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LAP-BAND Patients
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About adoorme9

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 11/26/1949

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  1. Happy 63rd Birthday adoorme9!

  2. 7 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 7th Anniversary adoorme9!

  3. adoorme9

    List of Protein rich foods/values

    Hi mie, you just need to eat small servings ,and put on your plate, protein, or drink protein drinks , but, as far as food , ask your doctor, what you can't eat, and what you can eat very small amounts , like mash potatoes, 1teaspoonful, meat 1/2an oz. veggies cut really small, oz. 's not 3or 4oz. 3or 4 meals a day and eat what you like in very small portions, and chew your food well, drink plenty of water. and your proteins drinks , and vitamins too, but, ask you doctor... margie, was unband 1/23/08 KEEP STRONG , YOUR DOING A GREAT JOB, LITTLE STEPS TURNS TO A MILESTONE.....:smile:
  4. adoorme9

    Was still having trouble after removal

    HI, just being in the site and posting your problems with the removal of you band is a help to alot of people that have had trouble and don't know why or what is going on with there body and mind, to those that it has gone well great, to those that have not, we need to keep trying and not give up is depressing to have to start all over again, and taking drinks and diets, to lose the weight, i personally can't stand to start over and now to lose more then 45lbs . i could scream, but, you have to go forward. and hope for the best, .... ------------------------------------------------------------------ margie.
  5. Hi, still recuperating from the removal of the lap band, my stomach has not been the same and is since Jan.2008 , Six months now, my body retains a lot of water, my belly is bigger then before, gained about 40lbs. even tho i had a kidney stone removed 3/08 ,had a stent put in , and it was in for a month and a 1/2 . :tt1: now ... i'm trying to do excises to strengthen my muscles, cause , they were so weak, (from resting for about 4 months to get better), i couldn't get around . i feel fat. and tired,.... today. did a little excise. but couldn't finish. my body feels so much heaver , now more then i ever felt.... but, tomorrow, is another day, and will try doing a different excise, So i'm down today , thanks to Jehovah for tomorrow, i'm thinking of Tye Bo to really let it hurt. last week i did tone and sweating VHS tape, and it did really good, got my body up and moving without pain, BUT. big mistake went to visit, my daughter and grandchildren during the weekend and today i feel rundown . i could cry, So tomorrow, is for me.. I'm learning the fight is harder the second time around, but excise, tho it hurts for the first week, but, man now. i have won that fight, so i need to continue moving around and keeping busy. walking , So you guys keep it up. margie band 4/2003 removed 1/08 kidney stone removed 3/08 THE FIGHT IS HARDED BUT THE REWARDS ARE SWEETER.:eek:
  6. adoorme9

    Band removed two weeks now(feel great)

    hi, wishing i remember what the doctor told me in the emergency room, not all bands are placed correctly , and i believe so. I'm really sorry, that your hopes and dreams are put on hold.. and your wishes ,will take just a little longer then you though to accomplish . but, keep trying, i've learned that now, i can be patient with myself. and lose the weight , so i know how you feel. in gaining 16lbs. fear, stress of finding i had kidney stones. and the pain of it . boy, you could have hit me with a rock and it would not have hurt as much as finding this out. everything is on hold, now, but, it doesn't meaning i'm quiting. i'm on vacation on strategy island . so when i get the ok, i will , racing to finish this fight. So just, think of what your going to do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- margie band 4/5/04 emergency removal 1/23/08 NOTHING IS IMPOSABLE TO THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. HE MAKES HOPES AND DREAMS COME TRUE.:thumbup:
  7. adoorme9

    Band removed two weeks now(feel great)

    hi, utah, it's not easy, with this band, but, to be very honest with you, one of my problems, started , with the group that had gathered for support, they were talking about how they could eat a whole slice of pizza, with no problem.even a mother and daughter team that got the band together, i couldn't believe what i was hearing wow that's neat, i can eat pizza and donut's and rice and Beans, man , that sound so good. but, i had not had the band put on yet, so when I finally got the band on, on stress days, on sad days, my hunger kicked in really hard. so i tried to eat the right way , but two or three more bites, were ok, no way. so miss information can really hurt you in the long run , and i tried .pushing the envelopes . not a lot but, that extra bite got me all the time ,then the food allergies, my stomach, and my body , some taste just turn my stomach, so be true to yourself. and if it ,doesn't sound right, maybe, is not, .... with the band you need a lot of support, and friends that will be there , to help you , in a loving way, cause, we can't share our fears, and sadness, and being sick , with those who, don't understand, at times, only you know how strong you can be and you are. ---------------------------------------------------------------- margie band 4/5/04 emergency removal 1/23/08 BEING TRUE TO YOURSELF DOES NOT MEAN GIVING UP, IS TRYING HARDER AND GIVING IT YOUR BEST SHOT.:thumbup:
  8. I am glad to hear your doing okay, I go March 31st to see the surgeon to have my band removed. I have had nothing but problems for one year now, April 6th will be one full year and only have lost 16 pounds, been in the hospital 3 times, its crazy

    I am glad to hear your de-banding went well.

  9. adoorme9

    Band removed two weeks now(feel great)

    hi, utah sorry ,your friend had such a terrible experience . i'm so glad she is doing so much better, and you are doing so well , with your band, i know is hard to let the band removal not effect a person so much , but, her battle , has just begone, i gain 16lbs. and is hard to admit it . and now , is a worse fight to get the weight off. but.when i saw all the food and having to cook, even tho i was not feeling , well at the time, i tasted, and tasted, every thing i could.. bad ideal,,,, now my husband and i ,, on this Monday, are going to start excising and counting calories . i was good at that, but ,mind you ,he didn't volunteer, for this. he looked shocked , but, as loving as he is , and almost with tears, said ok, so no more donuts, cakes, midnight snacks, no more temptation , no more midnight snacks , hurray!!!!!! . he needs to lose weight, and i need a partner. right now, i'm even using my cat to walk as often as possible, so i got those, cat carriages to stroll her out side when i walk. so far, she gets in the carriage, and waits just to get out the house, and i know how she feels, on nice days . this is new to me, but, i would not have thought of it before. or had the nerve to ask any body to go for walks, but, now I CAN... so you and your friend just, keep encouraging each out, and be careful when you feel any thing uncomfortable, or can't keep food down, even if you've had your band for a while.. did you guys get the band around the same time together. how much weight did you guys lose, and how's the weather over there:shades_smile:.? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- margie band 4/5/04 emergency removal 1/23/08 FEAR KEEPS US FROM MOVING FORWARD.AND PUSHING ON
  10. adoorme9

    New here and need some support

    hi , my band was place wrong from the beginning. so i didn't have a chance to enjoy the fruits, of the work i was going to put to losing the weight. i chewed tums for my heartburn, and gas. but,with all that i was going threw, i had other problems , i didn't know about , everything showed in the x-rays , but, no doctor, bothered telling me, like a big kidney stone, gold stones, which all this complicated, so much of my health and brings down your spirits, in trying to lose the weight.. since , your sick all the time ,you need to find out what else you may have , when i had problems,it was hard to chew the food small very small, cause, i was so hungry, and eating to much, then i became allergy, to some foods, as soon as. i put the food in my mouth i vomit it out ,i could hardly hold down any thing, so i couldn't eat alot of foods, trial and error, i didn't eat the same foods that made me sick the first time around, you'll get to hate them, chicken, pork, steaks,meats, in very small portions.. then came drinks, i was down, to potato's and yogurt, milk.. but, slimfast helped a lot, also. because, they were liquids .. at times i didn't want to eat, in fear of getting sick. Try to find a doctor, or buy your x-rays and see for yourself . in what could be wrong ........ Hoping you find relief sooner then later. and don't get discourage. just be careful.take Vitamins no matter what...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ margie, band,4/5/04 emergency removal, 1/23/08 THUR PRAY AND SUPPLICATIONS MAKE YOUR PETITIONS KNOW TO GOD.
  11. adoorme9

    Band removed two weeks now(feel great)

    The hardest thing to learn is that the band is a helper,and a support , not a permanent, fixture. i know i was counting down the days ,when it will come out , and was scared as to what? i was going to do afterwards , when it had to be removed in the emergency way that it had to come out. you learn to keep your balance and your wits on things . cause, everything looks, good to eat , and you feel like , a failure , a complete failure . i stuck it out , with all that i went threw with the band and almost lost my life, when the doctor , explained how serious it was, and show me a picture of what it look like, I'm so glad it was taken out, and my husband got to see the picture too. and couldn't believe it. all these feeling, after dealing with so much, but, to my surprise:eek: . i also had kidney stone,at the same time i had the band. one stone that was 11mm big, to large to pass Thur the kidney tube or urethra canal,and the rest are small enough to pass, finding this out a month later, so i ,also had complications from the kidney stones, how, sad and confuse am i . now, I'm getting a Sten put into my urethra canal to laser the stone to pieces to remove it, piece by piece. everything should be done by the end of this month, Jehovah willing. the sad part, is that I've gain 16lbs. now i have to start on diets and all over again .but, with all that i've learned from this, it should be way better. and more sensible to me. So the removal of the band, starts a new or the same challenge as before. depending were the band ends and you begin....... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- margie, band4/5/04,N.Y emergence removal, 1/23/08,PA. THE PAST HELPS YOU TO IMPROVE YOUR FUTURE, CHANCES
  12. hi, pan at times, they want to see, how you can do, but, for doctor's is how your health, and if you can , cause is not the band, that's going to do it , it's you and if you can give your body a starting chance , now, you got to do it , any way, start now, this is the band, so we can eat 4oz. of food 3 to 4 or 5 times a day, so just, think of how much you have to do now, with the band is for five years , more or less, you got to start now, to get use to is, your getting a head start on it, is for your health and life.... ----------------------------------------------------------------- margie 4/5/04 removed 1/23/08 WHEN YOUR RUNNING A RACE, YOU PRACTICE, FOR EACH MILE.........
  13. HI, pan you know, you can ask to see your x-rays, and the doc. explain it to you, of what he sees, is the problem or an other doc. in his field. or buy your x-rays to see for yourself. some one can give you an answer, so you don't have to wonder so much, and worry .. ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- margie b 4/5/04 removed 1/23/08 THE MORE WE ASK THE MORE ANSWERS WE GET..
  14. adoorme9

    Type II Diabetes Diet with LapBand?

    hi, sham i too, am type2, band from4/5/04, since your portion is so small, you need to find foods that are high in protein, look for that on the cartons, labels, you need to be careful, with fruits, but, when your weight , starts to come down your blood sugar, also starts to come down, ask your doctor, how many times a day you can eat, because of your small portions a day4 or 5 or6 as long as they are 4oz. each time, or what the doctor says, to help you. monitor yourself carefully. to get enough to keep you healthy. and well, ask questions, on the type 2 diets, weight loss is great, and you will feel so much better, and your diabetics , will get better, ------------------------------------------------------------------ margie 4/5/04 emergency removed 1/23/08 THE MORE YOU WORK AT IT THE BETTER IT GETS.
  15. hi,pandagirl this just shows how, patient and understanding you are, things will go wrong and we need all the patients in the world to deal , with so many problems, but, in the long run , you are the winner, in health and emotions. for what is to come ahead. just give us an update as to how you are doing, and how you feel , it helps , to keep you going an other week or month. ---------------------------------------------------------------- margie band 4/5/04 emergency removal 1/23/2008 WE DON'T KNOW WHAT WERE ARE MADE OF, UNTIL WERE'RE PUT TO THE TEST.

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