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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lunasa

  1. lunasa

    Realisations to share?

    Lizrbit it's green alright..lush, rugged & very spiritual.. LOL motor bikes are for sissies! It's the motor part of bike I like! (pedal fear!) P.S.... it's not warm here... That'll probably happen for a day in July!! We never know Although the weather peolpe have predicted a heatwave this summer.. Please God I'll be a bit lighter for that!:bandit Great Stuff Yuka... crotch rocket sounds good!
  2. God Sara, thank post made me quite emotional. :cry We're on the edge of a sad place, but luckily & finally it's our backs we can turn on it. It's not our future. We will suceed, we are looking into a big wide future, a wizard of OZ journey... Let's not mourn now anymore what brought us to this point so we can move on & leave it behind... Have you ever heard of NLP...neuro linguistic programming? It's a fantastic form of coaching.. I found it more beneficial than counselling as it does not focus on the past but rather opens you up to the future. It's really quite amazing & quite instant. It's an excellent way to move forward!
  3. lunasa

    Realisations to share?

    lizrbit... That's great. It's so funny the things that are going through my mind at the moment! I've never been to galveston.. I know the song! I'm so lucky where I live now, the west coast of Ireland & it's truly beautiful... I have forts, valleys, lakes, rivers, oceans, cliffs, hills & mountains... all natural, all peaceful, I love it. Mind you the weather is not always great but it's amazing how a beautiful place stays beautiful even in mad weather...a different view every day! I'd LOVE to have a motor bike. but I'd be too nervous of the roads here... they're mad too! Never Know! I could end up an Irish Bob Ross on a bike! I love him:p
  4. Hi Sara Mos... I am very worried too... Am I doing the right thing etc... Am I just spending a fortune for a cure? I heard about that WLS show (oprah?) about replacing food addiction with alcoholism... OMG I can't even "go there" in my head. I am going to keep a major diary... I need to get to know myself a bit better, for real. I can't wait to meet myself! This is gonna sound weird but Recently I discovered something about myself..I love being outdoors, well I always knew that, I love scenery, gardens, discovering new places, top of hills, valleys streams etc etc but only experienced the actual buzz i get in my spirit being in those places recently.. I also have had an interest in taking up photography & painting for ages but never acted on it & thought to myself.. is the reason I don't indulge in this nature buzz or didn't know that about myself before or persue those hobbies because I'm too busy indulging in food, at home, out of sight. I tend to be a bit frantic about getting home to eat & then too tired to move after.. I don't think I'm expressing this right, but I wonder if Food & weight has kind of distracted me really from who I am? Does anyone understand that? As I approach my surgery date I find these thoughts crossing my mind!:faint:
  5. Hi Jen, I will start a buddy list now & add you to it. We will compare notes! Fear.....fear...what is it we fear? It has to be the break up.. Anyway, We'll be in touch & we will overcome. therapy is a great idea, I will be doing same. Sara Mos, I'm getting done with healthier weight Manchester... (God That was difficult adding to buddy list.. think I did it though I have to pimp my profile too & get one of those ticker things)
  6. lunasa

    No back fat

    Haha!! Edie...that's so funny & GREAT! I HATE my back fat... Recently, my sister asked me "At what stage will you feel like you're on the right road?" My reply was "When my back isn't hitting off my arse anymore!" God I can't wait.. my poor boobs are being neglected in the support department coz I can't stand my Bra's & take them off anytime I don't have to walk! Flap flap:o Your post made me very excited about what's to come...:heh: Oh the joys..xx Well done :clap2:
  7. Oh Anon... I feel your frustration! :cry Please be patient with your self & don't be hard on yourself at the moment (or ever again) Look what you've done..you've taken the big step, you are out the other side.. You are down 10lbs in 8 days too. I know it's probably easy for me to tell you to relax right now & I'm sure I will prob catch myself freaking out too post op. Believe me I am in a major rush to drop my cursed weight, but I am coaching myself not to go through that again. Every diet was the same, felt like time stood still as I weighed myself daily & felt the numbers looking back at me were totally unjustified! There I was "sacrificing" everything only to be dissappointed every morning. This time you are not sacrificing anything, you are going to get where you want to be... just trust that. If I were you I would throw the scales away... I am going to do that. I weighed myself this morning for the first time since November (coz I needed to check my BMI for sure) & funny enough I was only 2lbs out in what I estimated I would be. (I have gained 22 lbs since NOV) I don't need the scales to tell me where I am...I just know coz I have been every feckin weight there is! I have a scales in my head... Throw it away...let your doc weigh you on post op visits.. I feel a bit unqualified advising you having not had the op myself yet (4/16) But I feel for you today & am willing you to get over this hump! Feel free to throw this back at me if I end up ignoring my own advice when I'm at your stage!:nervous
  8. Hello Jennifur... I'm scheduled for my band surgery the same day as you! 4/16 I have my consultation in the UK this monday 4/2.. I live in Ireland. I am nervous... I have that haunting self doubt that this will not work. In saying that this site has helped me so much & I've come across so much positivity & success. I'm hardly getting any work done as I am surfing the site so much. What a brilliant resource for us! Someone earlier said the nerves & anxiety have a lot to do with the life change we will be undertaking. Undoing a lifetime of self, an analogy I also heard (in a book) is that because our behaviour is so unconcious it would be like un-learning how to drive...that's scary! So I guess the biggest fear is finally facing this committment & breaking up with the food relationship we've been having all our lives. How exciting though to know this time could be the last time at breaking point! We will have our bands to help us be consistent. Dr Maurice Laroque is a behaviour & obesity expert (canada) & reckons it takes 3 weeks of consistency in new behaviour to break an old & negative behavioural habit...sounds a bit too short a time, but that's 3 weeks with NO exceptions...I've never done that! I've always cheated, even if it was small or even just in the mind! Anyway...blah blah, I just wanted to say hello to you & that we will be on that table same day ( although in my time zone, I'll be out before you go in!) And Tracy...please put me on the april bandit list??
  9. I thought jubjub meant he weighed 420! What is 420 anyway? I used cannibis to help me loose weight once.. I replaced drinking with it, saving on calories...besides I'm ravenous after drink, but paranoia set in finally :paranoid & I wasn't able to enjoy the calming effect anymore...so no more for me. I don't miss it at all though. It began to feel seedy! but by all means rock on!
  10. lunasa

    Plastic Surgery UK

    Hi sugarplum... The TT will be the best thing you ever done (after the band) I had one done when I lost a lot of weight before, It was amazing. Unfortunately I gained the weight back!! Terrible, but results not totally ruined funny enough...if only I'd have known about the band then.. Anyway..I've yet to start a family.. If I can I would get another TT in a few years after all babies r done with PG! that's hoping I am successful with my band ( if I get approved on my consulation 02/April! Good luck & well done to you
  11. lunasa

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    That's Great... I hope my experience is like that.. I'm so sick of feeling suffocated in my clothing :angry
  12. I've only told My Husband, Sister & best friend That I'm booked in... I won't be telling anyone else except my parents if I have to.. I'd rather not.. Just read your profile.. looks like we're in about the same time..I'm April 17 If I get approved :girl_hug:
  13. lunasa

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    Hi Anon...glad I could give you a laugh.. I just assumed the surgeons would have discussed changing bands with GC...I'd have been ragin! As for loosing & gaining 7 massive stone (that's a whole Kylie Minogue ya know!) I always felt like nobody knows what that's like.. I feel so humiliated now every time I meet someone who hasn't seen me in a while I want to run & hide! I've been lying to certain friends to avoid them visiting me...sad r wha! As you described I was still OBSESSED with weight, food, eating when I was down to my lowest 10& half stone, I still had episodes where I'd binge big time & then be good for ages. I gave up drinking but was stoned on hash most of the time! Another thing that happened was that some friends (women of course) started to say "ah, you've gone far enough now / I hope you're not on pills / You'll get too thin" one even went as far as saying (drunk) "ah, please don't get skinnier than me" It drove me mad! ( "you've such a pretty face"...ring a bell? Shutup before I UNPRETTY yours Beeeatch Maybe it was my warped perspective but I felt I was making these "friends" uncomfortable by getting smaller & not being the massive friend who's shadow could make them look so good & small anymore. Now that I've regained I feel myself resenting these people as I feel I given them back their security of being "Small" again. Feck that...my perspective is totally warped.. but can you understand that? I'm sure you can... I'm going to journal my way to recovery, mentally , the physical will look after itself..x :kiss2: How do you find being banded by the way?:girl_hug: You're only done a few days?!!! What's your experience?
  14. lunasa


    Hello... I'm going to Dr Ashton too! I've spoken to Judith over the phone & I'm confident in the service they will provide.. I see you were all treated well too... My sis is coming with me.. after her my best friend knows & my Husband knows... I don't want to tell my parents.. I'll prob end up telling them though coz I know me "just not being hungry" won't really stand up to much scrutiny! Haha... You never know.. I'm devious enough when I wanna Be!
  15. lunasa

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    Hi Gc... Thanks for that...did you feel like hopping of the surgery trolley when the surgeons changed their mind on you... it must have been a bit panicky going under having to mentally prepare for a change of plan!! How's the needles?
  16. lunasa

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    funny you should say never happy Donatella... I lost 7st myself three years ago, only keeping it off for a year..but I looked fab.. I got so fit.. I had a personal trainer.. I was in a place I'd never been before & worked very hard to get there...but guess what? I wasn't happy... I never learned to get happy, I never gave myself credit & when I regained 7 lousy pounds I freaked out & spiralled to a place I knew best...eat, moan, eat, moan...now here I am with 6 stone back on & I can hardly believe I let it all come back coz I couldn't accept gaining 7 lbs!! Are we so conditioned to being fat & miserable that being happy is probavly the hardest thing to achieve?
  17. lunasa

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    Thanks for that Donatella... how's it working out for you? How's it for you too Anon H... you're only newly done.. I love Paris!
  18. lunasa

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    I'm not sure I'm getting the hang of this site... A post is a reply or comment by the lloks of it... what's a thread and what do you do when you log on? I mean where do you go or what do you read? I feel like an eegit but I have never used message boards before (that's what this is right? Oh and about the easy band, I came across your post (?) about it being too big for your stomach... that sux as I have kinda banked on the remote filling of it! No likey puncture wounds:sick
  19. lunasa

    March 25th 2007

    I'm gald I found this site... I made my decision & booked my surgery quite quickly. I had been secretly contimplating it for a while, but it was just fantasy until I suddenly realised hey, maybe you need this! I have yet to have my consultation though so I may not even be approved, but I'm hopeful. My yoyo history has to be a factor in their decision. Funny enough, there have been 2 coincidences so far in the place I have chosen to have it done. One being the hospital has the same name as me & the company I am going with is the same name as my own family company...weird or what? Anyway After reading a lot of experiences on this site I've had to seriously think about what I am about to do & the consequences involved & the way my life is going to change. I never really had a plan....until now. I am going to go into this 100% committed, and log every minute of it... I want to see my own road to recovery. My strengths, weaknesses & demons & how I overcome the obsticles...although I feel there will be few as I am not here to fight myself anymore. What I see from this site & the shared experiences is that it is crucial to be patient & most of all... to become a student of my own body & master of my mind. I will regard the band as my tool, my aide & friend to guide & help me stop the self destruction of continuing to waste my life as a self loathing fat person. To help me committ to myself & reward my efforts & decisions with confidence, dignity & pride.... Today is the first step in this journal. :clap2: Here are my goals... To be free from yoyo dieting To be free from self loathing To be free of dissappointment in myself To be proud of my image To be comfortable in my appearance To communicate that I am beautiful To have a beautiful wardrobe To have style To Relearn Piano To write songs again To be a mother To contribute happiness & drive to my marriage To be a loving friend To keep a beautiful home To turn a hobby into a business To take long walks for pleasure instead of weight loss To spend more time outdoors To take pride in my garden To take pride in myself To be happy To start participating in life again :clap2:
  20. lunasa

    March 25th 2007

    I'm gald I found this site... I made my decision & booked my surgery quite quickly. I had been secretly contimplating it for a while, but it was just fantasy until I suddenly realised hey, maybe you need this! I have yet to have my consultation though so I may not even be approved, but I'm hopeful. My yoyo history has to be a factor in their decision. Funny enough, there have been 2 coincidences so far in the place I have chosen to have it done. One being the hospital has the same name as me & the company I am going with is the same name as my own family company...weird or what? Anyway After reading a lot of experiences on this site I've had to seriously think about what I am about to do & the consequences involved & the way my life is going to change. I never really had a plan....until now. I am going to go into this 100% committed, and log every minute of it... I want to see my own road to recovery. My strengths, weaknesses & demons & how I overcome the obsticles...although I feel there will be few as I am not here to fight myself anymore. What I see from this site & the shared experiences is that it is crucial to be patient & most of all... to become a student of my own body & master of my mind. I will regard the band as my tool, my aide & friend to guide & help me stop the self destruction of continuing to waste my life as a self loathing fat person. To help me committ to myself & reward my efforts & decisions with confidence, dignity & pride.... Today is the first step in this journal. :clap2: Here are my goals... To be free from yoyo dieting To be free from self loathing To be free of dissappointment in myself To be proud of my image To be comfortable in my appearance To communicate that I am beautiful To have a beautiful wardrobe To have style To Relearn Piano To write songs again To be a mother To contribute happiness & drive to my marriage To be a loving friend To keep a beautiful home To turn a hobby into a business To take long walks for pleasure instead of weight loss To spend more time outdoors To take pride in my garden To take pride in myself To be happy To start participating in life again :clap2:
  21. lunasa

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    Hello.. I'm new here, this is my first post.. Donatella I see you have a big shamrock going on...are you in Ireland & have you been banded here? I'm in Clare:D & going to Manchester in April to have easy band fitted...

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