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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chasingadream

  1. chasingadream

    My scale vs doctor's scale

    Yes it is frustrating, but if you step on your doctors scale every month then it will be an accurate measurement for you (although different from your home scale). Last time I went to the doc (3rd time on scale)...i got on fully clothed with sneakers on...but thats the way I did it the month before and the month before that....with my clothes and sneakers on so now it is an accurate weight! Try not to let the scale rule you....I'm still working on that one!
  2. chasingadream

    I'm now five days post op!

    PLEASE don't compare yourself or your progress to anyone else here...everyone's progress is so individualized it just shouldn't be done....and you will hopefully spare yourself the grief over worrying or being upset that someone is losing more than you or eating different things! Follow your docs orders to a "T" and hopefully success will be coming down the road on the journey you've just begun. I have and am happy to say things are going so well. Looking forward to hearing all of your successes!
  3. WLS surgery is not a magic wand with a magic cure for something that has plagued us for, usually, most of our lives...this will be a journey not a quick 'road trip'.

    1. ribearty


      So true. Enjoy the ride and learn from your experiences. I feel it will be a lifelong lifestyle once I get to the maintenance stage. I know some parts will be automatic such as not drinking after eating, but others will require more attention lest I slip back into old habits. As many have said on this forum, they performed surgery on our stomach not our head.

    2. KhadijahRose
  4. Good luck tomorrow...you will do great! Take it one day at a time and keep your eye on the prize! Let us know how it all goes!
  5. chasingadream

    Head Hunger

    I can relate...I have a 3 1/2 and 7 yr old, and a supportive hubby who can snack and snack and snack and never really gain weight. I agree with Missy, try to eliminate things you really like. And Bandista I get the 100 cal pack of almonds and its great...eating one at a time and really enjoying the flavor...it takes me 20 mins to eat that snack and tides me over! good luck to you...you can do it!
  6. chasingadream

    Proud of myself!

    Hang in there....it sucks big time but you can get through it...and will feel so much better (physically&mentally) afterwards....I had 2 weeks ALL liquid pre-op and ALL liquid 2 weeks post-op....so I understand! It gives you a new mindset when you make it through this period (and I didn't cheat once---I was THAT determined to make that time and the surgery a success.) It is tough BUT DOABLE!! HANG IN THERE!!!!!
  7. chasingadream

    10 more pounds to go?

    I'm amazed that you say you want to be successful by getting to 140....YOU WENT FROM 223 DOWN TO 150---I'D SAY WOW---THATS SUCCESSFUL!!! I know those last 10 lbs would be nice to achieve but I hope you don't let it negate the great achievement you have already accomplished! Good luck to you!
  8. You had major surgery and your diet is drastically different than you are used to!!!! You are only 3 weeks out from surgery...what are your expectations at this point????? You are still in the healing phase and that should be your primary focus. My doc also advised me that the 1st six weeks is about healing properly and safely and NOTHING ELSE. (I know all docs are different). WLS surgery is not a magic wand with a magic cure for something that has plagued us for, usually, most of our lives...this will be a journey not a quick 'road trip'. I'm only 3 mos out of surgery and would say, in only my opinion, that you need to focus on healing, relax and GIVE YOURSELF AND YOUR BODY SOME TIME. Time to adjust to a whole new way of life. Wishing you the best!
  9. chasingadream

    I year, 3 months and 92Lbs down!

    That is wonderful news...congratulation! And all the best in 2014!!
  10. chasingadream

    Just Started The Process

    Hi, I had surgery on 9/19...almost 3 mos out. The amount of food is quite different from what I was used to eating. I had lap band with plication. I'm eating 3 meals and 1 small snack (sometimes between lunch and dinner)...Round about 1000 calories give or take. I bought myself a bunch of salad plates and that is what I use for my dinner plate. You will get a ton of different responses from people....many say 1 cup of food per meal, others go by ounces and cups....others eyeball it....some are eating a few bites and are done. Much of that will depend on your docs instructions and how your restriction is after surgery. I still haven't had a fill and am doing okay....it is VERY individualized!!!!! I follow my nutritionists instructions....most important is getting in your recommended grams of Protein (again, varies by doctor). This is a great site with wonderful people who are here to support you! Wishing you all the best!
  11. I've chosen not to tell people about my WLS...only my immediate family knows and 4 friends total. I've had many people recently comment and compliment me on my weight loss so far. Usually, I say thanks and keep on going. But there are always those people who ask "what are you doing". And I stumble a bit to answer. Sometimes I just want to say I had WLS...but then I think....sometimes when I say those words "weight loss surgery" I feel like it negates all my hard work over the past 2 1/2 months since being banded. Its kind of like when you say WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY...you had surgery and now your weight is and will be fixed! It makes it sound so "simple"...that all the hard work and dedication, and all the rules to follow won't matter to anyone. They will say "oh she needed that surgery to lose her weight". I'm not sure if this is making any sense...just something I have been thinking more about since people are now noticing and commenting on the 55 lbs I have lost. My attitude/mood has changed and I'm dressing differently and even finding 5 mins in the morning to apply some makeup. I feel so much better physically and emotionally and am more confident in myself and I just feel good about ME! So, I often hold back and dont say anything about having WLS when they ask. I tell them high Protein and smaller portions and that is it. Sometimes, I feel embarrassed/ashamed that I got to the point in my life where I had to "resort" to surgery. I'm glad I did this and I regret not a minute of it...EVER! These are just some feelings I've been sorting through.... But I think maybe a better name would be ....IMPROVEMENT SURGERY!!
  12. You look fabulous...and so happy! It is a great feeling to have so much energy and the desire to just get up and go now...without all the extra baggage. Thanks for being such an inspiration...it can be done...it works and its hard work...but it CAN BE DONE!!!
  13. chasingadream

    Four months today!

    Looking great...wonderful accomplishment...love the new outfits!
  14. chasingadream

    Got My Surgery Date!

    That's great! So exciting...good luck...maybe we will meet up some day at the support group!!!! Looking forward to hearing about your success! Keep us posted!
  15. chasingadream

    Alcohol and the band

    Not a drinker...sorry can't help you here!
  16. chasingadream

    Im so excited!

    Thanks...yes, I do find that hard since I have been a speed eater for about 30 years....LOL dinner is the hardest since i am eating with 2 small children (stressful at times...lol...ok much of the meal...lol) . I have enlisted my ever supportive hubby to give me a nice little nudge when he sees me shoveling it in. Breakfast and lunch is quieter for me at work so I watch the clock and stretch it out. It does make a difference. First I can feel it (a little uncomfortable in my chest) when i eat too quickly and I feel so much more full when i go the whole 20 mins. It is all a learning curve and I am definately still learning and will continue to learn for some time to come....but it is soooo worth it. My advice...start slowing down now....the pre-practice is good!
  17. chasingadream

    Got My Surgery Date!

    Are you using Dr. Geiss?? Had surgery almost 3 months ago there!
  18. The weight is coming off and I am just amazed! Almost 60 lbs down and I can't help but be amazed and happy and more amazed and than even happier! :)

    1. Debbie3sons


      That is great , keep it going, soon you will notice by the way your clothes fit and the more things you can do that you weren't able to do , just watch .


    2. Jim1967


      awesome! Congratulations :)

    3. Bandista


      So happy for you!

  19. chasingadream

    Im so excited!

    Almost 3 mos out and feeling AMAZING!! Weight is coming off with 3 meals and 1 snack (sometimes) a day! Can't believe I am 59 lbs down!! I'm not hungry and when I do get hungry I love the feeling....why some would ask?? For all my life I don't think I've ever REALLY felt hungry (growling stomach/a pain or two)....now I feed myself and move on. food doesnt rule over me anymore and that is the best feeling ever. If my 3 1/2 yr old offers me a hershey kiss...I eat it , if I really want it (count the 20 calories) and enjoy the sweet taste and move on to the next thing...no longer do I need to consume the entire bag of them because I had one. So good luck on the beginning of your journey...it is a wild ride and so worth it!
  20. chasingadream

    Newly Banded

    Glad you are feeling better...each day gets a little bit better...looking forward to hearing about your successes!
  21. chasingadream

    Surgery is tomorrow! 12/13/13

    Good luck and hang in there...you can AND will get thru the liquid phase...it sucks but you can do it! Keep your eye on the prize and keep us posted!
  22. chasingadream

    Let's See Your Christmas Tree!

    that's a beautiful tree, and I LOVE the reindeer made out of the handprint. That's an excellent idea. I will be making those with my 3 year old great nieces to attach to their parents presents this year. And that is a seriously cute baby in the picture behind the tree. Thank you...many of those ornaments my kids made in school...I love decorating with homemade stuff and ornaments they picked....after all it is all about them!
  23. chasingadream

    Let's See Your Christmas Tree!

    Love decorating the tree with my 2 little ones....
  24. Thank you for sharing your story....I feel like I could copy and paste it to my profile and just sign my name at the bottom for that is exactly what i went through with weight watchers since high school and how I feel now after losing 55 lbs and counting! Wishing you continued success and you look FABULOUS!!
  25. Hello all, I had my band with plication surgery back in Sept. It's been 2 1/2 mos and I'm loving life! Have had no complications at all (thank goodness)...I've also haven't need a fill yet (feeling satisfied on 3 meals and one small snack between lunch and dinner). I usually stay around 1000 cals for the day. I was a food grazer pre-banding and would constantly crave food all the time...since the surgery that is gone. I had 1 hershey kiss today and that was it...didnt "need" anymore. Pre-band/plication I would have had to consume the bag. It's a whole new world. I eat every food (except triscuits--found out they just make me feel uncomfortable-think they swell up too much)....There is no deprivation at all and I'm feeling good now that I'm down 55 lbs. I do follow all of my docs "rules" and walk for exercise. It's nice not to have food ruling my life anymore. Hoping for continued success in all areas of this WLS journey that I've begun!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
