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Posts posted by TapSnap

  1. Hello everyone,

    I had my surgery on Monday Jan. 21st. weight before surgery was 344lbs and starting over all weight was 360lb.

    Had my first Protein Drink today and that helped a lot and was so good. hope things get easier from here.

    The one thing I am having trouble with and would like to see if anyone else had the same problem. I am having issues watching tv. All the fast food commercials and other food commercials are just making me upset i guess I can say. It's like that looks really good and ill never be able to have it again. not sure if its a stage a lot of people go through but seems like that's my biggest thing at the moment.

    Everything else has been going great. going to head to the mall and walk around a bit today. maybe spend some money on stuff i don't need to boost my spirits. lol



  2. So for some reason today my brain started to toss all kids of stuff around in my head out of no where. I was driving to work today and just started to get this panic feeling. Am I doing the right thing? Am I ready for this? Will I fail again at losing weight?

    Then after all that I start to think about all the things I still need to do before surgery. I have so much to do to get ready and time is ticking away. Still looking for Protein I like and continue to like more then a month. Will I be able to cook good things all the time instead of eating out all the time just because it’s easy?

    Also everyone I know knows I am going in for surgery for my weight but will that help with them not talking me in to bad habits? I don’t know and the panic sets in all over.

    Will I get approved by my insurance? Will they say no after I spent all this time with testing and everything else to just be let down.

    It got so bad that I went to McDonalds and got 2 double cheese burgers a 20 piece nugget and a large coke, then ate it in shame in my car during my break.

    I don’t have a day for surgery yet. I still have one more test in Jan. then everything is done and paper work can be sent in.

    I am tired of people trying to talk me out of surgery and poking jokes about it. I am just tired of a lot of things. I am tired of feeling like I look one way and in the mirror I am showed the truth. I have no energy any more, no drive to do anything but sit at home alone.

    I just needed to vent and get stuff off my chest and figured this would be the best place to do so. I am not sure if anyone feels the same or felt the same as this before or even after surgery.

  3. Hello,

    My doctor talked highley of NutraMetrix and they had a taste test for everyone that came to the meeting. It tastes like a sweet version of tang. I been tanking it now for about a month.

    this is what I was told to take:

    - nutraMetrix Isotonix® Calcium Complete- I fill up two caps and put it in a cup

    - nutraMetrix Isotonix® Multivitamin with out Iron- I fill up on cap and add it to a cup

    Then I add Water. they give you a cup to show how much Water to add depending on how many cap fulls you have to use. Then you mix it up and drink it.

    Also you do this 15 mins before your first meal and you are done with Vitamins for the rest of the day.

    They have a 90 day kit that comes with 2 bottles of the Calcium and 1 bottle of the Multivitamin. Its like $79 every 3 months. Not bad at all.

    I am glad i found something that tastes good since I see so many people complain about taste.

    here is the web site: http://www.nutrametr...tion=main.nHome

  4. I haven’t had surgery yet but I am a very open person and don’t hide things. I have told all my friends and family so far. At work I started telling a select few that I talked to most but now I am pretty sure everyone knows.

    I do get them people some times that ask me why or give me attitude about having surgery. They say I should do it the "right way" and I am taking the "easy way out". But you can win with everyone. I have started seeing a trend where most of the people that make it a issue are ones that are also over weight. I don’t know why but most of the bigger people I have told were discussed that I was getting surgery.

    I see it like this, if they are your friends and they don’t understand your problem at hand and make a big deal out of you trying to better yourself then they are not the type of people I want to be around.

    Any ways hope everything works out for you and congrats on the weight you lost so far.

  5. Isn't that great to think though that soon that will be your biggest worry? No more worrying "can I do this, can I sit there?". My family members would say "well you'll probably have a lot of extra skin" but ya know, if my biggest complaint is having a little extra skin, it sure beats worrying about health problems and being miserable! You keep trucking on, this forum is filled with people going through the same things! :)

    True but you dont know them lol. I lost a bunch of weight before and I didnt have any extra skin. hoping its the same this time.

  6. Ok I am having surgery some time in Jan. or early Feb. I love to cook and I cook a lot (reason i am getting surgery. lol)

    Any way I was thinking of starting a YouTube Channel for a post surgery cooking show. I would do a new recipe once or twice a week on healthy foods and portion sizes. I would show the recipe and cook it up to show final product.

    Would anyone be interested in this?

    Would it help anyone in any way?



  7. It might just be me but I dont hide the fact that I am having surgery from anyone. I told staright out and tell them but if they asked me I would tell them I am having surgery. I have had some people ask me why I am doing it and cant you just do it on your own. But to tell you the truth I havent had to many people like that. Most people I tell tell me good for you glad you are taking control. My whole family knows. All my friends know and most of the people at my wotk know. I dont see it as a issue to let people know. If anything you find out who your real friends are and find out if people really care about you. Its all about your health and its your choice to do it. If other cant get passed you living and doing what is right for you in your own life. Screw them.

  8. To tell you the truth I am not to worried about the surgery at all. I have had surgery before for many of thing. I broke my nose in 3 spots and was driving to the beach the next morning after the stuffing was taken out. So ill be fine with any pain that comes along.

    Eating wise I been there done that. I lived off Protein shakes and bars for 6 months when I lost all my weight on my own once before. Keeping it off is a different story.

    Haven’t heard anything about being de-hydrated at all, but I guess its just like anything else. I drink 6-8 bottles of Water a day as is so ill be fine there as well.

    I guess the only thing I have to be worried about is my mom and grand mom wanting to buy me new cloths that I don’t like or wanting to go shopping with me. Ill go crazy if that happens.

    From what I know from my doctor is that I do a week before hand and up to 2 weeks after then start on soft food then from there solid food.

    I would say got to GNC and buy some different Protein powders. They allow you to return them if you don’t like the taste of them. Best way to go is buy the week long bags of it and taste them. Find out what one you like the best. From there you can use the protein mix in a lot of different types of meals later on after the liquid part is over.

    It will work out. The hard part is waiting at least for me it is.

  9. Thanks everyone.

    The one good thing I have going is most of my stuff is done from the first time and I am still in the 3 year window. Also I been seeing a weight docotor for the last 3 months and from what I have been told that will count towards my 6 visits. lets hope it does.

    I am aiming for Some time around March of 2013 (let hope the world doesnt end).

    Leigh Ann,

    How far in are you? and congrats.

  10. Thanks everyone for the welcome.

    I am one of them people that are very open and let the jokes slide off even know it does start to hurt after awhile. I tend to make the jokes about myself so others don’t.

    I am also tired of hearing my female friends say they wish they can find a guy like me. But they really mean they want a guy like me but not over weight and looks good so they look good. That stings a lot.

    But the main reason I want to do this is for my health since on my dad's sides heart attacks run all over the place. My dad has had 5 in the last 4 years and a few of my uncles and aunts passed from them. So health wise I need to loose the weight.

  11. Hello everyone my name is John and I found this web site a few weeks back but just not posting. I have been doing a lot of reading.

    Little about me:

    I am 27, I weight around 360lb and ill be having my second first meeting Wed. I started talking to a doctor about 2 ½ years ago and was doing well. About half way through everything I talked myself out of it and convinced myself I didn’t need surgery. I lost weight on my own once before I should be able to do it again (When I was 22 I lost 120lbs in 6 months). I realized after the fact that I had a lot more time for the gym and other things then I do now. I work long hours on the night shift and it is hard trying to fit in time. Feels like all I do is eat, sleep, and work.

    My family is very supportive. Mom and grand mom have been pushing me in this direction for years. My Dad is on the fence about it but I don’t really think he knows what it all means. He asks a lot of questions. Brother could care less.

    For friends only a few friends know. They are split half and half. Most of them just make jokes about me having a big head on a small body and ill look weird. One of them worries I won’t be my joy happy self any more.

    Any other people from Baltimore, Maryland?

    Hope I stick with it this time.

    Any way Hello everyone. J

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