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Posts posted by ♕ajtexas♕

  1. I work in an office. I take my lunch every day and never eat out or head to the vending machines. The other day a co-worker asked me “What’s in your desk draw?” (I have one draw in my desk just for snacks)

    This is what is in my desk draw:

    1. Protein Bars

    2. Single serving packs of pistachio nuts

    3. Instant oatmeal package (low-sugar)

    4. Skinny Cow chocolate clusters (for the occasional chocolate cravings)

    5. sugar free hard candies (keeps my mouth busy in the afternoon)

    6. A premix Protein shake (just in case my band is acting up and lunch is an issue)

    7. Crystal light powder drink mixes

    8. Tea bags

    9. Splenda

    So what’s in your desk draw?

  2. Welcome, Tammy.

    PBing is "Productive Burping" it is when you eat too big a bit, don't chew it enough or it gets stuck. Your mouth salivates a lot and then you spit up (just like a baby does) the food.

    Are you thinking about getting the band, in pre op or post op? (Your profile is empty). Doesn't matter, you will find a lot of great information here, lots of great people. Keep asking questions.

    Good luck to you.

  3. Lets be truthful, I know I have over eaten.... I'm not proud at all and know it's totally wrong!!!! I know that some of us have a harder time than others... I feel bad saying this, but I feel that I have very little will. I have a co worker that has lost about the amount I have. But I was band 6 months before her and i get mad at myself. I think for me my mind is full of it! I over think, and compare myself and I know I shouldn't! Everyone is different. It may take someone a couple of months, but for me I think it will take a couple of years.... sad but I won't give up. Only time will tell.

    One thing I did at the beginning of my journey was I took a notebook and logged EVERYTHING. What I ate/drank, how much, what I was feeling at the time, what was going on in my life, etc. Then I could see in black & white everything that was going on. I learned what triggered my head hunger, what foods didn't satisfy me.

    You might try this cause it helped me. Now I still have good & bad days, I think we all do.

  4. The band will not stop head hunger. Only you can control head hunger. I have blogged about trying to get a hold of this several times including just yesterday (http://www.lapbandtalk.com/blog/7232-ajtexass-blog/).

    As for stretching your pouch, if you eat too big a bits, too fast all the time then over time the pouch will stretch. This is why it is so important to eat by the band rules: small bits, chew until mush and wait about 1 minute between bits.

    Learning the band does take time, but I'm sure you will get a handle on it. :)

  5. While soaping up in the shower, I was scrubbing under my boobs (sorry tmi) and on my right side I felt a large lump, that was about the size of my port, which is on the left below ribs.

    I was thinking oh my gosh, what the heck and then it dawned on me, it was my rib. Bahahahaha

    I never felt it before.

    I love my band!

    Story would of been better if, say Tom Cruise was soaping you up in the shower & found your ribs.... j/s

    Congrats on your NSV. You rock this girlfriend!

  6. My post op diet was 2 weeks liquids, 1 week mushy foods, 1 week soft foods. Every doctor is different and the post op diets change all the time. My best advise is to do what your doctor says, don't rush it. 11 days out you stomach is still swollen and needs to heal, eating too soon causes your stomach muscle to have to work and that could dislodge stitches and/or the band. (not trying to scare you, this is just what my doctor told me)

    I know it is hard, I remember well. But, it is only temporary and it is important to let your body heal.

  7. So i got banded march 12th and im feeling defeated because im still not in the green zone and have only lost around 10 pounds. Im really starting to question if I made the right choice by getting banded. Ive had four fills and still feel no restriction. While my friend who had hers done two months before me is down 45 pounds! Ugh.....what am i doing wrong and what can i do to fix this?

    It took me about 8 months to get to the "green zone" and by then I was 20 pounds away from goal. What worked for me is I changed my lifestyle completely. I logged everything that went into my mouth (I use MyFitnessPal) and I stuck to 1200 calories a day with a high focus on Protein (60-70 gram a day). I also got a pedometer (FitBit) and started walking, I goaled for 10,000 steps and 25 flights of stairs a day.

    The band will help you, but you have to do your part. Don't compare yourself to others, your journey is going to be unique to you.

    I have a friend that say's it's all about WANT power, if you want it bad enough you will make it happen.

    It sounds like you want it, so make it happen! :)

  8. I use to go to diner and drink with BFF now I want to do this but will I ever get to eat normal food anytime soon? Like a hamburger. Or BBQ ...can't stand thinking I may never get to go hang with BFF and do dinner and drink

    Why wouldn't you? GO out with friends, have a burger (you might only eat the meat or meat & half the bun) or have BBQ. The only difference is the amount you eat & the way you eat (bit size, chewing, slowly, etc)

    I can eat anything and I do eat what I want. I've had hamburgers, bbq, cake, ice cream, etc... I measured my food & counted my calories. Most important is to not deprive yourself, learn to have what you want in moderation.

  9. Yes I drank during my pre-op diet, however some doctors restrict alcohol during the pre & post op diets, my doctor did not. Always follow your doctors orders.

    Alcohol does give you munchies, it also makes your band feel looser. This is something that you have to manage, "the munchies" is head hunger and the band will not stop that.

    I still eat around 1200 calories a day. When you reach your goal and you want to maintain nothing really changes. You need to eat the same healthy meals, same volume of food, exercise the same, drink the same amount of Water. If you don't the weight will creep back on. This is why I call it a lifestyle and not a diet. It is for life.

  10. Excuse me for asking this are u still loosing weight even though your drinkin wine.I statted liquid diet yesterday counting caliroes I jyst wondered

    I lost 80 lbs in 10 months. I drank a glass a night, counted the calories into my 1200 calorie diet.

    I have been at goal/maintaining for 6 months now. I still have my wine & eat about 1200 calories a day.

    So, yes I still lost weight.

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