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  1. Like
    Maddysgram got a reaction from A New New Dawn in A New Day   
    Oh how nice to hear from almost everyone.
    Dee, so happy about your new computer, enjoy my friend.
    I can just picture cj laughing so hard. Paula gets into trouble almost every night b/c she makes Maddy laugh until she barf's. lol
    Its smilers like CJ & Maddy to remind me why I have nothing to complain about.
    Carole, Seth is still covered.
    Glad the knee is improving.
    How's the kitchen coming along?
    Terri, Enjoying the 3 B's, belching, boating and the beach.
    I just keep thinking of you going overboard last year, at least if you decide to again the Water is warmer.
    Dawn, glad you are enjoying the peace and quiet, now I don't have to worry about that. Are your fogs happy Symba (?) is out of the house? Hows things going with Audrey?
    Minimi, you go girl! Soon as my knee's heal I hope you set me up with a challenge. You were always setting challenges on the open forum.
    I had an early PT today, off tomorrow and pt after pre op at hospital on Friday. Decided today on complete bed rest, heating pad on my sciatic plus a tennis ball pushing the nerve in my arse.
    After initial ball pushing, it actually does feel really good.
    Note to self, next time you're going to stay in bed, do not drink 36 oz of Fluid before hand.
    I must say, I can't wait for total healing and being able to do the Charleston at Dawn's wedding.
    Love you all!
  2. Like
    Maddysgram got a reaction from A New New Dawn in A New Day   
    Oh how nice to hear from almost everyone.
    Dee, so happy about your new computer, enjoy my friend.
    I can just picture cj laughing so hard. Paula gets into trouble almost every night b/c she makes Maddy laugh until she barf's. lol
    Its smilers like CJ & Maddy to remind me why I have nothing to complain about.
    Carole, Seth is still covered.
    Glad the knee is improving.
    How's the kitchen coming along?
    Terri, Enjoying the 3 B's, belching, boating and the beach.
    I just keep thinking of you going overboard last year, at least if you decide to again the Water is warmer.
    Dawn, glad you are enjoying the peace and quiet, now I don't have to worry about that. Are your fogs happy Symba (?) is out of the house? Hows things going with Audrey?
    Minimi, you go girl! Soon as my knee's heal I hope you set me up with a challenge. You were always setting challenges on the open forum.
    I had an early PT today, off tomorrow and pt after pre op at hospital on Friday. Decided today on complete bed rest, heating pad on my sciatic plus a tennis ball pushing the nerve in my arse.
    After initial ball pushing, it actually does feel really good.
    Note to self, next time you're going to stay in bed, do not drink 36 oz of Fluid before hand.
    I must say, I can't wait for total healing and being able to do the Charleston at Dawn's wedding.
    Love you all!
  3. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to dee257 in A New Day   
    OOO Im so enjoying my computer again....Kaleb is doing his cyber school 10 feet from me laughing at how big I have everything on my screen...I just typed really big so he could see it....YOU WILL BE OLD ONE DAY TOO...lol and I so agree with Michele..boys and moms have a special bond....girls are more Daddies girls....Last night Kaleb and I got into a towel snapping battle..( CJ couldn't breath he was laughing so hard)....and yea...Kaleb won !
  4. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to CHEZNOEL in A New Day   
    Still summer at the beach Doreen, so not freezing on the water!
    Dawn... you must be a seer who looks into the future... Today I woke up "belching" and have been ever since. Getting better and I move around. Hubby still in be snoring!
    Janet... take it easy on the new knee. I know you want to move things along, but you need one leg healthy by next week!
    Michele, so nice to read about your relationship with the boys! How is Tyler doing these days?
    Carole, between reading and posting here and chatting with friends I can stay busy at the boat. Today is grocery day! We need a new picture of the leaves!
    Diane... shame on you for posting all the luscious cheesecake photos! I am sure they are all sugar free... Right???
    Nice to see everyone on this morning. Have a great day all!
  5. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to dee257 in A New Day   
    Good Morning Ladies !!!! Charlie started back to work last night and wow did I miss him in bed.....just that warm body next to me...We had such a good last day together yesterday...( He finally got his disability check )..He went and got me a new computer !!! It has a much bigger screen and key board....I can finally see things.....though its windows 8 and hard getting use to it....I had CJs nurse play with it some last night and its working better....As for CJ eating...OMG I love it....maybe more then he does....because he really doesn't like the textures on his tongue yet....but he is loving all the attention that comes with the spoon !!!... Terri your boating...good for you but it makes me cold just thinking about being on the water....and your happy to have A/C working...brrrrr lady !....Janet im sorry your having some pain with your knee but also sure a few moths from now you will be a whole new person....and I to feel for your daughter Ange so worried and with reasons Im sure...My sister had lost a baby befor her son was born...and I so remember the happy times of her next pregnancy were always clouded by he being to scared to enjoy the pregnancy....Carole..you always find time to post us and with so much going on in your life....your children all sound so educated....gosh Im just trying to get mine through HS...lol.....Dawn..have you heard more from the forever family...that adopted Simba.....and I know every time I have a foster child as much as you love them its nice to have your home back to yourself....and Im going to get to the post office and to my GED class today !!! Michele...wow now that I can see my computer better I see how skinny you are looking....awesome...your beautiful....well we all are...but you know what I mean.....congrats...and I do think the closer you get to goal and maintaining is very hard....Sorry you had a stuck Janet....life with the band...got ta love it !....Diane hope you are holding strong and getting a lil ME time in....and I feel your pain about where did summer go !!!!
  6. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to MiniMi in A New Day   
  7. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to Sojourner in A New Day   
    Just flying by...
    I shortened my exercise by half this evening...and I feel like I'm cheating on my diet. My right knee is swollen, thank you again drunk driver.
    The upside is that my prescription of a topical anti-inflammatory medication is making a huge difference. Last night I could not bend my knee enough to get into the shower, today I was able to walk almost normally, allowing me to walk nearly 2 miles this evening. Onward...
    Janet, I hope you are back to normal...and very sorry to hear about your swelling. With PT, it seems that everyone has their own opinion. I would follow whatever your doctor advises. Are you ready for knee #2?
    Dee, loved seeing the video clip of CJ and his first eating experience. I don't think it would be possible to smile more than he did! How is life treating you these days? I hope all is stable and well...
    Terri, enjoy your down time. I always like to have options with me to stave off boredom. books to read, a project I enjoy...I get bored easily...
    Dawn, how are you liking your "me" time? Any word about remote working arrangements yet? My band is fickle as h#%!?...I never know when it will clamp,down or when it will allow me to drink Water. Stress level in life has evened out, but the band has not.
    Were you asking about my son in Kandahar (Seth the pharmacist) or my son the endodontist in Madeira Beach? Seth did check in with us over the weekend via Face time. He looks good, and appreciative of all the care packages he receives from his wife and mother. He especially enjoys all of the different options to flavor Water, and the packages of Cheerios. He is now a full 2 months in to his deployment...please keep prayers coming that the rest of the time will be as uneventful.
    Brent was on a cruise to Mexico for the past 5 days...I did not realize he had left town again. It's difficult to keep up with him...he does so much which creates additional anxiety for me. The weekend before Labor Day he flew down to Key West with his former flight instructor (private plane=high anxiety for me) to spend the weekend scuba diving. The weekend before, he traveled to New York because a friend was leaving the country for a year of study. He will finally get around to visiting the parents the first weekend of October. The rest of that month, he already has trips planned. It must be youth, but it makes me tired to even think about his schedule.
    We are enjoying the change of seasons here...there is more color every day! I am where I have dreamed of being since we left Seattle in 1984.
    I hope all is well with Michelle and Diane...the key lime cheese cake looked divine, BTW...
    Enough already...EXCEPT that our daughter in law, Jodi passed her board exams today!!!! She was so happy...and we were happy for her and Jay. She is looking forward to her new position, and I am thrilled that she will no longer be working the 12 hour shifts at the hospital. Though she will be hospital based for the medical group, she will have regular office hours. Yay!
    I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday...
  8. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to A New New Dawn in A New Day   
    lol, apparently I was "emoticon" happy in my post. It wouldn't let me post until I removed some of them. I never had that msg before. :) :)
  9. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to A New New Dawn in A New Day   
    Hi, Ladies,
    Glad everyone is doing well!!!
    Michelle, you are so rocking this 90 days and so close to goal!!! That is awesome. Great pics of your son too. Do you feel a difference in your relationships (other than their age) with your son and your daughter? I often wondered what it would be like to have a son. I love my girls to pieces, no doubt... just seems like boys are very close to their mothers a lot of the time.
    Momma, take care of those cute LITTLE knees!!! I can only imagine how difficult and scary it must be for Ange. I will be so happy when Emilia is in her arms as well. I am excited that next week will be another great chapter for you and your recovery with sexy, new knee #2! You will be rocking those knees by the time Emilia is here! Since Ange is (understandably) opposed to a baby shower before she is born, perhaps she will allow one after she is born? It would be a PERFECT reason to Celebrate. I hope your stuck moment passes soon. I think every once in a while we get those reminders that the band is still there.
    Terri, so glad you are taking some "vacation" time. If you want to boat and belch or boat and beach, knock yourself out! How long have you been banded now? Have you found it gets easier to maintain? How are you doing?
    Dee, you are such a doll, btw!! I am so excited and I owe you! I am glad to hear Kaleb will be paying to repair his dad's truck. I agree, it will go a long way to building character and responsibility. How did CJ like "eating" for the first time? By the way, it was so funny when you called I was out and couldn't answer my phone at the time. I couldn't figure out what it was because one day I was bored and set all kinds of ringtones for people. I had yours set to a person saying "shut the front door". I kept hearing "shut the front door" from my purse and didn't know what it was, lol.
    Carole, I can't wait to see all the fall pictures from you! You live in a outdoor wonderland. I am so happy things are going well with you and Jack and it seems your family appreciates you even more when you visit now. How's Brent doing (hope I got his name right)? How's the kitchen coming along? How's your band doing? (sorry for my interrogation)
    Diane, hi sweetie. I appreciate your long note you posted recently. I can only imagine all that is on your plate these days and yet still such a sweetheart and compassionate. Have you moved as well? How are you doing these days? I miss seeing you as much but understand and I appreciate when you can get online. And thanks, I am craving cheesecake now, lol.
    Symba found his "forever home" this weekend. I help out with "SIRA", Shiba Inu Rescue Association. He was a sweetheart, when not around other dogs. The first few days I was unsure. He was a 5 year old dog that a family surrendered. I drove an hour to meet up with a couple that drove here from St. Louis (6 hours). We had someone locally do their home visit and then I exchanged emails quite a bit before they decided to come up. I really think it's a great fit and excited for Symba and the new family. I had a nice weekend w/ Brad and the kids all here. Tonight, I actually am enjoying a night of relaxation and chillin' with my ladies (and my doggies).
  10. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to A New New Dawn in A New Day   
    haha, I was trying to quickly read through all the posts I missed this weekend and thought Terri's last post said she was going to focus on boating and belching!
  11. Like
    Maddysgram got a reaction from A New New Dawn in A New Day   
    Terri, Glad the a/cis working. Hope the weather stays nice and you have a wonderful time.
    Carole, So sorry to hear you are having knee problems, hopefully its a passing thing. Drs always told me "no climbing, ladders or inclines". Too much stress on the joints. Take care my friend, I feel for you.
    Dee, How exciting about CJ. Today cotton candy, tomorrow a t bone steak. Shut the front door!!!!
    Mini, Thats cute that your son has to pretend to be mean and scary.lol
    Thanks for the oil tips. I was thinking lavender, also thought about putting lavender all over my bedroom. My new sleeping schedule is, sleep a hour, read a hour, sleep a hour, read etc.....
    Proud you're sticking with your 90 days. I love how you make a plan and stick with it until you accomplish it.
    Dawn, How you doin? Worried that the full house over the weekend has left you with an empty house let down. Thinking of you!!!
    Di, Your cheesecake picture almost had me licking my tablet.Key lime is one of my all time faves.
    I made a great dinner tonight, hot roast beef sandwich withmash potatoes covered in gravy. Evidently I was not even suppose to eat even a small portion. While adding the sliced beef to the gravy, I decided to munch on a piece, big mistake. It hurt!!!! That was the end of my dinner.< /p>
    I was having a hard time (knee pain) all weekend and thought I must have torn something, but PT assured me that there is nothing I could do to damage my knee. I can hurt it, by over doing but not damage it. As she was forcing a tight bend (ouchy), she said it was really swollen. I'm not to walk as much as I have, just 10min intervals. Thats not what PT at hospital said....
    Terri, my other knee is scheduled on 9/11, one week from tomorrow.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  12. Like
    Maddysgram got a reaction from A New New Dawn in A New Day   
    Terri, Glad the a/cis working. Hope the weather stays nice and you have a wonderful time.
    Carole, So sorry to hear you are having knee problems, hopefully its a passing thing. Drs always told me "no climbing, ladders or inclines". Too much stress on the joints. Take care my friend, I feel for you.
    Dee, How exciting about CJ. Today cotton candy, tomorrow a t bone steak. Shut the front door!!!!
    Mini, Thats cute that your son has to pretend to be mean and scary.lol
    Thanks for the oil tips. I was thinking lavender, also thought about putting lavender all over my bedroom. My new sleeping schedule is, sleep a hour, read a hour, sleep a hour, read etc.....
    Proud you're sticking with your 90 days. I love how you make a plan and stick with it until you accomplish it.
    Dawn, How you doin? Worried that the full house over the weekend has left you with an empty house let down. Thinking of you!!!
    Di, Your cheesecake picture almost had me licking my tablet.Key lime is one of my all time faves.
    I made a great dinner tonight, hot roast beef sandwich withmash potatoes covered in gravy. Evidently I was not even suppose to eat even a small portion. While adding the sliced beef to the gravy, I decided to munch on a piece, big mistake. It hurt!!!! That was the end of my dinner.< /p>
    I was having a hard time (knee pain) all weekend and thought I must have torn something, but PT assured me that there is nothing I could do to damage my knee. I can hurt it, by over doing but not damage it. As she was forcing a tight bend (ouchy), she said it was really swollen. I'm not to walk as much as I have, just 10min intervals. Thats not what PT at hospital said....
    Terri, my other knee is scheduled on 9/11, one week from tomorrow.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  13. Like
    Maddysgram got a reaction from A New New Dawn in A New Day   
    Terri, Glad the a/cis working. Hope the weather stays nice and you have a wonderful time.
    Carole, So sorry to hear you are having knee problems, hopefully its a passing thing. Drs always told me "no climbing, ladders or inclines". Too much stress on the joints. Take care my friend, I feel for you.
    Dee, How exciting about CJ. Today cotton candy, tomorrow a t bone steak. Shut the front door!!!!
    Mini, Thats cute that your son has to pretend to be mean and scary.lol
    Thanks for the oil tips. I was thinking lavender, also thought about putting lavender all over my bedroom. My new sleeping schedule is, sleep a hour, read a hour, sleep a hour, read etc.....
    Proud you're sticking with your 90 days. I love how you make a plan and stick with it until you accomplish it.
    Dawn, How you doin? Worried that the full house over the weekend has left you with an empty house let down. Thinking of you!!!
    Di, Your cheesecake picture almost had me licking my tablet.Key lime is one of my all time faves.
    I made a great dinner tonight, hot roast beef sandwich withmash potatoes covered in gravy. Evidently I was not even suppose to eat even a small portion. While adding the sliced beef to the gravy, I decided to munch on a piece, big mistake. It hurt!!!! That was the end of my dinner.< /p>
    I was having a hard time (knee pain) all weekend and thought I must have torn something, but PT assured me that there is nothing I could do to damage my knee. I can hurt it, by over doing but not damage it. As she was forcing a tight bend (ouchy), she said it was really swollen. I'm not to walk as much as I have, just 10min intervals. Thats not what PT at hospital said....
    Terri, my other knee is scheduled on 9/11, one week from tomorrow.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  14. Like
    Maddysgram got a reaction from A New New Dawn in A New Day   
    Terri, Glad the a/cis working. Hope the weather stays nice and you have a wonderful time.
    Carole, So sorry to hear you are having knee problems, hopefully its a passing thing. Drs always told me "no climbing, ladders or inclines". Too much stress on the joints. Take care my friend, I feel for you.
    Dee, How exciting about CJ. Today cotton candy, tomorrow a t bone steak. Shut the front door!!!!
    Mini, Thats cute that your son has to pretend to be mean and scary.lol
    Thanks for the oil tips. I was thinking lavender, also thought about putting lavender all over my bedroom. My new sleeping schedule is, sleep a hour, read a hour, sleep a hour, read etc.....
    Proud you're sticking with your 90 days. I love how you make a plan and stick with it until you accomplish it.
    Dawn, How you doin? Worried that the full house over the weekend has left you with an empty house let down. Thinking of you!!!
    Di, Your cheesecake picture almost had me licking my tablet.Key lime is one of my all time faves.
    I made a great dinner tonight, hot roast beef sandwich withmash potatoes covered in gravy. Evidently I was not even suppose to eat even a small portion. While adding the sliced beef to the gravy, I decided to munch on a piece, big mistake. It hurt!!!! That was the end of my dinner.< /p>
    I was having a hard time (knee pain) all weekend and thought I must have torn something, but PT assured me that there is nothing I could do to damage my knee. I can hurt it, by over doing but not damage it. As she was forcing a tight bend (ouchy), she said it was really swollen. I'm not to walk as much as I have, just 10min intervals. Thats not what PT at hospital said....
    Terri, my other knee is scheduled on 9/11, one week from tomorrow.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  15. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to GoingforGoal in Hello   
    I cannot stomach this conversation again. Please look into previous posts about other noncompliant bandsters who refuse to take their band seriously. Good luck
  16. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to CHEZNOEL in A New Day   
    At the beach... weather here is good for now! Both new A/Cs work well so we are nice and cool on board the boat. This is a vacation for us, no projects... just reading boating and beaching! YAY!
  17. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to Sojourner in A New Day   
    Good Morning all...
    So good to read all of the updates...and all is well, for the most part.
    Janet, it both sad and understandable how Ange feels about a baby registry. It will help immensely after the birth, and she is able to relax and know that the scary part is behind her. Keep us posted on her progress...October is already NEXT month!
    No, Jack never used to come with me to exercise. I used to get over to the fitness center in our neighborhood 3-4 times a week, and he only went with me if I was going into one of the pools. But that was before all of his heart issues, and I know he is more aware of what he needs to do now to improve his health. A huge motivator!
    I will have to scale back my exercise for a week or so, as my same knee is painful again. The topical anti inflammatory is helping a lot, but will have be conservative for a bit to be certain I don't have to go back to using a cane again! Last evening, I actually walked back to the house from Buckeye, just about a mile. But there is a lot of inclines, which my knee does not like. But it was fun...still learning my limits.
    Terri, enjoy your time on the coast! We may have up to 4" of rain today, which I hope will stay in the mountains. Taking any projects with you to work on?
    Dee, very glad that the family is healthy again...and excellent that Kaleb is going to pay to cover the vehicle repairs. This is an excellent life lesson of building responsibility that will serve him well in the years to come. And, how wonderful CJ was able to finally begin the baby steps to eating! Keep us apprised of his progress.
    Diane, I hope you took a well deserved time out from your super schedule over the holiday weekend...you earned it!
    Dawn, such sweet pictures of Symba and his forever family! What an amazing program that is, and you are an angel to participate! I also hope you enjoyed your weekend!
    Michelle...looking good, and so nice to have sons participating in school activities. That was quite a victory they had in the game.
    BTW, the kite festival had to be cancelled... . The weather did not cooperate, we had both rain and fog at the top of Beech. Very difficult to see kites through the fog...perhaps next year!
    I hope you all have an excellent Tuesday...love and appreciate each one of you!
  18. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to dee257 in A New Day   
    Good Morning Ladies....
    Thank you all for bing truefriends...just read through a lot of the post I have missed....and you al amaze me...Carole a hr a day cardio that's awesome !!!
    Janet you are wonder woman for sure...you wil be dancing in the rain in no time ...Terri you are always buzy,,and such talent ...still wanna see a pic of a few crap book pages....Dawn...so happy your Simba found a good home...he was beautiful....and glad your girls are adjusting well...Michele you really push on with your studies..so proud of you ...im sure its hard work !!! Diane I as sorry to read your mom had another fall.. Praise God for your strength...
    As for me I amhaving a way better start to this week...Im don't having y lil pity party...Charlie starts work today and Kaleb starts school today....he is sitting here in his boxers waiting for his class to come on line....All of you are right Kaleb will have to pay for the damage to his dads truck...he already has a part time job lined up...
    OOO big news CJ ate cotton candy from a spoon for the very first ime in 12 yrs !!! I have a video of it but cant figure out how to load t here or on FB....I wil keep trying...
    love ya all....
  19. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to MiniMi in A New Day   
    Hello there! The 90 day challenge is for me to get off my butt and to my TRX class every day for the next 90 days. My year membership is up by then and I want to use it to the full. It really is my way of making myself publicly accountable to get working out. I have 20 lbs to go to my goal and I want to make it by 12-13 months.
    They don't have classes on the weekend so I use that time to go to the gym and get in at least 20 minutes of some cardio.
    So far so good...( day8)
  20. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to CHEZNOEL in A New Day   
    Yay for September!
    Carole, you could have kept the rain, we got about 2 inches last night! Oh well, it saved us adding Water to the pool.
    Janet hope your knee continues to improve... what is date for knee 2?
    Doreen... hope you and all the Pents are feeling better by now. Take it easy!
    Dawn... how was the Brad weekend. I hope the whole family had fun! What your projected move date?
    Michele, what is the 90 day challenge?
    Diane... how did you make out on this long weekend? Hope things are good!
    Love you all!
    Leaving for the boat tomorrow for a week at the coast. Will have internet and check in on you guys!
    Have a happy week!
  21. Like
    Maddysgram reacted to MiniMi in A New Day   
    He is such a sweetie pie that he has to work on that look! Hehe!
  22. Like
    Maddysgram got a reaction from Sojourner in A New Day   
    Loved the pictures and I concur with Terri on both counts.
  23. Like
    Maddysgram got a reaction from Sojourner in A New Day   
    Finally able to get on here. Last night I could do FB, but no LBTalk or Pinterest, wth!
    Ange and I went shopping at Target and BooksAMillion today. Last day to wear my white capris, lol.
    I found out today that Ange can not do BabysRus. She has been one time and had a melt down. She bought quite a lot of things there for Juliette and finds the memories still painful. I can't wait until Emilia is in her arms and helping with that pain.
    Carole,I think its so great that you and Jack are committed to working out. Did Jack workout before his retirement, or is this something new?
    Sorry about the greek yogurt on your screen, but I so enjoy making someone laugh. I really believe thats my lifes work.
    How was the kite festival, you entering next year?
    Minimi, I just saw a Pin on Pinterest that said to put a few drops of your favorite essential oil inside your toilet paper roll for a continued air freshener. Sounded like a good idea, but now have to figure out the best scent for a bathroom????
    Also, how do you keep your yarn balls from unraveling in the dryer and what oil do you use? Inquiring minds.
    Run any trails this weekend?
    Dawn, Dee, Terri and Di, hope you're all having a great weekend.
    I'm so pleased Symba got a forever home, Dawn.
  24. Like
    Maddysgram got a reaction from dee257 in A New Day   
    what, having gray hair to hide or wading threw Water? lol
    I'm going with Water. You're to young and hot for gray hair.< /p>
  25. Like
    Maddysgram got a reaction from dee257 in A New Day   
    Went and had my hair colored and trimmed this morning. Feels so much better. We had a monsoon while I was there. Had to walk threw ankle deep Water in the parking lot.
    All week weather ppl have been saying "this will be a dry week", boy have they been full of crap.....

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