went toward back to my bed. We met the charge nurse on the way and she walked with us to the waiting room where we sat and went over everything. We then went back to my bed, where I was asked to change into a gown. Once comfortable in bed, they brought a blanket and started looking for a vein for my IV. After 4 tries (2 in the back of my right hand, and once on the inside of my forearm) they finally gave up and brought in a more practiced nurse, who plunged right into a vein just outside my elbow (where I sometimes donate platelets from....which I told them about several times but they didn't want to sue). Anyway.....we got the IV started. (this took about 20 min) I was then wheeled into the procedure room where I had 2 nurses who joked with me the entire way, and as they were setting me up for the procedure. One placed the monitor patches on me as the other double checked my details (name, birthday, etc.)
    Once that was done, one walked around the bed and had me open my mouth and said she was going to spray a medicine that will numb my throat (spray, swallow, spray, swallow, spray, swallow....and it did NOT taste good!). The other asked and helped me turn onto my left side. After I told them I could barely tell I was swallowing my mouth and throat were so numb, they said that was the idea. The medicine they had put into my IV had relaxed me to the point where I knew what was going on, but I wasn't really thinking about it. They put a mouth guard in my mouth to help me hold it open while they performed the procedure. I couldn't even tell when they inserted the tube! I never felt it go down my throat, I never felt it in my stomach, and it wasn't but 5 or 10 min, and we were done!
    The wheeled me back into my space, let me lay there for a bit. Went and got my hubby, who had enough time to go and get something to eat, and after about 15 min I could get up and change back into my clothes (after they removed all the monitor patches, IV, cords, etc.). They they brought a wheel chair, explained that I was to go home and find a comfortable place to sit, and not even do housework for the next 12 to 24 hours (which is how long they said it would take for the meds to wear off). They told me when I go to get up, I'm to slide to the edge of the chair and wait until my head gets settled before standing up. Once I was dressed and ready to go, I just got up off the bed, and walked over to the wheel chair (with no problems!). The nurse about crapped and told me to slow down! That I was under the influence even if I didn't feel like I was. (Well, I don't think I was.) My hubby went to get the car, picked me up from in front of the hospital, and we stopped and got dinner on the way home.
    The only issue I had, was after my hubby left about 6:15 last night to go get my mother in law and go to a church meeting (which this procedure got me out of....thank you LORD), I got up to get something to drink and started getting cold sweats and a bit nauscious. I didn't throw up, I managed to sit down for a bit....and after awhile, I got up and got my pillow from my bed, cuddled up under an afaghan on my couch, reclined back, and fell asleep until he got home. Boy....that did the trick!
    I went to bed at the same time I do every night, got up with the alarm this morning and headed off on my hour commute and had no trouble today. I remember everything that happened, and don't remember any trouble, but the IV prep.
    Next step is to call the office tomorrow to find out the results. Then I wait until 9/24 to have my chest x-ray, EKG and blood drawn for testing. Then 9/26, I go meet with the nurse to go over the test results, the 2 week liquid diet required priot to surgery, and then set the surgery date! Hoping it can be as early in October as possible so by Thanksgiving, I can participate without making too many people uncomfortable.
  25. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet for a blog entry, Step...step....pause....   
    Well today I was scheduled for my endoscopy at 2 p.m. Told not to eat or drink anything for 8 hours prior. Got up at 6 and was so good to not eat or drink anything. Used lip balm and brushed my teeth to get the dryness to go away. 9:25 a.m. comes, tummy is grumbling (loudly) and the phone rings. The hospital called and said they need to reschedule my procedure due to the dr. having to perform emergency surgery this afternoon.
    Now, I'm not selfish in the least. I'll donate anything I have (blood, platelets, tissue, marrow...) as long as I can reproduce it or live without it if someone else needs it. I'm in no way sick, and I'm only in a holding pattern until my next appointment in September for my x-rays, EKG and blood tests, so what's another 8 days to wait for an endoscopy? No sense making a stink about it. If it's an emergency, it's an emergency, and God bless him for dropping everything to help whomever needed him at the time. But I do have to admit to being a bit disappointed. Having this procedure would have been a big step for me in the process to tell me that it's really real and going to happen.
    So, I put my patience hat back on, and look forward to next Wednesday (8/29) for my endoscopy. Oh the joys of life and never knowing what's right around the corner.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
