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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Donna4545

  1. Donna4545

    Help! Am I drinking too quickly?

    I have drunk like a mo-fo ever since they handed me a cup the day after surgery. I laughed at the nurse when she showed me a 2 oz cup and said "try to drink this much every hour". I easily drank 16 oz in an hour, sippy-style. I'm two weeks out, and as long as it's a thin, water-based liquid, it goes right down. Thick shakes are another story though-2 to 3oz and then I have to wait a few minutes before taking another sip. My doc didn't have a problem with it, so I'm guessing you are ok if you can drink more thin liquids that they recommended at first.
  2. Oh the difference that semi-normal food makes! I busted out the mini-ramekins had 3 oz of green chile refried Beans with lowfat mozarella cheese melted on top--it made me so happy it was like a turkey dinner! I am so loving the mushy stage already--I'm going to make deviled eggs tomorrow and food process them, I am so looking forward to it. Flavor, thank God almighty there is flavor in the world! It's a whole new mushy world! I started a blog on blogger called Gastric Sleeve Foodie where I'm posting recipes. The foodie blogs that are out there now are by RNYers mostly, and they don't absorb calories like we do, so their recipes don't always translate well. I'm still posting on pre-op diet recipes but I'll get caught up soon. Pre-op newbies might find it interesting. Thanks to everybody for getting me through the dastardly full liquids phase.
  3. Donna4545

    Do I need to be concerned about beans?

    Thanks, Tiffy. The nutritionist today said "don't fill up on them, but having a little is ok". She wants me to get my Protein in first. I started mushies/puree tonight with 3 oz luscious refried Beans with low fat mozarella melted on top. It didn't fill me up but I was afraid to eat more. I waited 1/2 hr and had a Protein Shake. Next time I'll try 4 oz--it just seems like a lot for so early out. I think I might have a mega-pouch. My 2 week followup with the surgeon was also today and he said what he was most concerned about at the 2 week point was not weight loss, but how I was feeling--did I have energy etc. He says no exercise beyond walking. I guess I was trying to get ahead of myself. He was basically saying "relax and heal". The doc's office scale weighed substantially different from my home scale (the problem was my home scale was on carpet I figured out when I got home.) so I hadn't lost as much as I thought. That was a bummer, but he said I was losing fine as far as he was concerned. Ticker has been adjusted. Sigh.
  4. I don't understand why everyone hates protein shakes! Either Iosopure Zero Carb is great, or I'm some kind of freak of nature!
  5. I saw my doc today and he said 3-4 lbs a week was an extremely good weight loss, but don't expect it to be like that continuously. There will be peaks and valleys. He also said the reason we lose so much pre-op is that a lot of it is water, while post-op we are losing fat, and that takes longer. He said don't look at it as a week to week thing, look at it in the long term.
  6. Donna4545

    2 weeks, what's normal?

    Go for the CT scan. What you are describing is not normal.
  7. Donna4545

    Carb and weight loss poll

    I just stay away from "evil carbs"--potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, corn, peas. If there are some carbs in a fruit or non-starchy vegetable, I don't really mind it. If I ate potato anything it would trigger a feeding frenzy!
  8. Donna4545

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    I'm two weeks out, and have lost 35 lbs since being sleeved. 278 today. I'm terrified of the "3rd week stall".
  9. Donna4545

    Fab 40's shout out

    I just turned 46, but better late than never!
  10. Donna4545

    4 weeks out.

    Everyone is different. 32 lbs in a month is great! Don't worry, just keep doing your thing!
  11. RNY involves making a sleeve line as a first step before the bypass, which is actually harder. A vertical sleeve is continuous/an easier staple line. I'm sure you will be fine.
  12. Donna4545

    3 days until surgery

    I hope everything goes very well for you!
  13. Donna4545

    Disappointment has set in

    I'm 2 weeks out--Here's my diet--way less than 30 grams of carbs/day 60 grams of protein/day 64 oz liquid Very little fat 500-600 calories If you can't lose weight on this diet, call your doctor.
  14. Donna4545

    Have 100+ lbs to loose?

    I'm in that boat!
  15. Donna4545

    100+ Pound Club

    I was just sleeved 2 weeks ago and my goal seems so far away. I am terrified of "the stalls". It's just such a daunting amount of weight to lose. Congrats to all of you who have done it--it's amazing!
  16. Donna4545


    I like the cottage cheese test. Thanks for posting that--it makes me curious to try it.
  17. Donna4545

    July Surgeries

    This is probably too late, but ask for a scolopamine patch behind your ear for nausea. Much more pleasant than a suppository!
  18. Donna4545

    July Surgeries

    Elisa there is disagreement about straws. Surgeons tend to be conservative and say no straws, but patients use them anyway and say they are fine. I'm so glad everyone got through their recent surgeries and are on the mend--I got sleeved the 14th and am feeling great! Now I need help getting creative with the puree phase of the post-op diet. Cheers, Donna
  19. Donna4545

    Too much weightloss

    I sing, not opera, but I haven't noticed any difference except you need to wait for the muscles to heal before you can use your diaphragm without the incisions hurting. I'm two weeks out and it's really not a problem, and I will be back singing in the chamber chorale within the month. I wouldn't worry about it. The anesthesia doesn't affect your voice, although some people get a temporary sore throat.
  20. Donna4545

    racing heartbeat

    Sounds like: a. too much/ittle thyroid meds if you have a thyroid problem b. dehydration I would call the doc.
  21. Donna4545

    What Size Should I/He Buy?

    I wouldn't buy a dress now, because you never know how your inches are going to distribute--I think the gift certificate idea was good--it lets you get a gift now so to speak, but also be able to try on dresses when the time comes so you get the perfect dress. Also styles change--another reason to wait.
  22. Supposedly gum gives you gas, or so they told me. I never chew gum so I don't know, actually.
  23. Donna4545

    * My Journey *

    You'll probably feel better if you call your insurance company and ask exactly what the criteria are for the sleeve to be covered. That way you're not up in the air. Good luck with everything.
  24. Donna4545

    Weighed Yesterday

    So glad to hear your stall is over! Woo!
  25. Donna4545

    Home from surgery

    Great--glad you made it through!

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