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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Itstime

  1. I am almost 5 months out and have been really discouraged that I have stalled for weeks! I just lost another pound today but I was feeling like I was through the honeymoon period and only lost 47lbs. Tiffy mentioned myfitnesspal for tracking your foods and well, an eye opener. I was NOT keeping my carbs low and my calories were certainly not good. I thought I could just slip in few crackers, sports drinks, a little slice of bread with peanut butter...well you get it. I have been very careful and accountable for what I am putting in my mouth, and I lost a lb. Also, not drinking enough Water. My body responded very quickly and hope I will get back on track with wt loss, I want to lose 45 more pounds.

  2. Sandra,

    I have to say I have hunger at times and I am 4.5 months out. I recently had an episode of hugh hunger after I started on VitB12 complex. By three days out my stomach was always hungry and I could eat so much more. So I stopped that, but yes I have had hunger where I had to put something on my stomach. Some of that would be acid I know but still have to eat something and try for Protein but if out I grab something quick with more carbs than I'd like.

  3. Did it take you an hour to figure out you were bored? If this was so beneath you why are you posting? You just insulted a very dear friend that has been sitting beside her sister with a severe complication and nearly lost her life. Just because Linda didn't post it herself you can't believe it. You don't know what you are talking about and you certainly don't know the whole story! But we don't want to bore you.

  4. I am 4.5 months out and recently started taking a Bcomplex Vitamin. I was taking just B12 1000mg but stopped that and switched to the complex B. Well after 3 days on it I was eating everything in sight. I had such hunger and I grazed all day long and could not believe how much my stomach held. I was astounded at the volume and so upset at the change. I had good restriction bf. I of course had a stall in weight loss, same 3 lbs back and forth and felt my stomach was back to bf surgery! I stopped the Bcomplex and feel a hugh difference in restriction but I do need the B's right? I was so upset. I'm also taking Vit C 500, bariatric multi vit with Iron, Vit D3 and calcium citrate, no change there. Anyone have this happen?

  5. Fab, I am so sorry your loyalty for this company wasn't appreciated. BTW, could you go over your manager's head to complain about the taking your vacay days for payment? Atleast a letter informing them what happened?? That was dirty. Also, can you get your retirement out of them to roll over. Some companys put up roadblocks to you getting your retirement to move it elsewhere, delays etc. If not it is a plus that you can and don't find out the company pissed it away. So many terrible things have happened to longtime employees and then they have nothing when they leave...so sad.

  6. I am so sorry you are having a rough time and knocked out with trying to get something in your new stomach. It is swollen and cranky right now, I had ice chips at first, tried warm first but couldn't get it down and ice felt better. Atleast I got something down. My stomach spasmed also, I actually rubbed it to calm down the muscle. Please don't quit trying to hydrate, it is extremely important. Popsicles also, anything clear, some sleevers didn't worry about Protein, just hydrate. Keep pushing to find something that you can stand. IT WILL GET BETTER!

  7. I definitely will get more of her albums and when I told my daughter about it she said Oh, I love her. I am so out of it when it comes to music, and there are so many new ones that I am way behind. Now if you are talking about the Eagles, Led Zeppelin, Doobies, 70's music I get it.

  8. I have found a new artist India Arie with her CD Testimony: Vol 1 and her voice is so beautiful and her message so uplifting. But specifically her song Private Party is right on with me. She is celebrating her body and just being a woman and sounded right on with my sleeve journey. If you need a beautiful message listen to her album.

  9. Ichef,

    Thank you for updating us on the conditions in Mexicali. I was worried bc a 7.2 is a good sized earthquake and expected some serious damage. Glad no one was hurt so far and hope you get home soon. This is the second earthquake in a few months but this one was very close to Mexicali. Take care. Anyone else from the forum there?

  10. I'm like Thin, I still feel hunger too. At first maybe it was stomach acid but as time goes on I still feet it and have to put something on my stomach. That is the important part, putting good food in and not grab a quick snack. When I am getting my fluids in between my meals it seems to flush out my stomach and I get hungry faster...go figure. I am still losing nicely, not quickly but I am fine with that and happy I did this. I cannot overeat!

  11. I had a really tough time getting fluids and Protein in as I should and sometimes felt no energy and dragging all the time. I always felt I was pushing fluids so hard and still didn't make it so I drank Vitamin drinks that had more carbs than I wanted but knowing how little calories you are getting in overall it certainly didn't stop my weight loss. Some sleevers only worried about getting in fluids and not the protein in the first few weeks, very important to stay hydrated. Even now, at 4 months I am still watching my fluids, my urine is still concentrated at times and have to keep pushing. My protein is good tho, and keep taking your Vitamins.< /p>

  12. The sleeve allows us to live more normally and I am loving it. I went to New Orleans with some of my family on vacation last week and had little tastes of a lot of great food...I was surprised that I could drink a cup of Cafe ole at Cafe Du Monde, and eat two beignets full of powdered sugar...first time I've had a "normal" amount of bread and it was great. A special treat! Now I'm back on my Protein etc. Still losing.


    Cafe Du Monde! I love New Orleans!!!! My husband and I ate at The Court of Two Sisters last time there and loved the food. Of course bf I had the sleeve. Good for you having a treat of a beignet, (trust your spelling), you have to have a treat!

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