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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Motivated1 got a reaction from jilly_bean in Mushies Stage Recipes   
    Lol I was thinking the same thing. I won't be in my mushy stage until next Saturday but I'm looking forward to tuna and light mayo!!!!!
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    Motivated1 got a reaction from bandedsandi in Any Female Friends Now Treat You Differently?   
    That would be nice. Especially for all single ladies who are about to be fit and even MORE lovely:)
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    Motivated1 got a reaction from neener1970 in One A Day Vitacraves Gummies   
    Weird! I just bought a bottle of vitafusion multivites yesterday
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    Motivated1 reacted to Jess55 in Gym Nightmare   
    Well the OP did not say "I told the trainer I was in pain and he just yelled at me to push harder" or something to that effect. She said the trainer just said faster and don't stop, so how would the trainer have known there was a problem? And that was just during a fitness assessment not during any personal training.
    Me personally, I was fat for so long and, did not do a lot of stuff. I spent my teenage years being an outcast (not because I was morbidly obese at the time, but because I, well I'm not sure why), and then in my 20's I wasted my life being fat. Had surgery at 28. So I've made it my goal to let NOTHING stop me, a bit pain is welcomed.
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    Motivated1 got a reaction from lapbandkeira in Anyone Getting Banded In July?   
    I was banded 07/20 haven't had any port pain just a little tender at times. My main thing was the gas pain, I must've inherited the pain of those who didn't have it but they became more bearable yesterday and today is much better. Be blessed in your journey and stay prayerful
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    Motivated1 reacted to tere1985 in When You Get To Your Goal Weight, How Do You Plan To Reward Your Self??   
    I just started my weight loss journey, but I would really like to reward myself by being able to enjoy an awesome roller coaster ride!! I remember I used to love them until I got to big and no longer fit in them! My excuse has always been I don't like to ride them or I'm afraid! But the truth is I'm to embarrassed to say I can't ride them because I'm too fat! But I know I will (hopefully soon) be able to ride them again!
    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  7. Like
    Motivated1 reacted to YolandaSready in Post-op regrets?   
    Hi there - I too recently got banded on 08/2511 and am a Christian. Please do not beat yourself up. Modern medical advances are not solely for those who do not know God. This is NOT the God we serve. As a matter of fact I am praising God for allowing their to be such medical advancements to help me.
    Remember, you and I and many others have made a decision to lose weight and this weight lose will allow us to live healthy lives... This said, what matters most is how we live for Christ before, during, and after the band- will this become a locamotive to get us in a place to share the Gospel of Christ more, or get us active to serve more, or will we hide behind selfish intent and leave HIm after we reach our weight loss goals?
    Thank Him, keep HIm with you doing this whole process, and allow this to be another testimony to another about God's goodness! Personally I shared my decision with 3 other sisters in Christ and I am very happy that I did. many of us, unfortunately feel that being a Christian requires a homie look, and this is as FAR from the truth as EVER. We have Freedom in Christ!
    You and I are children of the Most High God, & we have made a decision to put our best foot forward outwardly for health sake. So now just keep focusing on the inwardly (relationship with Him) and all will work out within His will FOR OUR LIVES!
    Remember your quiet time in study daily- it will strengthen you for this journey!
    Forever His-
    your sis in Christ Jesus,
    yolanda -
  8. Like
    Motivated1 reacted to YolandaSready in For all of my Christian Family - STOP ... NO guilt over getting or wanting a Lapband!   
    For some reason we who are believers tend to have a habit of continually beating ourselves up over everything. I am taking a moment to encourage each and every one of you to stop, pray, and open up to our Heavenly Father in prayer. Share with Him your discouragements over your weight, and your desires to live a more productive life. He already knows anyway... He just wants us to walk in the cool of the day with Him sharing all of ourselves unto Him.
    Remember the advances in Medical technology are NOT solely for those who do not believe in God, they are for us too. We are His children, and God wants us to seek Him for everything that He may be glorified in all areas of our lives. Do not allow the enemy to stagnate you in guilt because of your desire and decision to get a lapband. Instead use this as another pillar and testimony to the Goodness of God!
    How? Well, I am glad that you asked...
    Study daily, pray continually, ask God to allow your lapband to help you become heathier, and look for ways to use even this part of life's journey as a opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ Jesus!
    Luke 11
    9And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 10For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 11If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? 12Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? 13If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
    Be encouraged!
    Forever His!

  9. Like
    Motivated1 reacted to shrcumm in If No One Ever Tells You!!!   
    If No One Ever Tells You, You are Awesome and Look Great!!! Shine Like a Star Because You are Your Biggest Fan!!!
    I feel Great and look Ever Greater!!! If They Made Two of Me, The World would Be in Trouble!!! And I feel the Same About You!!!!! Learn to Encourage Yourself!!!!
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    Motivated1 reacted to PattyGirl66 in Anyone Getting Banded In July?   
    Motivated, its normal to have these feeling and even strange dreams. Remember why you are doing this. I think what happens is that people around us are afraid of changes. Once they see how happy and healthy you've become they will start to come around and be more supportive.
    Sending good vibes and prayers your way for your surgery tomorrow. Keep us posted on your progress, you have lots of support here (((hugs)))
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    Motivated1 reacted to PattyGirl66 in Uh..... Ohh   
    Hi Motivated,
    Don't feel down on yourself about this. Look you are making the best decision for you and more importantly your health. I myself am not banded and my surgery is scheduled in just 13 days. Of course I am nervous and scared. This is a normal feeling you are having. Listen, I put the surgery off two years ago and litterally gained 60 pounds MORE! I know this time around I need a little help, and the band will be that 'push' we need to jumpstart us off so we can finally succeed in losing weight and keeping it off. I don't know about you but I am sooo tired of the ups and the downs, the highs and the lows. All that yo-yo-ing just makes you feel like a failure alone. Most importantly, no matter what you will stil have to work hard with the band 'remembering its just a tool'.
    Now, as far as surgery is concerned from what I know its less invasive, and the suregery itself is not long (you can expect to be in the OR for about an hour) Scars, don't even worry about it! In time they fade and heal very nicely. I have a long scar on my hip from having my hip replaced and honestly you can't even notice it. And that was a pretty heavy cut I had. Lotions and oils can help smooth out the scars and before you know it will be transparent as into your own skin. Don't forget, these are minor incisons not huge big ones.
    Lastly, your scars will not be a reminder of you failing, but a reminder of how you took control of your own health, and for that reason you should be very proud of those scars...
  12. Like
    Motivated1 got a reaction from running_scared in Uh..... Ohh   
    Y'all almost made me cry, especially you Patty. Everyone's words are exactly what I needed. I can't thank y'all enough
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    Motivated1 reacted to NYsLegend78 in Why Do Women Hide There Inner Freak?   
    I bought it but I've yet to read it. So who wants to act out the scenes with me lol
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    Motivated1 reacted to NYsLegend78 in Why Do Women Hide There Inner Freak?   
    So when a guy hits on you girls and might be a little bit straight forward and you girls act offended does your inner freak actually enjoy it?
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    Motivated1 got a reaction from JustMeDee in Reassurance   
    I've found everyone's stories on here SOO inspiring so I finally joined today so I can share mine and get it off my chest. I've been obese for as long as I can remember. I don't remember ever being able to shop on the same rack as my sisters or as my friends My mom got the lap band surgery last year around May/April and she has lost over 80 pounds (should've been more but she hasn't really been applying herself). About 2 weeks ago when I had my appt with the dietician and my surgeon I weighed in at about 340 and thankfully my insurance approved me on the first go around. Today is my pre-op and surgery is scheduled for the 20th. I just really want some reassurance everything is going to be okay and I'm not the only one like "this". I want to be able to go to a Water park or get on EVERY roller coaster ride without worrying about whether or not the belt won't be able to latch and I have to get off or whether or not I would put shame to the word "bathing suit" and I want to go shopping ANYWHERE without looking up for the plus size section. I love my body and the way that I am I mean I date go out and have fun with my friends and I have no health issues, but it's time for a change.
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    Motivated1 got a reaction from muelle in Reassurance   
    Muelle: Yeah that is weird considering I was going to get it done when my mom got her's done last year when I was 18 around April/May. PLEASE NO ONE HATE ME FOR WHAT I'M ABOUT TO SAY. I was approved for surgery, cheated through my pre-op and canceled the day before surgery. I was so scared and my sister (who has ALWAYS been small) started bashing me and saying how I was taking the eay way out and our mom is older so she needs it but not me so I didn't go through with it. But now I am doing it for ME! The only people who know about it though are God, ya'll, my parents, my manager, my primary care physician and the team member health nurse at my job. I don't even think I'm telling my bestie who I tell EVERYTHING to. But I know what I need to do and I'm happy about it
  17. Like
    Motivated1 got a reaction from Dacoop in Water Slides   
    I haven't had surgery yet but I just called my lap band center and asked about being on Water slides with lap bands and she said that the port site may be sore or tender afterwards because your exercising that port site and doing a lot more stretching of it than you would normally do. She said that it's nothing to worry about but if it's more of pain than soarness and if the pain is persistent then she'd recommend getting it checked out
  18. Like
    Motivated1 reacted to muelle in Reassurance   
    Your story sounds so similar to mine and my daughters that I had to make sure you weren't her I was banded a year and a half ago and gave my daughter the option to start the process so she could be banded when she turned 18. At the time she didn't want to, but after seeing me lose over 100 pounds she decided it was for her. She just finished her 6 month supervised diet and has the psych evaluation left, then time to submit for approval. You sound very motivated and that is so important. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope you have great success!
  19. Like
    Motivated1 got a reaction from JustMeDee in Reassurance   
    I've found everyone's stories on here SOO inspiring so I finally joined today so I can share mine and get it off my chest. I've been obese for as long as I can remember. I don't remember ever being able to shop on the same rack as my sisters or as my friends My mom got the lap band surgery last year around May/April and she has lost over 80 pounds (should've been more but she hasn't really been applying herself). About 2 weeks ago when I had my appt with the dietician and my surgeon I weighed in at about 340 and thankfully my insurance approved me on the first go around. Today is my pre-op and surgery is scheduled for the 20th. I just really want some reassurance everything is going to be okay and I'm not the only one like "this". I want to be able to go to a Water park or get on EVERY roller coaster ride without worrying about whether or not the belt won't be able to latch and I have to get off or whether or not I would put shame to the word "bathing suit" and I want to go shopping ANYWHERE without looking up for the plus size section. I love my body and the way that I am I mean I date go out and have fun with my friends and I have no health issues, but it's time for a change.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
