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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TapSnap

  1. TapSnap

    problems with water

    I have issues drinking plain water. I add flavor to it. for some reason it feels like it goes down easier that way. also anything to cold i have issues with try something less cold.
  2. So I had a awesome moment today that just made me feel great and has gave me more of a boost on my journey. So I started my Journey at 360lbs and had surgery Jan. 21st. I am down to 245lbs. Today I went to a cookout with my friends family and my godson came over to me (he is 6). He say down next to me and said "Hi uncle John". I said hi and asked him how he was doing. He said "Uncle John you look different". I told him I lost some weight. He said "I see that" then ran off to play with the other kids. I was kind of shocked about the whole thing but it made me feel really good. Just wanted to share with everyone because it was amazing moment.
  3. Water with crystal light or another type of flavor thing would be good. Just stick it in your carry on and buy water at the air port. Good luck
  4. Congrats. I might be way off on this so I like to see others oppions also, but You need more calories so your baby stays healthy. You will gain some weight from being pregnant but that is normal. Do the best you can of getting in good calories and not bad ones like chips and junk food. High Protein like chicken. After the baby comes you just have to get back to it and focus on eating better and lower the calorie intake. I wish you luck and hope everything goes well. Is the a option that you could contact a doctor there and explain whats going on? Maybe they will help you if they know whats going on?
  5. nope havent heard of them. What are they called so I can look them up?
  6. TapSnap

    So im doing my cardio and

    Just use it to work out harder. don't let people get you down. You are not doing it from them so screw them . At least thats how I feel. hang in there.
  7. TapSnap

    So im doing my cardio and

    Some people don't understand that some people can't do it on there own. I lost 120lbs on my own 4 years ago and gained it back plus 40lbs and no matter what I did I was stuck. I am happy I have a trainer that understands and has worked with people that had the surgery before. He told me as long as I work hard and push he doesn't care what I did to make myself healthy as long as I did omething about it.
  8. TapSnap

    How much exercise is too much?

    I have been told that I work out too much by my doctor and personal trainer so I have cut it back from 7 days a week to 6. Sometimes I do 7 when I am bored but most of the time its just a run. I plan to cut back a little more after my race on July 20th. Since I work out so much my doctor has upped my Protein intake to 130-145 grams a day. I feel like if I don't work out I am not doing everything I can to help myself. Its so weird after surgery I became a different person Healthwise. Before I would play video games for hours and be happy. I havet touched my xbox since a week after surgery. Good luck, John
  9. TapSnap

    Time off from work?!

    I took a month off work. I do a lot of climbing and lifting at work so my doctor wanted me to take more time then normal off.
  10. Yes I agree it is hard and had had times where it was hard. But I would get up walk away have some water and be fine. I left a party about a month ago because the pizza was getting to me. I didn't give in I got up said my goodbyes and left. No one said the after surgery would be easy but they didn't say it wouldn't be hard either. I am not perfect but I did do my research and spent a lot of time looking up things and reading. I think people are jumping into the surgery without doing this hoping for a quick fix and failing because of it. My successes come from my hard work and will power not from chips and fast food. John
  11. Thats why insurances make you wait and take classes before surgery to make sure you are ready. If you are going to have major surgery like this and don't do your homework beforehand and fail sorry its your own fault. 3 years ago I looked into the surgery and backed out 3 months in because I wasn't mentally ready and didn't think I was mature enough to do what I needed to do. I waited and came back after I felt like I was ready and couldn't do it on my own. So its hard for me to pity people and say its ok when its not ok and they need to get their **** together. John
  12. NtvTxn- I really love this post. I can't help to shake my head at some people on the forums and in the chat room that complain about gaining weight or not losing and when you ask them what they are eating you just want to slap them. I get asked what am I doing right to lose the weight and all I can say is doing what I was told to do and working out. Eating pizza is not on my list of things to eat. I have seen at least 2 posts on the forum in the last month about soda. When I go into the topic people are saying to drink diet soda but shake it up first to make it flat. WHAT???? really???? How can you tell someone to drink soda at all after doing the surgery. I did the surgery for me and my future family so I am worried about myself at the moment and know what I need to do. But I can help to feel bad for wrong advice given on the forum by people that have no right giving out advice. Also people if you have to ask if you can have something its most likely going to be a no. Don't make a post saying my doctor said I can't have this but what do you all think. But nothing you doctor says no do do it period. sorry for my rant but I am tired of it to. John
  13. TapSnap

    So close i can taste it (Cigna)

    I also have Cigna and called every day. I got my yes on 3 days after they said the got the paper work. Good Luck
  14. 100lbs in 6 months i doable but you have to take in account of how much the weighed before hand. Someone who weighs 400lbs is going to loss more weight in a short amount of time compared to someone who ways 300lbs. 20lbs in the first 3 weeks is very good. Keep it up.
  15. My insurance required me to have a psychological evaluation done prior to surgery. Just asked a bunch of questions that they could have found on my facebook then asked me why I was getting surgery. But I still woke up after surgery asking why I did this. The first few weeks for me were heard. It felt like I was going through food with draw. Kind of like a detox from food. I was upset, angry, and not in a good mood at all. But now 4 1/2 months out I am doing great I have lost 110lbs and going strong. No one said it was going to be easy.
  16. TapSnap

    taking supplements

    I am 4 months out and I am at the gym 3-4 times a week lifting and running the other days. I wondering if I am allowed to take any type of supplements to help muscle growth or anything else that will help me? thanks, John
  17. From the album: TapSnap

    111lbs down
  18. I know at taco bell they have refried beans with a little cheese on top. That isnt so bad and has a lot of protein.
  19. TapSnap

    Mud Run Tomorrow!

    Awesome! good luck. Ill be doing the Savage Race in Maryland on July 20th. Be my first ever race of this kind /
  20. TapSnap

    Weight loss stall

    I been on a 2 week stall and over the weekend I just lost 6lbs out of no where. So just hang in there keep doing what you are doing and I will come off.
  21. Protein Cupcakes w/ PB2 Icing This is a mix of two different recipes and not my own. I did make some changes. I wanted to post it here since they were very good. This recipe makes 24 cupcakes. You might want to cut the recipe in half because I ended up tossing most of them because I couldn’t eat them all before they started to get hard. But if you have other family members it might be fine The PB2 icing recipe is at the very end. Wet Ingredients: 1.5 cups no-sugar added applesauce 2 eggs (or equivalent liquid egg substitute) 1.5 cups no-calorie sweetener (Splenda or something like it) 1 tsp cinnamon ¼ tsp. nutmeg Dry Ingredients: 1 c. Atkins All-Purpose Baking Mix 1 c. chocolate Protein Powder (I used Unjury) ¼ c. unsweetened cocoa powder 1/8 tsp. salt 3 tsp baking powder Directions: Pre-heat your oven to 350. Add applesauce to the mixing bowl. Why the applesauce? It provides a LOT of moisture for your end result without adding the fat of butter or oil. I don’t generally add oil to my baked goods, but your mileage may vary! Add in the rest of the wet ingredients and stir until eggs are fully incorporated. From here, what I do is usually put the dry ingredients in a sifter and sift it directly into the wet ingredients. You can either do that or mix them in another bowl, your choice. Stir wet ingredients and dry well until the mixture is the consistency of a pudding. Line a cupcake pan with cupcake cups and add one heaping tablespoon of the batter to each. Remember to tap down your pan after you’re done (just tap it against the counter to ensure there are no air bubbles at the bottom). Pop the pan in the oven for about 12 minutes. I may sound like a broken record but I cannot say this enough. Protein baked goods cook a LOT faster than their regular counterparts. The outside forms particularly quickly. I’ve found 12 minutes to be the perfect cook time in MY oven. Yours may be different. So don’t leave the kitchen. Go do something else while these are baking (tune in tomorrow for the protein icing recipe and that can be what you are doing…). Remove from the oven when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow them to cool fully before trying to eat one. All that will happen if you try to eat them hot is that most of your cupcake will stick to the liner. That’s no fun. PB2 Icing: 8 oz. package of fat free cream cheese 1 package of sugar-free pudding mix (I used vanilla) 2 tbsp PB2 (omit, of course, if you are not making Peanut Butter icing) ½ c. milk Just mix everything together and put on your cake or cupcakes.
  22. TapSnap

    20130513 111101

    From the album: Food

  23. TapSnap

    20130513 111101

    I call it Taco Pizza. It is very good. you can really add anything to it.
  24. TapSnap

    PB2 w/ chocolate

    I do the same thing but with unjury chocolate protein. It is very good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
