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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BigGirlPanties

  1. BigGirlPanties

    unkind drs

    I need to go back to the dr that was caring for my knees prior to surgery...should be interesting now that I've lost over 125 pounds since our last visit...I need both replaced
  2. BigGirlPanties

    Interesting reading...

    http://www.livestrong.com/slideshow/1007122-18-habits-can-make-fat/ some of this stuff we "know"...but I thought it would be good reading...
  3. BigGirlPanties

    Share your tattoo pics

    @Trudycarle I had often thought about eyeliner tattoo...my eyes are very sensitive and mascara etc makes them Water...but how much did that HURT? I need to post my tattoos, but I can't from work, here...and when I get home, I barely go online *sigh* .... must REMEMBER to do so!
  4. BigGirlPanties

    Yoga---It's for US!

    classes are SO expensive... I am start with a home dvd first
  5. BigGirlPanties

    Interesting reading...

    yeah I know....I couldn't get to all the slides....but what I read was relavent...
  6. BigGirlPanties

    Yoga---It's for US!

    @Bandista yes I read that about planking too... makes sense to do the poses on your forearms if you have wrist/hand problems...which a lot of us with arthritis do have...or even carpel tunnel! EVERY doctor that I have spoken to encourage yoga...I can't imagine why anyone would say "no"...it's not hard on your joints and you stretch EVERYTHING... I am looking into this intently now...
  7. BigGirlPanties

    Anyone have extra protien?

    Have you applied at InsureNutrition.com for free protein? You should see if you qualify and you may also get vitamins and scar cream...good luck
  8. BigGirlPanties

    What to eat/drink

    Carbmaster yogurt is low in sugar and carbs...it was is recommended by my team...we get it at Krogers here
  9. BigGirlPanties

    The Cordless Jump Rope - Really? Did we need this?

    Thanks, I'll stick with my $1.00 jump rope!
  10. BigGirlPanties

    Yoga---It's for US!

    @Pookeyism thank you for the information, and good luck on your new endeavor! That's just awesome!
  11. BigGirlPanties

    Michelangelo Saw the Beauty Within!

    what a wonderful perspective!
  12. @ho11ieberry06 this is covered with insurance only, not self pay...if you have insurance, you can submit the order on InsureNutrition.com and they will do the work for you and advise.... Good luck
  13. BigGirlPanties

    Plastics in Mexico

    May I ask what kind of charges are involved with having it in Mexico...my insurance may cover my tummy, but I'd like to get arms, etc done as well....some day
  14. BigGirlPanties

    upset tummy

    it's probably the acid...we were instructed to stay away from citrus (even in juice...which they told us not to have at all) because it will upset the tummy... you are still healing from the inside out, so the acid probably caused an adverse reaction... you may be able to have some later...but, for now, hold off... hope you are feeling better soon
  15. carbs can be a diet KILLER, along with too much fruit; which has "hidden" carbs and sugars...we were told to keep fruit to a minimum and NO juice...always use whole fruit, much better for you and more satisfying. To this day, I don't have "white" carbs...I will have a warm, fresh roll when we go out to dinner...if I feel so inclined...but that's the only time.... stay away from carbs and fruit as much as you can... I substitute spaghetti squash for spaghetti (need to get my Italian in) .. I don't use bread for sandwiches...no loss there... etc.. minor changes can be big on helping... I'm really surprised that your Dr is allowing carbs and fruits already
  16. BigGirlPanties

    Need Protein Bar Recipe. No more packaged bars!

    Try on The World According To Eggface... I make a donut that is protein packed that she has on there...she probably has others... the donuts are YUM-O!!!
  17. BigGirlPanties

    50 pound facial pic

    Your face definately has more definition to it...I look at my job ID and it looks NOTHING like me anymore, IMHO... but my goal is to match the weight on my drivers license ... LOL... maybe then I'll go in for a new pic for that ... I know the job won't do another...I HATE looking at that thing every day
  18. BigGirlPanties

    so annoyed!

    um...positive advice..."Good things come to those who wait"? It's annoying, but hopefully it will get corrected for you soon. Good luck...
  19. BigGirlPanties

    Pain - Stomach or Incision?

    Yes, absolutely call your doctors ASAP...it is probably just gas pains (usually walking will help relieve the pain)...but you want to make sure. The only "pain" I felt from my incisions was the itch when it was healing...so you should have any pain from that, per se. Just remember not to overdo it...even tho there are just a few incisions on the outside, inside your stomach looks like Frankensteins monster!
  20. BigGirlPanties

    protein shakes

    @Mikee57 you are welcome...but try InsureNutritiion.com to see if you qualify to get them FREE
  21. BigGirlPanties

    protein shakes

    @tara76 Good luck...I got mine approved for 6 months... i get the Protein shakes, Vitamins and some WONDERFUL scar cream...that stuff is magic! Hope it works out for you... it is so nice not to have that expense since I have trouble getting in my protein!
  22. what type of revision? you aren't listed as having the band...that's the usual reason for a revision... if you are going from a band to sleeve, it would depend on your insurance... If you are self pay, especially, you will want to see if the Dr can do it all at once to cut your costs... I guess we need some clarification here...
  23. BigGirlPanties

    Pain When Food Hits Stomach

    I'm not sure a what point you are having this problem...are you still on pureed foods? You may want to speak with your doctor to make sure everything is ok...
  24. I love the carmel calcium chews...the other vitamins my sister got mine too...I don't like them...but she does and had a full gastric done years ago, so she can definately use them!
  25. BigGirlPanties

    Staying regular

    probiotics were not for me...I ended up with dry-mouth etc...but I just use Miralax a few times a week and that works fine for me... good luck

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
