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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by enjoythetime

  1. I'm not sure you can actually use the words binging and responsibly in the same sentence. We all know anything in excess is not good for you whether it's food, alcohol, stress you name it, it's all hard on the body. Vomiting like that can cause your band to slip, and in addition to that alcohol contains tons of calories, sugar and carbs. Just because we can, doesn't mean we should;) I think since being banded our bodies process some things differently then they once did so what you may have been able to do before you may not be able to do now. Listen to your body and your band and most important check with your dr. tell them what happened and follow their advice to the T. Good luck!!!!
  2. enjoythetime

    Road trip!

    Can you take a or a small insulated lunch bag or box? If so I suggest cottage cheese cups, Greek Yogurt, cheese stix, tuna packets (they don't require refrigertation they can be purchased ready made), turkey deli meat. If you don't have access to a cooler or insulated box then most of the items above are sold at many gas stations etc. so when you need to make a stop you can just grab something. Good luck and have a fun trip!
  3. enjoythetime

    Stuck+ER=lesson learned

    Omgosh! So sorry you had to go through this! This is a good reminder for me because I find myself doing the same thing when I'm staving. Since I'm almost a year post op some times I think I feel too comfortable with the band and I forget to chew. I hope you're feeling better today!
  4. How exciting! Congrats!!
  5. Much of mine are the same as the responses above, but here's what I do If I'm at the gas station my options are A protein bar, pure Protein or low sugar detour bar. Cottage cheese cup Lunchables with turkey and cheese- 250C with the crackers Special K Cracker chicps (I sub these out for the crackers that come in the lunchable)- 110 cal for the ENTIRE Bag couple of sticks of cheese and either cup of grapes, apple or orange If I have time to run by the grocery store make a salad from the salad bar go to the deli and buy 4oz of deli meat and a slice of cheese and roll it up in the car and eat If I'm in a super pinch I wiil: wendys and get a 4 pc spicy chicken nugget and a side casear salad (eat half of the salad) total 295 cal or a value chili Taco bell-Two crunchy tacos- 340 cal Grilled chicken salad from Steak and shake with the dressing and salsa on the side (pick out all of the chix first)
  6. enjoythetime

    NSV Alert!

    Hey, You got it on and got it buttoned, that's an accomplishment in my book, stuffed or not:-)
  7. enjoythetime

    NSV Alert!

    Gowalking I swear not only has our journey mirrored one another along with our views but now our NSVs on the same day are almost identical. Are you my sister from another mister:-) I went shopping today and they had a sale on all their collegiate apparel. My husband and I are BIG Ohio State fans and I've been wanting a shirt for forever but they didn't make them in my size (or atleast not the cute ones). I went up to the man and asked, do you have any Ohio State things for ladies and he said yeah I have a couple is it for you and I said yes, so he goes over to the rack and pulls out a dress, shirt and a jacket and says here these are cute and should be the right size, I smile and say thanks and as he walks away I'm looking at the items and all of the tags say size SMALL, I said to myself WTH is this man crazy I can't wear this stuff and then I looked at the items again and said well maybe I can and sure enough I tried them on and what do you know......they fit, (they must run a little on the larger side of small) but DAMN....I just bought a small and like you said someone else picked these out based on the size they saw me to be!!! Woe, what a great feeling this is. LOVE IT!!!! Oh what an eye opening NSV just now. I'm here in my office today and the place is like a freezer. Cold as all get out. I have a long sleeve blouse on but I'm just frozen to the bone. My very slender colleague comes into my office to chat and I tell him how cold I am and he offers me his fleece jacket that the company gave out a couple of years ago. I got one of these fleeces also but quickly gave it to my son because even the extra large didn't fit. So when Claude offers me his fleece, I take him up on it hoping it isn't too small because I still think I'm fat damn it! Well...I'm sitting here typing and warm as can be....and zipped up to the neck. Not only does the thing fit but it's got extra room as well. This is what normal must feel like. To be offered an item of clothing and not realizing the person offering isn't wondering if it will fit....they know it will fit. I need to remember this NSV to help me to see what everyone else does....
  8. enjoythetime

    Feeling blue

    I agree completely with TMF! It hasn't even been a month since your surgery and only 6 days from your first fill. The band is not a magic wand that can be waved and one day you wake up skinny. Give yourself a break and do the best you can to get through this stage until you can find the right restriction for you. This will take a lot of will power and commitment on your part but you can do it. Try and keep yourself as busy as possible drink something as soon as that hour goes by after you've eaten, drink lots of Water, take up a hobby. If you stay the course the weight will come off!! Stressing about it (as hard as it is not to) actually only makes the situation worse. This is a life long commitment that requires a change from you for the rest of your life. Keep up the good work and don't get down on yourself. It will take some time but nothing in life worth having is ever quick and easy so just hang in there.
  9. Suzanne, This is just my opinion and others may have a different view BUT if this were me I would start at the very beginning with the pre op diet you were instructed to do by your doctor, then progress to the post op diet stages that you were given by your doctor (maybe not for the same amount of time), but just to get you back into that right frame of mind. I think this would also jump start your progress, then or maybe even before doig this I would schedule an appointment to see my doctor and see what his or her thoughts are regarding the amount of restriction you have etc. and make this a regular thing for a few months just so that you are being held accountable again and have someone to guide you through the process. This is a new start and you can do it. Just focus on all of the positives that come with feeling great and being healthy; this will also occupy your mind from the other things going on around you that may not be as positive. You can do this! I wish you all the best.
  10. enjoythetime

    After 17 months..

    Awesome! So happy for the new healthy you!!
  11. enjoythetime

    Success stories please!

    Love this!! You are amazing! There's plenty of success stories out there Shelly. I've posted about mine several times but will be happy to share again. Per my ticker below, you can see that I was morbidly obese. I had limited mobility due to arthritis and was heading towards a life in a wheelchair. I had the surgery in January of 2013 and subsequent hip replacement in October of 2013. I am now off the cane and walking again. Yes, I have residual pain...I have alot more physical therapy in my future, but the difference is tremendous. Then there's all the other stuff. I buy pretty clothes again. I can fit anywhere. And I mean anywhere. I don't fear small spaces because I'm small myself. Yes...I'm a small lady again. I'm getting my life back. Before getting the lapband, I was on a cruise and couldn't get off the ship because I was in terrible pain. Even if I wasn't in pain, I couldn't do most of the excursions because I was afraid I couldn't fit into a life vest. Horrible, right? Well, I'm going on a cruise in July and my son and I are going on a deep Water scuba excursion. I have no concerns about keeping up or about fitting into any equipment. I'm normal sized now, and living life like a normal person. I'm happier about having the lapband than I ever expected. How's that for a success story? Oh, and I posted my before and after pics so you can have a visual. Yes...they are both pictures of me. Some difference, right? before and after.jpg
  12. enjoythetime

    Six months out!

    Wow! What a huge difference! You're doing awesome!!!
  13. enjoythetime


    CG, I'm a shorty too, 5'1.5" (gotta include that 1/2" when you're this close to the ground:-)) Fun size is the best size especially in 6" heels, now that I can walk in them without the heel breaking!!!:-) Have a gret day! dont compare......i am 5'1 and i am different from anyone else so comparing to me for example is worthless........i dont think my height makes a bit of difference..its on my profile already....helps people see my starting bmi of 62 or my beginning weight I think it would be nice to see a person't height in the profile section that shows up any time a person makes a post. It really makes a difference when you are comparing yourself to someone else. .....i prefer people notice that than if i am short sh*it or not put my in my 6 inch wedges and we gots us a party
  14. I know you're wondering, what in the world is she talking about now. Let's admit it we've all been there, those moments when we just don't think we can make it, we start doubting our abilities and strengths, we make a "mistake" and beat ourselves up over and over again and then feed ourselves to "make us feel better", then we start blaming the band, it isn't working for me, I don't understand why. Really, what ever happened to self-accountability? It's all about how we CHOOSE to deal with our feelings, so dry your eyes, dust youself off, hold your head up high and get back to what you KNOW you should be doing, and we ALL KNOW what we should be doing, it's never too late to start fresh. Some people are saying it's easier said then done but really it's not, if you allow yourself to waller in self pitty then yeah expect to be down and out with no positive results, but if you look in the mirror and say I'm worth it, I've had enough , I'm done, I've got the tool I need to succeed and I'm going to use it then you will succeed. It's all about perspective. Negativity never blooms positivity, so move over spring showers May is budding new flowers.:-)
  15. enjoythetime

    Life is GREAAAT!

    So I'm totally pumped, the sun is shining, it's 86 degrees here today and just absolutely beautiful (too bad I'm at work;)). While I was getting ready this morning it almost felt like a special day you know a day that you've been waiting for, anticipating for some time because something good is planned or special is going on, so I was thinking humm what is so special about today? It's not my Birthday, it's not Mother's Day, there's no work parties, it's not the weekend........ IT'S LIFE AND LIFE IS GREAAAT!! I hope it's ok but I want to share some NSV's with everyone that really didn't occur to me until this morning. I got in the car today and for the first time realized how much room there was between me and the steering wheel. Yep before I had this surgery when I was driving the steering wheel would actually rub against my stomach when I turned now there's a good 18-24 inches between my stomach and the steering wheel. I spent hours, and I mean hours doing hard manual yard work on Saturday and Sunday, fully expecting to be completely imobile come Monday, with much to my suprise I woke up and nothing, no pain, no stifness, no feeling like I'd been runover by an 18-wheeler. It felt awesome, my yard doesn't look half bad either:-)!!!! Summer. Yes, I said it summer, swimsuits, pools, lakes, tubing you name it anything to do with Water activities I'm in and I can't wait. Even when I was large I still participated, not gracefully or unembarrased but I still did them. This year I'm so excited because there is NO hestitaton NO feeling self concious; looking around before I do something to make sure no one is watching in case I make a fool out of myself ( I will still make a fool of myself because I'll never be graceful:)) but now I won't give two SH****!!! I've already purchased 2 swimsuits and I'm all ready to gooooo!! I was telling my husband I can't remember the last time I was a normal weight during the summer time. It's such a stress lifted and I feel like now I can finally FULLY enjoy every ounce of summer fun, my favorite time of the year and I just can't wait! Everyday I wake up and I'm just so thankful for the decision I made to have this band! Life has always been good, I've been blessed with many things in my life, a wonderful husband and two beautiful children, first and foremost but now I just have this whole new perception of life. I wake up and everyday is almost like a new adventure. I 'm still finding things out about myself and my surroundings that I never noticed before, so exciting! So yes, this is all for my sunshine and roses speech for today but I would like for everyone who reads this to post something(s) that maybe you just noticed about yourself that has changed or you're looking forward to now that you have a new leash on life:-) I can't wait to hear everyone's!!!!!
  16. enjoythetime


    Nah, don't let yourself get caught up in comparing yourself with anyone else. Everyone's journey is different you can be the exact same age, height and weight etc and the end result and how each person gets there will be completely different because we're all individuals:)
  17. enjoythetime

    Caught in a cycle of Carbs!

    Oh yes, the chips and dip weakness, I can totally identify! This is one of my biggest weaknesses along with ice cream. I agree with TMF, I just simply won't buy them because I know if I do I will eat them. If I do think I need something, because we all have those times when we just can't fight it any longer, I will try to find a healthy alternative, so for me I found the Special K Cracker Chips, bag is 110 cal and 22g of carbs for the WHOLE bag and I find I can only eat 1/2 how sweet is that or I will make zuccini chips and dip them in Okios Greek Yogurt dip, which is very good and good for you. For my ice cream fix, I will either drive to Yogurtini, 110 cal for 4oz and it has Protein, I will add a few toppings but try to be conservative, or I will run to the store and buy some Skinny Cow cones (devine:-)) Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I don't have chips and salsa when I go for mexican or that I won't have a small slice of cake at a party etc., but I know the way it makes me feel afterwards which is terrible and guilty so I would just rather pass:-)
  18. enjoythetime

    Life is GREAAAT!

    Chasingadream, You're so on point with everything you said! Everyone finds theirselves in a "rut" at some time or another but it's how we dig ourselves out that counts and with an attitude like yours. you WILL BEAT IT, you already have sporting your new skinny clothes and shoes (I found it odd that my feet shrank too:-)) I guess it's not so odd afterall and 92lbs GONE NEVER TO RETURN! You should be very proud of your accomplishments, you're doing great. This is going to sound strange but one of the things I find helps with that REALLY BAD head hunger is about 2Tlb of apple cidar vinegar followed by 8oz of Water. It helps you release water weight and for whatever reason makes you feel full and trust me nothing taste worse after some apple cider vinegar than chocolate;)
  19. Yay Cindi!! Welcome to banded life girl! It DOES get better trust me. I used Gas-X Strips and even though it isn't from abdominal gas it still seemed to help me. It 's worth a try. Yes, the heating pad was my best friend and walk walk walk. Everyone is different but i started to noice it subside by day 4. Hang in there!!!
  20. enjoythetime

    EASY WAY OUT, MY @$$

    People just don't understand!! I was one of those people who said I would NEVER have WLS because it was the "easy way out" boy oh boy was that one of the biggest misconceptions I've ever had. This is by no way shape or form the easy way out!!! You put her in her place real quick, good for you for standing up for what you've done, believe in and what obviously works! I'm sure this will make her think twice next time before going there:-) Great job!
  21. enjoythetime

    Life is GREAAAT!

    Thank you!! You go girl! I LOVE this, this is the kind of NSV that makes it ALL worth it!!! You're rocking it!!!
  22. enjoythetime

    April 2014.jpg

    From the album: enjoythetime

  23. enjoythetime


    Not sure about Cali but it's close to what you need in MO:-) I think it was right around that area, but can't remember if that includes anethisia....but who needs that any way, it's soooo over-rated...haha. Good luck to you, I hope you find what you're looking for!
  24. enjoythetime

    Is It Time For Panni?

    This is a topic that has been discussed a lot lately. I'm also weighing my options and spoke with my surgeon regarding referrals etc. He told me once I was within 20lbs of my goal weight I should start setting up consultations. I went to a couple but honestly I want to wait it out for a while and just enjoy what I've worked hard for before making a decision. I would encourage you to wait until you're within that 20lbs of your goal weight. If not then excess skin will reoccur and your results won't be optimal! Good luck to you!
  25. enjoythetime

    Life is GREAAAT!

    Yes ma'am you WILL!!! Look at you already down 17lbs! This is phenominal!! Work it girl:-) HAHA!!!

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