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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ThruThickandThin

  1. I'm still very fat.. I'm not happy lapband.. I'm not!

  2. I was pretty outgoing, confident, and more spirited when I was bigger. I was never the "woe is me because i'm morbidly obese" type of gal. However, I became "woe is me" after this whole process... I had major cabin fever doing the pre-op stages and def missed end of summer prepping for it. I got banded on 9/11 and My birthday was yesterday.. No I didn't have cake but I didn't even make a wish...not even over a Protein shake. I spent myybirthday in bed crying watching full episodes of trashy vh1 shows... I don't want to say the d word but .. I'm feeling pretty depressed and lonely. I can't help but to wonder.. is being "skinny" and "healthy" worth it? I can't wait to have more up beat posts but I'm having a really hard time.. Has anyone experienced the same? I just feel stuck.. p.s. i can't have a glass of wine eventually - 6 months in?
  3. If I was allergic to all of my favorite foods this process would be a walk in a park!

  4. ThruThickandThin

    Do You Feel Like You Did The Right Thing?

    Thanks everyone! I feel like my dietitian is putting pressure on me to lose weight quickly.. so it gives me mild anxiety. I was supposed to lose 10lbs and was given two weeks to do so. I've lost ZERO! Has anyone else given a specific weight to lose (by dietitian or surgeon) after their two week post-op?
  5. ThruThickandThin

    Do You Feel Like You Did The Right Thing?

    I'm very happy for everyone here who are successfully losing the weight! It gives me hope that I too will be a successful lap band patient! I've only lost 5lbs since i've been banded (9/11) and I'm hoping with my first fill I will actually lose more.. "more" to the point that I will actually reach my short term goal of being under 200lbs by mid december. Sometimes I wonder "Did the surgeon forget to put the band in?" My appetite is so severe that I've been eating.. and eating well! With out any complications... Idk what to do, I do have my good days and that usually happens when someone compliments me on my weight loss.. but then I have my bad days (like today) when I eat solid foods when I shouldn't. Maybe, I should go back to replacing two meals with Protein shakes?? I feel like that's the only thing that works when it comes to losing weight. But s**t, does that mean I have to be the special cases that stays on Protein Shakes? Has anyone else had a severe appetite before their first fill? And find that the fill really did help? I have a meeting with my dietician this week and boy am I nervous! This is harder than I thought.. like really hard! Love, Keep hope alive
  6. ThruThickandThin

    Omg Sirgery On Monday!!!!

    Good luck to you! The hardest part is almost to an end!
  7. ThruThickandThin

    2 Week Follow Up

    Woah! 21lbs in two weeks! That's amazing! I went in for my two week follow up today as well! I lost 4lbs lol *kicks rocks*.. but within the month I lost 20lbs and this is the lowest I can ever remember! Keep up the good work! I need to do better over here! lol
  8. ThruThickandThin

    So I Lost 200 Pounds So Far

    Woah! Congratulations to you!
  9. ThruThickandThin

    Do You Feel Like You Did The Right Thing?

    Thanks everyone for these comments! It's extremely refreshing to know that i'm not having abnormal feelings/thoughts/emotions through this process... It's even more refreshing to know that it does get better! What it comes down to is..I really need to practice patience.. and I will try my hardest! To the people who are currently in the same boat (and obvi to anyone else) always feel free to add me as a friend and message me. Especially if you need to confide in someone who is going through the exact same thing! Again, I love you all! I don't throw the word "love" around usually.. but I'm so relieved that I've found the support that I've been desperately looking for! Family, friends, and co-workers..they are awesome and are definitely considered supporters. However, they truly don't understand this life changing experience that we chose for ourselves.
  10. ThruThickandThin

    Do You Feel Like You Did The Right Thing?

    I love you guys.. is that weird to say? I don't know what I would do without this website! Thank you so much!
  11. I haven't made a wish yet.. :(

  12. My scale must be broken and if not then i'm ok with it! I'm down to 231lbs!!! Great Bday present!

  13. My birthday is tomorrow! What should I make a wish over? SF FF popsicle? pudding? protein shake? hot cereal? Hmmm so many choices.....

  14. I got banded on 9/11 and even in the hospital I muttered words that the RNs haven't heard from a WLS patient "I'm hungry"... It's almost as if my band is not there! My appetite is strong and I don't know how I will be able to conquer this "liquid diet" stage.. I'm able to have pudding, cream of wheat (or any hot cereals for that matter), Protein shakes, and any decaffeinated liquids. I'm able to drink as much liquids as I want without getting a feeling of "oh no" The terrible thing is..I'm embarrassed to admit this but I'm already cheating.... I've already moved onto solids (well sometimes). There have been a few occasions where I would eat small pieces of chicken. I know.. terrible! I just ask that if you are reading this that you can please be kind and don't judge me too much (I'll accept tough love)! I do try hard! I know will-power - I need to have it but I felt like the pieces of chicken (small tiny pieces of stewed chicken) that I eat is fairly harmless. I will chew and chew and chew before swallowing, and It does nothing to me from what I can feel.. I haven't felt like I had to puke or the "dumping" feeling. I just feel satisfied..then guilty. Guilty because I haven't lost weight since my surgery, and can't help to think it's because I'm eating solids. I go for walks daily and I'm consuming a significantly low amount of calories. Am I the only one who rushed to solids? I meet with my nutritionist and surgeon on tuesday (two week appointment) and I can't wait! I feel like I should come clean to them but I know they will be so disappointed... since clearly I'm disappointed in myself. I just don't get why I have an appetite and why i'm able to stomach solids.. I read people's posts who feel like they can't eat anything and a small part feels jealous... only because I swear I could eat a plate of food (but i won't try). Can anyone recommend some Protein Shakes to me? I'm using "About Time" (Birthday Cake and Vanilla) and i'm getting really sick of it...
  15. ThruThickandThin

    Smoking Cigarettes With The Band...

    I use to be a smoker and a drinker. I'm turning 27 tomorrow and got banded on 9/11. I quit smoking about a month and a half before surgery.. and I've been smoking since 15 years old........... I bought the electronic cigarette earlier in the year and it kinda helped but what really helped was me was WANTING/NEEDING this surgery. My surgical team said they would not band me if I was a smoker.. so I believed them! Now, they didn't check my pockets, purse, or smelled my breath and clothes to make sure I wasn't smoking but I was scared. I'm glad that I finally quit after many many many times of trying! The thing is.. with the band you have to give up sooooo much that you are really testing your strength. You will soon realize that you are stronger than you think! Good luck with cutting down/quitting and entering the pre-op stages!
  16. What's your favorite protein shake? I'm getting a buffet of them...

  17. Thank you for your comments - they were very helpful and comforting to read! I will try the unjury and see how that works out for me. This is really tough and i'm thankful for finding this website.. It's really helping me get through this difficult journey. I'm learning a lot here, that I didn't really learn from my surgeons or support groups. I just hope I haven't caused any damage and now I feel like I have to come clean to my WLS team about my recent habits.
  18. Thanks for you comments! Your last paragraph was an eye opener! I really need to keep that in mind because I can't afford to do that either..I think i'm slightly paranoid however lol but scared straight! Any Protein shakes you would recommend?
  19. Thank you for your comments! I can't stand my protein shakes but I try to have one or two a day! I'm currently looking for a new one to try! I"m drinking water/tea/crystal light/decaf coffee allllll day! It does help but my stomach will still rumble. And you are right i'm not eating bad items I just felt bad moving to solids when I'm supposed to be in the "liquid" stage. Thanks again! Much appreciated!
  20. ThruThickandThin

    Do Not Get Discouraged

    So glad to read this! I was banded on 9/11 and I was expecting to drop lbs immediately.. That has not been the case... I've actually gained some. I cant wait for my two week appointment with my nutritionist and surgeon! I need reassurance that I did the right thing!
  21. ThruThickandThin

    Pre-Op Diet

    My favorite thing that I did in my pre-op stage was two cups of ice, water to fill the ice and a package of crystal light or 4C (which has 0 calories) in the blender! It was like a slush and took a while to eat/drink! Omg! I'm thinking about making one now...
  22. ThruThickandThin

    Saf cliff and ken.png

    From the album: ThruThickandThin

  23. ThruThickandThin


  24. ThruThickandThin


    From the album: ThruThickandThin

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
