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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Krystal reacted to purposedriven4 in READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience   
    Hey Family
    It's been a minute since I posted. I have been having a rough time emotionally. Had a bad break up and my TOM. I am doing well haven't had much of an appetite but when I do I eat. The last two days I have made considerably bad choices. Monday I ate rib tips (5) and tuesday night I ate a polish no bread and a couple of fries. Yesterday I got all liquid calories. I haven't been out in awhile and I went with a friend and had a total of 4 beers the entire night. I know my choices were very bad.
    I think it is healing to put them down on paper and read them. I will be in the gym double time to clean up what I messed up.
    I too love something sweet, but I have my sugar free butterscotch and green apple and jolly ranchers on my desk that I pop in when I fell a craving and they do the trick.
    The nutrtionist also said that after I eat my Protein, veggies, and fruit that if I am still hungry and need something salty or sweet that I can have the 100 cal snack portion, but not to eat the whole bag. To be honest I haven't even had a desire to eat them.
    Well just thought I would chime in.
  2. Like
    Krystal reacted to Jachut in Potato Lasagna!!! YUM   
    I agree with you entirely Krystal and I am definitley going to try this one out. I would eat this and enjoy it too. In moderation I dont see what's wrong with it, its very dependent upon what else you've had to eat that day.
    I dont want to come across as arguing with the high Protein low carb message every single time (but I know I do, lol), becuase really WHATEVER way you want to do it is the perfect way for you and it does work!. But I do feel moved always to point out in these threads that you dont *have* to do low carb to lose weight, the eat everything in moderation diet works very well too. I hate the idea that people might actually believe that you absolutely cannot eat carbs or that people might be browsing this site from Australia or elsewhere in the world where we're not advised to do Protein first and think that being banded means a life on Atkins. It just doesnt if you dont want it to.
    Potato is a good healthy food, packed with Vitamins and minerals. Lasagne overall is a pretty calorific high fat dish so best eaten in moderation, but a small piece of this and salad for dinner wouldnt phase me. I've actually made lasagne with eggplant before instead of Pasta and it was delish!
  3. Like
    Krystal reacted to serenity in READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience   
    Aint't life something (smile) God is awesome..... A situation that has challenged you, has lifted so many people....hooray for you on opening this door of communication.
  4. Like
    Krystal reacted to bexleygal in READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience   
    That is ok, that people disagree with your food choice. You have to do what it right for you. My doctor has told me he would rather me eat food I enjoy in small quanties. This is what I do. I am going to try your receipe b/c with my restriction I woudl not be able to eat alot. Pre-banded my husband and I could finish off teh entire pan. You keep up the great work Krystal!!
  5. Like
    Krystal got a reaction from losingjusme in Potato Lasagna!!! YUM   
    Im trying this tonight...ive heard from 3 diff people that this is AWESOME... anyone tried this....YUM?
    I'll let you know how it comes out...
    Potato Lasagna

    Recipe Rating:
    Prep Time: 15 min
    Total Time: 1 hr 15 min
    Makes: 4 servings
    Nutrition Information
    Ratings and comments
    You may also enjoy function swapRecipeImage(src){document.images['_ctl0__ctl0__ctl0_ctlRecipeDisplayModuleContainer__ctl3_imgRecipe'].src='images/recipe_images/' + src;}
    1 lb. potatoes, peeled, thinly sliced 1/2 lb. lean ground beef 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 jar (14 oz.) spaghetti sauce 3/4 cup POLLY-O FREE Natural Nonfat Ricotta cheese 1/4 cup KRAFT Reduced Fat Parmesan Style Grated Topping 2 egg whites 1/2 cup shredded POLLY-O Part Skim Mozzarella cheese
    PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Cook potatoes in large pot of boiling Water for 5 minutes; drain. Meanwhile, brown meat with onion in large nonstick skillet, stirring occasionally. Drain, if necessary. Add spaghetti sauce to skillet. MIX ricotta cheese, grated topping and egg whites until well blended. Spoon half of the meat mixture into 8-inch square baking dish sprayed with cooking spray. Cover with half of the potatoes; top with layers of the ricotta cheese mixture, remaining potatoes and remaining meat mixture. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. Cover with foil. BAKE 50 minutes. Remove foil. Bake an additional 10 minutes or until cheese is melted.
    Nutrition Bonus:
    Potatoes take the place of Pasta in this great-tasting low calorie meal. As a bonus, the potatoes and spaghetti sauce team up to provide a good source of Vitamin C, and the cheeses provide a good source of Calcium.
    Diet Exchange:
    3 Starch,3 Meat (L)
    Nutrition (per serving)Calories

    Total fat


    Saturated fat








    Dietary Fiber






    Vitamin A


    Vitamin C






  6. Like
    Krystal got a reaction from KRZYGIRLNSTL in READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience   
    It's been two years and i have lost maybe 10lbs total. Why? People ask....I WILL TELL YOU HOW IT HAPPENED FOR ME....
    The moral of the story is not to tell you NOT to get the band...but to tell you that this is no FIX and don't expect overnight weight loss....YOU HAVE TO PUT EFFORT into it.
    This is important....people like me assumed the BAND would fix everything and the motivation would just fall into place...this is soooo untrue.....
    I had always been big...all through school..always size 16+....senior year 2001 i was a good size 22....2003 i was a size 24 and by 2005 i was a size 32......I was always made fun of.....i gained almost 100 pounds in 3 years from being on the depo shot(birth control)so i got off of that...... and then getting pregnant. By 2005 I was at my worst.
    I walked into the Dr's office thinking I was only 360 back in April of 2005. When I got on the scale it read 380...I almost died. I cried in his office because I was so ashamed. Ashamed over 20lbs!!!! I had researched the band and felt because I had a daughter it would be the safest surgery for me. I am only 24 and was 22 at the time. I thought this was going to be the FIX.....the thing to change my life. I thought that there was no way anyone or anything could stop me from losing weight after I had surgery.
    I went through all the tests....and got all the required medical paperwork and convinced some family members to pitch in for my surgery. I set the date and started my pre-op diet!
    From that point on I should have known I was going to be a mess. I was supposed to be on a liquid diet for 2 weeks because my liver needed to shrink for surgery. So i ate everything they told me to for the first 3 days and BAM....the feeling set in.....I WANTED AN ULTIMATE CHEESEBURGER FROM JACK N THE BOX AND I WANTED IT NOW! I couldn't get it off my mind....i was thinking about it allllllll day.....i went to bed thinking about it...and the next morning i went and got one. I figured...what could ONE double cheese burger with double cheese and mayo possibly do......well...it did nothing to the surgery process but it really broke the frame of mind. Before the 2 weeks was up i had eatin 2 not one but TWO ultimate cheeseburgers and a few chicken nuggets. Why? Why couldn't I just do the PRE SURGERY diet?
    June 8th 2005------So surgery day came....and went.....all went well no complications.....i was on soft food in the beginning and I started to eat eggs for Breakfast....but my eggs HAD to have cheese and butter in them....HELLO!!! What was I thinking.....I remember getting my first fill and at this point I had almost lost 40lbs. 20pre-op and 20 post-op. It was amazing.......
    About 3 months out(2 months after my 1st fill) I started to become familiar with my band and how much I could and could not eat. I realized that when i would eat too much, i drank a little bit, and it would make the food pass and then i would feel sooooo much better. I never exercised...keep in mind...(maybe got into the pool like 10 times the whole summer) and i was preparing for my wedding which was September 17th 2005. I was so stressed because my weightloss had pretty much STOPPED......I was craving foods like never before and started to eat and drink at the same time...BIG MISTAKE......i was eating at least double what I should have. So I went and had ANOTHER fill. This slowed me down...but still I was not losing ANY weight. I remember eating my first fried chicken after my fill and like trying to manipulate my band into letting me eat more by taking one bite and then drinking....it was the worst thing in the world i could have EVER done.
    A year after my band was put in I was only 20lbs total lost (which means i gained 20 back) and I was so angry...I promised myself I was going to try and fix things and make it better....So much had happened that year....2006....we bought a house, my husbands dad died of cancer, my husband was leaving for weeks at a time for work...and i was home ALONE with my daughter. I had no energy to keep the house clean(and i still dont) but i would sit and mope.....and EAT.....I would make excuses to people who asked me WHY i hadn't lost any weight. I told them all that it was a slow process and that i had lost 40 pounds(lied to them).
    This year, Jan 2007...I was just sitting at dinner with my husband and looked down and noticed i had a 12oz strip steak, baked potato loaded....and mashed potatos loaded on my plate. I ate all of it. my band was NOT going to stop me. I also ate bread before that.......and drank sweat tea....
    in Feb07 I was online playing around and saw an ad for a weightloss show. Primetime...suppose to be JUST like the Biggest Loser....I thought...hmmmm I'll just fill out the app for shits and giggles.....well they responded and wanted me to send them a tape....so i did.
    Then in march they had me get my band completely UNFILLED and then flew me out to LA and put me through med tests and interviews,THEY BOUGHT ME 2 PLANE SEATS because i was too big to fit in the plane chairs on my own....pretty sad huh,(cant say much more because they made me sign all kinds of disclosures) They told me it was a show that will be on ABC and told me i would be away from my family for 10 weeks. I thought....this is the chance i have been waiting for.
    They made me think i was going....for weeks after the interview I was getting called and asked follow up questions and told i was in the top 4....then on March 31 i was called and told the network did not choose me. I was DEVISTATED.............like someone should have just shot me right there. I was so upset...i cried the whole way home(we were out to eat of course) and my husband looked at me and said...why dont you just do it on your own?
    Ummmmm DUH right...? So about a week went by and I had done a real examination of what i have done wrong and how i have basically cheated myself out of my life! On Easter i saw my family and noticed how no one said i looked good anymore...that's because i didnt.....i looked worse...heavy as can be....and that night i sent an email to my family and decide that enough is enough.
    Im exercising daily...NO EXCUSES...i posted before/after pictures on my walls in my house of other people who have had the band. I put sayings all over the house saying "whats ur excuse now" and i told my husband that enough is enough. So we decided to start our weightloss exercise on the 9th.....on the 10th I went and had my band RE-filled and since the 10th I have lost 10lbs......unbelievable huh!!!
    :clap2: So hopefully all this will inspire SOMEONE before it happens to them. Let my "GAIN" be your "LOSS".
    Good luck everyone!
  7. Downvote
    Krystal reacted to joe7777 in Fat:What no one is telling you---ONLINE   
    EVERYONE, especially people on this forum NEED to see this, or maybe show it to someone who is possibly against you getting the lap band.
    The PBS documentary now available online at
    its in parts
  8. Downvote
    Krystal reacted to marjon9 in how sloooooow do you have to eat and chew for real?   
    I can't answer right now, I'm still eating dinner (from last night).
  9. Downvote
    Krystal reacted to Alexandra in "rep power"   
    This is a "fun" feature of the new software, and will come clear in time. I'm not sure of all the details, but I think that "rep power" is a function of how long one has been a member and how many posts they have. To give rep to a poster you click on the white icon in the upper right of any post.
    Comments left by people who leave rep can be read in your User CP. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see them.
  10. Like
    Krystal got a reaction from KRZYGIRLNSTL in READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience   
    It's been two years and i have lost maybe 10lbs total. Why? People ask....I WILL TELL YOU HOW IT HAPPENED FOR ME....
    The moral of the story is not to tell you NOT to get the band...but to tell you that this is no FIX and don't expect overnight weight loss....YOU HAVE TO PUT EFFORT into it.
    This is important....people like me assumed the BAND would fix everything and the motivation would just fall into place...this is soooo untrue.....
    I had always been big...all through school..always size 16+....senior year 2001 i was a good size 22....2003 i was a size 24 and by 2005 i was a size 32......I was always made fun of.....i gained almost 100 pounds in 3 years from being on the depo shot(birth control)so i got off of that...... and then getting pregnant. By 2005 I was at my worst.
    I walked into the Dr's office thinking I was only 360 back in April of 2005. When I got on the scale it read 380...I almost died. I cried in his office because I was so ashamed. Ashamed over 20lbs!!!! I had researched the band and felt because I had a daughter it would be the safest surgery for me. I am only 24 and was 22 at the time. I thought this was going to be the FIX.....the thing to change my life. I thought that there was no way anyone or anything could stop me from losing weight after I had surgery.
    I went through all the tests....and got all the required medical paperwork and convinced some family members to pitch in for my surgery. I set the date and started my pre-op diet!
    From that point on I should have known I was going to be a mess. I was supposed to be on a liquid diet for 2 weeks because my liver needed to shrink for surgery. So i ate everything they told me to for the first 3 days and BAM....the feeling set in.....I WANTED AN ULTIMATE CHEESEBURGER FROM JACK N THE BOX AND I WANTED IT NOW! I couldn't get it off my mind....i was thinking about it allllllll day.....i went to bed thinking about it...and the next morning i went and got one. I figured...what could ONE double cheese burger with double cheese and mayo possibly do......well...it did nothing to the surgery process but it really broke the frame of mind. Before the 2 weeks was up i had eatin 2 not one but TWO ultimate cheeseburgers and a few chicken nuggets. Why? Why couldn't I just do the PRE SURGERY diet?
    June 8th 2005------So surgery day came....and went.....all went well no complications.....i was on soft food in the beginning and I started to eat eggs for Breakfast....but my eggs HAD to have cheese and butter in them....HELLO!!! What was I thinking.....I remember getting my first fill and at this point I had almost lost 40lbs. 20pre-op and 20 post-op. It was amazing.......
    About 3 months out(2 months after my 1st fill) I started to become familiar with my band and how much I could and could not eat. I realized that when i would eat too much, i drank a little bit, and it would make the food pass and then i would feel sooooo much better. I never exercised...keep in mind...(maybe got into the pool like 10 times the whole summer) and i was preparing for my wedding which was September 17th 2005. I was so stressed because my weightloss had pretty much STOPPED......I was craving foods like never before and started to eat and drink at the same time...BIG MISTAKE......i was eating at least double what I should have. So I went and had ANOTHER fill. This slowed me down...but still I was not losing ANY weight. I remember eating my first fried chicken after my fill and like trying to manipulate my band into letting me eat more by taking one bite and then drinking....it was the worst thing in the world i could have EVER done.
    A year after my band was put in I was only 20lbs total lost (which means i gained 20 back) and I was so angry...I promised myself I was going to try and fix things and make it better....So much had happened that year....2006....we bought a house, my husbands dad died of cancer, my husband was leaving for weeks at a time for work...and i was home ALONE with my daughter. I had no energy to keep the house clean(and i still dont) but i would sit and mope.....and EAT.....I would make excuses to people who asked me WHY i hadn't lost any weight. I told them all that it was a slow process and that i had lost 40 pounds(lied to them).
    This year, Jan 2007...I was just sitting at dinner with my husband and looked down and noticed i had a 12oz strip steak, baked potato loaded....and mashed potatos loaded on my plate. I ate all of it. my band was NOT going to stop me. I also ate bread before that.......and drank sweat tea....
    in Feb07 I was online playing around and saw an ad for a weightloss show. Primetime...suppose to be JUST like the Biggest Loser....I thought...hmmmm I'll just fill out the app for shits and giggles.....well they responded and wanted me to send them a tape....so i did.
    Then in march they had me get my band completely UNFILLED and then flew me out to LA and put me through med tests and interviews,THEY BOUGHT ME 2 PLANE SEATS because i was too big to fit in the plane chairs on my own....pretty sad huh,(cant say much more because they made me sign all kinds of disclosures) They told me it was a show that will be on ABC and told me i would be away from my family for 10 weeks. I thought....this is the chance i have been waiting for.
    They made me think i was going....for weeks after the interview I was getting called and asked follow up questions and told i was in the top 4....then on March 31 i was called and told the network did not choose me. I was DEVISTATED.............like someone should have just shot me right there. I was so upset...i cried the whole way home(we were out to eat of course) and my husband looked at me and said...why dont you just do it on your own?
    Ummmmm DUH right...? So about a week went by and I had done a real examination of what i have done wrong and how i have basically cheated myself out of my life! On Easter i saw my family and noticed how no one said i looked good anymore...that's because i didnt.....i looked worse...heavy as can be....and that night i sent an email to my family and decide that enough is enough.
    Im exercising daily...NO EXCUSES...i posted before/after pictures on my walls in my house of other people who have had the band. I put sayings all over the house saying "whats ur excuse now" and i told my husband that enough is enough. So we decided to start our weightloss exercise on the 9th.....on the 10th I went and had my band RE-filled and since the 10th I have lost 10lbs......unbelievable huh!!!
    :clap2: So hopefully all this will inspire SOMEONE before it happens to them. Let my "GAIN" be your "LOSS".
    Good luck everyone!
  11. Downvote
    Krystal reacted to tonya66 in READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience   
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your so very honest and I know it will help someone. The beauty of the band is it is there for you when your ready. Your not alone in the battle and thinking, many people go into the surgery to "fix" their problem and it just doesn't happen that way. My cousin had Gastric Bypass in November, I had my lap band in January, I've almost lost what she has lost. The difference is I'm working with the band, she is still waiting on her bypass to lose the weight for her. I've tried to explain it to her that she has to do some of the work, maybe I will direct her over here to your story.
    Keep us posted in your progress, we are all cheering for you!
  12. Downvote
    Krystal reacted to Rava in READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience   
    Hi Krystal,
    You've motivated me to come out of lurkdom!
    I just wanted to say that you are inspiring and that you have another aussie follower watching you win your way back to a healthy lifestyle.
    Keep up the great work, and just keep on trying.
    I believe that you WILL get there!
    xxx Rava
  13. Downvote
    Krystal reacted to synicalchick in READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience   
    " I realized quickly that all the mothers up at the park gave me really bad looks. I was trying to walk fast and I ended up getting all red faced and sweaty...HOW EMBARRASSING.....I would walk in circles around the playground keeping my eye on my daughter......and i literally saw a mom whisper to one of her friends and her friend looked up right at me.....WTF!!!! Im walking aren't I!!?!?!?!

    So after the Park we came back to the house and dug ourselves into a massive collection of cookbooks my sister brought along."
    THOSE STUPID IGNORANT MOTHERFUCKINGBITCHES. Don't you DARE let them get you down. What is WRONG with our society??? I too have experienced meanies like this. I bet you can't wait for the day when you get to 'priss' by those saggy assed freaks. I am so sorry. try to turn your embarrasment in to something positive... kind of like a vacuum. suck in the bad.. recycle it and blow out the positive. Next time maybe you can wave at them and be all sweet.
    sorry to rant.
  14. Downvote
    Krystal reacted to ReneBean in READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience   
    It seems like you get those looks no matter WHAT you do... If you go to the gym, you get the look. If you go out to eat, you get the look...
    Some people are just ASSHOLES and need to be bitch slapped a couple of times a day. If they look - LOOK BACK. And then give them the most evil grin you can muster. They will stop looking, eventually. Plus, you will feel much better.
    You have inspired me to haul my fat ass to the gym tonight.
    Thanks, Krystal.
    Stay Tough!
  15. Like
    Krystal got a reaction from travelgirl in READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience   
    Yes I love chili....but i always have heard chili was really bad for you. Im trying to figure out what im going to eat today........maybe ill consider making this chili....mmmmmmmm

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