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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in He Said I Glow With Happiness   
    That is just too cool! And widen the doorway, you earned the big head, hold it high and proud!
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to Mommy1558 in He Said I Glow With Happiness   
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to Domika03 in He Said I Glow With Happiness   
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to Banjo257 in He Said I Glow With Happiness   
    I knew I wanted yo put on shades when you post but I didn't know why. Let your inner sunshine through!!!!
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    ♕ajtexas♕ got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    Stupid is what stupid does.
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    ♕ajtexas♕ got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    I am so glad to see I am not alone here. Don't let the G&S police get you, come hang with me..... I've got a gun!
  7. Like
    ♕ajtexas♕ got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    I am so glad to see I am not alone here. Don't let the G&S police get you, come hang with me..... I've got a gun!
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to Lauracat in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    Thank you I have dylexica and speelling and grammer have always been a problem for me. I been made fun of for it even on here for my whole life. I belive that was one of the reson i was fat was i would eat away my feeling of feeling baddly when pepole made fun of me
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to Sojourner in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    Well said...I recall a post from someone who was complaining that people constantly were referring to the "Adkins diet" when it really is the "Atkins diet".
    I suggested at the time that they seek an authentic life for themselves...
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    ♕ajtexas♕ got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    Stupid is what stupid does.
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to dylanmiles23 in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    thank you. I am dyslectic and can not spell and sometimes spell check can't figure out what I have tried to spell.
    Who cares, let's just talk and help each other.
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    ♕ajtexas♕ got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    Stupid is what stupid does.
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to 2012 in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    People that criticize others for stupid crap like spelling and grammar on a forum like this just need to get a life, period. A lot of these people use their phone and you know all of the messed up messages that come across because your "smart" phone used its own word.
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    for those who have a problem with that type stuff

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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?   
    This is what I posted on a thread about this today.
    No one cares if someone can't spell well or makes a lot of errors.
    However, when I read a post that honestly looks like it was written in secret code by a drunk 3rd grader and makes zero sense because it's written *that* badly, I totally ignore it. If I need a secret decoder ring just to make sense of it, I won't deal with it.
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in How To Become A Banded B*****   
    thats f***ing funny
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to icestorm12132008 in My Step Daughter Is Going To Be Fat.   
    I was exzactly as you said as a girl "big boned". And it is true my bone structure for a female is on the larger size. I also have an endocrine disorder called PCOS. I've had it my whole life according to the Reproductive Endocrinologist who dinagnosed me at 28 years of age with the disorder when my husband and I went to boston ivf for a diagnostic as to why we where having trouble with conception.
    My relationship with food before the diagnosis was an awful one. When i was her age that is when the trouble started, no matter what I ate it was never enough and I was always hungery dispite eating healthy meals. I also at twelve started my cycle and things just went south from there. I gained weight dispite diet exercise and eating healthy meals. Part of it is the blood suggar spikes that are happening within the body if these go un controlled the weight gain for her is never going to cease.
    Can you talk to her about how she feels when she eats, for me when I don't eat after a very long time say waking in the am I don't get a hungery signal and I feel sick to my stomach. But when i do finally eat that is where the ravenous hunger would start and from breakefast till dinner it semed the hunger never went away. unchecked high suggars can lead to cardiac problems and even blindness and problems with cirrculation and limb loss. Does she have an incidence of type II diabetis in her family? Did her mom have gestational diabetis while pregnant with any of her offspring? Also is she developing male hair growth(the legs will show dark hair first it hten progresses to the armpits and unfortunately the face and other areas are often covered with hair).
    The pcos can also lead to dysufunctional and painful periods due to fibroid formation within the uterus.
    I can understand your concern for your step daughter. She may want some help but might be to intemidated by her mom's poor reflection of you as a step parent. Can you talk to your spouse about it and just say you are worried for your s. daughter's health? I know this is a hard time for her as a teen and she might not realize it now but you are only trying to help her.
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to cheryl2586 in My Step Daughter Is Going To Be Fat.   
    Well her mother should go to jail. I hate when parents let their children eat like that. It's a form of child abuse. I just took care of a 33 year old male who weight 881lbs who has lived with his mother his entire life. It's just abuse and it sucks that parents think its the right thing to do to feed their kid crappy food. Keep doing what you're doing and pray she doesnt get obese.
  19. Like
    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to Nayelli Q. in Scale-A-Holic   
    My Name is Nayelli and I'm a Scale-o-Holic =( Yes I confess that I have becomed a prisione rof the Scale. I'm only 2 months post-op I did not get a scale until my first month post-op. I was anxious just becaus ei'ma control freak when it comes to time an dtime was passin gby eith no scale and no numbers except for my dr. 2 weeks post-op. Well when I finally got it it said 7lb down in 3 weeks I fraked out starting exersicig more and changing my diet. Well its working I have lost alot of weight itn the last month went from 409-387 today but I hate the fact that i'm so obsesssive about it I weigh tin aboy 5 times each morning, once during the day, and once at night "so I can predict" tomorrows weight. Seriusly I have issues. I tbothers me that I left my previous addiction Coke ( Coca-Cola) I had my rush from it, to substitue it withthe scale. I did not change a habit I only replace it with another bummer =(
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to Domika03 in Scale-A-Holic   
    Hi, my name is Fran, and I'm also a scale-o-holic!
    Oh my gosh, I read this & thought I should just do a copy & paste this and put it on my own blog. :~0
    I can't help myself either. I weigh myself in the morning then again before bed time. The last weigh in will usually tell me if the scale will go down in the morning, or that's what I tell myself.
    I almost cried when I read that your scale died. I don't know what I would do. No, wait. I do know what I would do. Thankfully, Walmart is open 24 hours... LOL
    Hang in there AJ. We know better, and one day, we might stop looking so much!
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to dylanmiles23 in Scale-A-Holic   
    I weigh myself 2-5 times a day. I do know what you're saying. One of my sons told me to throw out my friend. I can't, never!!!
    Good luck.
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in Scale-A-Holic   
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to icestorm12132008 in Scale-A-Holic   
    I'm a frequent scale hopper too.
    IT's so hard to break the habit of weigh in mentality especially if you have done weight Watchers's for a long time. You can live and die by the number on that scale.
    I actually try to only weigh in on my scale now only twice a week on Sundays and and wednesday's to see how i'm doing. But I only record Monday's weight and only my doctors' scale counts as the offical log of how i'm doing. but i do use the weekly weigh in when i'm not going to the MD to guage how i'm doing as far as working out and the nutrtion part of things. I think i will be a slave to the scale forever.
  24. Like
    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in My Halloween Nails!   
    i wish us 4 could all go
    my nail salon serves wine
    nuff said.........
    hub has bail money.........
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    ♕ajtexas♕ reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in My Halloween Nails!   
    now i need a princess bandaid for her booboo

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
