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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by rcarter76

  1. Ok everyone, I LOVE this forum, because everyone is so positive, helpful, caring, kind and successful! But this is the third week I have not lost weight! I will be 5 weeks out on Monday and lost tons pre-op and 2 weeks post op. I know everyone says there is the 3 week stall (I am going on week 5), and that your body adjusts to eating soft foods from liquids and all that jazz. But this week I checked my caloric intake, (800 per day), my Protein is on target (60-80 g daily) and I drink plenty of H2o. I have been in touch with my nutritionist etc and we tweaked my diet a bit, but that was almost a week ago. What gives? I don't want to be negative nancy or a sourpuss, but this is depressing. I am barely eating, have been walking 1.5-2 miles every other day and am getting plenty of sleep. I would just like to know, has this happened to anyone else, does it start coming off again, and what are your experiences. My doc said that I should not have a plateau for 6 mos to a year , and I am only a month out so I am super concerned. I have my follow up with him next Tuesday, but I feel like he will give me the same old, "Work the plan, the plan will work" adage and I just want to feel good and NORMAL. Please post any such plateaus, regardless of where you hit them, how much you lost in your first month etc. I was 269 day of surgery and have been toggling between 250-253 for over 2 weeks now. Very frustrating. Any suggestions would be appreciated, along with comments, help, and stories. Thanks, Rachel:001_unsure:
  2. Why is it that I can only eat like 2 bites of lean turkey meat, or any other Protein, like cottage cheese, fish etc. But the BAD/Carby or fat foods like chips or bread or Cookies go down easy and I don't feel full? Are those what are called slider foods? Can anyone define that for me and explain? I feel like I can eat MORE of the bad stuff, even when it seems to be thick regular food... Anyway, any comments appreciated. I am on all regular foods except salad but still trying to do the protein first etc etc
  3. It will go away, it has been 7 weeks for me and I barely remember it, but if you look bad through the threads, you will see, I felt the same too! You can do it, great job, walk it off, it helps!
  4. My biggest thing here is: Stop stressing. When I freaked out, it added worry and anxiety to my body and the weight held still because my body was under stress and it won't let go. I didn't get on the scale or obsess last week since I was out of town and got back and had lost another 3.5 lbs! Watch the carbs, get 60-80g Protein, drink ALL YOUR Water, and get moving. THose are my staples that I tell myself each day. Equally as important is getting your Vitamins. I take 2 mutli's, 3 Calcium and a B12 each day and I think that helps my body work better. It is the hardest moment after recovering from surgery to feel as if we have "failed again". But after visiting my surgeon week before last, he almost giggled at my stress (not in a bad way), but encouraged me to relax and enjoy it instead of stressing. HE reassured me that there was NO way it could NOT fall off. So, try to relax, and enjoy. One other thing i noticed is that someone mentioned grits and mac n cheese. For me Pasta and bread during my first 6 weeks wasn't allowed, it grows in your tummy and we don't want to stretch our sleeve's! I am officially in my 7th week and get to try new foods. I am counting down the days until I get to eat real salads! I have to wait until the 3 month mark, but I am halfway there! Keep it up everyone, glad to be back around!:thumbup1:
  5. Jana,


    They told me to sort of restart, and up my protein etc. But the MOST important advice he told me was to enjoy the ride, and that it was impossible for it NOT to work. And to stop obsessing over the scale and ENJOY. I have been gone ALL week for a work trip in Portland, and got on the scale this morning and I lost 3 lbs this week, and I didn't even have ONE protein shake, and I know I went over the carb limit everyone keeps talking about. I just ate tiny portions. I let myself feel full etc. I am overjoyed and recommitted and I know I need to relax and stop stressing and let the weight come off. I had surgery on Dec 7th and I am now literally 40 lbs lighter, that is fast!


    How about you, how are you holding up and progressing?


  6. THanks Laura! I am trying to catch up with you! 10 more and I will be there. I am so happy you are doing well, this is very exciting. I need to post after photos, since I already look different. I will take some this week and I DO need to measure... My goal this week is to UP my water intake! Talk to you soon!
  7. Tiff, I just wanted to say THANKS for the tips, advice and most of all support and encouragement, I can't wait to be your size!

  8. rcarter76


    I know exactly how you feel. It wasn't the carb counting, etc that helped, it was me LETTING GO and allowing my body to do what it does naturally. I stopped stressing and lost 3 lbs in the last 2 days after stalling for almost a month. I tried changing carbs to 30g a day, no change, I made sure and got my Water and Protein in too. The only advice I have is to stop weighing yourself for at least a week and just be happy you are not gaining and THINK THIN. I did that and it is coming off again. Plus my surgeon says the cookie cutter bariatric diet doesn't work for 20% of us, so you may need to up your caloric intake. Mine went up from 600-800 to now 1000-1200 and I am losing. Since you are so active you may need more. Each of us is different and it is a hard process to find out what works for each of us. The best thing you can do it "jump start" your body again. Go back to the pre-op diet and take 2 Protein shakes a day and then 2 lean protein meals with steamed veggies and see if that shakes it up a bit. Don't give up!
  9. You are right Linda, today I got on the scale and it says 247.6! 2 more down! I am 3 pounds away from having lost 40 lbs! WHOOO HOOOO
  10. I moved down a 1.2 lbs today! WHOO HOO I guess since it has been so long I will take it, and to be out of the 250s is feeling great. I feel thinner today (mentally) and am going to ride that high! I have a work trip next week and have already stocked up and planned my meals and days so I can be good and keep losing. Hang in there, trust me I know and feel your frustration! Best to you...
  11. rcarter76


    SAME here! Only 1.2 pounds down, but I am officially out of the 250s!!!! WHEW! I weighed 249.6 today. I will take it! Now I hope I can keep it up! Maybe just the stress held it on, because after my dr appt yesterday and my surgeon's encouragement I have felt thinner and better and just keep thinking positive about all the weight that is to come. I have lost over 34 lbs in less than 2 months! YAY
  12. Also, I just wanted to add here, that my doc says that sometimes 800 calories isn't enough for all body types. He said that a cookie cutter diet works for 80% of people (i.e. Low carb, 80 g Protein, 800 calories and water), but that sometimes we need more food to lose, and told me for the next week to take it around 1000 (especially since I have been working out). Sounds like you workout too, maybe try it. He told me to kick start my loss again by taking it back to basics: Protein shakes twice a day and 2 other small protein healthy meals. He told me within a week I should see some weight, but that with me 20 lbs in a couple weeks, same as you, that this is a great loss, and if you look at the big picture, you are 20 lighter in ONE MONTH! Stalls will happen, they are normal, I challenge you to not look at the scale until next Monday. See if caloric increase (small) helps... AND, trust me I know how it feels to stall, after we see such big numbers, but in the long run this has to work, we are not eating near what we did to get us fat, so it will come off. Just keep positive, stressing about it can hold onto the weight, ASK anyone on here, they have seen me freaking out for the past week! I have been where you are and have decided to let it work for me and like my doctor said, "enjoy the ride!" don't stress. So, cheers and good luck and stay positive!
  13. rcarter76


    I am not sure if you have read my posts, but I have also been recently dissapointed and stuck at the same weight for 3 weeks. I saw my surgeon today. He advised me to get back on my thyroid (have you ever had yours checked?) and to "re-start" my weightloss to do 2 Protein shakes a day and then 2 other small meals at around 200 calories. And then be sure you follow what Tiffykins has said about protein and carbs and calories, but almost just as important is your Water. Are you getting at least 64 oz in? That is the way our body gets rid of the fat and excess, so not getting enough can keep it all in. Just my 2 cents. I am sticking to it, my doc reassured me that IT WILL happen, there's no way it won't work if I am following the rules, so hang in there!
  14. Hello everyone! And Happy New Year. I just wanted to ask a few questions. I am almost to week 4 and have read lots of postings about eating a cookie here and there and treats around the holidays. Since I have moved to soft foods (off liquids - yay!), I have been concerned with the fact that I am able to eat more than most people seem to say they can eat on here. I am reminded by my family and friends I am barely eating compared to pre-surgery, but I get nervous. I don't want to stretch my stomach or ruin the effects of going through this surgery. Is it possible to stretch your stomach just 3 weeks out? How does it stretch, what foods stretch it and will it ever shrink again if you do stretch it? I guess I just have been feeling like this is too good to be true, and getting scared that I may not continue to lose weight or be successful. Has anyone else had these fears? Has everyone been perfectly strict since surgery or has anyone had "bad" days and then continued to lose? I try to wake each day with a Protein shake, since I know it is hard to get enough with my solid foods until I get in a routine. But I am doubting my diet and education, and don't want to screw this up. Anyone else going through this or feeling this way? I am eating the foods on the allowed list, I guess I just feel like I eat too much. I think I am rambling, but I hope you all get the picture. Share your experiences, successes, failures and thoughts please! Thanks, Rachel
  15. Hey girl. I could not believe when I got on the scale today and it said 250.8

    It is like a cruel joke! I have my follow up appointment tomorrow at the doctor so we will see what he says. But I mean the .8 part is crazy! I mean EVERYDAY the same weight! Crazy. We shall see. I will be in touch!


    Hope you are recovering well and feeling great!

  16. I drink Bariatric Advantage in Vanilla and Chocolate and I like it!
  17. Thanks Ruby! IT looks like after your 3 week stall you lost another 30 in what, 4-5 weeks? That is super encouraging! This is my 3rd week to stall, so let's hope I follow suit. I have stopped eating fruits and have really watched everything and make sure I keep active. I "feel" better, but I should measure this weekend, since I have NO idea what my stats are and at least that would keep me motivated! Jkared, you and I had surgery on the same day, you are DOING GREAT! Thanks for the inspiration and tips!
  18. Me too, I love this site. I am just trying to get my body right and understand it better! I hope my new found tips and tricks make my stubborn body respond! I didn't go down anymore this morning. Weighed in at 250.8 AGAIN! Very weird. I will do the counting carbs etc and stay on track this week and weigh in again next Sunday, and if something doesn't give, I will want to look further into the reasons, cause that is crazy! BUT, at least I am not going up (that would be really insane with my intake at this point). Anyway, keep the tips and chatter coming, I love it and love you guys! R
  19. rcarter76

    Fish Recipes

    steamed broccoli with cheese. Spinach... You know I found TONS of good recipes on Bariatric Eating. com and have made 2 different kind of the quiche's and then made spinach dip yesterday and ate it with cheese "crackers". They are just crackers made of cheese and that's it. So less than 1 carb and tons of protein! I grated some parmesan, asiago, and romano cheese and then put a small amount (like as if I was making cookies) onto parchment paper on a baking sheet and put them in the oven for 6 min or so at 350 degrees. Good alone or with dip. DELICIOUS! Really, I have been eating such small amounts, I rarely have a "side", but fill up on the fish or turkey roll or ground turkey, then I will snack on cheeses or veggies another time....
  20. rcarter76

    Stretching your sleeve

    I haven't read about anyone regaining, and I don't want to! I know you and I are in similiar situations. But just since watching what I was eating and being more meticulous, I have felt better and I know this will work for us. It isn't easy, but I know that it will be so much more wonderful when we get to goal weight. PM me and we can exchange our numbers and call each other for support. I think that eventually we will be in a better place than the RNY as far as malnutrition, dumping and eating bits of everything once in a while without having to hide from certain things. That freedom was alluring to me. We have both lost more than we would have prior to having surgery, at least for me that is true. I was down like you last week, I was really doubting the surgery and if it was for me, but I really do think it is and we can do this. We can pick each other up when needed. Dry your tears and be glad we are already going through the hard parts, because it means we are that much closer to the good parts! Hang in there, call or write me privately if you need some girl talk!
  21. How long were y ou in surgery?I was in surgery for 35-45 minutes my family tells me. Did you have a private room post op? Yes, it had a lounge chair, and my own bathroom. Very modern and up to date and nice! How many days did you stay? I checked in on a Monday at like 5am and checked out the next day at 5pm. At the worst point, how would you rate your pain? (o-10 with 0 being the least amt of pain) Worst point 10, but that was RIGHT when I came to and then they started the morphine! What kind of pain killers did they use? Did they work? Morphine and YES it worked, and I took home Lortab and it was wonderful as well. What did you do to pass the time? (I don't like to sit for long and I will walk the hospital all day long if they let me) I brought magazines and books and my laptop. Didn't need any of it I was sooooo out of it and tired. I took lots of naps and watched some tv. What did you take for entertainment? Anything? See above. How did you pack and what would you leave at home if you were to do it over again? Robe and slippers (to walk post surgery since you need to and they make you!), change of clothes, heating pad, toiletries etc. Good luck!
  22. rcarter76

    Stretching your sleeve

    I love listening to everyone's opinion and helpful hints. Thanks everyone. I am just trying to be patient. It helps to hear that you all shared many of the same experiences in the beginning. And you all have lost so much weight it is inspiring. I hope that one day I am able to help people that are just starting out and tell them I have lost 100 lbs!
  23. Everyone, I am so glad to have you all as support! I don't feel alone, for those of you in the same boat and for those of you still losing, you have given me great tips and hope. I will hopefully report back tomorrow with some good news! (i'm weighing in!)
  24. Can anyone explain the difference?
  25. rcarter76

    Net vs Total Carbs

    Yeah, i am not either, I am counting TOTAL carbs, but it was saying 4g net carbs! on the front of a bag and then I read the back and it said like 9 or something, so I was like what does that mean? I guess I am dork for not know, but I just wanted to be sure I was counting correctly! I am on track, doing great and feeling better about the whole carb thing. I think it just struck a cord, because my doctors office doesn't focus or talk about them at all and when I asked they told me to just worry about Protein and calories and Water, so it was just a frustrating revelation. But hopefully this works and thanks to my VSG friends, I am hopefully going to be losing again soon!

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