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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    dylanmiles23 reacted to kll724 in Banders #6   
    I don't come here much, anymore, just wantd to wish you all a Happy 2015

  2. Like
    dylanmiles23 reacted to JustWatchMe in Banders #6   
    We do love you CG! I didn't know you never had a fill before. Good luck. I've been in a weight loss slump but I think it's turning around this week. Finally got back down into Onederland today.
  3. Like
    dylanmiles23 reacted to lisacaron in Banders #6   
    Today is New Year’s Eve, and it’s the end of another calendar year and the start of a new one. I have been thinking a lot about all the events that transpired over the last year, thinking to myself and wondering if there is something magical in the changing of the year.
    At midnight tonight the numbers of the year will change from 2014 to 2015. Thinking about this had me thinking about all the changing numbers in our lives….and wondering if we can find magic there as well….
    We can find so many reasons to Celebrate and often those “celebrations” can be the very things that sabotage us. All the food the drink the sweets oh my!!! I find that it’s easy to lose the magic amidst the buffet tables of chocolate covered everything, roasted, toasted, glazed and sugared where even the sweet potatoes are candied.
    You vow to just enjoy a bite OK maybe two and raise a glass to toast the season, and then you find yourself amidst the crowd being offered this and that and handed beverage after beverage and you really aren’t eating so much as grazing among the sugar plum fairies that dance in your head.
    Before you know it someone has passed Uncle Joe and/or Aunt May just one too many beverages and you are now caught in the center of the next family drama. Your friend spilled wine on your new couch and your niece is making out with the neighbor in the basement. {{Scandal!}}
    The magic of the “New Year” has lost its shine. The high of the Winter Season’s festivities has crash landed into a New Year. That slate wiped clean….or rather the sparkle and glitter have flaked away leaving behind a pounding head, a bloated belly and the weak resolutions to “eat better” and get thee to the gym!
    So my friends I ask you how do you spend your New Year’s Eve? Do you set it up and time it out perfectly with the ball dropping in Times Square or some other place on the planet? Do you plan an elaborate party or plan to attend one? Do you snuggle up with your loves and quietly Celebrate? ?
    No matter how you choose to celebrate, think of all the times the numbers in your life change, not just from year to year but each number on the scale, each birthday, and anniversary, each day, hour, minute and second that provides us yet another opportunity to celebrate life!!
    Forget the family drama and the scandals navigate the buffet tables and beverage bars with mindful thoughts of celebration knowing that today is not the last time you will celebrate. Your head and belly will thank you in the morning and if you’re lucky you might just find that the sparkle, glitter and magic remain in your life and your resolutions are more of a commitment to yourself. To be happy and healthy and to celebrate life all through the year!!
  4. Like
    dylanmiles23 reacted to Jim1967 in Banders #6   
    Happy New Year my friends.
    Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Cheers to all and let us each write our own best Seller!!
  5. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Banders #6   
    I'm happy your father is recovering well. Hopefully FL weather will be better than NYC weather. Have a great day today.
  6. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Banders #6   
    I belong to many WLS groups on FB. Last week someone asked about people who weighed more than 400 and have the band. I told them about you, never a name but said it took 3 years and that your reward was DW. Many people think you can't lose with the band. I don't think it's the doctor's offices but other people saying things they know nothing about. I know I still have my insides. One woman who lost 250 just had her band replaced and she is happy with it.
  7. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Banders #6   
    Thanks, same to you Liz. We went to my son's last night. Ate a few bites of cheese pizza and a few bite of 1 latkes and got stuck. I had a Protein bar when I got home around 10. Tonight is my brother's, latkes, again.
    Have a great Saturday.
  8. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Banders #6   
    ​Good morning everyone. I am having a normal lazy day but need to wrap a lot of Hanukkah. I am seeing my 3 grandsons tonight. Parents don't get gifts and children only get clothes, no toys from us. BJ's has pre made potato pancakes, so I will bring those. Not the best band food but I will be good.
    So here is today's Steve Harvey story. Yesterday a woman emailed him to the Ask Steve. She did not want her name and face shown. "Steve my girlfriends and I have been planning for 1 year a girl's weekend away. One of the girls put on some pounds. Now I don't think we can get into clubs. Can I tell her not to come?" Steve's answer was great. The people that let you into clubs are big bouncers. Those big men like women with some meat on them. She will get in, maybe you won't.
    I love Steve!! I hope this "over weight" woman finds out and ditches this piece of shit so called friend.
    Everyone have a great weekend. Tomorrow I am busy the whole day and night. My cousins are celebrating their 50th anniversary and don't want a party. They want everyone to go to their temple for a 9:30 am service and they will do a part in the service. I live almost 1 hour from there, UGH. Then baby sit the 2 year old and take him to my brother's for a family Hanukkah party. Long day and night. My son and DIL are going to an ugly Xmas sweater party. My son is in the electronic business so his sweaters always light up.
    Happy TGIF!
    Jim & Kelli, loved your pictures and so happy you could enjoy all the walking and rides.
  9. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Banders #6   
    Good morning everyone.
    I love reading about everyone, it helps with my everyday life and band life.
    Last night did my family's Hanukkah at my brother's. One of my DIL's has issues, MS. But MS should not make you anywhere from 30-90 minutes late for everything. Awful. It makes everyone on edge and my poor son has zero control. Then I really pissed her off. Their son will be 7 on Wednesday and I brought a cake. They are both so made. Made my husband really pissed and he wanted me to take the cake home. My brother said that is what grandmothers do, get over it, too bad. Last cake I ever buy for their family. My son sucks!!
    Then Dylan, b. day boy, said to me I only eat chocolate cake. I bought white. Can't win.
    We did have a nice time though. I had the 2 year old with me because his parents had plans. Max sang all night in the car, 30-45 minutes each way, Puff the Magic Dragon. Then we get to his house and for his bedtime story, the book. My son blame the other grandmother for both.
    My eating was pretty good. I had 1 bite of a potato latke and some chicken. I did have cake and my nephew brought a coffee roll type donut that was the size of a cake. I had a bite, very sweet. Got on the scale and I lost weight because I didn't eat enough, I think.
    Snow here, south of Boston and now icy.
    Everyone have a great Sunday, stay warm.
    This is the best therapy for all WLS people, talking to people who understand and don't judge, thanks.
  10. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Banders #6   
    The thing about the DIL that has MS, they lived with us for 10 months and she got used to my way of life. We eat out a real lot and try to live a decent life, but now money sucks. Her parents, OMG! Her mother, no one likes. Her father is a glump but nice and they all live in NC now. Her mother never did anything for anyone other than her friends. When she and her husband moved to NC in the spring they had to drive by their daughter's house and she never said good bye to the 2 grandsons. That is they type of person she is. I am always there. They have a BBQ business and only 1-2 times the whole summer I couldn't baby sit. I am the opposite of her mother. After all that, I think she can't stand me. I am too much for her.
    My other DIL is wonderful. Her mother is the over whelming one but she lives in Milwaukee They are all going to FL for their annual school vacation stay. In February her mother is coming to baby sit for a week while they go on vacation. I try not to say anything to either DIL that will piss them off. But I do that too.
    Liz, have a rest in FL even if you are parent sitting.
  11. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Banders #6   
    ​Hello everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, whatever you Celebrate. My son invited us over and never called to say what time he would be done at his SIL's. I blame his wife, oh well. I saw my grandsons a few times this week. I would just be going over to see what Santa brought. They got their Hanukkah gifts from us last week.
    Had a super duper NSV the other night. I started PT for my shoulder and the therapist and I were talking about WLS. One of her sisters had by pass and is very thin, the other one needs surgery and she would like it but I think she is too thin for it. I would say she wears a 14-18 and her BMI is not over 35, you can tell. Well for one of the exercises she had me hold a cane behind me and said, you have no ass!!! My old ass could hold a serving tray for 100. Best NSV. Yesterday I had on a new sweat suit, bottoms size L and they were baggy in the ass after wearing them all day. Now just to get the spare tire/muffin top to leave the body, would be great.
    Everyone have a great weekend. The rain has left Boston and the temps are around 50. Not bad for December. The rain returns Sunday for the Pat's final regular season game. True Pat's fans don't care what the weather is. I would never sit in the rain or snow for even a super bowl game.
  12. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from Jim1967 in Banders #6   
    Good morning everyone.
    On FB I belong to many WLS groups. A woman wrote that she wants the band but because she is over 400 she was told she could never lose the weight. Jim, I used you as an example again and people are very impressed with you, me too.
    Also, another woman, don't know her insurance but she got approved for plastic surgery of the apron. I guess you just need a great doctor to write an even better letter.
    I have a lump in my lower belly and wanted the surgeon to just cut me open and get rid of it but was not a hernia, which many doctors have said. I have had it for around 25 years. The surgeon explained it's like you have a six pack and this lump wants to come through. So when I am ready for a TT, I will hopefully get it thrown in so this lump can be removed, fixed, whatever they do.
    Everyone have a great day and if I don't write, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
  13. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Banders #6   
    very well said.
    The AirAsia flight was found in the ocean, now that sucks!!
  14. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Banders #6   
    Happy Monday? Sorry to hear not everyone is having a great day. I have a saying, life sucks, then you live. Sorry to hear about the divorce not going well. Last night I found out why a cousin's sister got a divorce. Her husband of 20ish years was going to rest areas. For those that don't know what that means, he was meeting men. That would be more hurtful than a husband being with a woman.
    Glad, FL is still warm while up north is getting colder every day. My oldest son and family just got home from Ft. Meyers last night. They had great weather.
    Now we all need to eat properly and exercise. Two things that I am far from perfect from doing.
    Have a great day everyone.
  15. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from Bandista in Banders #6   
    Have the best time in LV. I use to go 4-6 times a year but haven't been in many years. Always ask for a comp when you play. I never did the buffets, maybe 1 time a visit and I would go 4-7 nights.
  16. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from Jim1967 in Banders #6   
    Good morning everyone.
    On FB I belong to many WLS groups. A woman wrote that she wants the band but because she is over 400 she was told she could never lose the weight. Jim, I used you as an example again and people are very impressed with you, me too.
    Also, another woman, don't know her insurance but she got approved for plastic surgery of the apron. I guess you just need a great doctor to write an even better letter.
    I have a lump in my lower belly and wanted the surgeon to just cut me open and get rid of it but was not a hernia, which many doctors have said. I have had it for around 25 years. The surgeon explained it's like you have a six pack and this lump wants to come through. So when I am ready for a TT, I will hopefully get it thrown in so this lump can be removed, fixed, whatever they do.
    Everyone have a great day and if I don't write, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
  17. Like
    dylanmiles23 reacted to Debbie3sons in Banders #6   
    Just stopping in this morning before my Son & I hit the Town Walking every where , Loving that I can & Just Wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEAR & be Safe in everything , @ JFC , Thank You it is good to know that I may not be at goal yet or ever will but I definitely am keeping a 110 lb loss of for sure & it feels great , & TO everyone may this NEW YEAR BE a GREAT or even Good one for all.
  18. Like
    dylanmiles23 reacted to Bandista in Banders #6   
    Joe......what a great post. I'm so glad we've all ended up together here. Very sorry about your brother-in-law's death and the ramifications of that accident for your sister and kids, and for all the extended family. You and your wife are testaments to how lives can be changed around despite all the stresses -- truly inspirational.
  19. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from jfc193 in Banders #6   
    WOW is all I can say about what is happening in your family. But you did not turn to food and regain and that is wonderful!! I always help my children especially the youngest. Husband brought him $$$ today again. He lived with me for 10 months. They were 4 and us 2, in a 2 bedroom townhouse with a basement bedroom but 1 main bathroom (have a 1/2, also). We try to help our families the best we can.
    Sorry to hear about the awful car accident but I am happy everyone is doing better.
    Happy New Year.
  20. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from Jim1967 in Banders #6   
    Good morning everyone.
    On FB I belong to many WLS groups. A woman wrote that she wants the band but because she is over 400 she was told she could never lose the weight. Jim, I used you as an example again and people are very impressed with you, me too.
    Also, another woman, don't know her insurance but she got approved for plastic surgery of the apron. I guess you just need a great doctor to write an even better letter.
    I have a lump in my lower belly and wanted the surgeon to just cut me open and get rid of it but was not a hernia, which many doctors have said. I have had it for around 25 years. The surgeon explained it's like you have a six pack and this lump wants to come through. So when I am ready for a TT, I will hopefully get it thrown in so this lump can be removed, fixed, whatever they do.
    Everyone have a great day and if I don't write, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
  21. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from jfc193 in Banders #6   
    WOW is all I can say about what is happening in your family. But you did not turn to food and regain and that is wonderful!! I always help my children especially the youngest. Husband brought him $$$ today again. He lived with me for 10 months. They were 4 and us 2, in a 2 bedroom townhouse with a basement bedroom but 1 main bathroom (have a 1/2, also). We try to help our families the best we can.
    Sorry to hear about the awful car accident but I am happy everyone is doing better.
    Happy New Year.
  22. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from Bandista in Banders #6   
    Have the best time in LV. I use to go 4-6 times a year but haven't been in many years. Always ask for a comp when you play. I never did the buffets, maybe 1 time a visit and I would go 4-7 nights.
  23. Like
    dylanmiles23 got a reaction from jfc193 in Banders #6   
    WOW is all I can say about what is happening in your family. But you did not turn to food and regain and that is wonderful!! I always help my children especially the youngest. Husband brought him $$$ today again. He lived with me for 10 months. They were 4 and us 2, in a 2 bedroom townhouse with a basement bedroom but 1 main bathroom (have a 1/2, also). We try to help our families the best we can.
    Sorry to hear about the awful car accident but I am happy everyone is doing better.
    Happy New Year.
  24. Like
    dylanmiles23 reacted to jfc193 in Banders #6   
    Life does not stop when we have surgery but life can and should be better.
    My wife and I have kept off almost 200 pounds for the last 7 Years . My wife 90 plus pounds and me 100 plus pound for 7 years it has not been easy but sure has been worth it.
    Family issues have come and gone, lost my mom a couple years ago, my brother in law was killed in a vehicle crash while my sister was driving, she is fine but dealing with the loss of her husband, their son was next to dad but is coping with the loss as well two other nephews wee also in the car and they were Ok with only bumps and bruises, my dad was also in the car and was transported by helicopter to a hospital but he is doing fine now.
    Both of my boys had to move in with us at different times, My Oldest moved to a place that he could afford but not a very good neighborhood and his 14 year old daughter was almost raped by a neighbor and their lives were threaten and he moved north to a little town called Willits California and are doing just fine.
    My youngest son moved in with his family and her mother so it was quite interesting for a while and they have moved out and bought a house and are doing well.
    Needless to say we have also have had to assist the two boys with financial assistant but that is part of being a parent.
    This past year my wife and I celebrated our 35 anniversary and one of our celebrations was going parasailing which I would of never though of doing 7 years ago because we would of been over the weight limit.
    Through it all we have been very satisfied with the band, Some would say we are not successful because we did not reach our goal. Sure I could stand to lose another 40 lbs but I am still enjoying life and have continues to do things that I could not do a few years ago.
    Some of the benefits that have come as a result of the band is:
    No more diabetes medicine
    No more sleep apnea
    No more pain in my back or knees
    I actually enjoy walking
    I can keep up with the grand children

    My Favorite NSV’s are:
    Not having to ask for an extension on an airplane
    Walking down an aisle of an airplane without apologizing for almost knocking someone out.
    Getting off the coach on the first try
    Crossing my legs
    Getting dressed without sitting down
    Being able to ride any coaster at an amusement park
    Not having to worry if the ladder is going to hold me or not
    Tying my shoes without almost passing out.
    Taking the golf ball out of the hole without getting on my knees first
    Leaving food on the plate without feeling guilty
    Not having to worry about going up stairs.
    Riding any ride at an amusement park that I want without fear of not being let on the ride to being too heavy.
    Life does have its ups and down and as long as we continue to make more good choices than bad we can continue to succeed in spite of circumstance's that we cannot control.
  25. Like
    dylanmiles23 reacted to readysetg070113 in Banders #6   
    Thank you for the post it could
    Of been written by me this is why iam so grateful to have found this site and u

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