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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    anayortiz got a reaction from Tami_Lynn in First Time Drinking Alcohol Post Op   
    I definitely waited about 8 weeks before my first drink, now i can't seem to stop drinking, i need to stop bc i'm afraid of what the consequences will be later on. I have a very stressful job so at night i like a vodka and crystal light, definitely will stop from today forward. maybe i should start working out instead drinking :-)
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    anayortiz got a reaction from Tami_Lynn in First Time Drinking Alcohol Post Op   
    I definitely waited about 8 weeks before my first drink, now i can't seem to stop drinking, i need to stop bc i'm afraid of what the consequences will be later on. I have a very stressful job so at night i like a vodka and crystal light, definitely will stop from today forward. maybe i should start working out instead drinking :-)
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    anayortiz got a reaction from Tami_Lynn in First Time Drinking Alcohol Post Op   
    I definitely waited about 8 weeks before my first drink, now i can't seem to stop drinking, i need to stop bc i'm afraid of what the consequences will be later on. I have a very stressful job so at night i like a vodka and crystal light, definitely will stop from today forward. maybe i should start working out instead drinking :-)
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    anayortiz reacted to thetattooedlady in Depression and anxiety   
    I was sleeved a week ago exactly and I've dealt with anxiety since I was in high school...also a little bit of depression, mostly anxiety though. I've noticed that after surgery I've been very anxious in public places, afraid people will bump me or run into me and hurt my incisions. Also I've felt very anxious and worried over getting my fluids and Proteins in...I'm having a lot of trouble.
    I'm also dealing with just...constant emotions that I wasn't expecting. For example, I have a smart phone with the dominos app that I can use to order right off my phone...well the other day my mom asked me to order a pizza for her...and I got so irrationally mad at her! Lol...I know it's stupid to be mad that she can eat pizza when I can't...but I was totally pissed. Luckily, I was able to go into my room and fume quietly without her ever knowing...it's just hard because I feel like my emotions aren't my own!
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    anayortiz reacted to DonRodolfo in Depression and anxiety   
    At the risk of sounding like an idiot, I'm going to share this. Even before I started this journey, I dealt with lack of energy and motivation. My doctor found I had low T and started treating me and it helped a little. Still wasn't enough. The beginning of this year, I decided to go the WLS route. I started exercising in February and that helped a little too. Still not enough. Had the surgery in May and was all fired up but I noticed it started wearing away. Today I took the day off as part of the holiday and it was all I could do to get out of bed before 1pm. I don't feel sad about anything in particular, just have no motivation to do anything and I feel frustrated because I feel like I'm just lazy and I can't snap out of it.
    Is this depression? Should I see someone?
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    anayortiz reacted to amytug in Depression and anxiety   
    Sadness, lack of motivation, foggy headed, I feel like I'm always half asleep.
    I'm also tense all the time, my stomach is tied in knots, I often times have a headache from stress.
    It's not super bad yet. I'm not laying in bed all day or having suicidal thoughts but I certainly don't want to get to that point.
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    anayortiz reacted to SerendipityHappens in To sneeze, burp, hiccup that is the question.......have you gone to far?   
    Well, I can only give my personal opinion based on my own experience but for ME, if I'm sneezing I take it as a sign that next time I should take one less bite.. Do I think I'm stretching my sleeve? No, a sleeve can't stretch very much and I believe the doctors who say that it takes some extreme behavior to stretch a sleeve... but I do feel that sneezing is a sign that I should have stopped a bite ago.
    Your mileage may vary!
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    anayortiz reacted to JoiaRox in To sneeze, burp, hiccup that is the question.......have you gone to far?   
    Those are definitely full signs - as to the danger of stretching your sleeve once you've reached that point, I'd say no! Consult with your doctor at your next appointment about this, as everyone has different opinions. My full sign is the hiccups - when I get there, I probably had one more bite than I needed to, but I'm not throwing it up and I'm waiting before drinking liquids.
    Not sure if the person you're referring to is on this forum or not, but beware of those who think they know everything - they usually don't. My experience has taught me that everyone has internalized their own experience, doctor's advice, research, etc., but that only YOU and YOUR DOCTOR need to be informed about your journey. No one else's experience, knowledge (or lack thereof) makes a damn bit of difference.
    Besides that, the jury really is out about whether or not you can physically stretch your sleeve. I'm sure many people will comment here, convinced they know one way or another, but keep listening to your body and do what YOU need to do for YOU. In the end, you're the only one you have to be accountable to!
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    anayortiz reacted to Beach Lover in To sneeze, burp, hiccup that is the question.......have you gone to far?   
    So today I was talking to another fellow sleever and I am not sure if she has any medical credentials but she talked like she did. So she was telling me that if you are sneezing, burping, hiccuping etc. then you have eaten to much and you risk stretching your sleeve. I was always told this was the sign that you have reached full and to stop. Not you have already eaten to much and now you could begin stretching your sleeve. Can I get some feedback on this topic. Tonight I ate about 4 ounces of shredded meat and certainly no more than that with a few diced pieces of Tomato. That was all I ate and still had the sneezing. I can't even begin to see how I overate...........totally full but not uncomfortable. Any views on this?
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    anayortiz reacted to Osa1992 in Excess Skin?   
    I've lost 90 pounds, I'm 35 pounds from goal and I have loose skin under my arms and inner tights. It's bad but not horrible or too extreme. I workout a lot and try to lift. Also the extra skin is nothing compare to the benefits from not carrying all the extra weight I used to carry.
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    anayortiz reacted to jessinoz4 in Drinking Alcohol after VGS   
    I asked my surgeon this very thing because I LOVE beer and a Rum and Coke. He told me to give up the carbonated drinks, he said it can make the new stomach feel really uncomfortable, and to be ware that alcohol will greatly slow down the body's burning of fat. He recommended that I wait until I am at, or very near, my goal weight before I reintroduce alcohol. Good luck to you!
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    anayortiz reacted to sharonintx in Drinking Alcohol after VGS   
    I'm planning on having a drink, or at least 4 sips of one, real soon. It is worthy of mention however, that a lot of people have lowered tolerance for alcohol after the sleeve. My husband knows a man from work that had the sleeve about a year ago. This guy started having a few drinks on occasion, progressed to having drinks frequently to combat the frustration he felt over not being able to eat normally anymore, then ended up in rehab. Such a shame. The only good part is that he's lost a ton of weight and looks great. I've never been a big drinker so over doing it won't be a problem, but for some it could cause big problems.
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    anayortiz reacted to maharet111 in I cant get myself motivated to exersise   
    Whatever works Lisa! You are barely a month out..your energy levels will return and before you know it you will be wanting to go to the gym!
    I also do a trick for myself when I get depressed or think OMFG I DIDN"T LOSE 90 POUNDS THIS WEEK WTF!!!!!
    I have sticky notes I put on my mirror..they say things like "You are beautiful" or "Keep up the great work" or "You can do it"
    I know it sounds corny but try it My boyfriend even wrote me one..I woke up one morning to see "Your ass is magnificent" on my mirror
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    anayortiz reacted to Cindy Martin in 60 lbs gone, but dang that chicken hurt!   
    Just accomplished one of my goals, down 60 lbs. This journey is not easy but so worth it.
    I did want to mention, however, that yesterday I tried chicken for the first time and it did not settle well. I had a lot of grumbling in my stomach and pain. I did chew well and ate slow, I always do. It even hurt to drink Water an hour later. I have tried turkey and pork before and did fine, so I think I have to wait for little bit on chicken, which is my favorite. Has anyone else had trouble with chicken? I'm almost 5 weeks out.
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    anayortiz got a reaction from thomas60 in I cant get myself motivated to exersise   
    I think about getting to the gym and cant get my ass there, i go for a few days and then i don't want yo go anymore so i understand how u all fell !!
    After being at work for 8 hrs. I cant seem go want to do anything at all, i do feel depressed at time but its not always like that :-(
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    anayortiz reacted to Fixerupper in Any sleevers with narcissistic mother?   
    Yes and I did the exact same thing. Neither of my parents know.
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    anayortiz reacted to JoannLz in Any sleevers with narcissistic mother?   
    My parents told me not to do it that I looked great being over weight. Lol. My mom doesn't belive in dieting. But she's been thin her whole life. After 4 kids she still weied 99 lbs. And she loves buffets and just food in general. She persanaly believes we r all the way we r and that's it. I guess its easy for her. Well I did it anyways. And here I am 39 lbs lighter n feeling great! Do what's best for u!!
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    anayortiz reacted to mariadt in Any sleevers with narcissistic mother?   
    My mother told me obese since I was a youn teenager and then if i diet, she told me I was anotexic. No way to win with her.
    When I see pictures of myself at 16 and even when i gave birth to my dons, i was slim but felt obese. I gained a lot if weight in this psdt 10 years am told her about the surgery. She answer to that she thought i was going to fail since " you are not capable of shutting your mouth". So o decided to tell her i am not having the surgery and going without she knowing. Anubody there with a Narcissistic motherbor father?
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    anayortiz reacted to Stonefoxxy1 in sleeved May 1st! It's been five weeks..slow loser :-(   
    I am a slow loser as well, I have been stalled for about two months -- my surgery was in January. April and May were a bust for me. I know now that my sleeve is a tool not a fix. I will have to watch my calories and not worry about content or quantity. If it has calories you have to count it whether is liquid or solid. That has been my lesson.
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    anayortiz reacted to oldskoolsooz in sleeved May 1st! It's been five weeks..slow loser :-(   
    Hi there.
    I'm exactly 5 weeks post-op today yaaay! I had a very difficult first 2-3 weeks healing process but at 4 weeks I started to feel much better and now I feel pretty good. Im 5'2" and started my journey at 248 lbs on April 1st. I lost 10 lbs during the pre-op diet period and I was sleeved on May 1st. By June 1st I had lost 11 more lbs. I have lost a total of 21 lbs in two months. I can't say I'm not disappointed especially reading how so many people are losing so so so much faster :-( I try to remain positive and keep in mind that I'm losing and not gaining! Unfortunately Ive become hungry..not head hunger which I was prepared for tnx to this forum..but real hunger! I can eat quite a lot..a lot more than I expected or wanted in fact =-O I haven't tried to push the limit and get as full as I can. I follow the Protein first, no Water 15 mins before and 30 mins after rules. I'm still figuring it out i guess.
    I'm going to see my surgeon and have my follow up tomorrow and with my nutritionist on Thursday. Hopefully they will shed some light and help me get on a faster roll :-) tnx to everyone who has given advice and good luck to all of us!
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    anayortiz reacted to Marbear in I cant get myself motivated to exersise   
    Never depend on motivation to get through exercise. For some, it's a job just like the 9 to 5. When i was utterly sick of the gym I found this quote and saved it:
    "No motivation however does not mean I won’t do the work. work needs to be done. I will never rely on motivation. Too risky"
    Full post on her blog: http://paulinefitnes...m/?s=motivation
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    anayortiz reacted to jacee in I cant get myself motivated to exersise   
    Ok, I dont know if Im depresed, lazy or what the deal is. I have fitness equipment in my living room just staring at me.
    I need to get over my funk. I know how good I feel after I do. For some reason I am avoiding that. I dont even want to go for a walk.
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    anayortiz reacted to nsquared in Down 127 pounds since 10/15...new before and after pic   
    Congratulations! What an inspiration you are. You look fantastic!
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    anayortiz reacted to Sweetcarol238 in Down 127 pounds since 10/15...new before and after pic   
    8 more pounds to go...

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