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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve for a blog entry, Lucky Me, I Had To Be One Of The Few That Had A Hard Time With Nausea After My Sleeve!   
    OK, so un-lucky me, I had to be one of the "UN-lucky" ones that had a very hard time with nausea either from the Anastasia, or the fact that my doctor had to also repair two hernia's while he did my sleeve! I had a higher up one and a belly button one too. I didn't feel to bad the day of my surgery, and thought, "Oh well, this isn't so bad"! Unfortunately the next day I was not doing so swell! I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a Mack truck, and so nauseated I just wanted to "leave my body", and go somewhere, anywhere else, but in my body right now feeling like I did. They gave me drugs to help with nausea, but it didn't help really at all. I hadn't pre-pared myself for feeling this badly! My poor husband felt so bad for me, and I could tell he wanted to help me, but there was nothing he could do for me! I thought I'd only be in for a couple days, but ended up in there from Tuesday morning until Friday morning! I got to say, I was thinking, "What did I do to myself"? That is until I got home, and felt a little better on Friday, a little more better on Saturday, and little more better on Sunday, and then woke up Monday morning feeling like a NEW women!! The nausea was completely GONE!!! Things actually smelled good again, my drinks actually tasted good again too. My wonderful nurse's in the hospital kept telling me that I would turn the corner one of these days, and start feeling better, and they were right! I went in for my post op check up, and I lost 5 pounds since day of my surgery, but I'm still swelled up, and have fluids from my hospital stay. Would I still do it if I knew then what I know now? Yes, yes I would! It will get better! I promise!
  2. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve for a blog entry, Lucky Me, I Had To Be One Of The Few That Had A Hard Time With Nausea After My Sleeve!   
    OK, so un-lucky me, I had to be one of the "UN-lucky" ones that had a very hard time with nausea either from the Anastasia, or the fact that my doctor had to also repair two hernia's while he did my sleeve! I had a higher up one and a belly button one too. I didn't feel to bad the day of my surgery, and thought, "Oh well, this isn't so bad"! Unfortunately the next day I was not doing so swell! I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a Mack truck, and so nauseated I just wanted to "leave my body", and go somewhere, anywhere else, but in my body right now feeling like I did. They gave me drugs to help with nausea, but it didn't help really at all. I hadn't pre-pared myself for feeling this badly! My poor husband felt so bad for me, and I could tell he wanted to help me, but there was nothing he could do for me! I thought I'd only be in for a couple days, but ended up in there from Tuesday morning until Friday morning! I got to say, I was thinking, "What did I do to myself"? That is until I got home, and felt a little better on Friday, a little more better on Saturday, and little more better on Sunday, and then woke up Monday morning feeling like a NEW women!! The nausea was completely GONE!!! Things actually smelled good again, my drinks actually tasted good again too. My wonderful nurse's in the hospital kept telling me that I would turn the corner one of these days, and start feeling better, and they were right! I went in for my post op check up, and I lost 5 pounds since day of my surgery, but I'm still swelled up, and have fluids from my hospital stay. Would I still do it if I knew then what I know now? Yes, yes I would! It will get better! I promise!
  3. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve for a blog entry, Lucky Me, I Had To Be One Of The Few That Had A Hard Time With Nausea After My Sleeve!   
    OK, so un-lucky me, I had to be one of the "UN-lucky" ones that had a very hard time with nausea either from the Anastasia, or the fact that my doctor had to also repair two hernia's while he did my sleeve! I had a higher up one and a belly button one too. I didn't feel to bad the day of my surgery, and thought, "Oh well, this isn't so bad"! Unfortunately the next day I was not doing so swell! I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a Mack truck, and so nauseated I just wanted to "leave my body", and go somewhere, anywhere else, but in my body right now feeling like I did. They gave me drugs to help with nausea, but it didn't help really at all. I hadn't pre-pared myself for feeling this badly! My poor husband felt so bad for me, and I could tell he wanted to help me, but there was nothing he could do for me! I thought I'd only be in for a couple days, but ended up in there from Tuesday morning until Friday morning! I got to say, I was thinking, "What did I do to myself"? That is until I got home, and felt a little better on Friday, a little more better on Saturday, and little more better on Sunday, and then woke up Monday morning feeling like a NEW women!! The nausea was completely GONE!!! Things actually smelled good again, my drinks actually tasted good again too. My wonderful nurse's in the hospital kept telling me that I would turn the corner one of these days, and start feeling better, and they were right! I went in for my post op check up, and I lost 5 pounds since day of my surgery, but I'm still swelled up, and have fluids from my hospital stay. Would I still do it if I knew then what I know now? Yes, yes I would! It will get better! I promise!
  4. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from Tink22-sleeve for a blog entry, Lucky Me, I Had To Be One Of The Few That Had A Hard Time With Nausea After My Sleeve!   
    OK, so un-lucky me, I had to be one of the "UN-lucky" ones that had a very hard time with nausea either from the Anastasia, or the fact that my doctor had to also repair two hernia's while he did my sleeve! I had a higher up one and a belly button one too. I didn't feel to bad the day of my surgery, and thought, "Oh well, this isn't so bad"! Unfortunately the next day I was not doing so swell! I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a Mack truck, and so nauseated I just wanted to "leave my body", and go somewhere, anywhere else, but in my body right now feeling like I did. They gave me drugs to help with nausea, but it didn't help really at all. I hadn't pre-pared myself for feeling this badly! My poor husband felt so bad for me, and I could tell he wanted to help me, but there was nothing he could do for me! I thought I'd only be in for a couple days, but ended up in there from Tuesday morning until Friday morning! I got to say, I was thinking, "What did I do to myself"? That is until I got home, and felt a little better on Friday, a little more better on Saturday, and little more better on Sunday, and then woke up Monday morning feeling like a NEW women!! The nausea was completely GONE!!! Things actually smelled good again, my drinks actually tasted good again too. My wonderful nurse's in the hospital kept telling me that I would turn the corner one of these days, and start feeling better, and they were right! I went in for my post op check up, and I lost 5 pounds since day of my surgery, but I'm still swelled up, and have fluids from my hospital stay. Would I still do it if I knew then what I know now? Yes, yes I would! It will get better! I promise!
  5. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 reacted to rickgrimestwd for a blog entry, 2 Months & 44 Lbs Gone!   
    It has been awhile since I last posted. It has been 2 months since I have had my surgery and I have lost a total of 44 pounds. I feel great except for the bronchitis I have now. I have enjoyed some halloween candy and had a piece of wedding cake at my sister's wedding I enjoyed both. I no longer like bread all that much or my former favorite pizza. My new favorite treat is greek peach yogurt with walnuts or pecans. I swim often and will be leaving shortly to swim some laps. I am really grateful that my weight loss has been steady and constant. I always lose at least a pound a week if not more. I eat when I am hungry and it is very easy to stop when I am full. I am grateful that being obsessed with food seems to be over. I have more time to obsess over facebook, reading, swimming and music. Life is really good except for the bronchitis and finances but other than that everything is wonderful.
  6. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 reacted to tmorgan813 for a blog entry, I'm A Walking Melting Wax Figure!   
    A year ago, I would look at people who are the size I am now and think, "Oh, what I would give to be that size!". I just knew I would be full of confidence and that my self esteem would be flying high again. But, now that I am where I was striving to be a year ago (not thin but no longer obese), I'm still not happy with my body. Is this becasue society has told us what is beautiful so many times that we start to believe it? Or, is it much more simpler than that. Is it just that I'm not happy with my body as a whole? Why am I minimizing my success in my head? I know I'm not sabotaging myself, but I also know that when I look in the mirror now, there are parts of my body that I dislike even more now that I've lost weight. Now, before everyone blows up at me, let me explain.
    I am 110lbs smaller than I was a year ago and aroun90lbs smaller since surgery six months ago. I can look and feel my body and I KNOW it has made tons of positive changes. i also know that even though I mess up with my food intake some times, I have made huge strides in that area as well. For example, this time of year in the past I would have had bough four bags of candy just for my husband and I. To be honest, I ate 3 1/2 of those! Now, I've been very careful. If I do eat a mini bar, it's only one or two for the day and then no more for awhile. I've learned that apples and peanut butter can taste just as good as a Reese's Cup....well, not AS good....but close enough. Plus, the apple doesn't make me feel bad about eating it when I'm done. I also try to exercise when my back will allow. Another huge step.
    As for my body changes, the pouch over my "lady parts" is so much smaller that when I'm using the bathroom, I marvel that I can see certain parts again. (Sorry if that's TMI). I can now see the numbers on the scale with out having to bend my body all cockeyed when I weigh myself. My arms feel like little girls arms to me when I fold them across my chest and the best part is the way I fit into the area under my husband's arm when he puts it around me. For the first time, his arm goes all around me and can even go down part of my arm. For the first time ever, i feel like I can be that comforted woman in the arms of the man she loves. But, with all the good comes the bad. My boobs continue to try to make their way to the floor. If they continue on their trip, they will be there in a few months and I can turn them into cleaning tools as I walk around the kitchen floor!!! Also, they are much smaller, and I have to admit, I REALLY miss them. (If you read my blog lots, you can see that I say this all the time...I have always had a close relationship to my boobs!!! LOL). The skin under my lady parts and between my thighs continues to look like a bull dog's jowls. My tummy is now wrinkled and I can fold areas of skin and fat over on it. My arms have wings and to really just shock me, I noticed today that my face skin is hanging a little too. I swear, I know it's Halloween, but I do not have any desire to look like a walking melting wax figure!!!!!
    So, I did what I do and asked myself, "Which would you prefer? Who you were six months ago or who you are now?" No question, hands down, The PERSON I AM NOW!!!!. So what's the problem you may ask? It's simple. I've been overweight my whole life and I always thought that if I lost weight I would have a killer body. But, becasue of my age and the length of time I've been fat (not to mention the inability to exercise the way I would like), my body didn't get my brain's memo and can't just fall back into place.....right now, it can only "fall". Because of this, it adds some negative thoughts in my head about how I look. Now, I know only I and my husband can see my body....and I'm lucky that he loves it the way it is.....but every person I know wants that tight, chest up, butt up, tones arm look!! But for now, I will have to rely on Spanks and the right clothes to hide all these changes....and trust me, I don't mind one bit.
  7. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 reacted to TwinsMama for a blog entry, My Sleeve Realization   
    By reading my blog's title you no doubt know that I am a Type A personality.  I've been this way for pretty much my entire life.  The biggest hurdle for me in deciding to have WLS (for over 2 years now) is that I am the type of person who can usually do anything I set my mind to.
    I have always believed and found if one person could do something and I tried hard enough I could do it too.  The problem is that there are truly some things for which I could use a little help.  For me it is losing weight, keeping the weight off.
    For years I didn't want to believe that I needed help.  Every Jan. 1st I thought, okay this year, I'll buckle down and just lose the weight.  How hard could it be, people on TV, in magazines, etc. do this every day.  I'll be one of them.  I won't take the easy way out (WLS).
    So year after year, I not only didn't lose, I gained...and gained well.  Did I mention I'm also a high achiever?  If there were pounds to be gained, I gained them.  It seemed like no matter what I did, the weight not only packed on, but packed on in abundance.  I'd lose a bit and then gain more than I lost.
    Finally, I thought okay this is it.  Obviously I need help so I'll go meet with a nutritionist.  I did and let me tell you, I have never felt so confused/lost/helpless in all my life.  Sure those pyramid charts look great but man, who in the world can construct a meal hitting every food group, with the right portions, and live any kind of life?  I'd literally have to spend all day planning meals...who has that kind of time???
    But I'm determined, I will do this, I need to do this I figured.  So she and I came up with a menu.  Well let me tell you about that menu...I ate that menu every day for 3 weeks.  Why?  I didn't want to eat anything wrong.  So at my next apt she had me weigh in.  Great, surely I would have lost something.  Lord please let me have lost something.
    I stepped on the scale and sure enough I gained.  Yup, with all that weighing and eating and buying ONLY what she told me to, I still gained weight.  Talk about a bummer.  Again, if there are pounds to be gained they would find me.
    I looked at her at that moment and said, I need more help.  That moment was major for me.  I'm not used to needing asking for help.  That took both humility and courage for me to say that out loud.
    My Nut then looked at me and said surgery might be the answer for me.  Then she looked at me and asked, so how was it?  By this time I'm sad, frustrated, and ready to shake this little woman.  How was what I asked her (not in my most pleasant voice that's for sure). 
    She said how was it to weigh your food and restrict your diet.  I told her at first it was a challenge (although I'd done it before during other countless diets) but had I lost weight I'd think it was worth it.  I wasn't hungry this time like during the other diets.  She then went on to explain that my body was in starvation mode.  I wasn't eating enough (a big girl not eating enough...really????) and by finally eating the right foods in the right quantities, in the long run with surgery I could meet or even surpass my weight loss goals.
    Clever!  She helped me see that WLS was not in any way the easy way out and that help was available if I would just get over myself seek it. I needed that.  I had mixed feelings about surgery because again (my mind began telling me) I could do this if only I just buckled down...or so I thought.  It took a while but now I'm at peace with my decision.
    There is still some disappointment in myself that I could not somehow just do something that would make the weight fall off.  But I'm dealing with that.  I also had to realize that it is okay to ask for help.  That asking for help is not being weak, but rather being wise.
    This is going to be a challenge but I'm approaching this process with a feeling of relaxation and a one-day-at-a-time attitude as opposed to an I-have-to-control-this attitude.  I understand I have to be in control of what I eat and how I exercise my body, but I don't have to feel like I need to control every minute of this process.  That helps a lot and makes this much different than any of the other times I've tried to lose weight.
  8. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 for a blog entry, The Hospital Called Today For My Pre-Registration Information   
    Well, my Hospital just called me today for my pre-registration information for my sleeve surgery coming up Nov 6th! Wow, it's getting "so real" now. LOL Another step towards my new beginnings! I have the butterflies in my stomach when I think about my surgery day.
    I wish I didn't get anxiety so fricken bad! I know the night before I won't sleep well, and I will feel sick to my stomach the morning of. *Sigh* Kathy
  9. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 for a blog entry, The Hospital Called Today For My Pre-Registration Information   
    Well, my Hospital just called me today for my pre-registration information for my sleeve surgery coming up Nov 6th! Wow, it's getting "so real" now. LOL Another step towards my new beginnings! I have the butterflies in my stomach when I think about my surgery day.
    I wish I didn't get anxiety so fricken bad! I know the night before I won't sleep well, and I will feel sick to my stomach the morning of. *Sigh* Kathy
  10. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from Soon2bsexi for a blog entry, On My 7Th Day Of My L.q. Diet, 7 Days To Go, Then Sleeved!   
    I'm on my 7th day of my L.Q. diet. Seven days down, and 7 days to go until I'm sleeved! Wow, it's coming up fast now! I have waited 7 months to get this done since my insurance company said I had to do at least 6 months of diet and exercise. Well, I did it! I have lost 52 pounds so far, 47 pounds before I started my L.Q. diet, and 5 pounds since I started L.Q. diet. People are really starting to notice now! It's nice to hear, "Wow, Kathy you're looking great"! I still don't see me as "Looking great" yet! I have went from a size 26/28 W to a 20/22 W so far, and I'm happy about that, but I can't wait to be a size 12! I got to say, I am missing being able to eat certain things. Not "bad" things really, but meat, hot meals, vegetables, fruit, and things like that. I know it's only temporary, but some days it sure is rough not being able to have them. My husband is very supportive, but when he makes himself some "real food" that's when I feel like, "Oh man, can I do this"? The smell fills the house, and it makes me so hungry for what he's eating! I haven't eaten anything I'm not suppose to, but Lord knows it hasn't been easy! I have to give myself "pep talks" everyday telling myself, "You can do this Kathy"! I try to remember to look at the big picture, and how great it will be when I reach my goal. I'm so glad I joined this web site, because it helps knowing I'm not alone, and others are going through allot of these same feelings. Any advice on things we can have on this L.Q. diet that are hot, and not cold? I can't have just any soup, because I have gluten allergies, and allot of soups have gluten(Wheat) in them. Thanks for caring, and reading my blog. Kathy

  11. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from laperry68 for a blog entry, On My 5Th Day Of Lq Pre-Op Diet   
    OK, so I'm on my 5th day of my pre-op L.Q. diet, and so far so good I guess. Gets a little tiring only being able to have a few different things to drink/eat everyday. Someday's it's harder than others, like when my hubby is making himself something to eat, and the smell of it fills the house! Everywhere you look there is adds for food, on TV, and the Internet. I miss the crunchy stuff most.
    On another note, I have lost 5 pounds so far since I started the L.Q. diet, so counting that, and what I lost on my 6 month diet (I had to do for my insurance to approve me), I have lost a total of 52 pounds! It feels great, and I went from a tight size 26 woman's to a comfortable 20/22 woman's so far. I have also lost several inches all over my body! I can't wait to get my sleeve in just 10 more days! I can't wait to be an "average" size again!
    It's been over 25 years since I haven't been a PLUS size gal! I hope all you other pre-op sleever's are doing well on your L.Q. Diet too!
  12. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from laperry68 for a blog entry, On My 5Th Day Of Lq Pre-Op Diet   
    OK, so I'm on my 5th day of my pre-op L.Q. diet, and so far so good I guess. Gets a little tiring only being able to have a few different things to drink/eat everyday. Someday's it's harder than others, like when my hubby is making himself something to eat, and the smell of it fills the house! Everywhere you look there is adds for food, on TV, and the Internet. I miss the crunchy stuff most.
    On another note, I have lost 5 pounds so far since I started the L.Q. diet, so counting that, and what I lost on my 6 month diet (I had to do for my insurance to approve me), I have lost a total of 52 pounds! It feels great, and I went from a tight size 26 woman's to a comfortable 20/22 woman's so far. I have also lost several inches all over my body! I can't wait to get my sleeve in just 10 more days! I can't wait to be an "average" size again!
    It's been over 25 years since I haven't been a PLUS size gal! I hope all you other pre-op sleever's are doing well on your L.Q. Diet too!
  13. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from HELLO ITS ME CAMI for a blog entry, Went For My 3 Hour Pre-Op Appointment With Dr Gluck, And Staff   
    Well this morning my hubby went with me to my 3 hour appointment with Dr. Gluck, his Nurses, his nutritionist, and about 8 other people who are scheduled to have their surgeries with in a few days of mine. We talked about what we can expect the 2 weeks on the liquid diet, what we can ,and can't eat the next 5 weeks. We talked about the sleeve, and what was going to be done to us during getting sleeved. Signed some permission papers making SURE we understand any and all the possible risks. That part is kind of scary, but I'm counting on my faith in the Lord to see me through! I start my liquid diet this coming Tuesday, and I know it won't be easy, but I'm sure I can do it!
    On another note, Dr. Gluck was VERY pleased with me on the weight I lost these passed 7 months (40+ pounds!)
    He said I'm the perfect person to get the sleeve, because he can tell I'm serious about my weight loss and exercise.
    I know the sleeve is a great "TOOL" to help me get down to where I want to be, and make it easier to stay there! I know I can lose weight, because I have done it many times, but never more than 50 pounds at any one time, and it never stayed off! The sleeve will help me to continue to eat less, and eat healthier! I'm ready for 2013 to be a great new year, with a great NEW ME! I'll be able to live my life without limits, instead of a life of just existing . Know what I mean? I can't wait to be able to do more things with my wonderful husband of 35 years, our awesome kids, and our super special grand kids! The sky is the limit! Ready or not world, here I come!
  14. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from HELLO ITS ME CAMI for a blog entry, Went For My 3 Hour Pre-Op Appointment With Dr Gluck, And Staff   
    Well this morning my hubby went with me to my 3 hour appointment with Dr. Gluck, his Nurses, his nutritionist, and about 8 other people who are scheduled to have their surgeries with in a few days of mine. We talked about what we can expect the 2 weeks on the liquid diet, what we can ,and can't eat the next 5 weeks. We talked about the sleeve, and what was going to be done to us during getting sleeved. Signed some permission papers making SURE we understand any and all the possible risks. That part is kind of scary, but I'm counting on my faith in the Lord to see me through! I start my liquid diet this coming Tuesday, and I know it won't be easy, but I'm sure I can do it!
    On another note, Dr. Gluck was VERY pleased with me on the weight I lost these passed 7 months (40+ pounds!)
    He said I'm the perfect person to get the sleeve, because he can tell I'm serious about my weight loss and exercise.
    I know the sleeve is a great "TOOL" to help me get down to where I want to be, and make it easier to stay there! I know I can lose weight, because I have done it many times, but never more than 50 pounds at any one time, and it never stayed off! The sleeve will help me to continue to eat less, and eat healthier! I'm ready for 2013 to be a great new year, with a great NEW ME! I'll be able to live my life without limits, instead of a life of just existing . Know what I mean? I can't wait to be able to do more things with my wonderful husband of 35 years, our awesome kids, and our super special grand kids! The sky is the limit! Ready or not world, here I come!
  15. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 reacted to @DomLorenVSG for a blog entry, Pics 2 Months Post Op   
    Height: 5'9
    Highest Weight: 216
    1st Goal Weight: 169
    Sleeved: (8/17/2012): 216 lbs
    Week 1 (8/24): 204.8 (-11.2)
    Week 2 (8/31): 200.6 (-4.2)
    Week 3 (9/7): 196.8 (-3.8)
    Week 4 (9/14): 193.5 (-3.3)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 9/17/12- 1 Month Anniversary w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 5 (9/21): 191.6 (-1.9)
    Week 6 (9/28): 190.1 (-1.5)
    Week 7 (10/5): 187.0 (-3.1)
    Week 8 (10/12): 181.9 (-5.1)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 10/17/12- 2 Month Anniversary
    **While it doesn't look like I'm getting a ton of definition, I'm actually "de-swelling" pretty evenly and not all from one spot. Everything has shrunk from a size 14 (*cough* more like a 16 *cough*) pre-op to me fitting into my size 10 jeans. I never took measurements, but my clothing is pretty much telling the story for me. And the shorts I'm wearing in my 2 month pic wouldn't even go up my thighs 2 months ago- total NSV and now my favorite pool deck lounging booty shorts. I'm still swimming 5 days a week, and I'm getting really close to my first personal goal of 169, which is the highest allowable weight according to my BMI chart. In 2 weeks I got Halloween, and in 3 weeks my Birthday. I'm really stepping it up in workouts and extra stuff just so that I can be prepared to take pics with friends and be happy, and actually smiling in all my pics. I'm ready for pics with friends finally!!!


  16. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 reacted to Zuwi for a blog entry, Oct. 9 Sleeve Until Leaving The Hospital   
    My husband is with me, I have my beautiful packing list that I developed from this forum (thanks!) all with me, and I’m ready. I have my health care proxy, made videos for my loved ones in case of anything, and was ready. At 10:20am, I went under the knife.
    I’m not really sure what time I woke up, but I think it’s around 3, because my husband was going to pick up my daughter from school. I’m a little groggy, but I don’t feel any pain. Yay! My mouth is dry, but the nurse brought me a swab for my mouth. My hubby tells me that the nurse came to ask me a bunch of questions and he had to answer because I kept falling asleep. Oh well. I don’t remember much from the rest of the day. That night I did have a little nausea, and a little bit of discomfort. I wouldn’t say pain, but discomfort. But I have a ridiculously sensitive gag reflex, and did throw up a little bit that night. Strange feeling.
    The next day, I was feeling a little more alert, and my hubby was with me for the day, although I still slept a lot. They brought me the little cups of isopure. I didn’t like isopure much before the surgery, and certainly didn’t like it much afterwards. But I could also drink water. My surgeon said that for the first week I needed to focus on fluids. We would worry about protein later. It was nice to have 1 thing to focus on instead of 100. So, I drank water, some isopure, and had a delightful cream of chicken soup. And walked. I did 3 laps that day, 990 feet, and felt great still. No more discomfort, except for some gas. Yay warm compresses! They took my catheter off, which was kind of sad. It was nice to not have to worry about going to the bathroom. I know that sounds weird, but hey, that’s what I was thinking. It was nice to not have to carry the lovely catheter bag with me on my walks. J
    So, I am “eating” ok, drinking ok, feeling pretty good. My husband leaves and brings my daughter to visit. She wasn’t interested in the hospital, and after giving me a hug and kiss, she wanted to leave. I got to watch all the tv I could stand, and got caught up on my hgtv shows. Had a good night, and the next day I knew was most likely going to be my return to the real world day. I was excited, but nervous about having to remember everything I needed to do.
    So, on Oct. 11, I did a few walks, visited with my very nice roommate, and just got ready to go. They cleared me to leave at 3, which is of course shift change, so I left at 4. Still feeling good, no pain, although the incisions hurt if I touched them, but that’s obviously going to get better. Drove home, and the real adventure begins! I weighed myself that first night home (holy cow, I had missed my comfy bed!), and I was down to 314.
  17. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 for a blog entry, Got My Surgery Date!   
    I got my sleeve surgery date! It's November 6, 2012 at 10:00 am. I'm excited, nervous, and scared. Not sure how the Holidays will be this year after having my surgery! I just want it to be over, and start healing, and get to a new, healthier, smaller me!
  18. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from Velena for a blog entry, My First Entry On My First Blog Ever! Got The Approval From Our Insurance Today!   
    OK, so today I got an unexpected, but exciting call from my Gastroenterologist office! I have been waiting to hear that our health insurance company has given the approval for my Sleeve surgery.
    I have been on a weight loss program for the passed 7 months, and also exercising to satisfy our insurance company, and to show them I can lose weight, and I can eat better, and live healthier.
    I have seriously made up my mind that I can do this, and I want the sleeve done. Well, today they called and said my insurance APPROVED me for the surgery, and it looks like I will only have to come up with a relatively small amount of money up front before I can have it done. I'm a bit nervous about it, kinda scared, but also excited! It will probably be about 3-4 weeks before my surgery date. I hope I survive the couple weeks before and the few weeks after that I can only have liquids! I know it will be hard, but I have already done so many things I have set my mind too in the passed 7 months, that I should be able to do this too! Right? Right! I can't wait to be able to wear a REGULAR size again instead of PLUS sizes! :wub: Until next time....
  19. Like
    NewBeginningsForMe2012 got a reaction from Velena for a blog entry, My First Entry On My First Blog Ever! Got The Approval From Our Insurance Today!   
    OK, so today I got an unexpected, but exciting call from my Gastroenterologist office! I have been waiting to hear that our health insurance company has given the approval for my Sleeve surgery.
    I have been on a weight loss program for the passed 7 months, and also exercising to satisfy our insurance company, and to show them I can lose weight, and I can eat better, and live healthier.
    I have seriously made up my mind that I can do this, and I want the sleeve done. Well, today they called and said my insurance APPROVED me for the surgery, and it looks like I will only have to come up with a relatively small amount of money up front before I can have it done. I'm a bit nervous about it, kinda scared, but also excited! It will probably be about 3-4 weeks before my surgery date. I hope I survive the couple weeks before and the few weeks after that I can only have liquids! I know it will be hard, but I have already done so many things I have set my mind too in the passed 7 months, that I should be able to do this too! Right? Right! I can't wait to be able to wear a REGULAR size again instead of PLUS sizes! :wub: Until next time....

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