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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by enjoythetime

  1. enjoythetime

    Let me tell you a story

    I'm terribly sorry to hear of your loss, I just can't imagine what you've been through but you're one tough lady!!! All I can say is that fear either drives you or it rules you and for you sweetie it's driving you right back to where you want and need to be. Good for you!!! You should be very proud of yourself!!
  2. enjoythetime

    Calorie/Protein Intake

    Yes! Protein is a huge part of our new way of life as banders! My Dr. recommends 60-80g of protien per day and 1200 cal per day. Of course consult your Dr. about this first before changing anything, he/she may have a different opinion based on your personal needs. As far as the protein shakes go, I haven't had one since the post-op stage. I get my protein by consuming lean meat, cheeses, yougurt, etc. Great job on the 4lbs, this is awesome!
  3. enjoythetime

    Just ordered a mini-elliptical!

    LMAO...yep balance coming from someone who can't walk and chew gum at the same time;) Have fun!!
  4. Great job on doing something for YOU! You will be successful no doubt about it. Keep up the great work!
  5. enjoythetime


  6. enjoythetime

    Just ordered a mini-elliptical!

    This looks cool! A mini eliptical for a mini you:-) How in the heck do those ladies stay on there with nothing to hang on to???? I'm so cluptsy I would fall and break my neck if I tried that:-) Have fun with this!
  7. enjoythetime

    Zuccini Chips- 2 ways

    Oven Baked Zuccini chips yummo:-) Thinly Slice zuccini with a mandalin or if you're good like that with a knife:-) Lay betwee two paper towels and press the moisture out. Brush weach with EVOO and season with salt, garlic powder, paprika, cayenne or whatever seasoning you like. Bake at 225 degrees. The recipie I used said for 2 hours BUT that was waaay too long so keep an eye on them I would say 30-45 min. or until crispy and golden brown. OR if you really feel ambitious you can do the same but dip them in 2 egg whites, 1/4 c fresh parm cheese season to taste and bake at 450 for 14 min. flipping 1/2 way. I haven't tried this one yet but it sounds good and adds some Protein while eliminating the need for EVOO.
  8. enjoythetime

    Zuccini Chips- 2 ways

    Oops sorry Betty!!! Kale chips dooo dish I've not heard of these!!!
  9. enjoythetime

    Zuccini Chips- 2 ways

    Lmao!!! Yes of course!!! Yummy crunchy dippy goodness that's actually good for you. Whoda thunk it;) LOVE IT!!
  10. enjoythetime

    hungry !

    This is completely normal, not pleasant but normal. The swelling is going down or gone at this point and therefore the band is just setting there; so until you are able to start getting some Fluid in it and find the right restriction this phase is known as Bandster Hell. Follow your Dr's instructions to the T and eat the recommended amount given to you. You will get through it but you need to keep your mind and body busy with something to distract you from eating. Eat your Protein first, then your veggies, then your starch serving; in that order. When an hour passes and you can have something to drink this tends to help fill you up a little. Unfortunately this phase sucks but you will get through it just remember why you chose to have this surgery in the first place, find your motivation and stay positive. You can totally do this!!!!
  11. enjoythetime

    Fat Fasting

    Huh....never heard of this before. I've heard of ketosis while I was doing Atkins years ago. Very Interesting.
  12. Thanks for the heads up so I can program the DVR!!!!!!
  13. enjoythetime


    I'm right there with you......you know what I'm thinking about???? POOLS, SUN, LAKE, BOATS, SWIMSUITS!!! Yeah baby bring it on, I'm ready:-)
  14. enjoythetime


    Love this Mikee57! Yes it's happy happy joy joy day!!!:-)
  15. enjoythetime

    Today is my one year Bandiversary!

    You look amazing! So happy for you! Happy 1-year bandiversary!!
  16. enjoythetime

    I'm so happy!

    Sooo happy for you!! I can hear the excitment in your text and it's contagious:-)!! Keep it up!! Where are you going on your trip? I hope you have a fantastic time!!!!
  17. enjoythetime

    How do you find a balance? (#bodylove)

    The decision to have weight loss surgery should not be based soley on what your apperance will be like at the end. Now don't get me wrong of course that's what we all hope for but that should be the added bonus, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The real reason one should decide to have WLS is to better their overall health so they can live to reach retirement age, being around to watch their kids grow-up, etc. I think the first thing you have to do is put apperances aside for a moment and ask youself how is my health? Do I have any current conditions caused from my weight or are there any lurking if I don't do something about it. Of course weight loss doesn't completely take away all your risk for diabetes or high blood pressure, I've got a friend that weighs 125lbs soaking wet and has diabetes but I guess what I'm trying to say is there are many factors that need to be considered when having WLS and going through the journey. For the men and women out there who are comfortable being plus-sized and DON'T have any health issues from being that size then by all means rock it (that's seldom the case though). I love it when people are comfortable in their own skin regardless of size etc., but at the same time let's be honest with ourselves is this true happiness or just smoke and mirrors or is it a movement to try and get society to change their perception? Just because someone walks around in a bathing suit or a mini skirt doesn't mean they truly love the way they are, they may have accepted it to a point or maybe they're trying to convience themselves, what apprears to be one thing in the public spot light can be completely different from what's going on in the inside. It's called a coping mechanisim, a wall they hide behind not to get hurt. Just because you're for people who love themselves regardless of size doesn't mean your a hypocrite because you had WLS it just means that you wanted to make a healthy lifestyle change. Just my opinion and you know what they say about those:-) Best wishes!
  18. enjoythetime

    April 2014-???? Weighing in today:-)

    Thank you Chasingadream for your kind words of support! I really appreciate it!
  19. enjoythetime

    11 weeks and 86lbs Gone!

    Wowza that's incredible!! Congratulations on your success!
  20. enjoythetime

    Looking for Homemade Chicken Soup Reciepe

    This is one I have from Pinterest: I opt to substitute the nooldes for more veggies such as fresh chopped mushrooms green onions, broccoli etc. Hope this helps! Ingredients 1 1/2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts 5 medium carrots, peeled and chopped (1 3/4 cups) 1 medium yellow onion, chopped (1 1/2 cups) 4 stalks celery, chopped (1 1/4 cups) 3 cloves garlic, minced 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 6 cups low-sodium chicken broth (3 - 15 oz cans) 1 cup Water 1/2 tsp dried thyme 1/2 tsp dried rosemary, crushed 1/4 tsp celery seed, finely crushed* 2 bay leaves Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 2 cups uncooked wide egg noodles 3 1/2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice Saltine crackers or parmesan cheese, for serving (optional) Directions To a slow cooker, add chicken (un-cut), diced carrots, onion, celery, and garlic. Drizzle olive oil over top then add in chicken broth, water, thyme, rosemary, celery seed, bay leaves and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover and cook on low heat 6 - 7 hours. Remove cooked chicken and allow to rest 10 minutes, then dice into bite size pieces. Meanwhile, add egg noodles and parsley to slow cooker. Increase temperature to high, cover and cook 10 minutes longer (or until noodles are tender). Stir in lemon juice and toss in cooked, diced chicken. Serve warm with saltine crackers or top with Parmesan cheese if desired.
  21. Laura70, I'm so sorry to hear you're experiencing this! I have a couple of questions to get a better understanding. Do you know if your band was pre-filled prior to it being placed? Did you talked with your surgeon regarding your complications before being hospitalized? Did your doctor do a 1-week follow-up, 2-week follow-up and a 4 week follow-up? If so, and you were experiencing these issues what was their advice? Just wondering if your surgeon knew all this why they would let you go this far before stepping in. Were you able to follow the post op diet stages given to you by your doctor at all? Right now the focus should be to just get you better. Did they say what the gastritis was caused from? I know there can be several factors causing this to develop. The first 4 weeks are critical for healing after major surgery and to throw something like this on top of that.....I just can't imagine how miserable you must be feeling right now:( My thoughts are if your band was pre-filled with Fluid it's much for your body to handle and you need to have some fluid removed; work closely wth your lapband surgeon and your Primary doctor to get this situation under control; wait to make any major decisions on having the band removed until you know the cause, future plans, treatment etc. You're going through so much right now and to make a major decision to have the band removed so quickly is one that needs careful thought. The Gastritis could have been something that was going to form with or without the surgery. I really hope you get better soon! Hang in there and let us know how you're doing!!!!
  22. enjoythetime

    So just what is success?

    Great topic Gowalking! Through this journey the meaning of success is ever changing for me. At first it was ok I need to loss 50% of my excess weight within one year, then it was I need to get to onederland, then it was to hit my goal weight and now it's like you said it's the desire to sustain where I'm at right now for the rest of my life. It was all the little victories along the way that meant the most to me and motivated me to keep going. The NSVs of going down a size or two, going to the Dr. and having tests done and everything coming back perfect, it's in the smiles on my family's face when they see how happy I am to be able to do something I wasn't able to do one year ago, it's that feeling of self-worth at the end when all is said and done that I set out to do this for myself to become healthy and of course look and feel human and have done just that. It's about being the person I've always been on the inside but at times was hesitant because of my outward apperance. I would like to encourange others through my experiences along this journey to help someone else who is where I was, that is what ULTIMATE success looks like for me. I want to be able to give others hope regardless of their current situation that they can change their life.
  23. I just returned from seeing my surgeon and found out that I've EXCEED MY GOAL!!! The tears just won't stop flowing! I'm setting here in disbelief that this is actually happening. One year ago I was setting in this very chair with tears flowing because I was so miserably overweight that I could barely bend over to tie my shoes and even though I knew my surgery was a GO I sat here with that hopeless feeling wondering if this plastic little ring was really going to help me. As I reflect on the past 11 months it all just seems so unreal and hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I'm where I am today. I go in every month to see my Dr. so of I course I knew I was 6lbs away from goal but to see those numbers and to hear someone say you made it, you passed it, is life changing!!! For anyone who's thinking about this surgery, or is in a rut wondering why you had the surgery, it's ALL worth it!!! The 2 week pre-op (or whatever your doctor orders), the discomfort from surgery, the 6 weeks of bandster hell because you're sick of liquids and mushies, the starving all the time until your first fill, the balancing act of how much Fluid is enough, I'm in the green zone or the yellow or red, It's ALL worth it! I NEVER truly thought when I had this surgery this would happen for me the way it has. I knew I was determined and that failure wasn't an option but I never thought the outcome would look like this! My life has changed in so many ways. First and foremost, I'm healthy!!! I can walk up a flight of stairs without being winded, play sports with my kids, buy whatever I want in the stores and no longer have to wonder if it comes in my size, I don't have to worry about flying and praying the seat belt fits around me. I'm so much happier, the small things in life just seem to make it all worth while and before I missed so many of them because I was so unhappy and self concious. One of the greatest feelings is not feeling like an embarassement to my husband and kids (not that they ever made me think I was), but when your mom is 34 years old and is as wide as she is tall, it's hard to be proud of that I'm sure. Don't get me wrong it's not all sunshine and roses, but it is what you make it and if you put 100% into it you're going to get a good return on your investment! Now it's time to move onto the next phase, life long maintenance which scares the hell out of me to be quite honest!!!! I know however that this time I've made a lifestyle change, unlike with past diets, where when once you've reached your goal you think you're "done" so you start raiding the pantry because "you've earned it", this time I know it's all about balance and doing things I know I can LIVE WITH AND WITHOUT for the REST OF MY LIFE. This group is an amazing source or support and information!!! Thank you!
  24. enjoythetime

    What to do in social situations?

    Don't dread social situations. Its just that the timimg of this one was bad:) After you are able to eat solids social events and restaurants with the band is no biggie. I eat out a lot and have no trouble. Just remember this is a lifestyle change so you have to know the things you can and can't live without. Its all about balance. Youll do great!!!!

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