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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Domika03

  1. Domika03
    We had our 3rd support meeting tonight. It usually runs from 4:30pm - 6pm, but we had a bigger group & did a round table (a few minutes with each person), so we didn't get out until around 6;30pm. I enjoyed listening to everyone's story & hearing about their triumphs and struggles.
    During our 1st meeting back in January we decided everyone would bring at least one bariatric friendly recipe to each meeting, so 6 months down the road, they would gather all our recipes & create a little book for everyone. We put our names on each so we get credit, and they're going to have the NUT confirm nutritional the values. I happen to be the type of person that likes to cook & try new recipes as time permits, so I brought 7 or 8 recipes with me
    We talked about protein bars & which ones everyone liked. The winners were Quest protein bars, which also have a very high fiber content (17 grams in the White Rasberry Chocolate flavor I ate earlier) with 190 calories, and Pure Protein which averages around 200 calories but has a lower fiber content.
    Someone else chimed in about PB2, which I've heard of, but didn't know anything about it until tonight. I guess this is a powder peanut butter that you add a little water to.. I guess it turns into a slightly grainy peanut butter. Traditional peanut butter contains about 180 calories, while two tablespoons (approximately 12 grams) of PB2 powder, and contains just 53 calories. I hear it tastes OK, just not sure I want to try this.
    When it was my turn to speak, I talked about the fact that I've been getting really diz zy & light-headed almost on a daily basis. I thought it was an issue with my not meeting my protein requirements, which I thought was supposed to be 60-70 oz. The registered dietician asked me how much I was getting & I told her my average was probably 50ish. She said anything over 40-45 oz is perfectly acceptable. Remember, I'm on maintenance not in the beginning phase. Then she asked me about my fluid intake. I told her around 30 oz per day. It's something that I struggle with daily!
    B-I-N-G-O! More than likely, I'm getting dehydrated & am at high risk of having low potassium levels as well. I need to have at least 64 oz per day (actually we all do) and because I drink of 6-8 oz of chai tea (that has caffeine in it), I'm dehydrating myself more. She suggested I try 6 oz of V8 juice every day for a week. She thought that would help keep me more hydrated & boost my potassium & sodium levels. I thought V8 had a higher salt content, but she thinks my body needs it. She suggested I only do it for a week to get myself going then focus on getting those liquids in.
    Note to self: Gotta keep up with those required fluids to reduce potential issues with constipation AND more importantly, avoid the chance of getting hospitalized as a result of dehydration. So not worth it!
  2. Domika03
    As most of us know, this weight loss journey takes us on quite the psychological roller coaster ride, starting from how we felt as overweight people (pre-surgery) and straight through to wherever we are now. I'm no exception.
    I made my original WLS decision back in 2012 because I was extremely depressed, and, quite frankly, felt disgusted (oh yes, disgusted), with the way I looked. My weight affected "every" aspect of my life (work, social, family & marriage). With that said, I was approved by my insurance to have lap band surgery in August 2012.
    I lost about 90 pounds with the band before I ran into complications mid to end last year, wound up having my band completed un-filled, and was left with the fear (a huge fear, I might add) of possibly gaining the weight back. So, I made the decision of doing a revision to the sleeve, not knowing if I would wind up being self-pay or insurance approved. Thankfully, some how, some way, my insurance covered my surgery even though I only weighed 156 pre-sleeve surgery (not considered obese but still somewhat over-weight).
    Fast forward to the present: I had my revision surgery Jan 2014 and have since lost about 18 pounds since. I weigh 138 pounds, am considered to be on maintenance, and am a size 8. Amazing, coming from a size 22+.
    Mind you, I love, love, LOVE clothes shopping now & wearing all these nice outfits. They feel great & fit soooo much better than they did before. So, what's my issue? Is there an issue?
    The last few days, I've actually been feeling 'fat." Yea, I said 'fat.' I understand I am not fat as defined in the dictionary "(of a person or animal) having a large amount of excess flesh." Nonetheless, I can't explain it. Don't get me wrong, I'd been feeling great about my recent weight loss & finally hitting (and passing) my weight loss goal weight. I can't put my finger on it, but I can't shake this feeling. Hopefully, this is just a temporary feeling. Heck, I'm sure it's temporary. I just don't understand where this is coming from all of a sudden.
    Anyone else feel this way?
  3. Domika03
    I'm finding it harder & harder to stay 100% focused these days. I don't have that same "gusto" I used to have. I used to log on almost every day, and track my food daily. I logged my food for almost 105 days in a row... and no, nothing in the last week or so. I feel disappointed in myself, and out of sorts.
    I go to my parents house almost every single day, check their mail, make sure Dad has his meds filled, do their grocery shopping, then take mom to get her hair done every Saturday. That part makes me smile. I don't mean to complain at all as I"m thankful to have them around. They will be 87 & 85 in a week. I have to admit it's a bit exhausting, and I don't have much in the way of energy left to focus where I need to : ME!
    I know I talked about this during my last post & I thought I could re-focus, but I'm almost at a lost. It's not that I'm over-eating, but I may as well be because I'm not eating as healthy & therefore just maintaining. I'm not even 'regular' (TMI, sorry). I I know it's my own doing, but I'm having a hard time with things.
    My dad's health affects my own mood. If he's doing well, I'm doing OK. If he's doing poorly, I get a little sad & don't focus. Why is it so stinkin; easy to go back to old habits? He has so many ups & downs. How do you deal with a parent dying of cancer? My dad's so strong too. The last few days he's been feeling better due to steroids he's on, in addition to all the other meds he's on. He still has energy so he's not bed-ridden. But my God, how do you stay focused with this **** going on?
    I have my 6 month follow up apt on March 11th (a month late), so I think I will ask for a small fill. Again, I'm not over-eating, and I may have lost 3 or 4 ponds in the last 4-6 weeks, but I'm not eating healthy or even working out. I want my focus back.

  4. Domika03
    5 days & and counting...
    I started this journey at my highest weight of 245 pounds. I got my lap band in Aug of 2012 & have lost about 90-95 pounds since then. My current weight is about 155-156. It's gone up since my band only has 1cc in it right now.
    I started experiencing discomfort with my band in April of last year. They took fluid out, then put it back in a month later. Then in August & October, same thing. The last straw was when I was on a mini vacation in NYC in Dec. I wound up in the ER for 15 hours. I'll spare you the details but it was confirmed that my band had a partial slip. They gave me morphine 3 times then dilaudid (something like that) for the pain. It finally worked many hours into my stay there.
    I had my band placed by a reputable surgeon in Aug of 2012, but am now under a different insurance, Kaiser Permanente of CO, and will have my revision done through them. As it stands right now, since the sleeve is being considered "elective" I will be paying about $12K - $15K out of pocket. Don't get me started because my husband is unemployed & no longer receiving unemployment benefits. Not sure how we'll handle this, but we will.
    No point in getting upset, though it does rather suck. Have to keep our head up & move forward staying positive.
    So, after my appointment last week, I found out on Friday that my revision date will be Thursday, the 16th, done as a rush surgery because of the pain that I have with the slipped band. It's not severe but constant. Dr gave me liquid vicodin, which I take once or twice a day, only as needed.
    My band will be removed at the same time as the sleeve is done. While I was anxious about getting the band back in 2012, I'm even more nervous about getting the revision to the sleeve.
    Would appreciate any feedback from previous banders to sleevers. I'm trying to read up as much as possible on what to expect so I'm ready. I hope to post on here the day of surgery then a few days later. My goal is to document this journey & potentially help any way headed on the same path.
    Talk to me people. How did your revision go? What did you drink the first few weeks? Sounds like I"ll be on liquids longer than I was with the band. Oh, I'm definitely anxious. Could use your support.
  5. Domika03
    I decided for the holidays I would buy myself a recumbent bike. I got it today off of Craigslist for $75. They usually go for $100 - $150, used. The guy didn't have the owners manual but I figure I can download it.
    Looking forward to using it because, other than walking around running "many" errands & going Christmas shopping, I haven't really done much in the way of exercise lately. I've been helping mom & dad run their errands since dad hasn't been feeling well with his sciatic nerve acting up, and mom can't really walk around a lot.
    Fortunately, I've been lucky enough that I keep losing weight, but I don't want to be saggy. I want to lose weight, feel & look healthy.
    Anyway, I'm hoping to put it in the LR once we get all our Christmas stuff up tomorrow.
    Merry Christmas to me. 42 pounds down & counting...
  6. Domika03
    So, surgery went well.
    The nurses were great with pain management. I had to self medicate myself & unfortunately that meant I was awake every hour on the hour. Needless to say, I was exhausted this morning. I did a lot of walking last night because I knew how important it was. I started 2 hours after surgery & every 4 hours thereafter. I wasn't in pain or anything, just uncomfortable. They moved me to liquid vicodin this morning.
    I'd been having ice chips all night & it felt good. No issues with it at all. It's 10:30am & they just brought me lemonade crystal lite powder, an ounce of SF jello & what looks like an ounce of broth. Just finished up the jello. I think I can actually feel it going down. Took me about 15 minutes, doing it it slowly to make sure it goes down ok. They said the broth can take up to 30 minutes to eat, so will do that slowly. They gave me little measuring cups so I know how much an ounce is.
    I just took a quick shower. Didn't wash my hair since I did that yesterday before coming here. But I did put on a little makeup since I looked like a zombie, LOL. Felt good to just wash up a little. Overall, I feel like my side hurts, but I understand that's where my lap band was & that's going to be sore.
    I was told that they will try to get me out by 2pm. It's almost 11am now. I may blog again later, depends how I feel. I'm definitely a little achy but more tired than anything right now. They just gave me my 2nd dose of liquid vicodin. I imagine my next does will be around 2pm, perhaps right before I leave
  7. Domika03
    So, I didn't get out until about 4pm. I was so ready to leave by then. Very glad to be home.
    I'm supposed to stay on clear liquids for 1 more week. Basically, that means water, decaffenated tea / coffee, SF jello, SF popsicles, & low sodium broths. My awesome hubby made me homemade chicken soup that we strained & put in 12 containers. Pretty sure I"m set for the week, LOL.
    I'm not really very hungry. Tummy feels achy, especially where the band was taken out. The Dr said that it was easy to remove my band so that made the surgery fairly easy to do. It took 2 hours.
    If you're sensitive, please don't read this: My last bowel movement was on Monday. I went 3 times because I had "smooth move" organic tea (tea that helps you go) the night before & again in the morning. I started taking stool softners Tues & Wed & then at the hospital this afternoon. I told my Dr I was concerned about potential major constipation because of that & since I know pain meds can constipate you. She said that during surgery she didn't see my colon full but saw more gas than anything else. She told me to go ahead & use miralex with my water the next few days if I was concerned. If you're a lap band patient, you'll know that lap band patients typically aren't as "regular" as others are.
    I'm feeling quite tired now as I type this because I took the liquid vicodin about 30 minutes ago. Gonna log off.
    I hope my journey will help others know what to expect. While we're all different, I think it's therapeudic for me & hopefully helpful to others.
    Good night!
  8. Domika03
    Today seems a little rougher for me. I feel very achy, but I think it's the gas inside. It hurts to take deep breaths some times
    I've been trying to walk around the house to get things moving & I seem to be burping on & off. Trying not to take any pain meds today, if at all possible. I don't like the way they make me feel.
    Anyone else post band removal w/ sleeve feeling the same?
  9. Domika03
    Does anyone else find they can no longer eat / digest bread, or that you just don't enjoy it anymore?
    I bought a package of Jimmy Dean's Delight Honey wheat english muffin with canadian bacon, egg whites & cheese . Sounds kinda yummy, no? It had everything I like & what I perceived would be a tasty muffin. Well, while I managed to eat it, but I think it was more because I was challenging myself to see if I could eat the whole thing or not. Hey, I never said I was a genius.
    I learned that I would have been just as satisfied with half, or better yet, without eating the bread all together & only eating the inside.
    I learned that it was basically a waste of money, for me.
    I learned that it would have been even more healthy without the muffin.
    I learned that my stomach doesn't have a great time processing bread, regardless the type. I had a stomach 'ache' the rest of the day.
    I learned that I should challenge myself with better challenges.. LOL ...
    And there you have it... yet another lesson learned..
  10. Domika03
    I didn't wake up with a headache today so that's always good. I'm not sleeping very well as I'm still on the recliner. I may try the bed tonight. I briefly attempted it yesterday for a nap & it wasn't happening. I'm still sore but it's early in the day & I haven't walked around too much. I plan on taking a shower (as I do every day). Might actually blow dry my hair today. I washed it yesterday but had NO energy to blow dry it. Suffice to say, I had a great hair day yesterday I understand the importance of walking so I'm going to take a short shopping trip with my daughter to Game Stop. Well, let's hope it's a short trip.
    I'll probably write again today to talk more about how I feel. For those that know, no bm's for me yet. I've always had a little issue with that prior to surgery so why be different now. I am talking a stool softner once a day just to be safe. I have flax seed but you can't really add that to clear liquids without it being nasty so I may buy some miralax or benefiber as suggested by lots of people on line here.
    Be back a little later. Have a great Monday!
    *** It's about 5pm now. The nurse from my Dr's office called me to check & see how things were going. She said it sounded like things were progressing normally. She didn't seemed very concerned over my "bm" issue saying that it can easily take 3-7 days, especially since I'm on liquids. But, that I should focus on increasing my liquid intake, adding a stool softner & trying benefiber. Aside from that, she said its normal for my left side to hurt as that is where the band was removed & where my stomach is positioned. She'd be concerned if I said my right side hurt. Oh, she did say my low grade fever sounded like it was related to being dehydrated. She says the goal is 64 oz per day but that I should at least shoot for 32 while on clear liquids.
    I asked that the NUT call me as I had a few protein shake related questions. She thinks I'm ready to start Week 2 on Wednesday (instead of Thursday) based on what I told her. While I remember thinking (pre-surgery), "oh wow, 2 tablespoons of food 5 times a day sounds like starvation,' I now think that's a feast & I can't wait to very sloooowly take my first bite of cream of wheat, instant oatmeal, creamy soups or mashed potatoes!!!! I'm not sure what to try first but I thought cream of wheat might be a safe start. I think I read I can also try yogurt but I'm partially lactose intolerant so I may just hold off until I know what I can handle. Last thing I want is gas pain.
    I may actually log into my work computer tomorrow for an hour or so just to check in on things. I don't want to sit & spend hours in front of my work computer yet, but I would like to see whats up. I have a co-worker coming to visit me after work today. Hope I don't scare her away, LOL.
    My follow is scheduled for Feb 14th..... and so, my journey continues...
  11. Domika03
    I had a busier day today. Did a few things around the house, and a little grocery shopping. I feel a little run down & the left side of my side / back hurts a little too (close to where my incision is, where the band was removed).
    Tomorrow I can start eating soft foods (not pureed). Only 2 tablespoons, and I think only 3 - 5 times for the day. I suppose it's better than sipping clear liquids. Basically,I'm looking at cream of wheat, low fat or FF smooth yogurt, creamy based soups, mashed potatoes made with milk & 1 tablespoon of melted cheese (oh, I can't wait for that), and SF puddings,,, a few more things but that's the gist of it.
    Hum, what to have for breakfast..... I can smell the little itty bitty bit of cream of wheat already... wonder if I can add a tad bit of nutmeg or cinnamon. It's not spicy or full of sugar so I hope so...
  12. Domika03
    Yes, just a tad bit excited! I do, however, wonder how you stop yourself from eating a little more? My notes say 2 tablespoons, but I had 3 tablespoons of the cream of wheat & eventually SF vanilla pudding & now the best mashed potatoes I've ever had! My tummy seems to growl when I'm done. It doesn't hurt, but it's either pissed at me or wanting more. Just finished eating the mashed potatoes (probably a good 15 minutes whereas breakfast was more like 10ish) because, while I made them creamy, I know they're heavier, and I don't want to screw myself.
    I have to admit it's hard to look at the batch of mashed potatoes I made & not want to stick my face in it. I'm so used to "just having another little taste!" But, I understand, especially now during the very early stages of recovery, that I must do it slowly.
    Hum, I see my side bugs me a little bit. Not sure of that's my stomach saying ok, you're full or just the standard surgery discomfort. Either way, not going to eat anymore.

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