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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TapSnap

  1. the funny thing is I wasn't sore till after I got home and relaxed. they gave me tylenol 3. kinds works lol
  2. So I have a cracked rib. had x-rays done. home resting now.
  3. I ended up going to the doctors and they just did an x-ray. Waiting for the doctor now. But ill try icing it some more today and tomorrow along with whatever they give me.
  4. I am 6 months out not a week. I ran the savage race last weekend and must have pulled or bruised it on an obstacle. I been streching the area but not relly helping. I also tried them heating pads you can buy in the store (one time thing).
  5. So tomorrow will be my 6 months since my surgery. My surgery date was Jan. 21st 2013 and I was 360lbs. As of today I am 230lbs. I set a test for myself at my 6 month mark called the Savage Race. This is a 4 mile run and 25 obstacles course. I completed the race in 1 house and 40 minutes. I wanted to prove to myself that I could and I did. There is no way I would have been able to do this race 6 months ago. I'll be moving on to my next challenge and reclaiming my life back, Skydiving (need to drop 15 more pounds to do so). So here are my before and after pictures. sorry that they are so big.
  6. I am happy to talk to anyone that might want some help or what I am doing on my journey. Thanks for all the great comments.
  7. Thank you everyone. Still have a way to go. its been great so far.
  8. Thanks everyone. Still have 31lbs to go to hit my goal of 199lbs. Then onto my doctors goal for me set at 179lbs. Hope you all are doing well.
  9. I am going with liquid weight (water weight) I gained 4lbs week 3 after surgery then it started coming off again. Dont read to much into things in the early weeks after surgery. Your body is adjusting and healing. Give it time.
  10. TapSnap

    Young Sleevers

    I am 28 had the sleeve done when I was 27. I was sleeved on Jan. 21st of this year and I have lost 126lbs so far. I started at 360lbs and 56% BMI. at 5 1/2 months since surgery I am down to 234lbs and 30% BMI.
  11. TapSnap


    Isopure Protein Water was my go to drink for the first 3 months after surgery and still drink one from time to time if I am running low on protein. They have a few different flavors but for me I stuck with grape and coconut. The are expensive but they have 40g of protein in each bottle. They run about $5 each. At GNC they have a buy 2 get 1 free specail if you are a member. Good luck
  12. TapSnap

    Quest Protein Bars

    Ok I ordered some Quest bars the other day after my nut recommended them and got them in today. It was a mixed pack of 12 flavors. I decided to try one for lunch and picked out the chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. In a insert in the box it said to try the bar in a microwave for 15 sec. It tastes like a cookie that just came out of the oven. Best Protein bar I have had yet. It is amazing. I found my go to snack or quick Meal Replacement for sure. I am in heaven eating this thing. I didn't think I could find something this good in a Protein Bar. The only thing that could've made it better was a big glass of milk. lol Wanted to share incase anyone was looking for Protein Bars and wanted to try one. I recommend picking this flavor up and trying it in the microwave. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough 21g of protein 190 calories 21g carbs but only 3g of non-fiber carbs 1g of sugar Says no sugar added and no ingredients containing gluten
  13. TapSnap

    6 months post op......rut?

    I will be at 6 months in 2 more weeks and feel you are doing great. Weight will slow down over time as you get closer to your goal weight. Al I can say is eat your Protein and get your but into a gym. The closer you get to your goal the harder you will have to work for that goal. Makes the journey more sweet.
  14. So I am not at this point yet. I haven’t started dating or even looking as I am still focusing on myself. But this came up while talking to a female friend that also had the surgery and is having a hard time. She says everything goes fine for the first week or two of talking and going out on a date but when she lets them know she had surgery they stop talking to here and that’s the end of it. Most of the say its not her its them and they are busy or have a lot going on. Have any of you had the same issue or is it different for guys? When is the right time to let them know? She said she doesn’t just come out and tell them she waits tell a subject that relates to it comes up and slips it in. I am just interested in what you all think since it might be some help later on for me as well.
  15. TapSnap

    1yr out

    mbasile I have the same issue when standing up to fast I get light headed. I think its because I am not eating enough earlier in the day or after working out. I am 5 1/2 months out at the moment and down 122lbs. Started at 360 down to 238.
  16. TapSnap

    Flavorless Protein? Suggestions plz.

    Unjury has a flavorless protein. I add it to soups. It does change the thickness of the soup so you have to adjust it to your liking.
  17. TapSnap

    Drinking water

    Plain water feels thick going down. I can drink plain water if I have to but its a struggle sometimes. I have to add flavoring to it to help it go down easier. I use the flavor drops from dasani because I can adjust how much flavor I put in.
  18. TapSnap

    My story made the news!

    Awesome story and way to go. I was the same way. I was always out playing football or doing something with friends but would never lose. I could lose some weight but it would come right back with friends. I lost 100lbs in 6 months 5 years ago then 8 months later gained it all back plus 20lbs. I made the decision to have the sleeve to get healthy and look the way I felt. I am 5 months out and down 122lbs. started at 360 and I am at 138. Way to go Tinaatl!!! Now I am of to see my trainer
  19. TapSnap

    Favorite cookbooks?

    Hello I have 3 of Chef Dave's cookbooks and love them. He had the surgery done a few years ago and then start making cookbook for people for after surgery. each of his books have recipes for all stages after surgery and are labeled to let you know what recipe is for what stage. He also has a web site you can sign up for and has new recipes every so often but theres a membership fee. I did do it since I have plenty of stuff to cook from his books and other web sites. Bariatric Foodie is a website that I use the most for food ideas. Heres the link for the recipe page http://bariatricfoodie.blogspot.com/p/favorite-recipes.html. Hope that helps.
  20. TapSnap

    Quest Protein Bars

    no problem Don. I'll be buying the cookie dough ones for sure after trying the other samples I have.
  21. TapSnap

    Quest Protein Bars

    I ordered mine on http://www.questproteinbar.com/. the cookie dough is a new flavor and I think they hit it out of the park. I hope the brownie one is just as good.
  22. TapSnap

    Quest Protein Bars

    lol I fixed it. I posted this in my facebook group and copied it over to here and ended up all crazy. but fixed now. sorry
  23. TapSnap

    Anyone from westminster maryland area?

    I live in the Baltimore area. Nice to see some Maryland people on here.
  24. TapSnap

    Feel like a failure :(

    sorry must of read your post wrong. thats a huge difference. I didn't have a pre op diet so I can't say anything about you cheating because I dont think its that big of a deal. I ate pizza and hot wings night before surgery. But I have not cheated once since surgery. I told myself after surgery it was a new life and I been going strong for 5 months, Sorry for miss reading your post. good luckl
  25. TapSnap

    Feel like a failure :(

    Everyone has their moments its how you deal with them moments that will make or break you. You have to be able to tell yourself no and walk away. you just had major surgery and you are on liquids not because of a diet but because you can damage your stomach or cause leaks. It is healing and if you push it too much you can do some bad damage to it. Just look at it as a bad choice and move on. the more bad choices you make the less the sleeve is going to work and you have more of a chance of falling back into old habits. Stay strong.

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