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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lauramomof3

  1. lauramomof3

    not losing anymore!

    wow, that shake sounds really good. never tried any kind of flax seed. would like too but haven't yet.
  2. lauramomof3

    Pork rinds?

    my insurance want pay for a ppi either because you can get them otc. so my mom gets them for me on her script. how fair is that for my mom to have get them for me!!!
  3. lauramomof3

    Is chewing gum a problem after sleeve?

    i was also told to avoid chewing gum because of air, but i have chewed some already. usually chew after just having my meals just in case it is true about the air and filling my tummy up with air. i also suck on peppermints. i would probably just do breath mints for quite some time. give that tummy a chance to heal.
  4. lauramomof3

    not losing anymore!

    my physician does surgery on people that are at least 35 bmi. so good luck.
  5. lauramomof3

    NSV shout outs

    okay i have a few oh my's: i can cross my legs with ease and can keep them crossed for a long while!!!!, i have went from 3xl unisex scrubs to an large top and xl bottom!!, the brand new 20 jeans i bought 4 wks ago are falling off of me, i have space in between my toes-i can see the light through them. another thing that happen today is my baby got sick (vomitted) and missed the toilet. i had to clean up around the bottom, actually the whole toilet bending over and i could actually breathe the whole time. didn't like what i was breathing in yucky smell but i didn't feel any discomfort... also congrats to the other posts early that i was reading. we are all working this sleeve like crazy.
  6. lauramomof3

    I'm losing my hair!!!!!

    well i am almost 12 wks out and my hair was already thin and right now it is just getting thinner. can see my scalp in and conditioner from sally's called nioxin. i was using merells vitamins but my hair dresser suggested the bioxin, she said it works better. will try that. right now it is not coming out by chucks. thinking about getting some extension. even asked my husband what he thought about some dreadlocks for fun!!!!
  7. lauramomof3

    Length Of Hospital Stay???

    the pain is no worse than the laposcopys that you had. the same incision as the laps also just in sort of a circular pattern. i used the morphine drip a little but the tordol worked the best for me. good luck and i am sure you will do fine.
  8. lauramomof3

    Length Of Hospital Stay???

    i wouldn't have any thought about going home the same day. i went home the day after. what does your physician do about the leak test? good luck if you do decide to go home the same day after the procedure...
  9. :drool5:okay this a yummy Protein drink and you can't even taste the protein supplement!! It comes from bariatriceating.com- 1 1/2 scoops of vanilla protein 1 1/2 cups of Water (if using powder protein) 3 tablespoons sugar free vanilla flavoring 1 tablespoons sugar free vanilla half and half- i used international delight sf vanilla 2 sleeves of crystal light raspberry lemanade mix 6 ice cubes blend all together this is really yummy and tastes so good!!:thumbup1: i bought the strawberry banana smoothie frozen fruit yesterday and am going to make me a smoothie in the am and add vanilla protein to it as my early am Breakfast. i am not getting in enough protein during the day and have been really tired and sluggish during the day. hope this helps the ones that need more flavor to cover up the protein taste. there are quite a few recipes on www.bariatriceating.com if anyone is interested in some new ideas!! good luck girls and gents.
  10. lauramomof3

    Dress Slacks & Others

    are the tops 16/18 or larger. i am in 16/18 now and don't have hardly any because i don't want to buy clothes. i mostly wear or scrubs at work(i work in l&d and wear blue or scrubs everyday)
  11. lauramomof3

    B12 Injections

    i would try to start taking the po vits. on a regular basis. have you tried setting an alarm clock to take your po vitamins. i can't really say much. i am not taking my calcium vit. i can't swallow my calcium petites. it hurts so bad. before surgery i had no problems taking pills. why do i now. it is crazy!!!
  12. lauramomof3

    Out of the twos!

    yea to you ml. you are really working that sleeve. can't wait til i am there. you are doing so well.
  13. lauramomof3

    Digital Pictures

    No i don't think i could take any topless pics either. i am feeling more fatter than when i was 68# heavier. i think it is because i have a waist now and then a huge roll on the upper part of my abdomin. it is jiggly and an ugly thing. the lower part of my abdomin looks pretty good. well good luck with the pics.
  14. lauramomof3

    I'm NORMAL

    yea for you girl. i know how long you have waited to finally not be losing weight. also glad you are doing well after your gb surgery. today i finally got up the nerve to eat a small chef salad. it was so good and went down so smooth. i was amazed that it went so well. it also tasted so fresh and good. again i am so glad that you are doing so well. keep us posted on your progress.
  15. lauramomof3

    have been sickly!@!

    well i am going to the doctor on monday cause my head cold is not any better and mucous is green-yellow. i don't feel good at all. was on the go all day long today so i am really tired tonight.
  16. has anyone else experienced being sick so much since surgery!!! i have had a virus about 2 weeks ago- diarhea and vomiting. now i have a head cold/flu that is making me feel so drained. i can't drink hardly anything or eat because my throat is so sore. i am really sabatoging my weight loss. i didn't feel like exercising today due to this cold. i have no energy!! does any one have any ideas. also should i start taking some extra vitamin C? i don't want to keep getting colds and viruses just because my immune system is weak. please help!!:eek::sad0::frown1:
  17. lauramomof3

    High Protein, Low Calorie Bars

    mr nich sr, what are the nutritional stats on the atkins bars at walmart? i want to get me some for a meal replacement. some days at work i don't feel like eating that much. something like that would be great.. thanks for the info.
  18. lauramomof3

    Here we are again minus 55lbs of mine!

    wow, you are looking great. i bet you feel so much better! keep up the great work girl.
  19. lauramomof3

    Trying to decide

    I am going to ditto everyone else here about no regrets. i feel like a million bucks most days. today i have a cold but when i get better, i feel so good. i walk around much better with no pains in legs, glad to be fitting in clothes that are in the normal sizes. not the ones that cost $2.00 more because they are bigger!! it is nice to finally go shopping with so many varieties. i hope this helps you. i started out just being able to eat a few bites of scrambled eggs lets say, now i can almost eat the whole egg!! if you work around people that are of small frame, then yes they eat like small quantities. just look at what they eat sometime on a regular basis. good luck.
  20. lauramomof3

    That feeling of fullness?

    i have never had the band but i too with only the sleeve felt this way early on. some days were easier than others. just took it one day at a time. warm liquids still feel good to me and i am 11 wks out. there are days i don't get in enough liquids. all we can do is keep trying our hardest and take it one day at a time.. you are doing great.
  21. lauramomof3

    Scrambled eggs were not what I expected

    i normally have scrambled eggs with cheese and a little bacon and it goes down so good. this morning i tried a poached egg and it didn't go down very good. don't know if it is because i am sick with a head cold or what. well i will try again in about a week or two. get tired of eating the same old things. everyone here is so encouraging. thanks guys and congrats to everyone for the tremendous weight loss. you know we should all add up how much we have lost and see just how much in all the grand total of loss. that would be awesome!!! i have lost 65# total since starting this journey, that is a equivalent to a little person like someone around 6-7 yrs old. that is awesome...
  22. lauramomof3

    have been sickly!@!

    well that's true about season. i guess just worried about getting dehydrated. usually don't take in enough liquids on a normal day as it is. hopefully tomorow will be a better day as far as my throat. one of my nurse friends called me today and said "Laura, do you need me to bring some iv fluids down to your house?" of course i said oh no, i think i will be fine!! how do i really know. i absolutely feel horrible... well good night. going to lay down. thanks...
  23. lauramomof3

    Really frustrated with surgeon

    excitedtoloose=sorry you are going through this with your surgeon. he sounds like a real jerk face!! that office staff should have been respectfull to you. i would diffinitely go to the office manager and try to go to the hospital that supports him with your complaints also. they need to know how his office staff is treating their patients. hope you get to feeling better. keep us up to date on your progress with office jerks!!
  24. lauramomof3

    not losing anymore!

    oh cwalck , i am so sorry for what has happened to you. i guess i missed that part. hope you get to feeling better. hang in there and it will happen for you too.
  25. lauramomof3

    Pork rinds?

    ishary-you should be able to try them when you are on regular foods. good luck and happy eating!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
