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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Disney

  1. Hey 1-4-Many...

    my comment about your weight loss was to simply, try and put a positive twist on your situation... something good for you to focus on whilst you are feeling soooo poorly. It was not meant in any other way and I apologise if it came across as flippant or similar. Indeed the whole point for me to get the sleeve was a way to increase my health, fitness and general well being; add years to my life and make the qaulitity of life good. I can see you went into it for the same reasons.

    I have and never will respond on this forum with negative comments or any comments that I wouldn't want to receive myself.

    I hope you feel better and that you are having some relief from how awful you have been feeling.

    I feel the need to come to Coops defense here. I think so many times, when we "read" someone's response on a forum like this, it can be interpreted (or misinterpreted as it were) in so many ways. I absolutely do not think for a moment Coops meant anything bad. She always has good and positive things to say to everyone. That is just my opinion and I felt like sharing it.unsure.gif

  2. I am doing all the right things too and my hair is falling out like crazy too. I am almost 4 months out. I read online that Hair loss can be a result of losing more than 15 pounds a month (which I sure did the first 3 months). My doctor said that the Biotin doesn't prevent hair loss. Luckily I have a lot of hair so it's not noticeable so I am waiting with my fingers crossed.

    My sister-in-law had RNY and her hair didn't stop falling out until a year post-op. I am hoping my hair loss doesn't last that long.

    Hope you hair loss doesn't last too long as well....:blink:

    Right, Biotin doesn't prevent hair loss, it just helps the new growth come in.

  3. I havnt been eating a lot of carbs at all excpt for the times I feel like crap and eat dry cerial and chocolate a few times. I had some cream Soup here and there but for the most part ive been eating fake crab meat, real crab meat, and bbq chicken I cooked in the crock pot. Im 3 weeks out so ive been eating soft stuff. I usually eat 4-6 oz of protien 5-6 times a day. Im gonna measure and be more strict this week and see if I can get this rolling. Im so bummed right now.

    I hope things get moving for you soon. One side note, the 'fake' crab meat has lots of carbs. At least the kind I have bought in the past did. I was on Atkins once and thought that would be a good choice and found out it is made with lots of starch fillers that give it lots of carbs. Maybe yours doesn't, but just a thought.

    Good luck to you!

  4. I was reading Oregon Daisy's post about being in maintenance and it got me thinking. I have read here so many times that when you get 12 + months out you can eat a lot more than immediately post-op, but it's still WAYYYYY less than pre-op. If that is the case, then why is there such a struggle with maintenance? Seems like more than one person has said just overeating for a special occasion/holiday will put on a few pounds and then it is harder and harder to lose them. It just seems like with the reduced amount we will be able to eat, even a year out, and even if its something on the No-No list, it shouldn't be so hard to maintain.

    Is it that this drastic reduction in calories/fast weight loss has destroyed our metabolism? Or messed with our original "set point" for our weight?

    Just curious because you can't help but think that compared to what we used to eat, what we eat now and in maintenance is a fraction of that.

    Thanks for any insight on thissmile.gif

  5. Is there any way to avoid having gallbladder issues with the sleeve??

    You can ask you Dr about taking Actigall. Some have had luck with it. You only take it during the losing phase. It's supposed to prevent gallstones and in people that already have gallstones, it is supposed to help eliminate them. It can be hard on your liver, so you Dr. will want to monitor your levels while you are taking it. But you are on it for a very short period of time in the grand scheme of things, and my Dr. said he has only seen one or two instances of problems in several years of prescribing it.

  6. I am overweight. I have been overweight almost my entire life. I am so sick and tired of being called names and being told what I "need" to do. :angry:NEWSFLASH***** I know I am fat. I have mirrors in my home and I look in them every single day. I dont need you telling me something I already know. WELL today my aunt came over to my moms house. First thing she says "hey big mama". Pissed me off but I moved on from it and simply said hi. I started going to the gym about 3 weeks ago and changed some of my eating habits prior to that and have lost 19 lbs. My response from her " you have more to get off, keep on working on it". Pissed again! Just simply say good job on your weight loss or something encouraging. Its like every time she sees me she has to say something to say about my weight. "You are getting broad across your back, loose some weight" or "you are jiggly" always something. Those of you who think talking to her and telling her how i feel will help, it doesn't. The best part is...DRUMROLL!!!! She is fat herself.

    She pisses me off sometimes and it does not stop. I snapped on someone the other week and my hubby said I need to be like that all the time. LOL! if only it worked. Just needed to vent! Thanks everyone :P

    People like your Aunt have to criticize others to make themselves feel better. Here's the worst part, when you lose all your weight and you are looking FAN-TASTIC, guess what? She is STILL going to find something to criticize, maybe you're having a bad hair day. Maybe your shirt has a few wrinkles, SOMETHING. You should make up your mind now that whatever she says in the future, is just her feeling bad about herself and reflecting it onto you, and don't take it personally. You will do great! I wish you lucksmile.gif

  7. You're not an idiot. It is perfectly normal to be scared. I think we all were to some degree. Just remember back to all the reading you have done on this site and the overwhelming majority are MORE than happy with this decision and I think you will be, too. Hopefully diabetes will never even come into play and your BP will normalize (mine did right after surgery).

    Good luck to you and please don't be so hard on yourself. This is a BIG decision.smile.gif

  8. I had my first experience today. I'm 19 days post op and on mushies. I'm not sure what happened.....its almost like I ingested air instead of food!! I had one tiny bite of grits....basically licked the spoon after stirring, 2 tiny bites of soft scrambled eggs.........and I'm running for the bathroom!!!! After the 3 small bites came out the rest was just nasty burping and a ton of slimy air bubbles!!!! Has this happened to anyone else? I know it wasn't an "overeat" situation......but maybe similar?

    It might have been the scrambled eggs. Lots of folks here have said they did not sit well with them either. The one and only time I have vomited was when I ate scrambled eggs. I won't be trying again for a while. I can eat boiled eggs just fine. Strangehuh.gif

  9. I received my shippment of Slim Fast Low Carb Drink and I did not like it. Thank God I only spent $15 on the order, they won't go to waste cause my husband will be taking them to work. My review is don't waste your money on these drinks.

    I've never tried the Low carb Slimfast, but back in the day, I used to drink the regular Slim Fast and I would always get the french vanilla and I started adding flavorings to them. Like banana, coconut (yummy pina colada taste), pineapple, even orange for a dreamsicle type taste. They weren't great but they were pretty good. It gives you a broader choice instead of the same old chocolate, vanilla and strawberry choices.

  10. I used Dr. Aceves in Mexicali Mexico. I cannot comment on others as he is the only one I have experience with. Have never had a better surgery/hospital experience anywhere. Just search his name on these boards. You will see what I mean. There are many, many Mexican Dr's though, so just do some heavy research before making this decision. Good luck to you!smile.gif

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