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About shy4574

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  • Birthday 04/05/1974

About Me

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  • Interests
    horseback riding, fishing, mushrooming, being outdoors
  • City
    Grand Rapids Area
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  1. Hi Everyone and congrats on all the weight loss. Here's my question... what are you all eating? I'm 3 weeks out, on pureed foods, my menu consists basically of not much. I lack creativity for sure. Lol protein shake S) cottage cheese D) protein shake S) strawberry core power (sometimes) I eat sf jello & pudding, cottage cheese, sf Popsicles, I've lost 30 # total,since pre-op, I'm kind of discouraged cuz I see others that have lost a lot more. AND I think I've hit a dang stall! beside having no energy. And am tired a lot.
  2. Im 3 weeks out. Im on pureed/soft foods and feel sick after I eat anything. I can drink my protein shakes and be OK but food and even my pills give me the worse upset stomach. I also have ZERO energy and I'm always tired.
  3. You should NOT have to wait at ER since you just had surgery they'll take you right back. Make sure you tell them you JUST had surgery and are in extreme pain.

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