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    jessiquoi reacted to Samanthac in Hello my first post :)   
    Hi My name is Samantha , I have just had my 2nd appt with the clinic I will be using and my first pre op appointment is on the 3rd sept. I have to say I am so excited for the surgery and for the first time in my life i know ive got this , reading so many posts the good the not so good has given me such a great insight to what i need to prepare for. I must say my main concerns are excess skin and Hair loss but at the end of the day these things can be overcome - wigs are cheap lol
    I have been overweight for as long as i remember yes i was one of those little chubby kids at primary school and although i carry myself well and most people wouldn't think im over 100kgs its the facts , the health issues, the thought that maybe i wont be around to watch my kiddies grow up and the way i feel when i see myself naked. These are all good reasons i think to have the surgery. I have scoliosis ( curvy spine) and the extra weight is certainly a issue when you already have back problems I also have stage 3 esophagitis and a hiatus hernia, My specialist seems to think they can fix all this at the same time and obviously the less i weigh the better for my back also.
    So here I am excited as a just hope the next few months go really fast. I have a read alot about peoples storys and I think my main goal over the next few months will be to start eating less , cut the carbs and fizzy drink as much as I can leading up to surgery. I am not a sweet tooth so hopefully that wont change but i do love a glass of coke and I love love my coffee.< /span>
    I am pretty positive in general and have a bubbly happy disposition ,being successful in my career and a great mum I feel i am letting not only myself down but my kids by limiting what i can do with this extra weight.
    so hope this was what i should be here as a intro as new to all this looking forward to making some online friends for support on our journeys
  2. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to KristinaRnY in Marijuana   
    Wanted to give an update. My surgery was march 24th, my surgeon cleared me 3 days post op to use marijuana. I have since then and have had no problems. I do not get the munchies.
  3. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to JEM352 in Marijuana   
    You can tell people on this thread are pot heads. Because only stoners would start a thread about MJ and munchies and morph it into
    racism and NYPD stop and frisk policies.
    Now wat were we talking about again?
  4. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to Butterflyhigh in Marijuana   
    The Off Topic topic that wouldn't die....
    Annnnyway, the munchies. The bad bad dangerous munchies. I smoke a whole lot less than I used to but I will have an occasional doobie-break after surgery. I guess my plan will be to have healthy delicious food I can look forward to munching on within reach of the remote and my sofa. Ya know, that way I won't have to move much since I'll be all roasty toasty stoned and all.

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    jessiquoi reacted to JEM352 in Marijuana   
    C'mon stoners..... Focus!
  6. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to zoeonelove in Marijuana   
    No I didn't, and I didn't tell my surgeon either. I don't think it would of mattered if I told him because I was going to continue to smoke anyways. I just had my checkup and I'm 10 weeks and I'm down 80 lbs total. So I don't think smoking has effected my surgery negatively at all.
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    jessiquoi reacted to cynthiakred in Marijuana   
    I do pre-op and I'm on this thread trying to figure out when would be a good time post-op
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    jessiquoi reacted to JEM352 in Marijuana   
    I stopped smoking 2 weeks prior and started approximately 3 weeks after.
    I always make a nice chocolate Protein Shake with skim plus prior to going into the garage to partake. And I usually wait until the wife and kids are in bed before I indulge.
    If I get the munchies I have the shake to sip, and with the quality of the ganja these days it's not long before I am so relaxed I'm too lazy to get out of bed to go downstairs to the kitchen.
  9. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to jdmama911 in Marijuana   
    I smoke it instead of using anti depressants. It evens me out mentally without all the insane side effects of pills. Anyway, I smoked up throughout my pre op and an 5 mos. post op doing great. I do occasionally get the munchers, but I eat healthier Snacks if that happens. I'm doing "excellent" according to my surgeon. It helped A LOT after surgery. I had trouble getting in fluids for quite awhile. But, after smoking I would have a little dry mouth and was able to tolerate more liquids.
    PM me if you ever want to
  10. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to luv2plumb in Marijuana   
    I didn't smoke the day before but I smoked the day after and very day so far and I'm fine.
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    jessiquoi reacted to zoeonelove in Marijuana   
    I smoked the night before surgery and I smoked maybe once or twice a day after surgery and made sure to take small hits so I didn't cough. I'm almost 10 weeks out now and smoke whenever I feel like and I have had no problems.
  12. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to KristinaRnY in Marijuana   
    I'm sure it's a hell of a lot better for my body then whatever prescription drugs you are putting in yours for your bipolar disorder. A lot healthier then the chemicals in the fat of animal meat people are consuming, a lot healthier than caffeine and cigarettes.. In fact if you ingest marijuana there is really no harmful affects to you or those around you. Don't worry I don't have kids and am certainly not dumb enough to smoke around them nor do I smoke around people who don't partake, thats simply just rude. On another note sometimes altering a persons state of mind is in there best interest and others around them. Id much rather be around a down to earth mellow person whose biggest problem is giggling then someone who is hostile and harmful to themselves and others. Did you know that marijuana greatly improves the quality of life for many people? Did you know how good it is for the environment and how much oxygen a marijuana plant produces? Do you realize the benefits of hemp? Did you know that if we were legally able to extract the CBs from plants it would greatly help people with cancer or people who suffer from seizures? And do you have any idea how much the legalization will help this country get out of debt!?
  13. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to LilBoo007 in Marijuana   
    I use a vape pen... Can't afford a valcano but wish I had one!! I don't make baked goods anymore that's why I drink the tea. Take 3 cups Water 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 gram really finely ground herb and boil at least 30 minutes or longer then strain the water in cheesecloth. Then you can add your favorite tea or sometimes I use sugar free cocoa mix and a bit of Creamer. The effects aren't immediate as its ingested but they last a long time. You must use the butter when you heat the water because if you don't have any fats in the water like butter or heavy cream then the THC has nothing to bond to and the whole attempt in in vain!
  14. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to zoeonelove in Marijuana   
    I'm sure this will sound very bad to some people (oh well lol) but I did the night I got home from the hospital so 2 days after the surgery. It helped a lot with pains, gas and nausea. I only took maybe 2 hits at a time tho and small ones so I wouldn't cough. Im only 8 weeks out but i healed great and have lost 62 lbs so it didn't do me any bad.
  15. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to zoeonelove in Marijuana   
    Regarding the topic that this thread was for before all the other nonsense lol I have been smoking for years and marijuana actually helps me a lot after surgery for nausea and very surprisingly I do not get the munchies at all! I was scared it would give me the munchies and I would pig out but that hasn't been the case at all. I definitely consider myself lucky it doesn't!
  16. Like
    jessiquoi got a reaction from chanelle102 in 7 month update pics   
    Awesome job! That's amazing, 146 lbs in 7 months! Congratulations, you look wonderful.
  17. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to jzipzip in Smoking !   
    I got an arizer solo portable vaporizer as a present to myself for getting this surgery and OMG ITS GREAT! Since its the summer and I can't completely enjoy eating as I once did, I have been smoking bud way more frequently...
  18. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to LonghornNiner in Medical Marijuana Use Pre-Op?   
    I've been using medical marijuana for years and this surgery sure as hell wasn't going to keep me from treating my chronic pain. I used the morning of my surgery and it was quite hilarious when the surgeon told me he could smell it when they filled with me up with air for the surgery. My surgeons only concern for smoking marijuana was it's interference with the healing process. Of course I didn't smoke the first week after surgery because it was almost impossible to keep from coughing. I actually had a friend use a vaporizer and blow it in my face. I refuse to use pain meds. They are dangerous and they are the real drugs. I didn't ask for pain meds at all while in the hospital cause I don't trust them. Wish I had a joint for that first night after surgery. Bottom line, do what your surgeon thinks. And I think eating Gummy bears is far worse than smoking a little bud. @ Recycled .. when did marijuana become a drug? who classified weed as a drug? let me guess .. the same people who classify ketchup as a vegetable LMAO! give me a break! weed is and always will be a plant .. nothing more .. nothing less! Now Tylenol is a drug and Tylenol will kill you.
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    jessiquoi reacted to WhoKnows in My experience with marijuana and the munchies...   
    I'm two months post-op, and this is exactly why I haven't smoked. It's not even that I'm worried I'll eat a bunch of bad stuff (in fact, in that past I always made sure to only have good, healthy stuff on hand anyway), it's more than I'm worried about volume. I used to be able to just eat and eat and eat when stoned (whether it was veggies and hummus, salad, quinoa, whatever), and I don't want to hurt or stretch my sleeve. I hope maybe in a year or so I can give it a try though.
    Marijuana always made me very introspective and I've learned a lot of valuable things about myself while high. Honestly, I don't know if I could have come to terms with my reasons for being overweight or even had the breakthroughs I needed to decide on surgery without it. Everyone's brain reacts differently, but for me, pot has always helped me see the truth about myself. It can be a powerful too and I hope someday I can use it responsibly again without fear of the munchies part...
  20. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to Bandista in Wrong surgery & -___-   
    We really have to be our own advocates, that's for sure.
  21. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to SugarBomb in Beware: Woman on Liquid Diet, Approach with Caution   
    Oh, my gosh. I just drank my first Opti-Fast shake and I'm still starving! I'm supposed to do this for 4 to 5 weeks? One of these tiny little drink shakes makes me feel about as full as...breathing.
    Somebody, quick, give me a pep talk!
  22. Like
    jessiquoi got a reaction from #9grammy in Miserable - Relationship Sucks   
    I am so sorry you are going through this. I can relate, as my partner smokes too, and when he gets into bed just after smoking, I have to tell/ask him to please wash his hands and brush his teeth. I feel guilty about asking him, but more than that I feel entitled to not want to snuggle with someone who smells bad to me.
    Do you want a divorce if he continues to smoke? I know you're worried about what he might do, but I'm wondering what you really want. Is this a dealbreaker for you, or does your relationship have enough good things to outweigh this? None of us are perfect, we all have our flaws. The kicker is whether we can accept the other's flaws or not.
    If you don't want a divorce... if it was me, I would apologize for letting things getting so out of hand, and try to work together towards a solution. Counseling? More defined guidelines about where and when you can tolerate his smoking?
    Wouldn't it be great if there WERE a surgery for helping them to stop smoking? I have decided that my relationship is worth accepting his smoking. You have to make that decision for yourself, and then reopen the lines of communication with him. The longer you don't speak to each other, the worse it gets, in my opinion. You will feel better clearing this stressor off your chest as you prepare for your own life-changing event.
    Congratulations on doing what you need to do to take care of you! And good luck working things out.
  23. Like
    jessiquoi got a reaction from #9grammy in Miserable - Relationship Sucks   
    I am so sorry you are going through this. I can relate, as my partner smokes too, and when he gets into bed just after smoking, I have to tell/ask him to please wash his hands and brush his teeth. I feel guilty about asking him, but more than that I feel entitled to not want to snuggle with someone who smells bad to me.
    Do you want a divorce if he continues to smoke? I know you're worried about what he might do, but I'm wondering what you really want. Is this a dealbreaker for you, or does your relationship have enough good things to outweigh this? None of us are perfect, we all have our flaws. The kicker is whether we can accept the other's flaws or not.
    If you don't want a divorce... if it was me, I would apologize for letting things getting so out of hand, and try to work together towards a solution. Counseling? More defined guidelines about where and when you can tolerate his smoking?
    Wouldn't it be great if there WERE a surgery for helping them to stop smoking? I have decided that my relationship is worth accepting his smoking. You have to make that decision for yourself, and then reopen the lines of communication with him. The longer you don't speak to each other, the worse it gets, in my opinion. You will feel better clearing this stressor off your chest as you prepare for your own life-changing event.
    Congratulations on doing what you need to do to take care of you! And good luck working things out.
  24. Like
    jessiquoi reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Miserable - Relationship Sucks   
    Miss Fisheyes,
    You were venting here, and that's your right. Good to get it off your chest.
    But if you're open to some advice, here's mine: You're in the middle of a lot of things right now. You need the backup and support of a counselor / psychologist / psychiatrist to start processing all this stuff. And it needs to be processed. It doesn't need to be ACTED ON IMMEDIATELY just because you've got big feelings roiling around.
    These are big decisions you're considering. Fair enough. All the more reason to process the information and feelings you're having.
    You're a smart girl. You've read a lot of information here and elsewhere about what an emotional rollercoaster this is. You've read about how people who go through this (and who are contemplating it) go through many changes -- and how their family members go through stuff, too.
    I will nit-pick with only one thing you said: "I am wondering if he will want a divorce and if I will have to move out of the house." Maybe the "acreage" is a family farm he inherited. But if it's not, chances are if he's the one who wants a divorce, please know that you are not AUTOMATICALLY elected as the one who has to find new digs.
    In other words, my dear, if you're thinking like this you're not thinking clearly. That's why it's not a good time to be making big decisions.
    There are feelings. And then there are decisions. That's what counsel (of all kinds) is good for -- helping you process all your options.
    Very, very best wishes for you.
  25. Like
    jessiquoi got a reaction from chanelle102 in 7 month update pics   
    Awesome job! That's amazing, 146 lbs in 7 months! Congratulations, you look wonderful.

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