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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Forum Rules and Guidelines

    1. I have along with the other moderators been watching all the threads that have "bashing" in them. 2. Moderators do not play favorites as was implied. 3. We take each incidence and see just where the problems lie based on the rules and guidelines we ALL agreed to when we joined. 4. After careful review of reported threads if there is not a specific person's name mentioned or singled out for attack then we can only offer a gentle reminder of the rules and guidelines. IF you can show a specific person's name mentioned where they were attacked to the moderators then we will in fact deal with it. 5. The fact we are having to use our moderator skills so much lately saddens me greatly. It means that some cannot let things just die on their own and therefore moderators must step in an do our jobs. 6. Here is a gentle reminder of the rules and guidelines we all agreed to when we all became members. LAST, All topics of bashing, mob mentality, cliques, etc should NOT be discussed in my humble opinion in a public forum. Those discussions should be taken to the PRIVATE MESSAGES which is just that PRIVATE. I hope this has helped allay some of your concerns about how moderators handle things. Forum Rules Although the administrators and moderators of LapBandTalk.com - Lap Band Talk Forum will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of LapBandTalk.com - Lap Band Talk Forum will be held responsible for the content of any message. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. The owners of LapBandTalk.com - Lap Band Talk Forum reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason. Posting Guidelines 1. Don't report other people's experiences as truth. Share your own experiences, thoughts, opinions, theories at will. 2. Attack the idea, not the person. Basic online etiquette. 3. When posting, please show respect. We all deserve it. 4. Please take the really personal discussions to PM or e-mail. 5. Moderators will take a hands-off approach in general. The owners of LapBandTalk.com - Lap Band Talk Forum reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason. 6. If you have a concern about a post, alert the moderators by using the Report Bad Post button. It's at the top of every post (the exclamation point in the triangle) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* A note on marketing: Direct marketing or selling is forbidden on LBT. Members may include a single link in their signatures to a website of their choice, with no more than one line of explanation in addition. This signature text is not to exceed the default point size of forum posts (size=2). Recommendations or reviews of physicians, facilities, products, or services are welcome if based on the reviewer's personal experience. The reviewer must have no financial interest in the subject being reviewed. Violations will result in the posts being removed. Threads not related to banding surgery or weight loss in general should be placed in the LapBandTalk Lounge, and may be moved if necessary.
  2. Penni60

    Oh to be able to really speak my mind!!

    One member has stated that they think Moderators are playing favorites. Well all I can say is if they think this is an easy job then they can have it.
  3. Penni60

    A Size 16 NSV

    GREAT NON SCALE VICTORY!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  4. Penni60


    As a moderator and a member of this wonderful forum, I find those two roles are challenging to separate at times. Over the last week and a half now I have been putting out fires the best way I know how being a moderator. On the other hand I see somethings that I would like to just scream out and say "Get over it, they are just words, they can't kill you, they only hinder your weight loss journey!" But I keep those words to myself. I have to remain impartial. SIGH!! Makes me rethink why I became a moderator to begin with. LOL!!!
  5. Penni60


    As a moderator and a member of this wonderful forum, I find those two roles are challenging to separate at times. Over the last week and a half now I have been putting out fires the best way I know how being a moderator. On the other hand I see somethings that I would like to just scream out and say "Get over it, they are just words, they can't kill you, they only hinder your weight loss journey!" But I keep those words to myself. I have to remain impartial. SIGH!! Makes me rethink why I became a moderator to begin with. LOL!!!
  6. Penni60

    Forum Rules and Guidelines

    Alex is the owner's screen name.
  7. Penni60

    Forum Rules and Guidelines

    Dawg your statements above implied there were no actions taken other than a thread being locked. Again how do you know there wasn't action taken? The action of locking the thread is in fact a public rebukement for all parties involved in the exchange. It is like smacking the hand of a child when they attempt to touch a hot pan. My bigger question is when does the issues DIE so that LBT gets back to support and encouragement and holding people up? If you are looking for apologies from the person making crash statements then you might as well wait for the world to end. Your and my time is better spent fighting the good battle of weight loss and self-acceptance for the things we have control over. If you want further clarification on when a thread should be deleted then ask Alex the owner. As Moderators we cannot and should not delete a thread unless the originator of that thread asks us to delete it. The owner is the only one that has a right to delete without reason or excuse any thread or post. See POSTING GUIDELINE NO 5
  8. Penni60

    Committment Entry

    Today's plan accomplishment: I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (I am just waiting for my shipment of foods. In the meantime I am committing to eating healthier and making better food choices.) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (Walked on treadmill for 10, ab lounger for 5, recumbent bike for 10) I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (Not even gonna stress over this one for a long long time. Just gonna walk the walk for now and whatever I get is gravy.) I will drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. (Getting in the water is easy.) Positive reinforcement mantras: I will continue to eat healthy and hope to lose weight. I will continue to exercise and hope to lose weight. I will continue to be proud of myself with all the accomplishments to date. This has been a long hard struggle being without the band. I have fought back and lost ground so many times I can't even begin to tell you. I recently read a GREAT and highly recommended book by Rhonda Britten called, "Do I look Fat In This?" WOW!! Eye opener can we say. First of all I love Rhonda. She is one of the life coaches on Starting Over. She is just a doll and so sincere. And let me just add what a life she has had. What obstacles she has had to overcome. She is my hero. She watched her father shoot and kill her mother then he turned the gun on himself. She was only 15 when this happened. She is one strong lady let me tell you. Anyway, this book enlightens us to our attributes and how we should be thankful for what we have and not wish our lives away on what we don't. That is an over-simplification of the books message but you get the drift. Anyway, I loved it. Here is my RE-COMMITTMENT to gaining self instead of losing pounds. If those lost pounds are an end result then HOORAY!! If I never lose another pound I will be happy in who I am. I love all you guys. Can you feel the love? BUST---47 WAIST---43 HIPS---53 THIGH---27 CALVES---20 ARMS---20
  9. Penni60

    Committment Entry

    Today's plan accomplishment: I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (I am just waiting for my shipment of foods. In the meantime I am committing to eating healthier and making better food choices.) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (Walked on treadmill for 10, ab lounger for 5, recumbent bike for 10) I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (Not even gonna stress over this one for a long long time. Just gonna walk the walk for now and whatever I get is gravy.) I will drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. (Getting in the water is easy.) Positive reinforcement mantras: I will continue to eat healthy and hope to lose weight. I will continue to exercise and hope to lose weight. I will continue to be proud of myself with all the accomplishments to date. This has been a long hard struggle being without the band. I have fought back and lost ground so many times I can't even begin to tell you. I recently read a GREAT and highly recommended book by Rhonda Britten called, "Do I look Fat In This?" WOW!! Eye opener can we say. First of all I love Rhonda. She is one of the life coaches on Starting Over. She is just a doll and so sincere. And let me just add what a life she has had. What obstacles she has had to overcome. She is my hero. She watched her father shoot and kill her mother then he turned the gun on himself. She was only 15 when this happened. She is one strong lady let me tell you. Anyway, this book enlightens us to our attributes and how we should be thankful for what we have and not wish our lives away on what we don't. That is an over-simplification of the books message but you get the drift. Anyway, I loved it. Here is my RE-COMMITTMENT to gaining self instead of losing pounds. If those lost pounds are an end result then HOORAY!! If I never lose another pound I will be happy in who I am. I love all you guys. Can you feel the love? BUST---47 WAIST---43 HIPS---53 THIGH---27 CALVES---20 ARMS---20
  10. Penni60

    New pics of me UGH!!

    Funny you should mention posting the before pic on the fridge because I was just thinking about doing that. Thanks for the reminder. I felt like a million bucks in that black outfit. I didn't like the way I looked in the blue outfit at all from a year ago. Weird huh?
  11. Penni60

    Forum Rules and Guidelines

    Excuse me but how precisely do you know that the person wasn't rebuked for the name calling? There are some things that moderators think should be handled in private with the actual person in question. We chose to handle our issues with the actual person instead of airing it publicly. Are you suggesting Moderators should apologize for someone else's transgressions? Are you suggesting Moderators play favorites? If so then contact Alex the owner of this board and let him know and he can take the appropriate actions. Just what do you want from Moderators? That is the better question. We are only here to keep things calm as much as the members allows us to do that. We cannot tell you what to write or what to say all we can do it moderate based on the guidelines set up. If you want the Moderators to have more power then contact the owner Alex. Enough said.
  12. Here are my current pics. Old one was preband = 298 lbs New one is 5 months after band removal = 265 lbs
  13. Penni60

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    Here are my current pics too by the way. Well old pre banding and current as of today. Old pic I weighed 298 New pic I weigh 265
  14. Penni60

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    Today's plan accomplishment: I will follow my Nutrisystem meal plans. (I am just waiting for my shipment of foods. In the meantime I am committing to eating healthier and making better food choices.) I will exercise for a minimum of 20 min a day 4 days a week. (Danced at a wedding does that count?) I will lose at least 1 lb a week. (Not even gonna stress over this one for a long long time. Just gonna walk the walk for now and whatever I get is gravy.) I will drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. (Getting in the water is easy.) Positive reinforcement mantras: I will continue to eat healthy and hope to lose weight. I will continue to exercise and hope to lose weight. I will continue to be proud of myself with all the accomplishments to date. This has been a long hard struggle being without the band. I have fought back and lost ground so many times I can't even begin to tell you. I recently read a GREAT and highly recommended book by Rhonda Britten called, "Do I look Fat In This?" WOW!! Eye opener can we say. First of all I love Rhonda. She is one of the life coaches on Starting Over. She is just a doll and so sincere. And let me just add what a life she has had. What obstacles she has had to overcome. She is my hero. She watched her father shoot and kill her mother then he turned the gun on himself. She was only 15 when this happened. She is one strong lady let me tell you. Anyway, this book enlightens us to our attributes and how we should be thankful for what we have and not wish our lives away on what we don't. That is an over-simplification of the books message but you get the drift. Anyway, I loved it. Here is my RE-COMMITTMENT to gaining self instead of losing pounds. If those lost pounds are an end result then HOORAY!! If I never lose another pound I will be happy in who I am. I love all you guys. Can you feel the love?
  15. Linda: As soon as you can get thee to your band surgeon. Most likely it could be superficial but without seeing it I can't make that assumption. Also, I am not a doctor so please do contact your band surgeon and make an appt to go in. That said, draining it was a good thing. Personally my opinion is you should be on antibiotics but others might disagree. I do hope it is superficial. If you start running a fever you should call your doc back.
  16. Penni60

    Hi Bandsters!

    Jess: The only way to make it "real" for me is to journal and count calories. It is there in black and white and you can't get away from it. One other thing you might want to do is to jot down the "emotion" you are experiencing when you eat something. This might help you to understand why you are eating? Just a thought. It has helped me to better understand myself and my eating habits. I had to have a complete hysterectomy at the young age of 27, I already had 4 kids by then so I was happy about that. I have major fibroid tumors and a raging case of endometriosis which was precancerous. I went into a surgical menopause and let's just say I wasn't someone you wanted to be around for a few months. LOL!!!
  17. Penni60

    New pics of me UGH!!

    You guys are the greatest. I felt so good today in that Black outfit. And the Jewelry I made with my own wittle hands. So I am especially proud of that. I see what you guys are saying about me looking better now than in the pic from a year ago. I can see that too. Thanks for pointing that out. LOL!! We never see ourselves in the same light as others do we? Weird isn't it? MUCHO HUGS!!!!
  18. Penni60

    New pics of me UGH!!

    Yeah I just decided the last time I went to the salon to have it chopped off. I also have golden highlights but it is hard to see in that pic. I love my new do. ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!
  19. Penni60

    Still no anwer, Please help!!!

    Sherri Please find a doctor in your area or close to your area that will take you on as a patient before you have surgery. I assume you are having the surgery in Mexico since you asked this question. You can get a list of doctors from Inamed for your area. www.inamed.com They don't usually recommend a particular doctor but they will give you a list of docs. Where are you located in the country? If you are in the Los Angeles area then I can recommend a GREAT doc for follow up. If not then I am sure others will chime in and offer suggestions. Good luck.
  20. Penni60

    New pics of me UGH!!

    To get a perspective of what I looked like before banding at all. Here is a often hidden pic of me, with the pic from today side by side.
  21. Penni60

    Graduation Picture/ladysplenda

    Couldn't see the pics!!
  22. Penni60

    Jury-duty policies?

    Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers must pay full salaries to exempt employees who are absent from work for less than one week to perform jury service. It seems this section you quoted Alexandra says that he should get paid. I am so confused.
  23. Penni60

    Kitty Litter

    Hey diddle diddle the cat ate my fiddle and called Miss Muffet to catch a falling star and put it in a bucket so Jack and Jill can take it to Little Jack Horner's Mom and stick her finger in the pie and four and twenty blackbirds will be baked in the witches oven along with Hansel and Gretel. WOW!! I am on a roll. LOL!!!
  24. Penni60

    American Idol

    Let me just say that I am so happy Taylor won. I really wanted Chris Daughtry to win it but he was booted off. BUMMER!! Can we say the Idols were better tonight than the veterans? WOW!! WHat was up tonight. The only ones I think were actually good was Prince and the group LIVE that sang with Chris and Al Jarreau. Dionne was good up till the last note. Mary J what was up with her. She was way off key. Toni Braxton should not have tried to sing In the Ghetto with Taylor. All I heard was a deep voice with no direction. And she is usually really good. Meatloaf WOW!! He looked really really bad tonight. I have seen him LIVE before and tonight was not a good night for him. He rocked when I saw him on his storytellers tour in NYC. I saw him with Cindy Lauper too and he rocked then. But tonight he was just god awful. I love Meatloaf too. I will miss Idol. On to next year. OH how about those Golden Idol awards? LOL!!!!!
  25. Penni60

    Kitty Litter

    EH??? :faint: :hungry: Time to eat!!

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