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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by enjoythetime

  1. enjoythetime

    Just banded today!

    Congrats on the start of your new healthy life!! So excited for you!
  2. Thank you countrysweet (love that name by the way)! You will be girl you're rockin' it!!! So excited for you! 87lbs since Dec. is amazing!!!
  3. enjoythetime

    A short dose of motivation for today

    Heck Yeah!! That's how you get it, get it!!:-) Have a great ride!
  4. enjoythetime

    New to all of this!

    Kaylz12 are you getting the lapband procedure? Sorry I didn't see anything specific in your profile. Hey! So iv only just started my journey and spoken to my dr now I'm waiting to see specialist and get the ball rolling! I'm very nervous about a few things ; 1. The actual procedure and the 1 in 2,000 people can die? There is a risk with any medical procedure we do. This is a very small percentage but yes just like with anything the risk is there. 2. How do you cope after with the emotional eating/boredom eating? Learning to say no? Drink a glass of Water, tea or cystal light then you need get up and start moving to get your mind off of it whether that means going for a walk, cleaning the house, running in circles, whatever it takes to get the head hunger to go away. I find that head hunger typically lasts about 5 min. so if you can keep yourself busy for just 5 min. the sensation should at least ease up. You will get through it and once you do you will feel so much power and control that the next time it comes around it will be a little easier to over come. 3. I eat quite healthily anyway but I like pasta/rice am I still going to be able to eat carbs? The band will not stop you from eating anything. With that said just because you can eat it doesn't mean we should. Everything is ok in moderation but if this type of food is a trigger for you to binge eat then I would stay away from it. 4. How long was the change in portion sizes and feeling full so on? The portion sizes change when you change your mindset on this is a new healthy way of life. I suggest talking with your doctor regarding his recommended portion sizes and calories for you since everyone is different. Until your band is properly adjusted it may take some time for you to feel satisfied (not full, you want to stop before you feel full) but either way you should ONLY eat the amount your doctor tells you to even if you still feel hungry you have to train your body and your mind and take responsibilty for what we put into our bodies. I'm sure there are loads more questions but these where few if any of you could help at all? You will have a lot more questions as you go and that's why were're here! This forum is a great source of support. When is your surgery? Have you started the pre-op diet yet?
  5. enjoythetime


    Hang in there! Unfortunately this is very normal. Walk as much as you can, and take gas-x strips, in combination this will help alot! Congrats on your surgery!!! It does get better I promise!
  6. enjoythetime

    How do we know if port flipped or moved?

    I personally don't know the answer but if you're concerned I would set-up an appointment with your doctor for them to do an e-ray to make sure everything looks ok. Mine is sewed into the stomach muscle. I know at times my feels like it sticks out more than others but I think this has something to do with weight loss and that could very well be what your experiencing as well but just to be safe I would have it checked.
  7. Yes Gowalking, I couldn't agree more! We have many similaries, our approach, our outlook, our advice and just our way of thinking seems to be right in line with one another! Congrats to you as wel! You're an inspiration and have made an amazing transformation!! I've read your posts and you've helped me through my journey and that's what this forum is all about! I just hope I can do the same for someone else! We need to stay in touch with one another more and encourage each other as we find our way through the maintenance stage. Here's to the rest of our lives, free, happy, and healthy!! Congrats to you!
  8. CG, Wow!!! Thank You! You're the kick a$$ lapband queen, who wrote the book about being sexxy!! The transformation you've made is just amazing! I've read so many of your posts and gained so much knowledge from you and your journey that it helped me through mine. Funny you should say something about attitudes because when I signed on here for the first time that was the first thing that drew me to you and 2muchfun! I love WHAT you have to say and HOW you say it. You along with 2muchfun, Bandista, Gowalking, Catfish and several others have tremendously helped me along this journey so thank you very much for all your support and encoragement with HONEST advice (especially about me being a sexy thang....HAHA, JJ) great story and GREAT f**king pictures you sexy THANG thanks for sharing.....love your attitude..... what i loved the most was your quote (you need to use for your siggy) *I know it's all about balance and doing things I know I can LIVE WITH AND WITHOUT for the REST OF MY LIFE*
  9. Thank you Catfish! I have read many of your posts and you are very inspirational, so thank you for your solid advice!
  10. As I mentioned this an area that I need to get better in check. I have two kiddos so sometimes my excersice is playing soccer with them or I work in the yard for instance this weekend I worked ALL day on Sat. and I'm talkng labor girl:-) I will go for walks for about 30 min. I've also done the 30 day shred video a few times, but for me it was borning so moving on from that one:-) Really I don't have a routine though and that's what I need to get into. I never set down, with 2 kids I'm always doing something so whether this counts or not I'm counting it:-) With summer approaching I will be doing ALOT of swimming because my a$$ can now fit in a swimsuit:-) I've told you what I've been doing so now let me tell you what I'm going to do so that I have to be accountable:-) I am planning on doing T25 from Beachbody, the creaters of Insanity and PX90...Yes insane! It's a high intense 25 min. workout for 10 weeks that focuses on different areas of the body. After the 10 weeks I will re-play based on the areas I feel I need the most help with. They have modifiers for each session so they say its for all fitness type but we shall see. I may drop over in the first 10 min., but I'll try again the next day until I get there:-)
  11. enjoythetime

    Week 7 of liquids -- gimme food already!

    You're in the home stretch!!!! You've got this;)
  12. This is what works for me and were all different so I'm by no means telling you to do this just sharing my journey. I really don't think i do anything special and there's some areas such as exercise that I still need to get into a better routine of but here is what a typical day looks like for me: 80 oz of fluid- Water, tea, crystal light 60-80g of Protein Approx. 1200 cal. per day Each meal consists of 3-4oz of lean protein, 1/2 c veggies, and 1 starch serving I ALWAYS eat my meals in the following order, protein first, then veggies, and lastly the starch (if I have room) I never drink anything while eating or for one hour after. NO CARBINATION NO ALCOHOL I NEVER DRINK MY CALORIES Below is where I may be different in some areas than others: Limitation of Carbs- Not Elimination but Limitation:-) I told myself when I had this surgery that bread was a no no (the doughy kind), so, the only bread I've had has been whole wheat toast for a sandwich. I've had Pasta twice and while I did fine with it, I chose not to eat it because it really didn't fill me up and I decided I would rather spend my calories on food that keeps me fuller longer with better nutrition (with less calories and all the other stuff). Same with rice. So basically I limit the type of carbs I allow in my diet. They either come from Veggies, or when I cook sometimes I will roll my chicken breast in bread crumbs or if I have a sweet tooth craving I buy the skinny cow chocolates or ice creams which of course are heavier on the carbs (15g or so), or I will have a 1/2 of a flour tortilla for a wrap or 2 corn taco shells, but typically I limit my actual Starch servings to once a day. I've also never been a real big fruit person, so I rarely eat it. My surgeon told me about the sugar and carbs found in fruit and while they encouraged eating them in moderation they did warn me not to overdue it so if I have a fruit with a meal or as a snack I will not have a starch etc. There are some things I knew I wanted to eliminate all together because there's no nutritional value and it's a trigger for me so I made a mental list of all of those foods and I'm not going to try it not because I think the band will have issues with it but that my head will have issues with it. For instance pizza, I haven't had a slice of pizza in over a year and I don't miss it a bit, If/when I do get an urge for it I know theres a healtier version; I have a recipie that uses cauliflouer crust when that urge arises I will op to make the healthier version. Don't get me wrong I don't deprive myself, I made this a lifestyle change so I made it to include the things I CAN AND CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT. Like if I want a cookie, once in a while I will eat a cookie, I just take it off of my calorie intake for the day, you just can't make this an every day occurance so if you know this food is a trigger for you to binge then learn to live without it or make a healthier version. If I want chips I get the individual bags of Special K Sour Cream and Onion. 1 package has 110 cal and I get by with just 1/2 now:-) so for 55 cal, 1 g sugar and 11 carbs I feel like I've had a cheat:-) There's a tradeoff for everything and for me it's all about balance. If I can find a healthy alternative for something I love and it's good then I'm all for it, if there's not then eat the real thing in moderation (as long as it's not harmful to your band), count it off your daily calories and move on:-) Some examples of food are: Breakfast Dannon light greek yogurt with 3tlb hy vee trail mix- 212 cal 16g protein 2 eggs with 1 piece of farmland low sodium bacon crumbled with some onions and mushrooms sprinkled with 2% shredded cheese and salsa. Approx 250 cal 16g protein. lunch 4oz deli turkey 100 cal 18g protein 2slices slim cut kraft cheese colby jack slices. 70 cal. 6 protein 1 tlb okios greek yogurt dip 13 cal, 1p 2 Romaine lettuce leafs 8 cal Total approx 226 cal 25 g p Detour low sugar protein caramel nut bar. 340 cal, 5 net carbs 2g sugar and 30 p (Only eat maybe once a week in a pinch) dinner Parmasean crusted tilapia (can send you recipie if interested) with green giant just for1 cauiflouer with cheese sauce. Approx 300 cal 35 p Smothered chicken with cheese oniins & mushrooms with salad with homeafe ranch dressing. Apprix 369 cal 30 p I have a couple of Snacks throyghout the day, some options: Okios yogurt dip with veggies or 1-2 oz of colby jack or pepperjack cheese with 5 townhouse reduced fat crakers 70 cal 180 cal - 280 cal 7- 14 g p ( if I eat this 2 oz I will do one if the lower cal snacks later) SF fudge ice cream bar 35 cal 60 cal sf pudding Skinny cow choc. 3pcs 130 cal Skinnk cow drumstick 160 cal I always make sure that I have quick and easy things laying in the fridge for those days when I don't feel like cooking or am in a hurry so for me that means deli turkey meat, and kraft sliced cheese (love the slim slices 35c each) so I weigh out the meat throw it in a baggie and eat it on the go. I love it;) As far as motivation goes these are the things thst keep me going: I have a strong faith in God, my family, I have a great support system, I love being able to do things I haven't done in years, LOVE walking into a store and seeing something i love and not worrying about if it comes in my size. Oh yeah and all those peple who thought i was crazy, doubted me or waited for me to fail, being able to prove them wrong:) Any time someone thinks I can't do something or discourages me you better watch out because I fight like hell to prove them wrong!!! So I guessI should thank them;) I hope this helps and if anyone has any recommendations please share I'm always open to better options. Thanks!
  13. enjoythetime

    I had my Tummy Tuck!

    Woe! You look amazing. Did they take out all of the Fluid in your band for the surgery? Just eondering because I went to a consult and they said it had to all be taken out and no fills for 6 weeks? Thx for your help!
  14. enjoythetime

    something that urks me

    Jennybean, The good news is it sounds like you know exactly where you need to be to lose and maintain which is HUGE!!! It does sound like the after care youre recieving isn't as comprehensive as it should be. Don't let up, be heard afterall this is your health and you have the right to voice your concerns to your Dr. Best wishes on your continued success, you're doing great!!
  15. enjoythetime

    something that urks me

    betty_s This frustrates the hell out of me too and not just when talking about the band but just lack of accountabilty in general!! At some point people have to take responsibility for THEIR OWN actions!! Now I'm not saying that every failure is related to their own doing, there are doctors out there in my opinion that shouldn't be performing this procedure or any other procedure for that matter. There are others that maybe had a "faulty" band, I mean it does happen, but the majority of what we're seeing is that people want that magic fix all, wake up one morning skinny pill, well hell don't we all, I mean really I would have signed up for that years ago. The fact is it's always easier to blame someone or something else when things get hard or are things we just don't want to do. You're going to do great!! Like you said you have all the motivation in the world, hang on to that, because it will take you far! You have to drown out and distance yourself from the negativity, or that will drag you lower than anything else. The mind is a VERY powerful thing so if you feed it with positivity and nurture it the same way you do your body. Staying positive even when things aren't the greatest is what gets you to success!
  16. Thank you so much silly_weasel! I'm in the process of writing something up, so hopefully I will have it posted by the end of today:-)
  17. enjoythetime

    loving this

    enuf, I'm glad you're loving your new tool and congrats on your lose, thats awesome!! Can I ask you a question? What did your doctor say when you told him you weren't sticking with the post-op diet phases? Please don't take this the wrong way but there's a very important reason why they have you on that post-op diet so I'm just curious what his response was. My surgeon told me absolutely no veering from the plan they provided me. He told me the reason is because you're still very swelled and your body is still healing from major surgery and even though you're able to eat these things with no pain, stucks, etc. doesn't meant it's ok to do so. If you were to get stuck or if you were to PB or anything at this point you could cause your band to slip or various other things and even if you didn't have one of these episodes you can have side effects you may not be aware of until later. You're just doing such a great job I just don't want you to experience any set backs. Best of luck to you!!
  18. enjoythetime

    Very depressed ,Need help and guidance :((((

    This is completely normal. I remember going in for my first fill and feeling good restriction for a couple of weeks and then after that feel hungrier than I was before my fill. I went back to the Dr. for my next monthly check up and he told me this was completely normal. What happens is when they fill the band you do get some restriction because your stomach is swelled and then once that swelling is gone you're back to no restriction. He gave me another fill and since then I haven't needed another. There are times when I wonder if I couldn't use a little more but then I remind myself that there is a thin line between great restriction and miserableness (which no one wants and this can acutally make you gain if you're too tight), so instead what I've done is learned how to make healthy choices when I do get hungry in between meals, like 1-2oz of cheese, or maybe some veggies dipped in okios greek yogurt french onion dip etc. We've all been told the band is just a tool but if not properly filled it really is just a ring until you reach that "sweet" spot but even then you have to make the right choices you have to strengthen your mind, find something to do when that head hunger kicks in. I find that head hunger typically only lasts for about 5 min once you find something to occupy yourself so go outside and walk, clean the house, do the dishes anything..... You will do just great once you find your "sweet" spot and the weight that you've gained will come right back off so don't get discouraged just keep pushing on and whatever you do tell yourself that giving up is not an option. Wishing you all the best!
  19. I haven't tried those but that sound yummy. Do you get them in the health food side of the grocery store?
  20. Awe! Thank you JustWatchMe! You're tearin' it up yourself!! Great job! Wow 45lbs down since march is amazing!
  21. You're going to be just fine! 3lbs isn't anything to throw the towel in for!!! I agree it's always best to be honest with your NUT, Dr. etc, after all most of us have been lying about what we put in our mouths for years if not a life time which is how I feel we got to where we are now. Be honest first and foremost with yourself and with those trying to help you. WE're all human afterall and I can't imagine they're going to revoke your surgery because you had a bad weekend! Like others have said it could be Water weight. Do a water flush which is 88oz of water the first day, 96oz of water the second and 88oz the third, along with lemon in the water and that will take care of the water retention. You've worked way too hard to give up! Like Carolinagirl said, KEEP BUSY! When you get an urge to eat, vaccum, clean the house, go for a walk, ANYTHING!! I find that head hunger will go away in about 5 min. if you find something to keep you busy. You can stand on your head that long:-) You've got this! Wishing you the best!
  22. enjoythetime

    I had my Tummy Tuck!

    Congrats on your surgery! This is so exciting! Can I ask what Doctor you used? I've been contemplating this and went to a couple of consultations but haven't taken it any further. If possible can you please send me a message with some of the details. Congrats on your fabulous weight loss and new life!!
  23. Thank you so much!!
  24. Bettys, thank you girl! You're off to a wonderful start yourself!!! Keep up the great work;)

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