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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by pjb84

  1. pjb84

    What Spiritual Books Have Helped You?

    Thank you for posting this! I've been ordering books from the library, but haven't hit on any that spoke to the godly aspect!
  2. Hi Everyone ! I'm just wondering if anyone that is a long term post op (longer than 3 years) have regretted their decision? I'm 2 weeks from having a surgery date and have all of a sudden started having doubts & concerns... Can anyone allay my fears or identify with what I'm feeling and help me to return to my rock solid decision that this will lead to a much better life than continuing this fruitless struggle?
  3. Anyone 3 years or more post op regret their decision? (Still wishing they could eat like they used to, were able to eat more foods they currently can't or don't because of intolerance). Anyone out there with the time under their belt, wishing things were different?
  4. " I am learning that this surgery is just a nice tool to have but I still have to make healthy choices if I want to get the weight off" So in retrospect, are you saying the surgery wasn't necessary?
  5. Sorry got your name wrong Dirama!
  6. Good Morning USA "losers"! I just got on the scale after a few days of anxiety induced overeating behavior. I've regained 5# and am MAD that I allowed myself to fall back into the pit of sugar! I'm determined to lose it again before my next weigh in on the 7th of October. Anyone have any suggestions as to how to avoid the old habits and stick with the new mindset when anxious??? Please help...I am prone to consume sugar when emotions are overtaking my mind. I know I'm NOT the only one. AND I KNOW I CAN OVERCOME the habitual by making new habits.------------FRUSTRATED!
  7. Thank you, for that reminder Dharma!,i stopped after I wrote that note. I'm moving forward.
  8. Yes, He sure is! Very happy for your amazing success, so far!Keep doing what you are!
  9. Why are you tempting yourself by going off of your plan? This change you've committed to won't take place by itself. If you're taking a cooler pack tuna, cottage cheese, yogurt, ricotta,oatmeal, protein shakes pre-made, milk etc. You CAN live your life, just don't mess with a good thing, you were given a 2nd chance to be healthy, embrace it!!
  10. pjb84

    Fear & Addiction

    I agree with cbd. I too struggle with the food addiction part. Let's face it, food has been our comforter for a long time. It will take a greater effort to "turn the other cheek" so to speak and look for other things that will compensate for those losses. Perhaps trying a different tactic will help. instead of dwelling on the weight loss and the addiction, change your focus to exercising a set number of days per week or reading a novel, or connecting with more people. Whatever you like to do but don't necessarily push yourself to do on a regular basis. Your health is what matters here. Keep that as object lesson #1: It's about your health. Nothing else. If you choose to abuse food, you will continue to slide. Do you really want to go backwards and slide into the abyss that awaits you??? Hopefully not! I'm praying for you! Let's connect soon..PjB
  11. pjb84

    18 days out and surgery and day two of pureed food

    Greetings Inspiredsmile, I decided to check out the VST app on my computer vs. my usual way of connecting and am so thrilled to be able to respond as well as read the posts that come in. I'm excited by your progress and decided to "follow you" - just don't turn me in for stalking - LOL. It seems you have the ingredients for success and I want what you have, so... Where are you from? I'm in NY. upstate near Albany. Thanks for inspiring me!
  12. pjb84

    7 1/2 months post

    Awesome transformation!
  13. Gamergirl Thanks for the encouragement! I walked 1/2 mile after posting my note. It was just the encouragement I needed to get started! I used to walk 3 miles a day. THEN fell into deep depression due to other health issues brought on by work injury and loss of employment. Added 55# to a body that didn't need more weight. Now here I am trying to get moving again. ..
  14. How are u breaking the miles up? Is there a set regime? I'm interested in doing this but I'm pre op with joint issues. Please lmk. PjB
  15. pjb84

    Test our new App for Android!

    Hi Alex, I'm interested in being a tester. LMK what the specifics are and how I can help! I'm on VST a lot because I'm eager to know all about the surgery and the experiences of the individuals.Thank you for the opportunity! PatB
  16. Fred, Your weight loss is awesome - what are u eating and doing to burn the amount of energy that you are?
  17. Don't you feel like you're on a diet when you "log " your food? . Isn't it better to eat according hunger and satisfaction?
  18. Hi, I had reflux 2 yrs ago &, was treated with Nexium. Since that time I have only had very sporadic episodes of food repeating on me. Question is: will the sleeve be out of the question for me? Has anyone else had reflux in the past and was still able to have VST? Or were you redirected to Bypass? I guess I don't understand why I wouldn't be a candidate. Its it because the reflux poses a danger to the remaining, stomach?
  19. I'm pre op and still trying to decide which surgery to have. 90% leaning toward the sleeve. I'm curious to know if one surgery or the other changes your food preferences?
  20. Squaw_princess, Welcome to the journey! We are all here with varying degrees of support and reasons. Welcome to Vst. I haven't had the surgery yet - hopefully in the next 2 mos. I'm preparing on a day to day basis for the eventual reality. Thin for the first time since my teen years will be so awesome! I can hardly wait! Welcome to the best years of your life - the healthy ones! May God bless you on this journey. pjb
  21. Hi, I'm trying to make the right decision for myself and am going back & forth between Bypass & Sleeve. Please bombard me with your encouraging stories of large weight losses! Thank you! I love this forum - you all have so much to share & bring me great inspiration everytime I read about you!
  22. pjb84


    Awesome weight loss! Congratulations!
  23. Koriswlj, Did you have the Gastric sleeve? You are doing fabulous! Quite inspirational!
  24. Kristy, You look amazing! What do you do for exercise?
  25. pjb84

    Got god?

    Childlike IS best....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
