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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Domika03

  1. Domika03
    I decided for the holidays I would buy myself a recumbent bike. I got it today off of Craigslist for $75. They usually go for $100 - $150, used. The guy didn't have the owners manual but I figure I can download it.
    Looking forward to using it because, other than walking around running "many" errands & going Christmas shopping, I haven't really done much in the way of exercise lately. I've been helping mom & dad run their errands since dad hasn't been feeling well with his sciatic nerve acting up, and mom can't really walk around a lot.
    Fortunately, I've been lucky enough that I keep losing weight, but I don't want to be saggy. I want to lose weight, feel & look healthy.
    Anyway, I'm hoping to put it in the LR once we get all our Christmas stuff up tomorrow.
    Merry Christmas to me. 42 pounds down & counting...
  2. Domika03
    I was banded on August 17, 2013. A little over a year later, I've lost 95 pounds! I know, right. That's A LOT of weight! I'm 5 '3 and now weigh about 150 pounds. Aside from the BS I'm currently dealing with, it's been a pretty good ride. I've consistently lost weight with some stand still during these last 25 - 30 pounds here & there. Needless to say, I feel genuinely thankful & blessed for getting many, many compliments from co-workers & neighbors. No, I didn't tell any of them!
    I had a very bad episode this past Friday, not sure as a result of what, where I vomited 12 times in a 4 - 5 hour time frame. WTH! It was God awful. I can't even pin point what started the whole thing. Had a stomach ache that got progressively worse hour by hour until I kept getting sick. Obviously, not a lot coming out because, as lap band patients, we don't eat much. Well, I considered going to the ER but since we recently converted insurance companies from Aetna to Kaiser, I had concerns about being properly treated (medically speaking, of course). My throat burned from vomitting, my neck was sore & my esophogus felt sore too. And yet, I still didn't go to the ER. I just prayed it would stop. It was a tough night, but... I tried to drink hot tea, which tends to soothe our tummies, but instead out it went too.
    I called what will be my new bariatric office on Monday. Since I was feeling better by Monday (just achy around the band area) along with lower back pain which to date, I don't know if it's stress or related some how. They had me call to schedule an upper GI, but the earliest they could fit me in, as non urgent, was this morning.
    The technician "unofficially" told me that I had a partially slipped band. He said he had seen worse & that it didn't look 'bad.' He thought that maybe I would only need an unfill, but since he doesn't deal with patients after-the-fact, he wasn't sure.
    I waited ALL day for my Dr's office to get the results. Finally, they called about an hour ago & confirmed I had a partially slipped band, facing down slope (which was allowing me to eat). I haven't eaten much the last few days & have stuck to liquids today & now through Friday morning, which is when my first available Dr apt is. All the office lady would say is that they would do an unfill (which beats surgery, right), but she wouldn't / couldn't say how much they would take out or for how long. She did say that I would need to talk with the Dr about "options" since obviously I wouldn't be eating the same way.
    What does that mean? I'm a little anxious & nervous as I don't know if this means I may have to have a revision down the road? No more fills? My mind wonders...
    I'm also a little hungry... Not sure what liquids I will take with me to keep me full at work tomorrow.
    I'll provide an update on Friday. Wish me luck!
  3. Domika03
    Making the decision to have lapband surgery was a well thought out, and planned one. I did a lot of research, and perhaps like many, made myself a little crazy with "information overload." Then there's the "what if it doesn't work," "what if I have issues with the band like many people on other websites have so willingly pointed out," "do I have what it takes to see this through the right way?"
    I realized that I basically shoned myself from the World as much as possible the last 6 months. The biggest issue was that I didn't want to socialize anymore. I tried to limit going out for fear of being seen in public by someone I might know. I went as far as not trying to be seen at work by too many people. Oh my gosh, I sooo hated the way I looked. I would do anything to avoid social contact. I was even dreading my BF's visit to come out & see me back in May. I was so embarassed. Nothing I wore looked good, things wouldn't fit, shopping was pretty much impossible. You get the picture.
    I made the decision to do this for me, and noone else. I have an out-going personality, love to laugh, and "be social!" I felt that I was doing myself an injustice by not being that way anymore. Basically, my body didn't match my real personlity. Those closest to me will reap the rewards of my weight loss because I will get my confidence back, and start feeling good about myself again.
    It's hard to believe that I started this journey in Jan of this year, and now I'm only 3 days away from having surgery. I have many mixed emotions: anxiiety, nervousness, excitement, and even a little worried about the journey that lies ahead. I've reached out to people on this website, lapbandtalk.com, and am very thankful for the wonderful support I've received. People have emailed me sample menu's, talked about their own personal journies, given me advice, etc.... Exactly what I need, and what I'm looking for.
    So, thank you to everyone who has replied, and no doubt, will respond to my questions & concerns. I appreciate your support, and hope that my documented journey will help others!
    Warm Regards,
  4. Domika03
    I'm 19 days post op & am starting my next phase of food. I believe I'll be in this phase for the next 3 weeks. I started it a day earlier as I seem to be doing OK holding things down, and the nurse thought it'd be OK.
    1/4 cup of Crystal Farms All Whites egg whites with 1 tablespoon of crumbled feta cheese
    As it turns out, it was quite the large serving. I felt a burp, so I stopped eating figuring that was a sign from my stomach saying, "time to stop, I'm full." I probably ate 3/4 of it.
    2 oz of tuna fish in water w/ low fat mayo & balsamic vinegar.
    I almost ate the whole thing. Hard to believe that this little amount of food can be so difficult to eat. I'm not complaining though because I don't want to hurt my stomach by just 'shoving" food in my mouth!
    2 oz of almond crusted flounder w/lemon & melted cheese
    Haven't quite eaten that yet.
    Snack (NOT the smartest thing I've ever done):
    God help me, but I had 2 mini peanut butter cups today. Why? Because old habits die hard. IDK why I did it, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Yup, need to focus on snacking on healthy things. I know better!
    Also, had a harder time getting my liquids in today for some reason. I worked from home today because of the snow, but it seems that I struggle with getting enough liquids in when I work from home. What's up with that?
  5. Domika03
    Apparently when I played around with my notification settings the other day, I totally messed up my settings. Now when I first log in, I don't see the most current posts by people.
    How do I know how to change it back to the default settings?
  6. Domika03
    I can honestly say that I never thought I'd hear someone say that I'm actually "not eating enough!" Oh, the irony. Back to basics
    While my progress has been consistent, it's not been in the most healthy fashion the last 6 - 8 weeks. I've lost about 63 or 64 pounds thus far, so that's good, and I'm only about 30 pounds from goal, so that's good too.
    I had my 7 month up check up today, and after giving them a little back ground information on what's been going on in my life, including the severe light headedness, tiredness and waking up with headaches, it was easily determined that I had mild to moderate low blood sugar. Wait, what? I'm not a diabetic.
    It all makes sense to me now. Since my focus hadn't been spot on lately due to some very serious stress, I wasn't eating enough. I was only eating like 3 meals a day but they just weren't enough to keep me going. I've been allowing my stress to get the best of me, and wasn't focused on eating enough protein. My stress prevents me from digesting foods very well, so I've been getting sick.
    I'm back to basics here. It's all stuff I knew, but needed to get reacquainted with again. I have to eat much smaller portions & several times a day. No doubt this will be a bit of a struggle, but I'm confident with proper pre-planning I can do this.
    My goal is to have at least 5 meals a day of no more than 1/2 cup of food per meal. I need to really try harder to include fruit & veggies. I don't like raw veggies, so steamed it is. Fruits are OK, but I could use ideas on what to have; like maybe apply slices with PB.
    Back to basics so I'd appreciate any & all ideas on small, simple foods with good proteins & complex carbs.
  7. Domika03
    It's so close that if I stand on my tippy toes I can just about see it! Currently, I'm at 207. My gosh, I could actually weigh 200 by Christmas OR maybe even before.....
    I haven't weighed under 200 pounds in a very, very, very long time. I think...no, I'm pretty sure, that I will cry when I get there...
    Tears of joy!
  8. Domika03
    So, I got up last night, or I guess this morning at 4:30am to use the restroom. I hadn't slept very well. Got up, started walking to the bathroom, and WHOA Nelly! Got so dizzy, so quickly, then BAM, right onto the floor. I didn't even have time to stop myself, right onto my right side. I got up again without a problem, but dang, that hurt.
    My right hip / butt is a little sore this morning. OUCH!
    Decided I'm going to seriously focus on drinking today. I'm thinking maybe I was dehydrated & that caused the dizziness.
    NOTE TO SELF: DUH, drink more fluids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Domika03
    It's been a while since I last logged on. Many of you may recall my dad had colon cancer that back in Dec spread to his lungs. He had been doing pretty well, kicking it's butt for 2+ years, and at 87, it was quite impressive. All I will say is that, as we were told, it happened rather quickly. He was fine then suddenly he wasn't. It didn't take but a few days. It is with a heavy heart that I must share that my dad passed away on Wednesday, May 8th at 7:20am. I'm happy to say that he was there for my first breathe and I was there for his last. And so, our journey continues. He is at peace, and we must move on....
  10. Domika03
    I posted this on the forum, but since I'm keeping track of this journey, I want to include my post.
    I've been experiencing a little port discomfort lately. It feels like a slight pull, and it's not all the time. In addition to that, I've been quite gassy / tummy very bubbly.
    My port area definitely bothered me Sat night, when we were dancing at a Halloween party, later in the evening. I was actually rubbing it a little. It hurt to dance, but I still kept dancing.
    This has been happening on & off the last few weeks. It comes & it goes. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with possibly being bloated / ocassionally constipated. So frustrating to have this stupid bloated / constipated feeling. I try to get enough fiber, but since I don't really think I'm getting enough protein, maybe this has something to do with it
    IDK. I have an appointment with my Dr next Tuesday morning, so I'll mention it & see what they say. Geez, I can feel my tummy gurgling now. All I had for dinner was baked flounder. And, my tummy was gurgling before I even ate that. Grrr.....
    To boot, I haven't been keeping track of my food intake on myfitnesspal like I was doing. It's not like I'm cheating, but I'm positive I'm not getting enough protein because I get light headed sometimes when I come home from work. Yes, I know, I know...
    OK, I think I'm done whining.... for now
  11. Domika03
    So, here I am getting ready to head out to my pre-op apt: EKG, lab work, and Dr apt. Tomorrow's the big day. I don't have any doubts about having the surgery, but yea, I'm a little nervous. I've read & read & read (information overload) everyone's comments about their own journey. I have an idea of what to expect, and I know it'll be tough especially in the beginning. There's no way I wan't to mess this up.
    Getting ready for the new me
  12. Domika03
    I'm 9 days post op now.
    I went to the mountains today to see the snow sculptures in Breckenridge, CO. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive & we stayed there for about 2 1/2 hours. Pretty much walked around most of the day. Stopped at a Mexican restaurant since the other 4 people I was with had to eat. It was a little awkward in the sense that I was the only one that didn't wind up eating anything. I didn't even see a soup I could have, or mashed potatoes. DOH! Oh well, I had a few sips of water while everyone else ate. Overall, I was OK with it. I have to say by the end of the day, I was definitely feeling sore. My left side & back were bothering me. Thinking it might have been a bit too much less than 2 weeks post op.
    I took a few things to eat with me, in these cute little containers, that held 3-4 tablespoons of food. I tried to stay hydrated on the drive up & back but don't think I came close. I'm having a hard time drinking enough fluids & think it's affecting my ability to... well, to "go." It's been 6 days since I last went. Yes, I said 6 days. I took Milk of Magnesia last night with no results today, so I just took a little more. Also took a colace stool softner. I'm really praying something will happen tomorrow. Otherwise, IDK.... this can't be good.
  13. Domika03
    Been feeling so run down lately. Lots of restless sleep tossing & turning & tossing & turning. Soooo frustrating.
    My eyes actually wanted to close on my commute to work this morning. I don't think I've EVER had that happen before. I had to literally fight the urge to go to sleep.
    I don't know if I'm trying to fight something off, or if life's stress is finally starting to take a toll on me physically. What's going on here?
  14. Domika03
    I NEVER EVER want to experience this again!
    My husband had made an absolutely delicious ham bean soup. I scooped out 1/2 a cup, and decided I would just puree it. While it didn't exactly look appealing, it was genuinely delicious. But then, stupid me, thought I would just try 2-3 ham pieces, and without thinking, ate them. I must not have chewed them very well, and BAM, they were stuck! Forgive me french, but holy shi*. I could feel it just stuck in the middle of my breast bone. I walked around, and around the house, tapping my chest. My poor 10 yr old kept asking are you OK. I replied, I will be. But, I wasn't, not right away.
    Within minutes, I had tears, and eventually I threw it up. It was that lovely slime everyone has talked about, along with a little of the soup. Sorry for the details guys. I was so scared. This isn't anything I want to visit ANY TIME again. Oh my God! I was so upset with myself, and scared. Mind you, I'm allowed to eat solids as I'm 1+ month post op with 1 fill.
    Have I made myself clear?
  15. Domika03
    For some reason, especially when I was struggling with my band, I seemed to have lost my overall sex drive. I didn't crave it. I didn't look for it. I just didn't want it. Needless to say, this didn't sit well with my husband. He felt rejected when it really was "me & not him!"
    I even went to the Dr thinking that maybe I was starting to go through "the change." I'll be 49 in June, and have some friends that have started going through the change, so it was a possibility I guess. Long story short, my hormone levels were fine & my Dr thought that maybe I was just in a rut. We joked about having another partner (and no, not another female either). Husband chuckled.
    Anyway, my point is that now that the band is out, and I'm feeling better overall, my sexual appetite is back. I feel normal again. I think about sex from time to time, and I actually want it again. Needless to say, my husband is happy
  16. Domika03
    I'm not looking for replies.... I just feel the need to vent... the need to just let these feelings out... bare with me...
    Took Dad to the Dr for a checkup. Cancer levels have gone up drastically, he's starting to feel a little dizzy & light-headed every day, and the pain is starting to increase. It's starting to rear it's "fugly" head a little more now. We now have Hospice coming once a week. Don't get me wrong, he still "looks" OK, and seems to be hanging in there, but if you know my dad, that's his nature. He won't really complain, and if he does, you know it's bad. I don't like this. My heart actually kinda hurts right now. Feeling sad, but oh so thankful for having him around...
  17. Domika03
    So, I've had 2 staff lunches this week, and have done pretty well overall. I had tomato bisque soup the other day, and pea & barley soup today. I'm not sure either was very filling because I didn't eat a lot, but I didnt want to take a chance & eat something that would make me uncomfortable, or God forbid, stuck
    The pea & barley seems to have given me a little gas in my stomach. Yes, I've been passing gas for a few hours now. Not every single minute, but you know...often.... Is this normal?. So lady like, I know...LOL.. I wonder if anyone else has trouble with gas after they eat?
    For dinner, I'm having 1/4 cup of pollo adobo with just a "tiny" bit of rice. I don't want the wild rice to fill me, so I'm keeping it to a very bare mimimum. I'm actually using a tea cup plate, and eating VVVEEERRRYYYY slowly because this is my first real piece of a harder food. And yes, I hope I've learned my lesson, and am chewing, chewing, chewing. I don't want another one of those horrid stuck episdoes.
  18. Domika03
    Tell me... why is it so damn easy to fall on to negative thoughts?
    You may have seen some of my posts lately where I've been totally stagnant, not losing 1 single oz. I find it amazing that I lost 15 pds my first week, which I understand was basically water weight. But, I started soft foods this last week, and have lost nothing. I know my body is in recovery / heeling mode, and it needs time to adjust. But, come on. I'm barely eating a full 4 - 5 oz a day of protein, and not one little oz came off. Actually, a few oz came back on?
    I'm trying to stay postive as I understand this is, afterall. a journey. Lord knows this weight didn't come on in a single week, although 30 pds did come on easily in a 3 -4 month time frame. Of course, I'm not giving up. I'm just dissappointed not to see an oz go down. I'm staying focused on eating small portions (1 oz meals every few hours), and drinking. I'm positive I'm not getting enough protein in, so I need to work on that. I don't know why, but it's always a struggle for me. I also feel that I'm not having enough... BM's... I think I'm going to add fiber to my small meals. I do use Miralax in my water to ensure that things stay, shall we say, smooth... but I know I'm not "going enough."
    Sigh and deep breath... patience...
  19. Domika03
    I'm starting to have to deal with unavoidable stress a little bit more each day. Some of you may know that my dad of 86 has Stage 4 cancer. He's still kicking a$$, but we now have Hospice coming to the house to check on him every so often.
    Nonethelss, my point is that I've not over-eaten to this point thanks to the band. I can only imagine what would have happened had I not been banded.
    However, since things will at some point reach a 'challenging / difficult" time, I wonder how everyone else now deals with stress.
    What do you do to unwind? For the record, aside from reading & writing on here (or FB), I don't really like to read a lot, so that's out. I find i'm too impatient to read. Go figure....
  20. Domika03
    I'm starting to have to deal with unavoidable stress a little bit more each day. Some of you may know that my dad of 86 has Stage 4 cancer. He's still kicking a$$, but we now have Hospice coming to the house to check on him every so often.
    Nonethelss, my point is that I've not over-eaten to this point thanks to the band. I can only imagine what would have happened had I not been banded.
    However, since things will at some point reach a 'challenging / difficult" time, I wonder how everyone else now deals with stress.
    What do you do to unwind? For the record, aside from reading & writing on here (or FB), I don't really like to read a lot, so that's out. I find i'm too impatient to read. Go figure....
  21. Domika03
    Yes, the "C" word = CANCER! Bare with me as this will be a long post....
    My dad was diagnosed with colon & liver cancer back in Feb of 2011. He was given 6 - 9 months to live. He had the large mass from his colon removed the following month after his original diagnosis, and since the cancer had matasticised (spelling?), or should I just say spread, having chemo would have been fruitless. That was "20".... yes, I said "20" months ago. Dad i now 86.
    Dad keeps himself busy, and his original response to the cancer, was that he had lived 84 yrs at the time, and I guess it's his time. What a frigin great attitude man. Dad is also my mom's caregiver. Even though she complains about him, and fights with him, he adores her & takes great care of her. She's not in the best of health, her memory is really starting to go (84 yrs old) and really isn't able to take care of herself (taking meds, running errands, driving...). Dad makes sure she is taken care of. In addition, he ALWAYS keeps himself busy, ALWAYS! While mom can't walk around a lot, dad enjoys doing projects. Earlier this year, he built my 19 yr old son a desk for college. A homemade desk! At 86! With Stage 4 cancer!
    We've gotten used to the idea that dad has cancer, but since he's beaten the odds thus far, it's hard to think that one day he will be taken. It was hard, that is, until recently.
    You see my husband & I were trying to figure out why I've been suddenly struggling with tracking my food intake, getting enough protein every single day, and eating enough overall. What caused this sudden change?
    Dad went to the Dr 2 weeks ago for a cough he couldn't get rid of. The Dr decided to take an x-ray knowing he had cancer & to make sure everything was OK. It wasn't OK. I'll be damned if the frigin' "C" word spread to his lungs... :-(
    He has an apt with his oncologist on the 30th, where we'll find out how far it's spread. He's still in good shape & "looks" ok, but you can see he's starting to get a little more tired. He takes pain med every morning for the pain in his stomach area (liver).
    With that said, I've been pretty stressed out, but not really letting it show. I have a difficult time sleeping soundly at night because I worry about my mom when my dad goes, and my dad having to deal with all the pain & suffering that comes with... with that #$%^&* "C" word.
    Obviously, it's having a bigger impact on me than I realized. It breaks my heart, and I worry. I'm no longer really focused on myself as much as I should be. I want my dad to go peacefully when his time comes. I want my mom to be ok.
    I'm not ready for this. I HATE THE "C" WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Domika03
    So, I'm sitting in the hospital bed, pre-surgery, should happen in about an hour or so. IV is in, and anesthesiologistshould be here soon. Getting a wee bit anxious / nervous, but it's all good.
    I'm going to try to write again after the surgery. I guess it all depends how drugged up I am & if able o see what I'm doing to type easily
    Wish me luck,
  23. Domika03
    Well, surgery is tomorrow at 1:30pm; check-in at 11:30am. I had my physical & pre-op appointments today. Everything seemed to go well. I lost 3 pounds being on liquids the last 3 days. Wonder how much I'll lose after being on liquids next week... My husband made some deeelicious homemade chicken soup. He strained some out for me so I could eat a nice healthy meal & put some in containers for the following week. Homemade broth is always better than from an envelope or cube.
    I've got my bag packed: pj's, robe, slippers, under-garments, comfy change of clothes for the ride home (Friday, I hope), magazine's, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, chap stick, pillow,.... I think that's about it ....
    Hoping I can sleep tonight. Nurse told me I could take trazadone (sleeping pill) if I needed it & my liquid vicodin if needed as well. No water after midnight tonight. That's going to be tough because I always have water (with a few squirts of Crystal Lite Strawberry Lemonade). I can swish water in my mouth so I might do that to get me through the morning.
    I may bring my laptop tomorrow to blog right after surgery, but I'm not sure how groggy I will feel. I guess we'll see how that goes.
    Wish me luck!
  24. Domika03
    T minus 2 days....
    Wow, am I dragging ass right now & it's only 7:15pm. I've had nothing but liquids today: Crystal Lite Strawberry / Lemonade drink, SF jello, SF popsicles, and chicken broth. Mind over matter. Mind over matter. Mind over ... you get the idea...
    So, tomorrow I have my pre-op & physical appointments. I'm guessing they'll take my weight, blood pressure, maybe EKG & blood work?, And, of course, I'll find out how much this is really going to cost me. The lap band should be covered, but I think only at 50%, whereas the revision will hardly be covered. I'm looking at something like $12 - $15K out of pocket. At this point, I don't even care. I know I'll be paying it off for years & years, but its ok.
    Looking forward to a permanent healthy lifestyle.
  25. Domika03
    I'll be 8 weeks post-op tomorrow, and here's what I've learned about my sleeve thus far. Note to self:

    Alas, my eyes are still (literally) bigger than my stomach!
    I should take what I think I can eat, and cut it IN HALF
    I've learned that my stomach cannot handle a lot of protein when it comes from any meat. For example, I can barely eat 2-3 oz of pork, chicken or steak (even with a sauce so it's not dry). I can, however, seem to be able to eat ground beef / turkey & pork. Hummm?!?!
    Since I'm not meeting my daily protein requirement, I think I'm going to change my focus to more dense protein (yogurts, cottage cheese, egg whites, beans, lentils, quinoa, flounder, ricotta cheese, and, of course protein drinks / bars, etc...). Protein isn't something you should take lightly. It's important to the overall success of our health. See my note below.
    I've noticed it helps me get more fluids in when I drink a 16.9 oz bottle of Propel first thing in the morning. I start drinking it on my commute to work & finish it off within 2 hours. Yes, it takes me that long. I still struggle getting in all my fluids for the day, so drinking a bottle of Propel flavored water in the morning helps me move along.
    I've never been one to eat many veggies, but I discovered that I really enjoy eating spinach. I found a spinach souffle in the freezer section that I split in 1/2 as a serving. I then cook an egg with it & have it for breakfast or lunch.

    Note to newbies: Please make sure you meet those protein & fluid requirements. If you don't, you're taking a chance of getting light-headed, and feeling faint from time to time. Yes, this happens to me more often than not. That's why I blog & talk about it; so I can keep track of what I need to do, and to help others. Weight loss is GREAT, but it's nothing if you can't stay healthy.

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