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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CrazyCatLady

  1. CrazyCatLady

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    I've been in a stall for the last 4 weeks...keep kicking around 205-206lbs. I just finished a major course of antibiotics - managed a bilateral kidney infection with a UTI. I can't get in enough to drink at my job, as we're not permitted to have drinks on the floor with us, so I have to slip off for a couple of sips every hour or two, if I am lucky. I still have a difficult time drinking more than an ounce or two at a time. I had really thought I'd be below 200 by now, but I guess not. I can't seem to sustain seriously low-carb for any length of time without losing substantial energy to function. I still have lots of trouble eating 'regular' Protein (eggs, chicken, etc). I rarely get over 700 cals a day, unless I do something stupid like drink a Vitamin Water (or two), or have a scoop of frozen custard from Culver's. I try to avoid eating in public at all costs, as I never know when something will get stuck and cause me to slime. Part of me wonders if this is all the weight I can expect to lose. I don't know how I figure out when my body is 'done'.
  2. CrazyCatLady

    So Can U Have It After Vsg...

    What you can and cannot tolerate post-op is really a "Your Mileage May Vary" kind of situation. For the first 3 months post op, I was totally lactose intolerant. Now, I can ocassionally have hard cheese and cultured things like yogurt, in measured quantities. Protein shakes still make me nauseated, bloaty and gassy. I cannot tolerate bread in any form, any type of rice, or Pasta. I have a difficult time with chicken in any form still. I can do a few bites of baked potato, but any type of fried potatoes make me very ill (so no fries, hash browns, etc). PB makes me very nauseated. On the other hand, I eat steak often, which many post-ops have a difficult time with. There is really no good way to predict how your body will react.
  3. OHMYGOSH, that's where I want to go on vacation when I meet my goal weight!! I've been ranting for years about how I've always wanted to go to the Carribean, see blue Water and white sand, but I was always "too fat". How we limit ourselves! Thank you from sharing your insight from "paradise"
  4. I've had similar experience with Bariatric Advantage...ordered from them twice, both times it took almost 3 weeks to from order to arrival (they didn't even ship order till over a week after I placed it!). What agitates me is - they ship from California, and I'm in Arizona. No way 3 weeks is acceptable time in transit. I now order from Celebrate....fast shipping, great customer service. Sure, they cost a little more on some items, but at least I get them when I need them!
  5. CrazyCatLady

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    Today was a milestone for me; I stepped on our scale at work (which is calibrated every month) after lunch, and the number came up: 99.7kg. I stepped off and zeroed the scale twice to recheck. I haven't been under 100kg in many, many years. This is a "big thing". In other areas of my life....finally coming to (hopefully!) the end of our immigration journey to bring my Canadian husband down to the US so we can actually live together. The last time I saw him was when he came down to stay with me for my surgery in April. And this next week, I'm heading up to go with him to his immigration interview!! I'm looking forward to flying without a seatbelt extender...and maybe pleasantly surprising my dear hubby with the "improved" me
  6. CrazyCatLady

    The Stuff They Don't Tell You

    Before surgery, food and hunger controlled my every waking thought. I would wake up at 2 am, starving. Even while eating, I would already be planning and thinking about what I would eat next, or later, or tomorrow. One of my biggest fears was getting stuck in a meeting, on the road, etc, with nothing to eat. I had food squirrelled away EVERYWHERE. What I was unprepared for as a post-op, is that I would forget about food. That I would get to the end of the day and feel crappy, and realize that I had FORGOTTEN to eat for the previous 24hours. That for the first 3 months, the thought of putting anything in my mouth would be repulsive. I was unprepared for what a struggle it would be to find things that I could eat, that felt comfortable and were of good nutritional value. And that when I thought I had find something, that my body would reject it later. I was unprepared for not being able to tolerate ANY fluids at room temp, only iced or hot. And even hot makes me slime at times. On the other hand, I am so glad I had this forum...it helped me from going totally insane.
  7. I am 4.5 months, and two of my incisions are raised, tender, and pale pink still. My normal MD says that this ocassionally happens *shrugs* I did use Mederma, on the recommendation of a dermatologist friend. The other 3 are small, flat, pale and barely noticble. But, as others have said...no bikinis here, it's all good.
  8. Many of your issues mirror my own. 1) I miss Pasta terribly....I have dreams about it. Truely. And bread. Neither of which I have any tolerance for. 2) My breasts look TERRIBLE. I'm back to turning off the lights for "adult time" because I'm so embarrassed! 3) My hair continues to fall out in huge, noticible clumps. Patients at work comment that I must be "shedding", because no matter how dilligent I am, I always have stray hairs all over my scrubs, my back, etc. 4) I REALLY despise when people ask how many lbs I have lost....if I tell them an actual number, I can see the mental calculations taking place. I've had a coworker comment that I was lying about the amount. If I tell people "some amount", they keep pressing. I admit, I've become a bit bitter and have inelegantly snapped back, "You never told me - are you a nazi or a communist these days? Because that's about how offensive your question was to me". 5)It has reduced my already miniscule social life - I never get invited out now, because "we know you can't drink, and it wouldn't be fun for you"....BS. 6) I sag everywhere....like a candle left out in the summer sun. I knew that there would be some loose skin, but I wasn't prepared for this. And last... 7)I hate the running commentary from those who know about my surgery, and feel the need to contribute their opinion as to the morality of an operation that has already taken place. "It goes against God's design!".....well, guess what, buster! Surgery already happened. So unless you have a time machine, feel free to put a sock in it. Or two. /endrant That being said, I would never have reached this weight alone. And for that, I am greatful.
  9. Would you rather have Lovenox injections for a few days, or be on Coumadin daily for the rest of your life?? I developed a 70% occlusive portal vein thrombosis 10 days after surgery. I will now be on anticoagulant therapy....forever. And because of that medication, I cannot do many things I want: roller derby, football, snow skiing (I'm not joking, these were on my pre-surgery "want to" list, and now I can't). If I lean up again my bathroom sink while brushing my teeth, I bruise. Take the darn Lovenox! Deal with is for 14 days! Get on with life! You can do it!
  10. I STILL have not managed to find a protein shake that my sleeve will tolerate at any hour of the day. HOWEVER....I have discovered that an Oh Yeah! protein wafer will go down nicely in the morning....sometimes two. Just keep hunting around for things that will work when your sleeve is tight/rebellious. It's a common phenomenon. I have been known to eat some refried beans when my stomach goes on total strike - they're my one "I can eat under any circumstances" food.
  11. This is PRECISELY my go-to meal when I'm stuck out in town at work, etc. Kid's meal with grilled chicken bites, fresh fruit for the side, small sugar-free lemonade. Huzzah!
  12. Oh thank goodness...I thought it was just me! I have lost off of almost everywhere, except my stupid abdomen! It's crazy - my legs are slender, my arms are slender, but I'm huge all through the torso still...I look like a potato with toothpicks for limbs. I still have another 50lbs to lose yet, so this abdominal stuff needs to hit the road
  13. CrazyCatLady

    Kroger Carbmaster Yogurt

    Yah! I just discovered these this week...finally, I can eat yogurt without getting "the runs" afterwards! Huzzah! Now, if only it came in lemon and lime...
  14. CrazyCatLady

    Weight And Sex Drive?

    Oh dear goodness, yes! My libido is on steroids since after the first 40lbs I lost....I'm sure it doesn't help that my husband and I are still waiting for immigration to process, so he had to go back home to Canada after my surgery....I feel like I almost need some salt peter >.< It's distracting.
  15. CrazyCatLady

    Protein Bars

    Just wanted to pitch in my two cents for bars... If you have QT stores in your area, you may want to pick up a couple of Oh Yeah! bars to try. The usually run approx 180 cals (for the "Good Grab" size), 10g or less of usable carbs, and 15-18g of Protein. Aftertaste is minimal and the taste is good too Oh Yeah! also makes yummy protein wafers (think along the lines of a Kit Kat in texture)...sure kills my craving for crunchy sweet goodies! I especially love keeping them in the freezer and sneaking a couple bites when I can. Someone earlier mentioned the Power Crunch bars, which are delicious as well. The Kroger family of grocery stores (Kroger, Frys, etc) carries them, and puts them on special every few weeks if you keep an eye out. I have not been lucky enough to have one of those cooperative sleeves that permit me to eat "real food" while at work. As a nurse, I barely have time to pee, let alone eat. Protein Bars have been a godsend! I finally gave up trying to find a Protein shake that would work with my tastebuds....I'm on Coumadin for a portal vein clot, and the smell just kills me.
  16. CrazyCatLady

    This May Be Inappropriate, Forgive Me :)

    My husband had gastric bypass 3 years ago, we have known eachother through fat, thin, everything in between....he was my inspiration to take better care of myself. And going through this process has been like getting a new spouse in some ways
  17. CrazyCatLady

    Still Struggling

    I was hoping to be singing a different tune by almost 4 months out. Monday will mark week 16 since surgery. And today, I was back in Urgent Care....again. I still haven't been able to intake over 600cals most days, with my max protein at about 45-50gms. I have not yet found a protein shake that doesn't give me horrific and immediate diarrhea. I still have trouble staying hydrated. I work a job that frequently requires 13 hours+ shifts, and I am getting dizzy, lightheaded, and exceptionally fatigued. Today, My muscles felt like they were going to give out - my knees kept involuntarily buckling when attempting to walk to the bathroom and kitchen. I couldn't stop the world from spinning. It sucked. So I went in...but didn't stay (though they wanted to admit me). I am protein-calorie malnourished. My potassium is terrifically low, and I'm anemic. UC doc ordered a psych consult... I still have no health insurance (doesn't kick in for a few weeks yet), so this will be yet more bills I can't afford. I'm so frustrated. The worst part of it is, I did it to myself. I fear eating. I avoid it whenever possible. Yesterday, my intake was a cup of coffee (with a splash of cream), a string cheese and some iced tea. If I could never eat again, I would be happy. I go days without eating sometimes. Part of me fears that anything that passes my lips will make me hideously fat again. I feel zero hunger ever, so I have no cue to eat any more. After years of being ruled by my hunger, I am at loose ends. I don't know what to do at this point. Maybe I'm depressed, I don't know. I have to continue soldiering on somehow, but here I am...still regretting. Unable to adapt and make it my 'new life'.
  18. CrazyCatLady

    What I Ate At Sweet Tomatoes

    I do that often with our favorite chinese buffet - I can get yakitori and some hibachi meat and veggies for $3 per lb, which is not too shabby...and then eat out of my take-out box for 4 or 5 meals, lol.
  19. CrazyCatLady

    What I Ate At Sweet Tomatoes

    I've yet to have a buffet-style restaurant honor my card yet, though I've presented it often enough. I usually get the "Sorry, ma'am - we can't accept this", so I suck it up and pay full price anyways. Somehow, it seems like cosmic justice: for years, I paid for myself but ate enough for 3 people....now, I pay for myself and eat less than a quarter of what 'normal folks' do. It works.
  20. CrazyCatLady

    Scrambled Savory Tofu

    For those of you who can't / won't / don't eat eggs, or just want something different.... 1 block firm tofu, drained and crumbled 1 bunch green onions, sliced 2 Tbsp soy sauce - Tamari is best for this 1/4 tsp turmeric 1/2 tsp chicken bullion powder (optional) Combine all and saute in lightly oiled skillet over med-high heat until liquid evaporates off. Delicious hot, reheated, etc....
  21. I hit 62lbs lost post-op this week...and coworkers are FINALLY noticing. "Hey, you look like you've lost weight...are you dieting?" *eyeroll* Sucks for us bigger folks that it takes a long while for people to notice. For me...still feels surreal. May change eventually.
  22. CrazyCatLady


    So, I finally was given the go-ahead for a regular exercise program, as it "appears" I am no longer at HIGH risk for throwing this blood clot I'm carrying around (I've named him Damien). Woo. So I did the responsible thing, and hired a personal trainer through my gym. On paper, he looks great - lots of national credentials, hundreds of hours of continuing education....until our first meeting. Wow, I never have not-clicked with another professional so badly. He seems to have no concept of the limitations of bariatric surgery patients, though he claims to have had several as his clients. When he found out that I am aiming for 70g of protein a day (and staying below 30g carbs), he blew a gasket on me, going off that I would end up in ketosis, which is "horribly harmful" for the body. Of course, I had to step in as an RN (and as a bariatric patient, sheesh!) and attempt to education this fellow about current nutritional trends, and that YES...the body CAN use protein instead of carbohydrates for glycogen conversion. He didn't like that answer. Kept stating several times that surgery was just "forced starvation" and that exercise would be "hard work" that I might not be used to. Duh. Took measurements and made little under-voiced comments the whole time. Wanted to put me on psyllium husks and a massive colon cleanse...even after I explained to him that I still have uncontrollable diarrhea 2-3x a day, more intestinal stimulation is not what I need. Wow. I'm kinda at a loss now. I really wanted some help with an exercise program, not someone who will judge me. I judge myself enough, thank you. I made a follow up appointment with him, after much pressure...but I'll be calling back tomorrow and cancelling it, along with asking for a refund of my remaining time (it was a package). Damn. Back to square one.
  23. CrazyCatLady

    List Of Can/can't Eat Foods...

    I should note that I do still have a variety of foods that I eat. I make lots of homemade crustless quiche with spinach, turkey bacon, mushrooms, etc. Chili is popular too. Grilled, broiled and baked fish with zesty seasonings. Some custards. Nuts, an ocassional string cheese I can find SOMETHING to eat anywhere I go. The point is, if you're motivated to make it work, you'll do well.
  24. CrazyCatLady

    List Of Can/can't Eat Foods...

    I'm 3 months out, and I have a littany of things I can't eat...which has made life...interesting. No bread, tortillas, breading (like on chicken or chilie rellenos). Can only have cheese in small amounts. NO chicken - doesn't matter how it's prepared, it sticks and causes such pain, feels like an elephant on my chest. No rice. No green leafy veggies of any type. No eggs - except in small amounts as part of quiche, etc. No cruiceferous veggies, even if steamed to mush. Some types of fish. No yogurt. No soy, any type. No Protein shakes (none that I've found yet....the uncontrollable diarrhea within 15 minutes of consumption is always amusing while at work or on an hour-long car trip). No ice cream, no popcicles - even sugar free. Things I was told I wouldn't be able to eat anymore...but can! Beef, all types: ground, steak, etc. Beans. Your mileage will vary. There's no way to predict.
  25. CrazyCatLady

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    I'll be 3 months out on the 16th, and still having a really tough time with food. I can have the exact same food three different times, and get 3 different reactions. I still have painful, uncontrollable bright-yellow diarrhea at least once a day, which appears to have no solution. I'm really tired of vomiting, feeling generally ill, etc. I've lost 52lbs since surgery, but have plateaued for the last 10 days, which seems to be the norm with when my period shows up. This week was frustrating - I saw someone I haven't seen in a while, and they said: "I thought I heard you had weight loss surgery, but I guess that was just a rumor, eh?" I changed the subject, but felt dejected the rest of the day. No one can see any loss yet - and I know it takes a while with us big gals for the loss to visually register, but damn! I already have saggy skin, I feel I look worse now than I did preop, my skin looks like wax melting in the sun. *sigh* I'm glad the rest of ya'll are doing so well. Keep up the good work!

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