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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Itstime

  1. I am having a big problem with acid I now take Prilosec twice a day plus I was taking some rolaids in the middle of the day. So I let Dr. Aceves know how bad it was and this is the reply Gaby sent me.....

    The doctor is out of town, but I called him

    he says to please do not take any Rolaids

    do not take Calcium carbonate products (TUMS, Rolaids, those type products. They will help immediately but in a few hours they will create more acid than you had to start with.

    He wants you to try Gaviscon.

    Thanks for the update from Dr. Aceves...guess it is Gaviscon for me.

  2. Lan I just wanted to respond to your question about cancer and implants. I used to do mammography which included implants and I had never heard that there was an increase of breast cancer. It is however more difficult to image the natural breast tissue around the implant with mammography alone. We use ultrasound as another tool and also advanced imaging with MRI on certain cases, but you should know it is harder to always be certain. I have to say that my husband says pop a couple in there anyway, especially since they have gone south on me.

  3. I meant by OTC drugs such as Gaviscon, mylanta, rolaids and tums etc which neutralize the acid from food. The PPI's reduce the amount of acid the body makes. Antacids also have precautions but not the concern of PPI's. Either way I am not looking forward to weaning off these and using tums etc.,,blaaaa. The smell of them reminds me of when I was pregnant and used them...gag.

  4. Another article that was posted on this forum was very informative about when you do try to wean off PPI's that you could get rebound and will have increased acid issues that you need to prepare for once you attempt it. Be ready for that with OTC acid reducers etc. I am not worried right now but this will be an issue with me before my year is out and hope I can come off PPI's.

  5. Article in the Huntsville Times Tuesday May 11, 2010

    Los Angeles:

    The widely used family of acid-reducing drugs that includes Prilosec, Nexium and Protonix increased the risk of bone fractures by about 25 percent and can more than double the risk of contracting the troublesome bacterium Clostridium difficile, new studies released Monday confirm.

    The increased risk is not thought to be caused by the drugs themselves, but by the sharply reduced levels of acid in the stomach and intestinal tract, which make the organs a more hospitable environment for infectious agents such as C. difficile and which can impair the uptake of the Calcium required for strong bones. The drugs have also been shown to increase the risk of pneumonia.

    Wish they had put the author of this but I have read about this before and it is a caution for me for getting off these as soon as I can. Right now I do need them though.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS on 84 down! Keep it up...

    A suggestion...you note that you eat the one shrimp and then run to do dishes...why not stay at the table and keep him company? dinner can be couple or family time.. dinner is not just about the food...it's about sharing time.

    Family systems are interesting. When one part changes everything changes...and lets face it, most people do not welcome change. When we begin to feel better about ourselves because of the weight loss we are more assertive, and the people around us do not at times want to change with us...they long for the 'good old days. But, at 84 pounds down, these are the GREAT NEW DAYS!

    Listen to your heart's longing to be all you were created to be....

    Beautifully said! That sounds right on.

  7. Hey Tiffy, big hoot for all that major yardwork, you were doing some serious sweating!. I sometimes catch myself bopping up my stairs and doing something physical and stop to remember how out of breath I used to get bf and have to pace myself. Not now. I love the sleeve!

  8. It may be you are bored with the food you are eating and starting to miss all the delicious bad food you used to have? I think Tiffy is right, if you start getting creative with new foods that are good for you you won't feel deprived and long for the old high carb/calories you used to have. I am so bad switching it up with new good foods and relying on same old standbys that I graze. Just another phase, atleast for me and I must tell myself this is not a race, its for life. Maybe also you ARE burning up your calories with the great physical exercise you are doing and up the food to see if that helps. Just a thought. You are working it for sure, you skinny Keys babe!

  9. Hope you singles will not mind me jumping in here...I have enjoyed reading all the great posts about getting your life back and dating with trying to let all the old baggage go with the fat. My husband loves to dance and would be on the go too if I would go with him. But the fat kept me more and more a stay at home. We have a bike also and I would always feel like people said, what is he doing hauling that fat chick behind him?? Well not anymore..let me at it, we go all the time now and I feel so much more confident. He tells me "your getting all skinny on me!" Right! I just feel like I should have done this years ago, he was so patient with me. I am so happy for the great victories you all are having and wish you the best on being happy with YOU.

  10. My latest NSV is that my bf spilled chocolate all over my pants. He said I might as well throw them in the wash. So there I sat, in my black lace bikini panties feeling good that my stomach is flat and there was no belly hanging over the bikini panties. No more granny panties for me!

    Black lace bikini panties....remember what your mom said about wearing good underwear. You NEVER know...ha. Need to toss my grannies!

  11. Tracking your food/liquid intake is very enlightening! I was using www.sparkpeople.com because I could also access it on my droid. It has alot of foods entered and you can manually add other items.

    I have done Atkins so much over the years that after tracking for a month or so, I quit. I have a pretty good pattern established and am doing ok. If I hit a big stall, I will start it up again.

    I just went to Sparkpeople.com and it so cool!! Thank you for telling me about this..so much information and will definitely be using it. :001_smile:

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