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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BigGirlPanties

  1. BigGirlPanties

    Treating the symptoms

    I so wish I was able to do this early ... you have a great deal to "win" by getting this taken care of while you are still young... your skin is more elastic for one and you will have a much healthier, longer, and I believe, happier life. Good luck to you on your decision.
  2. BigGirlPanties

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    I found my guy thru a car club... we have the same kind of car and we met at a show... we were friendly, at first... things eventually changed...and I was over 300 pounds, so I never thought we'd be anything but friends (like everyone..major self esteem issues)... he is a lovely, lovely man and takes great care of me... I never thought I'd find anyone like that... so be patient and it will happen, I BELIEVE!!!! "Right in the middle of an ordinary life, Life hands you a Fairytale"
  3. BigGirlPanties

    Starting weaning off

    @James Marusek major DC drinker here too...I know what you are talking about (as many others stated here as well)... my husband has even given up most carbonated beverages and uses the Torani syrups in his Water, etc... he lost weight with that change as well. After the "detox" was done during the liquids phase, never had a problem or taste for them and I don't plan on going back, knowing my addiction to soda... if I start, I won't stop! ...and I don't miss it
  4. BigGirlPanties

    Starting weaning off

    No Protein shakes??? how are you to get your protein in??? For me, the liquid diet cured me of my Diet Coke addiction (I never did coffee)... after about the third day the withdrawal symptoms ceased, and I was "good to go"... and never looked back. Also, be sure to go to InsureNutrition.com to see if you qualify for free protein shakes/scar cream/vitamins
  5. BigGirlPanties

    I hate the media and how they treat Morbidly Obese People!

    well hopefully she would have had plastics done...or they could have posted the after picture, and THEY pay for her plastics and post pictures... honestly... it's so annoying! I agree with you...show the REAL stuff!
  6. BigGirlPanties

    85% convinced. How do I get to 100%?

    @marysminute why do you say "ruin my life"??? Almost everyone has positive things to say... there have been a few that have had some problems...mostly in the beginning, but once that's over, they are all glad they did it. You are the only one that will know when you are ready for this, no one can tell you... just like going on a diet, stop smoking, or any other "vice or addiction"... you have to be ready to change. The surgery is a tool that helps you get there, but you still have to do some work to get it to work... research, learn, and you will be ready...good luck
  7. BigGirlPanties

    85% convinced. How do I get to 100%?

    My sister has the full gastric done over 10 years ago (and has two healthy children since then)... for me there was no "buts" about it...I WAS IN!!! When I was approved, I would have done a happy dance, if I could have moved...I have RA ...which was a vicious cycle... couldn't lose weight because I couldn't move, needed to lose weight because of my RA and to get new knees (eventually)... I have felt this good in soooo long, I wish I could have done this sooner. The pros far outweigh (no pun intended) the cons!!! You have to get there yourself...but, imo, this surgery is the best choice... especially for all you have listed here, this should help you immensely! Good luck .
  8. BigGirlPanties

    Courthouse wedding, reception later?

    @jamilyne 102668 we always told everyone we'd get married on the "twelfth of never" so it seemed fitting...we were engaged for 7 years... I really didn't see the big deal about a wedding anymore... but I will be with him forever... he is my everything
  9. BigGirlPanties

    surgery tomorrow, 1 main concern

    have you been on a liquid diet? they usually put you on that two weeks or so prior... so that helped reduce the size of the liver...if you have lost weight, then you will probably be ok... some doctors don't even require it...so relax
  10. BigGirlPanties

    Feeling sorry for myself

    So sorry...hope things get better...I'm sure they will. Don't you qualify for FMLA at work? You should check in to it to protect yourself. Good luck...
  11. BigGirlPanties

    WLS Make the Today Show!

    dang...I would have loved to have recorded that!
  12. BigGirlPanties

    Pre Op Flavored Protein Shakes

    the thing with unflavored is that you can add it (sprinkle) on to any food/drink to get in extra Protein. You can also mix it up with Torani syrups to make up your own blends... have fun with it! Their website is suppose to have recipes too...
  13. BigGirlPanties

    Courthouse wedding, reception later?

    I say do what pleases YOU...we recently got married (12-12-12)... I ordered a dress off ebay for $150 that was GORGEOUS!!!! We "eloped with notice" to Vegas because my parents are gone and we have family all over, so we chose a neutral ground. We had about 2 dozen people, which was fine by me....we took them to Maggiano's afterwards with a pre-planned menu. It was nice, simple, and romantic... if my parents were alive, we would have been married in Chicago at the small chapel our church has, I still would not have gone BIG...not my style either... It was a lovely time, and those that came got a long weekend in Vegas , so everyone wins BTW...my "before" picture has my dress but I was actually down about 50 pounds at that point (about 2 months after surgery)... so I got a lace up dress so I can adjust it better (I did want to wear a "real" wedding dress)
  14. BigGirlPanties

    Do they not make dresses with long sleeves anymore?

    for something nice but inexpensive try HolyClothing.com ... check the measurements because each one is a bit different...they don't have the same size chart for each item (i know that's weird, but I want to warn you)... the clothes are nicely made with pretty detail... wash separately and usually hang to dry...or if it gets too big, put in the dryer ... I bought a dress from them for the Renaissance Faire, and since then have bought tops etc. There are dresses that aren't too fancy (and some that are), but should work for you at a decent price. I was pleasantly surprised by the detail work! Also...there is good, old fashioned GoodWill. I found several dresses for a cruise from there ... 3 of them for less than $15!!! If you have time to search, you may be successful as well... Good luck...but yes, I have a shrug for that very reason myself!
  15. BigGirlPanties

    Pre Op Flavored Protein Shakes

    I've not heard of having to restrict to unflavored before...but check with your drs office as to why....sometimes it's because you can add it to anything so you can get in more Protein... you can probably use it afterwards, so it won't be wasted. Also, you can go to InsureNutrition.com to get free Protein shakes if your insurance covers it, along with scar cream and possibly vitamins! Just a few minutes to fill out and have it delivered to your door every month...LOVE IT!
  16. BigGirlPanties

    Premeire different at BJs

    Y'all know you can get FREE Protein by filling out the form at InsureNutrition.com? I get Premier Protein delivered each month...covered by my insurance! Good Luck!
  17. BigGirlPanties

    Something different

    ricotta and spinach come in handy a LOT... I use them with some italian spices and roll it up in a chicken breast and bake off... my husband likes to put some tomato sauce on top
  18. BigGirlPanties

    Veggie Spaghetti

    Have you tried smashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes? I also made a pizza with a cauliflower crust...it's amazing what you can do
  19. BigGirlPanties

    My love for food---Hopeing it changes!

    as everyone stated, things will change, as your way of thinking should change... somethings will lose their appeal for you...somethings you will have to WORK at staying away from... trigger foods, etc... but all in all, it is a very helpful tool! Good luck!
  20. BigGirlPanties

    Veggie Spaghetti

    You can also just buy spaghetti squash...once cooked, you remove the seeds and shred it with a fork...it absorbs the sauce and takes on that flavor...the texture is very similiar too...
  21. BigGirlPanties

    My LBD

    From the album: weight loss

    Half price item at Goodwill for $2.50!!! For our vacation next month, cruise with an awards banquet
  22. BigGirlPanties

    pre - op day one... struggling.

    Don't forget, you may qualify for free protein, scar cream and vitamins thru your insurance thru InsureNutrition.com... go to the website and fill out the form... !!!
  23. BigGirlPanties

    pre - op day one... struggling.

    the first few days are the worst...I think about day 3 is when I tapered off and was okay... your body is going thru a detox... drink something hot, that helps a bit... you'll get thru it! Good luck and congrats!
  24. BigGirlPanties

    Returning to work

    check with your doctor...!!! you can't lift anything...you may not be released to drive yet (pulls on your tummy stitches)... it's a tightrope... personally I think one week is WAAAY too soon for anyone... you just had MAJOR surgery, even tho it doesn't show that way I went back 1/2 days at first, however, with being a teacher, I don't think that would be feasible... please call your doctor before attempting to return too soon
  25. BigGirlPanties

    Got my date!

    ...well you are off to see the "wizard".... watch out for flying monkeys!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
