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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiesta728834

  1. Hi my name is Elizabeth and I have been on this site for a while now and have just found the UK forum. Thank goodness as the forum I had been looking at was very interesting with very interesting people but was based in America so was slightly different pre op & post op diets etc. I had the gastric band privately done in October 2008 and it was the worst £7000 spent in my whole life. I had problems from the beginning when I had my first fill and the only weight lost was due to my own perseverance. I continually told them there was something wrong but to cut a long story short my new surgeon discovered it had only been stitched at one side giving me an extra pouch that hung over my new stomach causing me to continually be sick etc. I am now waiting to hear next week when my band will revised to a sleeve and I am sooooo excited after reading all the positive views on this site. It would be good to hear from others in a similar position.
  2. Fiesta728834

    Almond Joy Protein Shake - Omg!

    Oh that sounds yummy. I will hopefully find out my surgery date on Thursday and recommended by someone on this site I ordered five different protein samples from myprotein.com and I am going to try them this weekend. Think I will get some of that milk as I love coconut taste. Elizabeth :-))
  3. Fiesta728834

    Lovenox Injections

    Hi I had to do this for a 10 days after the (hated) gastric band was inserted and even although I do not dislike needles I could not bring myself two do it so I had my husband and daughter to help. It was very easy and quite painless as far as needles area concerned. Elizabeth :-)))
  4. What can I say Becky what a rubbish time you have had to eventually have a good end. I have not been a fan of the old band and I am now waiting for a sleeve revision. I have only been on this site for a short time and find the people encouraging, helpful, sympathetic and quite a few that will agree with you about the band. Hope this reply finds you safe and weLl. Elizabeth :-)))
  5. Good idea Squisha I suppose I just have the negative vibes from the crap band I have in at present and not only do I need to get my food head back in shape I also need to be less negative about weighing myself.
  6. I have been going through this wonderful site for a few weeks now and was wondering why some were weighing themselves weekly/ daily? Is this required by the doctor? scales have not been very good to me and I would only weigh myself if I had to. I wonder when I have my sleeve revision done shortly if once a month would be enough? Elizabeth :-))))
  7. Thanks for replying I just feel so negative when there is no weight Loss on the scales however someone once told me if you go to the supermarket and look at a 1lb block lard every pound lost looks like that of your body it makes me think more positive. :-)))
  8. Fiesta728834

    Fell Off The Wagon Today....

    Sharon keep reading all the positive blogs on here including Lissa's who is over 100lb lost so far and t,his will keep you on the straight and narrow. Elizabeth :-))))
  9. What a beauty and sooooo deserved over 100lb woah :-))))
  10. Fiesta728834

    My Dad Stopped By!

    Is that dog the cutest thing ever and well done with the weight loss. We have a golden retriever called Ben and he will be 10 in March and he is treated as one of the family. My children call him their brother?? Will follow your blog and wish you all t,he best in reaching under 200 this year. :-))))
  11. Fiesta728834

    What Do You Fear Most?

    I know it's probably really daft but I fear the sleeve will fail me just like my gastric band did and look like failure again to family and friends. Even although the doc has said repeatedly not my fault it is the docs fault that only stitched half of my band on. Due to this I have only told my husband so far and will maybe tell my kids just before op? Elizabeth :-((
  12. Fiesta728834

    Havent Lost Anything In A Week Smh

    Don't let it get you down I bet if you measured yourself you would still be losing some inches. Elizabeth :-))
  13. Fiesta728834

    Joined A Gym Yeah!

    My goodness six dress sizes down well done this is just a dream to me at present. Imagine shopping in "normal" clothes shops and going to the gym I cannot wait to do this myself. Well done Elizabeth :-))
  14. Fiesta728834

    Bye Bye Nicotone!

    Well done for your first 24 hours. I have watched my son (who is the only smoker in my whole family) try to give up and it looks sooooo hard well done and keep strong. Elizabeth :-))
  15. Fiesta728834

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    I am so glad of this site as it allows people to speak to each other in the same situation which allows them to help each other and provide ideas. Going by other people on this site it gets better and better. Good luck girls and will hopefully see you on the other side soon. Elizabeth :-))))
  16. Fiesta728834

    Surgery Date

    I to cannot wait for a date I will see my surgeon on Thursday and hoping for a date. :-))
  17. Fiesta728834

    My Journey Through Photos

    Amazing pictures well done :-))
  18. Fiesta728834

    Before And In Progress Pics

    Oh my gosh what a transformation you must be so proud of all the hard work you have done :-))))
  19. Fiesta728834

    My Story-How I Got From There To Here

    Hi I am 47 next month and have been overweight for most of my adult life and I currently work for social work in Scotland. I hope you are recovering weel from your hernia operation. I feel it is good for your mental health to get your feelings and story out and talk to people from all walks of life who have a story to tell too and you are not on your own. I will hopefully find out my date at an appointment on 25 October and wish you well in your weight loss journey. We are all getting this surgery done for a reason and most of these reasons are the same that we have tried and tried and cannot do this ourselves. I too had a stomach hernia operation two years ago as the surgeon who put in my band damaged my stomach muscle so now have a 6 inch scar across my belly. Remember it was terrible at first as if my insides would pour out however it got better after 6 weeks recovery. Please keep in touch and speak to me or the site as it is always good to speak to people in the same situation. Elizabeth :-))
  20. Fiesta728834

    Any November 8Th Sleevers?

    So excited for you. I will find out on 25 October my date and hope it is sometime in November. Will follow your progress. Have you to begin with a liquid diet an if so what do they recommend you have. I have ordered individual whey protein shake sachets to try and find flavours I like to try and get enough protein in after.
  21. What was the final thing that you encountered that made you say this is enough? I too have had numerous. 1. I went to go on ride at a fair and told to get off in front of a whole load of people as it would not shut due to my huge stomach. 2. Having my first grandchild born and needing the energy to do all the fun thinks with him. 3. Aching knees, hip and back 4. Hate shopping for clothes as you always look awful in the mirrors so due to this I tend to shop online costing me more money. 5. Fed up with all the stares from people looking at the fat lady Oh my I could go on an on. I cannot wait to find when I will be sleeved next Thursday.
  22. Good luck for tomorrow :-)))))) I too have had a band for four years and will find out when I will be sleeved on 25 October. Keep us updated with your progress.
  23. Fiesta728834

    4 Months After Surgery

    Fab and only in four months. I do not know what age you are but losing weight deffinately takes years of you. Brilliant and well done. :-))))))
  24. Fiesta728834

    Hi Pre Op & Post Op Uk Sleevers

    Hi Carly Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. :-)))))
  25. Fiesta728834

    Hi Pre Op & Post Op Uk Sleevers

    Hi Carly I live in Scotland and you must be soooo excited about your date at the end of October. I will hopefully find out on the 25 when I will be sleeved. :-))))))))

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