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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    fredlexky reacted to kcinpa in Sleeved   
    I think I have that same voice in my head, I got sleeved on 1/28 and the first couple days were the worst, I seem to be beating the voice in my head down though cause its getting easier every day!! :-)
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    fredlexky reacted to Fiddleman in Sleeved   
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    fredlexky got a reaction from shelly77 in Sleeved   
    Hey, trust me it well get better, you need to tell your "fat brain" to get out of your head and let your "thin brain" take over. Just keep telling yourself you can do it, take it one day at a time, one pound at a time and before you know it your the skinny guy in the room... At least that's what my support team keep telling me. I know when I have put on a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear for a long time, and they fit, something is working.... So stay positive....
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    fredlexky got a reaction from JackieV in Sleeved   
    Well here we are again, seem to be averaging 2lbs. Loss per week, Doc says he's happy with that so I guess I am too, I just thought it would be faster. Not having any problems so that's a plus. Going to walk more and try to be more active and see if that helps weight come off faster. I know it didn't get put on over night so I shouldn't expect it to come off over night.

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