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Everything posted by scorpion509

  1. Great, I am glad that everything went fine. I had my stress test today and I was able to handle it fine as well just got headache because I was hungry.
  2. Ok tomorrow my Pulmonary clearance appointment. so wish me luck will keep you updated.
  3. Ok. I went through nuclear stress test today. it took 3.5 hours, mostly wait time..... they suppose to call me in 48 hours with result but I think treadmill I did ok.
  4. scorpion509

    Best Dinner

    Sound very yummy!!!
  5. scorpion509

    Feeling Sorry For Myself

    Sorry, about your date. I understand how you feel. but just think that it is just 24 of september not the October month... which might happened also. BTW my surgery on September 21.
  6. Good luck with everything. painless and speedy recovery.
  7. scorpion509

    Rating Protein Shakes

    Oops, Didn't know that. I just decided that it will help not to stay hungry......
  8. scorpion509

    Rating Protein Shakes

    I have the same problem with isopure. cannot finish the bottle. start looking for clear protein drink for the first week post up and base on review find this one. Fruit Drink ordered it, will tell you how it is when I get it.
  9. scorpion509

    Dear John (Letter)

    you probably talking about 22 of August. because 9/22 is Saturday.
  10. scorpion509

    Surgery 8/17.stuck In Hospital

    Feel better. try to sip water if you are allowed to. and Keep us posted.
  11. scorpion509

    Greek Yogurt

    I was told the same stay away from fruit yogurt because your stomach cannot tolerate some fruit. you can add the fruit only if you know what you put and you know that you can eat them. some fruit has some fiber pieces which our new stomach cannot digest in the first couple of month....
  12. scorpion509

    Acid Reflux/heart Burn Post Op

    My Gastroenterology doctor said that usually by pass help to get rid of the acid reflux and Sleeve can make it worse. but I don't' know. I am going to ask this my surgeon on Tuesday.
  13. scorpion509

    Stupid Mistake!

    I watched it 3-5 times and I just like it I like to know what would be going on during the surgery. I wonder if I can ask for dvd of my procedure.( didn't have it yet)
  14. scorpion509

    My Op Has Been Cancelled Today :(

    As a diet suggestion. Walnuts are great source of Iron. also Chicken, liver 3.5oz 12.8 g of iron Oatmeal, fortified instant, prepared 1 cup 10.0 g
  15. scorpion509


    On my class for the surgery we were told that surgeon might decide during the surgery that you need the drainage tube and it suppose to stay even when you go home. So I understand that it is common....
  16. scorpion509

    My Op Has Been Cancelled Today :(

    I am so sorry Linda. But Look at it from another point. It is better to figure out why and be on Safe side. Put it another words your surgery was postpone for another month or two. I know it is hard to say then done. Sorry again.
  17. I would ask your surgeon about that. because I was told right away that I need both but first time I understand that it need to be done 30 days before surgery and wait with appointments but it end up that there is no 30 days restrictions for me, So I am just sorry that I didn't book them earlier. because all specialists booked up for 2 months. SO my advice, call your doctor and ask and try to book the appointment as soon as possible especially if your surgery is near by...
  18. Dominique, good luck with approval. my coordinator told me that they will send the paper to insurance a bit later closer to the surgery no idea WHY WHY WHY... ok, Hope my pulmonary clearance would be fine as well as my stress test on Monday....
  19. scorpion509

    Any September People

    My scale was good today after I complain yesterday they put me back to the Monday number
  20. this is exactly what I end up with for Cardiac clearance as well. need to go to stress test on Monday and follow up in another 2 weeks. HATE IT>>>> So I am scared about having the same with Pulmonary...
  21. scorpion509

    Acid Reflux/heart Burn Post Op

    Wow. this topic is right on time. My gastroenterology doctor called me and told me the result of my biopsy. Look like I have acid reflux and he put me on Zantac 150 and I asked him if it would be worse or better after surgery and he told that my surgeon will tell me better but usually after by pass it is better after sleeve it is worse....
  22. scorpion509

    Any September People

    newgrandmother, I Don't know what wrong with our scales... I am trying to loose 10 lbs to next Tuesday. ( this is just my goal) and everything went fine BUT day before yesterday my scale jump up and today didn't want to go down.... I have no idea what's wrong with them..... and there is nothing special coming up for them to go up....
  23. DO you have a picture of yourself at 350lbs? Put it on the refrigerator. and it will make you a bit more motivated. you don't want to come back to that form again.... another thing. until you don't decide what you need to work out no one can help you. we always can find 1000 excuse not to do something, but try to play some game with yourself choose something what you like. let say watch the movie or listen the audio book.... and tell yourself that you can do it only when you are on treadmill or on elliptic.... this works for me. I hate to do any work out.... but I decided that i can listen my audio books only on bike and believe me 30 min is fly fast....
  24. Thank you. I don't know what would be my test, but I really don't want to end up with some additional test in another week or so....
  25. I just told my husband that blender what I used for our kids would be working for me now I LOVE my blender: Miallegro 9090 Mitutto 550-Watt Immersion Hand Blender I used this blender for almost 7 years already (change 3 of them ) I am using it in kitchen very often. and now I will use it for my puree after the surgery. It allow you to do single portion and you can do 3-4 of them. very powerful ( 550watt) with turbo button. it can make chicken meat very puffy and delicious.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
