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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to StarryNight in Frequent Fliers?   
    I got 1 chocolate and 1 vanilla from all the brands that had packets available. (Harmonized, Terra whey, J Robb, Vega One, Garden of Life). I also got specialty flavors like blueberry, berry, and chai whenever I see them.
    Chocolates seem to be the best, although the berrys are interesting for variety. I haven't tried the chai yet, but I'm excited to. Also, the Chike coffee is really good in the am, it's like having an iced coffee (I haven't tried any other Chike flavors).
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to StarryNight in Frequent Fliers?   
    I'm a FF, and last week was my first flight (at 3 weeks post op). I had bought a bunch of the Protein Powder packets (you know, the sample size packets next to the big jugs at Whole Foods) so I can try a bunch of different types and see what I like. I also ordered a bunch of coffee Chike online (so good). I just took a bunch of those, and mixed them into my water bottle while in the airports, and each day while at the client sites.
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to newat52 in Frequent Fliers?   
    I traveled with Premier Protein shakes from costco. Because they are a boxed drink I put 4 in a gallon ziplock then put the ziploc in a rubbermaid plastic container. I was not at all concerned about it other than them exploding all over my clothes. They were not disturbed in the least either time I took them.
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to Sherri297 in Frequent Fliers?   
    I flew with powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken broth powder, and other Protein powder for shakes, and they were not bothered. Maybe put a copy of your prescription in your checked bag with your Protein?
    Scallops and shrimp were the first meats that actually felt good on my tummy the first couple of months. You'll just have to experiment to see what sits good with you, but stay away from anything breaded for a while. That can lead to an embarrassing restaurant experience.
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to CCRNonherway in Frequent Fliers?   
    Looking for some fellow frequent fliers. I travel extensively for my work and fly almost every week. I go back on the road this week.
    1. I got a prescription for my Protein Shakes. Have any of you been successful in getting through TSA with your Protein shakes, with or without a prescription?
    2. I thought about putting a copy of the prescription in with all my other protein shakes in my checked bag. Any issues with TSA opening or taking out your shakes from your checked bag?
    3. I am one month post op. Rather than trying to figure out what to eat for dinner, I thought I would have yogurt or scrambled eggs for Breakfast and shakes for lunch/dinner. This will work for the upcoming week since I will be alone, but in other weeks I will be with the team. Any suggestions on what to eat when dining out? I was thinking maybe scallops or broth Soup? Sticking with the appetizer menu?
    Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to npwomen in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    Hi Bea,
    By now you have had a successful surgery and are recovering nicely. Had my band- to-sleeve revision in TJ (Dr. Ortiz) 5/13/13 and was very pleased with the experience. I just returned from accompanying a friend who had her sleeve done at Mi Doctor--also very successful. I live in Houston and would love to have a band sister. Will send a private email on that.
    Keep us posted on your experience and don't forget to rest well.
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to AngelNP in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    Dr. Louisana Valenzuela is also a trauma surgeon as well as bariatric surgeon. See if you can find a guy named Jaime. He is awesome. He is American who lives in TJ and is bilingual. He will get you whatever you want/need within reason (Legal..etc). LOL Great guy to get you sips of drinks, wash cloth, etc.
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to AngelNP in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    Bea, I was at the same hotel and had the same surgeons. He works with Dr. Louisiana Valenzuela. They are both awesome. Yes, I'm biased. Good luck and God Bless. Your time there will go fast!
  9. Like
    Travelbug1955 reacted to sherry24184 in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    I saw your post about no one being there to pick you up. I was at lose to help you but others seemed to know what to do! Glad all went well Julie!
    Bea- you will be in my prayers for a successful surgery! Would love to hear about everything once you are out and back home Good luck!!!! Sherry
  10. Like
    Travelbug1955 reacted to juliebisme in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    My experience was nearly the same EXCEPT Eduardo WAS NOT there when we arrived. After MANY phone calls and a 2 hour wait, we were finally picked up and taken to the hotel. Quite nerve-racking. Anyway...my surgery was Friday and I am home after a long day of traveling yesterday (Western New York). The rest of the experience was great, from the coordinator, Nissi...to the doctors and nurses (my favorite was Sam). Feel free to message me any questions you may have. Good luck to all!
  11. Like
    Travelbug1955 reacted to hope2getitdone2 in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    You are so detailed, I love that! Thank You.
    I love the price and the hospital looks real clean/nice but I think I would need more of the PreOp testing for reassurance, and nurses and doctors being more there for me in a sense. You must be pretty independant person to be able to do this surgey without them doing the tests and such. I would be freaking out. How? how are you being so strong?
  12. Like
    Travelbug1955 reacted to Bea Amaya in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    Sure...no problem, Hope.
    1. Sorry, but I don't know the answer to the first question.
    2. It is a hospital (here's the link: http://www.hospitalmidoctor.com/) but a small one.
    3. The hotel room is on the level of a Holiday Inn except my room is quite large. The lobby and restaurant areas are more like a Ramada or higher because this hotel caters to gamblers so they need the entrance and casino part to be impressive.
    4. I took advantage of a "summer special" or something like that and my total bill was $4,200. There was a fee for using Paypal and paying early (3% I think) that would have been a lot more if I had waited to pay with a card until I got here. I think there may not be a fee if you come across with cash, something I didn't want to do. Anyway, with my flight included I am here at just under $5,000.
    The things you give up for doing it this way (my only option) are things like:
    1. I had no prep work done, haven't yet met the surgeon performing my surgery tomorrow, and think the information I've received so far is a bit skimpy on details. I've supplemented that by doing as much research on my own as I can and now have a collection of alternative plans and surgery details (from other hospitals) so I'm okay with that.
    2. Because I'm showing up ready to go tomorrow, I'm guessing there's a chance that something could cause the whole thing to fall through. I'm relatively healthy, in spite of my large size, so I'm not that worried about that. If it happens, I think my options are to give up or to go home and come back when whatever the problem is gets resolved.
    3. The follow-up on the back end will be skimpy as well because I will never come all of this way for an actual Dr. visit. I've heard from others though that phone calls and emails are responded to quickly and efficiently by doctors, nurses, and staff here, so I'm hoping for the best there as well.
    Hope this helps!
  13. Like
    Travelbug1955 reacted to hope2getitdone2 in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    Lots of Questions:
    Do you know what size bougie does he do?
    Is it an actual hospital or a clinic he does the surgery in?
    Is the the put you up in a Hotel like a Holiday Inn? or more like a Hotel 6 type?
    How much for everything? (excluding of course plane tickets)
  14. Like
    Travelbug1955 reacted to Bea Amaya in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    Thanks Hope! My hospital is Mi Doctor and my surgeon is Dr. Ismael Cabrera Garcia. If you click on the "My Surgeon" link in my profile, you'll be taken to his profile.
  15. Like
    Travelbug1955 reacted to hope2getitdone2 in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    Sounds great so far. I love reading everyone's adventures. I appreciate your details in sharing. So, who's your Surgeon?
  16. Like
    Travelbug1955 reacted to Bea Amaya in Surgery in Tiajuana   
    MONDAY: 7/29/2013
    I just arrived in Tiajuana and am thrilled to be here. I only came from Houston (3 hr flight) and do a lot of traveling so I'm rather adept at traveling on my own, but I did want to share my experiences for those of you who might be wondering what it's like.
    Arrival in San Diego was a breeze and I got a phone call from my driver, Eduardo, while I was waiting for my luggage. He spotted me through the crowd and came over, introduced himself, and helped me with my luggage. He was a very pleasant man and willing to answer questions that I asked. We then moved to another terminal to pick up a second passenger from Calgary, Canada. Her surgery is scheduled for today, so she is headed straight to the hospital.
    The border crossing was a non-event. We just drove past the border patrol, giving them a little wave, and went about our merry way. I was the first to get dropped off at my hotel, chicken, or anything else). When I headed down to the restaurant for my cup of Soup I was surprised to receive what looked like a steaming bowl of Water. However, desperate as I was, I dug in with fervor and discovered it was actually a very nice cuppa. If I time this right, I'll get one more cup in before I have to stop my intake altogether.
    When I got back to my room I got one more phone call from the coordinator here in Mexico. She apologized for not being here upon my arrival and explained that this is a VERY busy week for them. I told her I was doing fine and having no problems at all. She gave me a few instructions about preparing for my surgery tomorrow, answered a couple of questions I had, and promised to call back in the morning to let me know what time to head to the lobby for my trip (it must be very close) to the hospital.
    So far, everything seems to be going to plan and I am very pleased with the entire process. Just thought I might share in case anyone is wondering about the "details" of doing the Mexico thing. :-)
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to MRSNikki82 in Hey My August Peeps! Tomorrow is MY day!   
    God be with you. I know you will do just fine! Update us when able.
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to SDL31 in Hey My August Peeps! Tomorrow is MY day!   
    Yay!!!! Keeping you in my prayers.
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to miss_cee85 in Hey My August Peeps! Tomorrow is MY day!   
    Yay! Good luck!!! Lovely pic! You look great. I'll keep you in my prayers hun.
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to NotLookinBack in Hey My August Peeps! Tomorrow is MY day!   
    Best of luck to you.. Wishing you a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery.. keep us posted!
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to FeeIsMe2 in Hey My August Peeps! Tomorrow is MY day!   
    Good Luck!
  22. Like
    Travelbug1955 reacted to Aileen-March 2014 Sleeved in How much can/could you eat 7 weeks post op?   
    I have not had surgery yet. So, are you talking 2 to 3 oz. at each meal; like Breakfast 2 oz, lunch 2 oz and dinner 2 oz. or 2 -3 oz a day? Just Curious still learning.. Thanks
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to Bufflehead in How much can/could you eat 7 weeks post op?   
    I'm about 6 1/2 weeks out and just transitioned to soft foods (anything I can cut with a fork, excluding any starchy veg or grain-based food) a couple of days ago. It depends on what I am eating -- somewhere between 2 & 3 ounces, usually closer to 2. So that sounds pretty similar.
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    Travelbug1955 reacted to thedivinemsQ in How much can/could you eat 7 weeks post op?   
    Hi there,
    I am 7 weeks post op and can eat 2.2 oz of real food at a time. Just wondering about everybody else. Is this about standard, or is it high, low????
  25. Like
    Travelbug1955 reacted to RoxFC in Can't eat or drink!   
    what does your doctor say? I hope you feel better soon...

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