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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ♕ajtexas♕

  1. I'm new to this site and appreciate reading stories from other banded folks. I have had my band 9 1/2 years. I had really great success during the early years. I realized about 3 years in I had a very strong emotional component to my eating patterns so I regained a good bit of the weight I had lost. But no fault of the band. I still feel it is the best tool for weight-loss success. I originally lost 110 pounds after I had my surgery then regained probably 80 pounds. But I am back down 50 pounds and still a work in progress.

    Welcome. It is always great to hear from long time bandsters. The band life style is always a work in progress. Love to hear all your wisdom.

  2. what is a pooba anyhow??

    just curious :blink:

    Grand Poobah is a term derived from the name of the haughty character Pooh-Bah in Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado (1885).[1] In this comic opera, Pooh-Bah holds numerous exalted offices, including "First Lord of the Treasury, Lord Chief Justice, Commander-in-Chief, Lord High Admiral... Archbishop of Titipu, and Lord Mayor" and Lord High Everything Else. The name has come to be used as a mocking title for someone self-important or high-ranking and who either exhibits an inflated self-regard or who has limited authority while taking impressive titles.[2] The formal term for the practice of holding multiple offices is "dual mandate".

  3. There is a free app that you can put on your phone called Eat Slower. You can set it on vibrate, sound or both. I put it on vibrate and have my phone on my knee. It vibrates when its time for the next bite and no one knows.

    Slowing down eating has been the hardest for me. 18 months post op and I still catch myself eating too fast at times.

    Hope the app helps.

    PS ask more questions that is what we are here for.

  4. Did you find a certain position more comfortable than the rest? You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable!

    The only position I didn't like was him being on top, his weight on my stomach was too much. Otherwise it was all good.

  5. My doctor said if it doesn't hurt, go for it. I didn't have any time restriction so I think I was about 1 week post op. It didn't hurt (felt pretty good actually.... :D ). So my opinion is go for it.

  6. I had my surgery 8/14 and I am up a few pounds. Anyone else experience this?

    Put the scale away. I know it's hard but quit worrying about your weight. You are healing right now, focus on your new way of eating, slowly with small bits... There will be plenty of time for the scale, but right now it will only frustrate you.

  7. I am 15 years old, i weigh around 260 pounds. i have always been over weight..

    I really want to talk about the lap band with my parents, but i don't know how to do it. help?

    Coming from a parent my advise is be honest, Sit down with your parents and tell them how you feel, tell them everything. As parents we see you struggle but we don't know what we can do to help. Your parents only want the best for you, they just may not know what that is and if you don;t tell them then they will never know.

    Talk with them, tell them how you feel and what you would like to do about it. Together you will find the best course of action.

    Good luck to you.

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