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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Tomo reacted to lizonaplane in Question on changing surgeons   
    I am looking into changing surgeons because I'm having a hard time getting the first people to call me back. I've already seen the psychologist twice, the nutritionist multiple times, and the surgeon twice. The second surgery center said I'd have to see their psychologist and nutritionist but I wouldn't have to do the 4 months of insurance nutrition classes over again. I would also have to have an EGD, which the first surgeon didn't require.
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    Tomo reacted to catwoman7 in Quite a different Pre-op diet this time around   
    that definitely isn't common; however, some people aren't required to do a pre-op diet at all, other than the usual Clear Liquids only for 24 hours before surgery. Maybe your surgeon is comfortable working around fatty livers if he happens to run into them occasionally - or maybe he doesn't think the two-week low cal/low carb thing makes much of a difference - hard to tell.
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    Tomo reacted to starladustangel in What Led To Revision   
    Gerd. No issues with my sleeve stretching and I was able to maintain my weight loss. It was just severe uncontrollable GERD.
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    Tomo reacted to Anj0399 in How many bites to the center of.....   
    I’m not sure as I take a bunch of tiny bites over about 20 minutes. I weigh my food so I have an idea of when to stop. I know I can get about 1 1/2 to 2 ounces of food in and I’m full. Fullness hits me about 15 minutes after I’ve stopped eating. Not once have I gotten sick or felt like I over ate. Maybe try weighing your food?
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    Tomo reacted to Coexister in July 22 surgery date - Revision from VSG to RNY   
    I have had both Gastric sleeve 10/25/2018 and then later converted to a Roux-en-Y-Gastric Bypass with a hiatal hernia repair on 10/07/2020 per acid reflux issues so bad that it was damaging my throat My highest weight was 270 and with the sleeve I only managed to get down to 170. With the bypass I am currently at 150lbs. I feel so much better! The bypass took care of all the reflux issues and I have no issues with eating anything. I have less issues with food now then I did with the sleeve and I feel so much healthier. I have no dumping issues and can drink with no problems. I felt more restrictions honestly with the sleeve as everything hurt more. The extra weight loss is just a bonus!
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    Tomo reacted to relaxrelaterelease in July 22 surgery date - Revision from VSG to RNY   
    So I’m here at the hospital on my surgery Day! I’m an prepped and as soon as my surgeon comes in, I’ll then be taken to the OR for anesthesia and for surgery to begin. I can’t wait to be reflux free and pray this revision will be the key.
    Wish me luck!
    FYI: I only did the pre-op liquid diet for 7 days and lost 6lbs. For my records I am posting my weights:
    HW- 250-252
    10/18 VSG - 242
    LW - 202
    7/21 RNY - 218
  7. Like
    Tomo got a reaction from Candace76 in What fears did you have?   
    Good post since I think we can all relate.
    I'm a few weeks away and am also experiencing some of those feelings, both rational and irrational. I think my biggest fear is that although I have GERD with the sleeve, will I be jumping into the fire with a bypass which is a more serious procedure? Will that introduce more ongoing serious health issues? For example, will I have to remove my gallbladder as someone I know who had a bypass? What if I get a leak or sepsis or any of the other serious complications? Will I lose weight or will I fail?
    My main worry is... In the end, will I regret the revision to bypass?
  8. Like
    Tomo reacted to summerset in How can you be successful long-term with WLS if you’ve always failed   
    In my opinion WLS is a magic bullet. It is the game changer when it comes to losing excess weight and maintaining the new weight.
    We don't always succeed on the first try. Sometimes people need a second try or maybe even a third. Inadequate weight loss after lap band is quite common, revision to bypass also and many patients do quite good after revision. Maybe you want to do a quick medline search about this.
    You're now a few years older and more experienced. Maybe you're now being able to handle problematic things in your life differently. You might also be more disciplined now when it comes to certain things. Think about your younger self and compare it to your now-self. I'm sure you're able to handle things way smoother than you did e. g. 10 years ago. The same can be true for this whole weight loss thing.
    Of course there is the chance that you might fail again. There is always the chance of failing, doesn't matter if it's weight loss, learning a new language or performing at your job.
    If we couldn't make these changes before any WLS at all, why is it possible for so many people after they had WLS? It just is because WLS is the game changer. Lapband is different. It doesn't provide the same hormonal changes a bypass does.
    I always cringe when I read or hear this. "Dedicated". "Eliminate". "Avoid". Same with "struggling", "fighting" or "food is the enemy" etc. - being at war is so damn exhausting. Make peace with food. It's easier in the long run.
    If you don't white-knuckle things you might discover something interesting: not all lifestyle changes are a struggle or need dedication in the long run. You might indeed discover (or re-discover if you were into sports in younger years) that exercise can be fun and fulfilling. Or that healthier food doesn't taste that bad. Or the opposite around, that this junk food is actually not as tasty as you always thought it is. You might discover, that when you feel more comfortable in your body and with yourself that you don't feel that need to eat in the same strong and overwhelming way. You might notice that you say "No, thanks but I don't want it now" when you get offered French fries or chocolate or whatever and really mean it.
    However, there are many people who aren't able to maintain their "new lifestyle". I have no idea what makes or breaks this. I sometimes have thoughts in the back of my head that maybe some people are just lucky in reacting very good to WLS and don't actually need to watch their intake that much. They also don't live in the gym. When you browse around the board you're going to notice that maintenance calorie intake is very different in different people, even though their stats are quite similar.
    Nobody can tell if WLS/revision to bypass is making it easy (or less hard) for you or not. I sometimes feel it's like playing the lottery. You won't know to what group of patients you will belong before you got the revision.
    Short term weight loss doesn't really bring some benefits (someone correct me if I'm wrong please), however, one doesn't have to get to a normal weight to reap the benefit of weight loss. So many patients feel like "failures" because they don't get to a normal BMI. Yet, when you look at the studies actually not that much patients ever get down to a normal BMI.
    And sh*t on "eliminating carbs". Like really take a big dump on it. (Years ago we should eliminate all fats, now it's carbs. I wonder what the future will bring.)
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    Tomo reacted to NewMe3 in What’s your revision story? Was your revision as effective as your first surgery?   
    Hi. I had gastric sleeve surgery in 2017. I went from 130kg down to 90kg, then slowly regained to 110kg. Over time I also developed GERD. I had revision surgery to gastric bypass in dec 2020. I’m happy to say that my GERD is gone completely. And weight loss has been great for me. It has been a little slower then the first time around. But happy to say I’m down to 77kg - so 13kg LOWER then I got to with the sleeve.
    Slow and steady, I’m in no rush, just so happy to be on the downward trend overall.
    All the best :)
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    Tomo reacted to Paradigm Star in VSG to RYGB - after 5 years with VSG   
    Greetings Mae7365,
    I certainly don’t feel like a “virgin” RYGB individual. As you said in your post, “We’ve been there, done that”. We’ve gone from our VSG into a RYGB revision to tackle difficult health issues. Ever since the RYGB and hiatal hernia surgeries, I haven’t had any amount of GERD. My lower belly abdominal pains are gone. My erosive esophagitis is now healing. This amazing RYGB surgery has done wonders for tackling any medical conditions I had going into the RYGB revision surgery. I just figured out that I will be on full liquid diet for another 10 days. I bought on Amazon a good book on getting the most from the full liquid diet BEGINNERS GUIDE TO FULL LIQUID DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS: BEGINNERS FRIENDLY GUIDE TO FULL LIQUID DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS & HEALTHY LIFESTYLE . It’s a very good guide.

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    Tomo reacted to Arabesque in What fears did you have?   
    I did it alone & was fine. A friend dropped me off & picked me up. So you shouldn’t have any issue. I was in hospital for three nights & honestly, I spent a lot of time sleeping that first 24/48 hours. Got up to do my block around the ward then back to bed. Tried to read & watch Netflix but couldn’t concentrate & gave up after a few minutes. Had a couple of phone & txt conversations with friends & family,
    My whole process was very quick. From GP appointment to surgeon appointment & surgery was 6 weeks. I was pretty comfortable about my decision but I’m someone who once they make up their mind that’s it. I did a lot of reading plus I had a friend who’d had the surgery & I picked her brain a bit before hand. My doctor was supportive. I liked my surgeon & he was confident which helped reaffirm my decision.
  12. Like
    Tomo got a reaction from Candace76 in What fears did you have?   
    Good post since I think we can all relate.
    I'm a few weeks away and am also experiencing some of those feelings, both rational and irrational. I think my biggest fear is that although I have GERD with the sleeve, will I be jumping into the fire with a bypass which is a more serious procedure? Will that introduce more ongoing serious health issues? For example, will I have to remove my gallbladder as someone I know who had a bypass? What if I get a leak or sepsis or any of the other serious complications? Will I lose weight or will I fail?
    My main worry is... In the end, will I regret the revision to bypass?
  13. Like
    Tomo reacted to Candace76 in What fears did you have?   
    I have similar fears that have been expressed by others; complications during or after surgery, being successful in losing weight, being successful maintaining the weight loss & keeping up with Protein Water & Vitamins.
    My surgery is on the 26th, and my plan is to have my husband at the hospital with me before surgery, and during the surgery he will be in the waiting room or go get something to eat. Then hopefully, he will be there when I get up to my room just to help me settle in. I don't want him to be there all day, and that way he can get home to our little ones and dog. (My sister, parents, & nephew are helping with the kids & dog while I am in the hospital and the beginning of recovery [I won't be able to lift my daughter (20 months)]💗) Then the plan is for him to return before discharge the next day.
    Hopefully, hearing what other people did, or think they will do, helps you make a plan that you are comfortable with, so it is one less thing on your mind.😉😁
    Wishing you well with your surgery on the 8th!
  14. Like
    Tomo reacted to Wahinebythesea in What fears did you have?   
    My biggest irrational fear was that somehow - even after all that - I STILL wouldn't be able to lose weight.

    P.S. I am losing weight
  15. Like
    Tomo reacted to Tomo in Question on changing surgeons   
    Thank you so much for your input!
  16. Like
    Tomo reacted to 2ndChance@Life in August Revision   
    Thank you, same to you as well. I hope you have a safe, successful surgery and a speedy recovery 🤗
  17. Like
    Tomo got a reaction from SeattleLady in August Revision   
    I'm scheduled for my revision in August. Wishing you all the best of luck and success in both physical and mental wellbeing!
  18. Like
    Tomo got a reaction from relaxrelaterelease in July 22 surgery date - Revision from VSG to RNY   
    This was the best thing I've read today. I'll be having my revision from sleeve to bypass in a few weeks. I hope that I can have a similar story.
  19. Like
    Tomo got a reaction from relaxrelaterelease in July 22 surgery date - Revision from VSG to RNY   
    This was the best thing I've read today. I'll be having my revision from sleeve to bypass in a few weeks. I hope that I can have a similar story.
  20. Like
    Tomo reacted to dorkyfaerie in Sleeve to RNY   
    I had revision from sleeve to rny in September 2020 and have had zero GERD symptoms since surgery. I do dump with some sugar substitutes, but so far it seems limited specifically to sugar alcohols (xylitol, erythritol, sorbitol, etc.). Splenda and Stevia have been fine so far.
  21. Like
    Tomo reacted to mae7365 in Sleeve to RNY   
    I had a revision in October 2020 for GERD. Unfortunately, I'm one of the people who "dumps". It's like clockwork - I eat something with high sugar (cake, Cookies, candy) and 2-3 hours later I'm bloated, very gassy and the diarrhea starts. I've never experienced any dumping with artificial sweeteners.
    The good news is, I know what causes it, and it's all my fault! I shouldn't eat that stuff as it has no nutritional value. My surgeon told me that I should learn from my mistakes! Classic conditioning sort of thing...… you eat the wrong stuff, you end up dumping. I'm almost 4 months post op, and I'm trying to change my relationship with sweets so I can maintain my weight loss.
    The great news is that the GERD is GONE!!!!! I can actually sleep through the night, don't have to suck on a cough drop and eat handfuls of antacids every night and I feel wonderful.

  22. Like
    Tomo reacted to mae7365 in July 22 surgery date - Revision from VSG to RNY   
    I had GERD before my VSG surgery in 2014, and it only got worse over the next six years. Nothing helped, including PPI's. Fast forward to 2020. After a bunch of diagnostic tests to verify my GERD/Gastritis/Esophagitis, I had bypass surgery October 2020. I haven't had GERD since. I'm off all acid reflux medications. I've lost 56 lbs. since surgery and feel better than I felt in my 40's (I'm 64). I've got a ton of energy, walk 5 miles five days/week and do aquatic fitness classes 5 day/week. I'm loving my new, healthier self and so glad I made the decision to get the surgery. Yes, it is a life-long decision and I've forever changed how I can eat and process food, but so worth it!
    Needless to say, I would recommend the revision to anyone with severe GERD.
  23. Like
    Tomo reacted to catwoman7 in Question on changing surgeons   
    I would think most insurance companies would accept it. They might even be happy about it since they won't have to pay for it. Plus it's in your records that you had it, so..
    I did my six-month professionally-supervised diet under a different insurance company, and my new company accepted it.
    you can always call them and ask..
  24. Like
    Tomo reacted to STLoser in Question on changing surgeons   
    I did change surgeons because my original one was fired because they let a bunch of people go because of COVID.. At that point I was finished with all my testing except preop labs and ekg.. I ended up going to a surgeon at a completely different Healthcare system, and he accepted all the testing I had already done.
    Now I was self pay, so I don't know if insurance would give you any trouble if you switch.

    Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app

  25. Like
    Tomo reacted to 2ndChance@Life in August Revision   
    Hello All,
    I’m have a revision from Gastric Sleeve to Gastric Bypass on August 16… I’m nervous and excited at the same time. How are you all feeling?

    I had the Gastric Sleeve 9/2015 SW 347 LW 239. Now I’m having a revision due to GERD and regain. CW 299… the first time around I didn’t follow-up with my doctor after having complications with GERD early on. I’m so looking forward to doing things the right way this time!
    Who’s having their revision in August? Also, what are some mistakes you all made that you plan to do differently this time?

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