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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by stept04

  1. stept04

    One step closer

    I'm on day three of pre-op. My Dr. said I should start feeling good around day three. I do feel good, but I actually never felt bad. It has not been as rough as I thought it was going to be, but I also still have 4 more days. So will see. I'm on a high Protein liquid diet. Which means I have 4 Protein shakes a day and 1 Protein Bar plus liquids, so I'm guess that is helping. ~~~Stephanie
  2. stept04

    170lbs gone

    Dido on all the above. You mentioned something about sharing your story. I went to your profile and did not see your story there. Are you planning on posting one, I'd love to read it if you do? Or did I miss it somewhere? You've done wonderful. ~~~Stephanie
  3. stept04

    A poem for all of you!

    Just the thing to put on my fridge. Thanks for sharing ~~~Stephanie
  4. Met my Doc today I liked him. Which is good my surgery is scheduled for Tuesday. :)

  5. stept04

    5 Year Anniversary

    Just wanted to congratulate you on your success. You've done awesome. An inspiration to aspire to. Thanks for sharing. ~~~Stephanie
  6. Well today is the day when I get to meet the surgeon who is doing my surgery Tuesday. Why they let you weight so long and so close to your surgery date to meet with the actual surgeon I don't know. Made me a little bit nervous, but I do get to meet him today will see how things go. Everyone I've talked to who has had him likes him so that's good. I have a bunch of questions. Hope he does not blow me off. I also get last minute blood work. I don't know what all else they'll do. Does anybody have any suggestions for questions I should ask? I'm a bit nervous I've actually gained weight since I saw them back in October. I did not now about the high protein low carb diet till I read it in the huge booklet they gave me to read over, they never said anything about starting a diet or that my insurance needed me to lose weight or anything, so I hope It wasn't a requirement to lose weight. You think they would have specified that when I was there. So I guess we will just see what happens. Good morning to you all. ~~~Stephanie
  7. stept04

    58lbs down

    Wow your looking good. I bet it felt good to keep up with your 5 year old, I know it would me. That's good weight loss. Keep up the good work and keep us posted. ~~~Stephanie
  8. stept04

    Liquid Diet Starts Today!

    Well congratulation on starting liquids your that much closer to goal. I've been on liquids for 3 days, except for a few cravings It hasn't been hard "yet". I take all my vitamins, have 4 protein shakes, broth, jello, water, 1 quest bar, and Popsicles. I also chew a lot of sugar free cinnamon gum (Dentyne Fire), it's been a life saver. I can say I have not felt hungry. So I guess I'm lucky so far. Good luck on yours,and stick with it. ~~~ Stephanie
  9. stept04

    Map my Walk is a great motivator

    You just load it on your phone and it keeps track of how much you walk? I'm ignorant when it comes to apps or most any techie stuff, sorry if it is a stupid question. ~~~Stephanie
  10. I've found out just in this short journey (I'm not banded yet (May 28th), when I was doing the high Protein low carb diet that I eat just simply out of boredom, so cliche', but I have done this so long, it was like an epiphany. You'd think just get busy doing something, right. Nope I would just continue to sit there craving something, I did not give in this time like I normally would, I finally started getting on the computer more, never have been one to be on the internet much but now it is taking the place of my food addiction. I don't know if that's good or bad yet,but right now it's what works. Probably have a lot more to learn about myself and food seeing as how I'm just getting started with all this. ~~~Stephanie
  11. stept04

    Testing complete finally

    Sorry BTW, they called me. ~~~Stephanie
  12. stept04

    Testing complete finally

    You should hear from your Dr. office, I did, but if you don't hear from them, I'd give them a call. I'm sure they wouldn't mind, I call my Dr. office all the time and they are always more than willing to answer my questions. ~~~Stephanie
  13. stept04

    Incision site pain

    The port site should be the biggest incision. ~~~Stephanie
  14. stept04

    Emotional Eating...

    In the mean time don't forget you can chat with people here. Have you tried the chat room or maybe you can PM someone on here going though what you are going through? Sorry I can't answer your question about a support group in your area, maybe someone else will know. Sorry your having a hard time. I'm sure you will find what you need. Good luck. ~~~Stephanie
  15. stept04

    No words needed

    That's so awsome! I think I'll pass on the Zumba thanks very much.
  16. stept04

    3 month plateau.....no weight gain or loss

    Have you heard of carb cycling? Some people use it on here for plateaus. You can find the book "Choose To Lose-The 7-Day carb cycle solution" it's by Chris Powell. I've bought the book (10.00) I have not used it yet because I'm not even banded yet . That changes Tuesday. Other people say it works. Maybe you can give it a shot. Good luck. ~~~Stephanie
  17. I just found out my so called full liquid diet is not so "full". It seems the only thing "full" about it is the meal replacement shakes the rest is clear liquids. I've been mentally prepared for months to be on a full liquid diet and now the day before I find out it is going to be more clear than full. I'm so freaked out right now. I've got less than 24 hrs to prepare myself for this and my anxiety is high. I'm worried if I can do it. The nut said this is the hardest part. I'm not so sure about that from what I've read. I think she was just trying to help me when I said oh no. Any words of encouragement? I do only have to do this for a week. But I'm worried about my strength and sugar levels and I can't have sugary juices. How do I do this? Help!
  18. stept04

    Surgery is around the corner

    I use Bariactic Advantage Vanilla. I whip it up in the blender and put ice in the glass, It is not to sweet I like that. I don't blend the ice with it, it does not work well with my blender. This is my second day and it's not bad "yet".
  19. stept04

    New and saying hello..

    Welcome, nice to meet you. I'll be having my surgery on the 28th also. ~~~Stephanie
  20. When my husband had to put on my socks and shoes, and I had trouble washing my own feet in the shower. I said noway nohow. That was it for me. ~~~Stephanie
  21. stept04

    25 Pounds!!

    Congrats, that's a lot for less than a month. Way to go. ~~~Stephanie
  22. stept04

    1-week till surgery

    Welcome, we will be close together then I get banded the 28th which will be Tuesday. Keep us posted on how your doing and feel free to ask any question. ~~~Stephanie
  23. stept04

    Loose Skin...Tips?

    I have not heard of dry brushing, but I have heard of something called Skinny Wraps that people have been talking about. Do not know what it entails, but you can look it up. Seems like a lot of people have had good luck with it. Maybe someone will chime in about it. ~~~Stephanie
  24. stept04

    Ups and downs

    If you want you can get the book Choose To Lose- The 7-Day Carb Cycle Solution. I know Mis73 uses it when she hits a plateau and she has lost like 200 pounds. I got the book for future use,I have not yet been banded that happens next Tuesday. Just thought I'd mention it. Good luck. It was only like 10,00 dollars. ~~~Stephanie
  25. stept04

    strange messages and comments??? Anyone else?

    Yup, I've received them, got one today. I had one last week contact me through private chat also. Then had some weird person contact me that through private chat. I started chatting and she /he did not know what banding was when I told them and asked if they were getting it they said "why not", and they were not over weight, I don't know what they wanted so I just said I had to go. Weird. ~~~Stephanie

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
